
Chapter 256: Stroke


Su Luoheng immediately raised his head to retort: "Boss Si, I think you are clear. Whether it is Xia Ruo or Si Peilan, they are all incomplete individuals. If they share the same body for a long time, both of them will have problems. of."

Outside the window, some sunlight shone on Si Xin's face through the window sills, which made his face distinct.

Yes, of course he knows. He has read so many books, how can he not know that it is dangerous for multiple personalities to share a body for a long time.

But he is just an ordinary person, he also has his own selfishness, and he also wants his hard-working career to be passed on slowly by his descendants.

What's more, people are animals with emotions. Even though he disliked or even feared the existence of Si Peilan at first, in the past ten years, he watched this girl bear the pressure and pain that belonged to others again and again.

She never complained, and never quarreled with Xia Ruo for her body. Xia Ruo awakened her every time she appeared.

Si Xin began to have feelings for this unique daughter. He began to feel sorry for this daughter, and even one day he began to develop the belief that Si Peilan was cultivated as an heir.

He thought, the colorful and carefree life during the day belongs to Xia Ruo, so let Xia Ruo sleep at night to Si Peilan!

Just let Si Peilan bear the darkness that Xia Ruo knew.

Su Luoheng saw what he meant and said, "Boss Si, you should know better than I am that neither Xia Ruo nor Si Peilan is a complete individual. There are shortcomings in their personalities. Suitable to take over as Yan Xinshe."

Si Xin didn't refute, and smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, there is also Peng Yuhang. As long as he is there, all Lanlan's shortcomings can be ignored. He will help Lanlan."

Su Luoheng smiled bitterly and said, "Boss Si, do you have to do this

Whether it is Xia Ruo or Si Peilan, whoever it is, do you really bear the heart to watch them rolling and struggling in the dark

You know more about the complexity and dangers of the dark society than I do. Do you really have the heart to let them experience this? "

Si Xin remained silent, and every word of Su Luoheng beat him like a sharp blade.

Su Luoheng didn’t care, and said to himself: “We all know that Peng Yuhang only listens to you. As long as you don’t speak up, one day Yanxin Society will be handed over to Si Peilan, whether she wants it or not, she All must bear these.

If one day she accidentally dies in a rain of bullets, what should you do? "

Si Xin remained silent, but every word of Su Luoheng was what worried him most.

Su Luoheng didn't say any more, he had already said everything that should be said, and the rest was up to his own consideration!

Looking at the stubborn old man Su Luoheng in front of him, he couldn't help saying: "Do you really think what they want? Don't impose your own will on them."

Su Luoheng turned and left. What he didn't know was that after he left, Si Xin, who was sitting on the stool, fell to the ground and twitched.

Si Peilan received the call in the afternoon, and she was about to go home.

After receiving the call, she slammed the steering wheel and said: "Okay, I see, please trouble you, I will rush over now."

"Hello, this is Xia Ruo." Si Peilan ran to the rescue room and motioned to the police officer who was sitting on the side.

The police officer on the side looked at her with surprise: "Officer Xia, you are..."

Si Peilan

Only then did she realize that she hadn't removed her makeup yet, and she smiled and immediately said, "Sorry, I just finished the task."

The police officer did not suspect him, and said helplessly: "Officer Xia, what did you all ask the prisoner about! Last time I was mad with high blood pressure, I don't know what will happen this time?"

Si Peilan frowned: "Again? Has Su Luoheng been here?"

The police officer answered naturally: "Of course, otherwise why would he be like this?"

Si Peilan looked disbelief: "How come! Are you sure?"

The little police officer said, "Of course, we went to the visiting cell before the prisoner came back half a day after Su Sir left. The prisoner was fainted in it at the time. You said that Su Sir was also true. Can't the question be softer? To make the prisoner like this."

The little police officer was still chattering about something, but Si Peilan couldn't hear her anymore. She was full of only one thought: Father must be good, otherwise, Su Luoheng would be finished.

Seeing that Si Peilan was in a trance, the little police officer on the side dared not say anything more, and shook her quickly and said, "Police officer, are you okay?"

Only then did Si Peilan regained her senses and stared at the red light in the operating room. When she thought she could never wait for the light to go out, the light went out. She was in a daze, blinking quickly, afraid that she might be wrong.

She didn't realize that the operation was successful until the police yelled happily.

Si Peilan hurriedly leaned over and grabbed the doctor's hand and asked, "Is the patient okay?"

The doctor shook his head and said, "I was rescued, but the patient... the patient has a stroke."

Si Peilan was stunned: "Have a stroke?"

The policeman nodded: "The patient's condition is quite serious, and it is estimated that he can no longer take care of himself!"

Si Peilan couldn't believe it: "Will it be wrong?"

The doctor shook his head and said, "The patient is in very poor health. As children, you should take good care of him instead of making him angry. Now the patient has a stroke. What do you think should be done?"

Si Peilan stood at the door of the operating room as if she had lost her soul. Seeing that the hospital bed was pushed out, she followed in a daze, like a baby without any vitality or vitality.

The two police officers on the side looked at each other, not daring to say anything.

Si Peilan asked hoarsely: "Can the patient apply for medical parole?"

The little police officer shook his head and said, "It won't work for the time being. You have to take the prisoner back to investigate for a period of time."

Si Peilan nodded blankly and said, "I see."

The little police officer stood aside and didn't know what to do. Xia Ruo didn't feel embarrassed. He shook his head and said, "Okay, I'll go now."

The little police officer was relieved: "Okay."

Si Peilan hurried back to the car. She took out her mobile phone and dialed the number that she had already remembered: "Su Luoheng, did you go to my father today?"

Su Luoheng was cooking, when she saw that her phone quickly turned the fire down and said, "Yes, what's wrong!"

What's wrong? Si Peilan sneered in her heart, what happened to the exit you asked!

She took two deep breaths, suppressed the anger in her heart and said, "I went back to the police station today to listen to what they said. What did you say to my father?"

Su Luoheng didn't think too much, holding chopsticks in one hand to stir-fry vegetables, and holding a mobile phone in the other to keep talking with her: "I didn't say anything, just chatted freely. I asked him if he would like to disband Yanxin News Agency."

Si Peilan didn't say much, only Yoyo said, "My father has already gone to jail, even because of you.

Yes, if you can, I would ask you not to disturb him. "

Su Luoheng didn't doubt that he had him: "Well, I won't go to him anymore. I just passed by today and suddenly thought, if he is willing to dissolve the Yanxin News Agency, then I won't have to spend so much effort to destroy it. "Thinking of the content of today's chat, he pretended to be relaxed and joked.

Listening to his indifferent tone, Si Peilan felt even more resentful in her heart. She tried to suppress her hatred and said, "Okay, so be it!"

Su Luoheng looked at the phone that had been hung up, curled his lips, thought about it for some time, and finally decided to ignore it. Humming over the vegetables in the wok.

Si Peilan thought for a while and wanted to call Peng Yuhang and said: "Peng Yuhang, you can contact a lawyer to ask if the prisoner has a stroke and can't take care of himself, can he apply for medical parole."

Peng Yuhang asked in surprise: "What happened to the boss?"

Si Peilan said in a low voice, "Father is proud, you should arrange this as soon as possible, otherwise I'm afraid he can't stand it."

Peng Yuhang nodded and said, "I know, I will find someone to arrange it as soon as possible."

Si Peilan couldn't help but reminded one more sentence: "It must be fast."

Peng Yuhang didn't say much, and hung up the phone after only a few words to comfort her.

Si Peilan also washed in silence. She should be thankful that it was her Si Peilan, not Xia Ruo, who faced this.

Just like now she can wash and dress as usual, but if it were Xia Ruo, maybe she would cry out of breath.

Si Peilan smiled bitterly and forced herself to fall asleep. She was not sleeping well. There were strange shadows in her dreams. For a while, she was lying with her sick father, and for a while, Su Luoheng was shot, and there was even Peng who was injured. Aerospace. These weird pictures seem to indicate something.

After all, she couldn't sleep peacefully and was awakened from her dream.

The cell phone on the side also happened to rang. Si Peilan rubbed her hair, connected to the phone and asked, "What's the matter?"

Peng Yuhang's voice is tragic: "Lan Lan is sad, the boss of Si committed suicide!"

Si Peilan didn't react for a while, and tremblingly asked, "What's the matter? Why did you commit suicide!"

Peng Yuhang said: "He was taken back to the police station after he woke up, hit a wall at night and killed himself."

Si Peilan said in a dumb voice: "How could it be possible that he can't even take care of himself, so where is the strength to commit suicide?"

Peng Yuhang looked at the blood-splattered floor in front of him and said: "He turned over and let himself fall from the ****, then kept hitting the floor with his head until he died."

Si Peilan finally did not hold back. She cried. She cried and asked Peng Yuhang: "How could this happen? Didn't we still discuss about giving him medical parole yesterday? Why did he die today

I don't believe it, you must be lying to me, where are you now? I'm going to find you. "

Peng Yuhang looked at the traces of repeated impacts on the floor with a dismayed expression: "Lan Lan, don't do this, I will take him to see you soon."

Si Peilan screamed: "It's impossible. You must be lying to me. My father is still in prison. How can he come out at will? Don't lie to me, I will look for him now. "

Peng Yuhang hung up before speaking. No matter how he dialed, the number was never answered. Peng Yuhang sighed, that's all, come here and take a look.

Si Xin does not lose is Si Xin, he is proud of his life, and has never bowed his head to others. Even if you die, you don't pretend to be someone else's hand. He walked calmly and securely.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)