
Chapter 27: It's more terrifying


"Is this hell?" Xia Ruo walked in a dark world, where she couldn't see her fingers, as if the light of the entire world had been swallowed by darkness.

Xia Ruo moved forward slowly, but never reached the end.

Cold, uneasy, fearful, desperate... All kinds of negative emotions are like tides, wave after wave towards Xia Ruo, she is already tired of coping.

Just when Xia Ruo was about to give up, a little light suddenly appeared in front of him.

Although the light was only a tiny bit in size, Xia Ruo still felt the warmth and regained hope.

Su Luoheng grasped Xia Ruo's icy hand, and just silently stared at Xia Ruo who was lying in her arms, with tears in his eyes.

There was self-blame and guilt on his face. He felt that he shouldn't let Xia Ruo leave alone. If he could hold Xia Ruo back then, maybe this kind of thing wouldn't happen.

"Group leader, you can rest for a while and let me take care of Sister Xia Ruo..."

"Need not!"

The female police officer who had acted with Su Luoheng looked at Xia Ruo worriedly and then looked at Su Luoheng who described the withered, and said worriedly: "You haven't slept for three days, really …"

"I said no!" Su Luoheng frowned, her voice suddenly raised several times, frightening the female police officer.

The atmosphere suddenly became heavy, and for a while the entire ward fell into a dead silence.

After a long time, Su Luo sighed heavily and said sorry.

Tears were rolling in the female police officer's eyes, so why didn't she blame herself. If she hadn't just grabbed Su Luoheng's arm and didn't let go, how could Xia Ruo leave in anger? If you didn't leave, how could you meet that mysterious person

"Sister Xia Ruo is awake! Sister Xia Ruo is awake!" The female police officer just wanted to leave, but inadvertently saw Xia Ruo's eyelashes trembling, as if she was awake.

"Xiao Ruo, Xiao Ruo!" Su Luoheng grabbed Xia Ruo's hand excitedly, and kept calling his previous familiar name.

"I...Where am I?" Xia Ruo opened her eyes quietly, her pale face combined with a weak expression, people couldn't help but want to care for her in her arms.

"This is the hospital. You will be fine for a few days, and you will be fine..."

Su Luoheng held Xia Ruo's cold hand tightly, I won't frown when a big man faces the threat of life.

But tears broke at this moment.

Looking at Su Luoheng who was crying, Xia Ruo frowned. She wanted to raise her hand to wipe the tears on Su Luoheng's face, but she felt that Su Luoheng had been holding her hand tightly.

"Let go!" Xia Ruomeng was startled, and once again remembered in his mind that his father Si Xin was sent to prison by the man in front of him, his expression suddenly became cold.

"Do not!"

Su Luoheng looked at Xia Ruo with dim eyes and shook his head resolutely: "I won't let go this time, I love you, I love you, how can I let go?"

Xia Ruo was stunned, she didn't expect to hear this from Su Luoheng's mouth.

But she still cared about her father's affairs, staring at Su Luoheng coldly, and said word by word: "Let go!"

"No!" Not only did Su Luoheng not let go, but instead grasped Xia Ruo's hand more tightly, as if Xia Ruo was a bird that would fly away as soon as he let go.

"Sister Xia Ruo, are you okay? But it scared me to death!" The policewoman next to her leaned over with a worried look on her face.

Xia Ruo just nodded, still staring at Su Luoheng coldly.

One month passed quickly, and Xia Ruo had been recuperating in the hospital. In fact, the injury this time was not serious. Because of her body armor, Xia Ruo was only injured by some other places, and the vitals had no impact at all.

Xia Ruo always wanted to be discharged from the hospital and returned to work in the police station with the gift, but Su Luoheng was very determined and had to let her recuperate in the hospital for a month before leaving.

In this month, Su Luoheng put aside all the work of the police station and devoted himself to taking care of Xia Ruo in the hospital. He was a full-time husband and cared for Xia Ruo meticulously.

The nurses in the hospital looked at Xia Ruo with envious eyes and teased that Su Luoheng was a model husband for the whole people.

Xia Ruo has been depressed, she is unwilling to accept Su Luoheng's care. Every time she saw Su Luoheng's smiling face, she would think of the good time spent together five years ago when the two were still lovers.

But then I will remember that his father Si Xin was sent to prison by this man himself.

This is simply torture! Xia Ruo couldn't stand it anymore!

After finally getting out of the hospital, Xia Ruo didn't even say goodbye to Su Luoheng, but took a taxi back to the police station.

Seeing Xia Ruo's return, all the police officers gave a warm welcome.

Bai Zhenzhen was the first to step forward to Xia Ruo, up and down

After taking a look at Xia Ruo, she seemed to be worried about her.

After confirming that Xia Ruo had nothing to do, Bai Zhenzhen breathed a sigh of relief and smiled again on his face, saying, "Sister Xia Ruo, you scared me to death. You can't do anything like this dangerous thing in the future. NS!"

Bai Zhenzhen was obviously worried about herself, but Xia Ruosuo frowned. She couldn't understand why Bai Zhenzhen was so worried about herself.

But there were some things that couldn't be asked in person, Xia Ruo nodded and greeted everyone with a smile.

She quickly went back to work. She has always cared about the previous shooting. Has the murderer caught it

Xia Ruo asked about this to a colleague, but learned that the case was closed.

Xia Ruo went to look through the records and couldn't help but shook his head after reading it.

The murderer was named Wang Xiaoxiao, an employee of a cosmetics company. He was promoted to a sales manager by his boss because of his good sales performance.

Later, the company received a new batch of cosmetics, and the boss asked Wang Xiaoxiao to be the first to try it, and he vowed that there would be nothing wrong.

But here is what went wrong. After Wang Xiaoxiao used the new cosmetics for a month, he was surprised to find that red acne began to appear on his face.

At first she didn't care, thinking she just had some allergies recently, and then she started to focus on diet.

However, after two months, the red acne not only did not disappear, but it increased more and more, and even began to purify and develop sores.

Face is the girl’s capital. Wang Xiaoxiao went to the hospital for an examination, but was told that there was a problem with the cosmetics.

Wang Xiaoxiao took the cosmetics to inspect, and found that the new cosmetics contained high-level toxic substances-these toxic substances ruined her face!

Wang Xiaoxiao went to his boss for the theory, and wanted to ask for compensation, but was turned away.

In a rage, Wang Xiaoxiao took his boss to court, but the judge was also bought by his boss and found not guilty on the spot. Instead of asking the boss to compensate Wang Xiaoxiao’s face, he even bite back, saying that Wang Xiaoxiao maliciously slandered and slandered, and asked Wang Xiaoxiao to pay for it. Large sums of money.

Wang Xiaoxiao was born with no love, so evil grew out of her courage. She bought the Xia bullet gun from nowhere, and then began her sinful life.

As for the first few victims, Wang Xiaoxiao said that they only shot their anger because they looked like their bosses.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)