
Chapter 28: New case


On the night Xia Ruo had just returned to the team, the team received a new case. This case happened in the hospital where Xia Ruo had been shot and injured.

How reluctant to leave this hospital. Xia Ruo couldn't help thinking that as soon as his front foot returned from the hospital, he would have to go back for the task again.

Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng rushed to the hospital where the incident occurred.

The scene of the crime was only one street away from the hospital where the deceased was located. It was in a deep alley at the corner of the street. The alley was about 20 meters long and two meters wide. There were no cameras around. One end of the alley is the entrance to the hospital, and the other is an open space where many weeds have not been constructed. Apart from this alley, there are many ways to reach the open space. However, because of its remoteness, no one will pass there.

The victim fell on his back, wearing a doctor's white coat, and appeared to have come out of the hospital temporarily.

Many people were onlookers around the crime scene, including Zhang Feng's assistant, the hospital director of the hospital, the first discoverer, and many onlookers. The police are trying their best to maintain order.

Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng showed the police card to the police officer who was maintaining order and entered the encirclement. Su Luoheng asked the criminal police who arrived first: "Have you notified the family of the deceased?"

The detective nodded and said, "I have notified the deceased's family members on their way."

Xia Ruo inspected the deceased's body and the surrounding environment, and the assistant police officer showed the deceased's information to Su Luoheng.

The victim was a surgeon in this hospital, named Zhang Feng, male, 38 years old, married, 1.80 meters tall, and obese. The cause of death was a heavy blow to the head by a hard object. The wound should be hit at least twice. In addition to the fatal head injury, the heart was also hit and festered.

"When is the time of death?" After reading the victim's file information, Su Luoheng turned to ask Xia Ruo, who was wearing white gloves and had been examining the dead body.

"The time of death is probably around three o'clock this afternoon." Xia Ruo said, "but the exact time depends on the identification results."

Xia Ruo focused on examining the corpse. From Su Luoheng's perspective, she could see her serious side face, her slender eyelashes blinked lightly, making him stare blankly until the police officer next to him called him. Recovered.

Su Luoheng turned his head and asked the police officer next to him, "Has the murder weapon been found?"

"A crutch was found in the weeds behind the alley with blood stains on it. We initially suspected it was a murder weapon." The police officer said and asked his colleague to take out the crutch he found.

It's a fairly ordinary walking stick, made of floor-to-ceiling goods, and looks quite old with many scratches. It is about one meter long, and the handle protrudes into a horn-like shape on each side. The protruding tip on one side was covered with blood stains, and there were also blood stains on other parts of the crutches.

Su Luoheng took the crutch and showed it to Xia Ruo. Xia Ruo looked at the shape of the crutch's shoulder and compared it to the wound of the deceased. He said, "It is the same shape as the wound. In all likelihood, this is a murder weapon."

Su Luoheng nodded. Just as he was about to hand the crutches to the police officers to be firm, a person suddenly said, "Ah! Isn't this crutches the one of the patient who came to our hospital yesterday to make trouble!"

Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng were taken aback and looked at the speaker.

This person is Zhang Feng’s assistant, named Yi Yi, who seems to be twenty

Around eight years old, wearing black-rimmed glasses and some natural curling hair, it looks quite cute. He is more than 1.8 meters tall, has a thin physique, is wearing dark leather shoes, and looks like he has just had shoe polish.

"Have you seen this crutches?" Su Luoheng asked Yi Yi.

Easy to stretch out the middle finger and push the glasses frame on the bridge of the nose, facing the police a little nervously. He said: "Not only I have seen it, but many people in our hospital should have seen it. The person who came to our hospital to make trouble yesterday, he is Zhu’s crutch, and I can clearly remember that the handle of his crutch was stained with a piece of green. Paint, if there is one on this crutch, it should be."

Su Luoheng raised the crutches and looked at it. As expected, there was a piece of green paint a little bit lower on the side of the handle. It should have been accidentally stained. It has been a long time since he was covered by blood stains. He just didn't notice. arrive.

Only then did Su Luoheng remember and ask the other person: "Who are you from the deceased, and what is the relationship with the deceased?"

Yi pushed his eyes, his voice was a little timid, and said: "Oh, report the police officer. I am the assistant of the deceased. My name is Yi. I am responsible for assisting Teacher Zhang Feng's work."

Xia Ruo had already checked the situation of the deceased at this time, walked over and asked: "What is the matter with the troublemaker you mentioned?"

Yi turned his gaze to Xia Ruo again. Seeing that Xia Ruo was a young and beautiful female police officer, she seemed to be shocked, and then said: "That man's brother had been treated in our hospital because of congenital heart disease, but unfortunately, he suffered a sudden surge during the operation. He was in an emergency and passed away. The man insisted that it was Teacher Zhang Feng's mistake in the operation of the equipment that caused his brother's death, so he came to our hospital to make trouble and demand compensation or something."

"But the deceased denied it, didn't he?" Xia Ruo asked.

"Yes." Easy to say.

Xia Ruo nodded.

Because his brother was killed by the doctor, but the doctor refused to admit it, and simply killed the doctor to vent his anger. It sounds reasonable.

Su Luoheng said, "Can you provide us with information about the family member of the patient who caused the trouble?"

"Of course it can." Yi Yi arched his waist slightly, as if Su Luoheng said that he would do it all.

At this time, the family of the deceased arrived. It was the wife of the deceased, named Feng Hua, who was in her thirties. She worked in a small supermarket, a little far from the hospital. Feng Hua was still wearing a supermarket uniform, and apparently hurried over from the unit after receiving the news.

Feng Hua kept crying. After seeing the deceased's body, he couldn't even cry. He couldn't even stand and needed the support of the police.

Su Luoheng saw that Feng Hua couldn't ask anything now, so he said to the police officer next to him: "First bring your family to the camp and stabilize your emotions."

"Okay." The police officer persuaded Feng Hua to get into the police car.

Su Luoheng handed the crutches to the appraisal staff and said, "Leave this to you, check the bloodstains and fingerprints."

After handling the matters at the scene, Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo took a few people to the hospital. The surveillance video of the hospital on that day was retrieved.

Through the surveillance video, I learned that Zhang Feng was out of the hospital at 2:30 in the afternoon. There was only one person and he didn't bring anything. The demeanor is complacent, but also a bit triumphant.

Xia Ruo asked several colleagues of Zhang Feng, and they all said they didn't know what Zhang Feng was doing out. he

He answered a phone call and told them that he had something to go out. At the time, they thought that Zhang Fengming would be back soon, but they didn't expect that he would never come back again.

Answered a call

Su Luoheng hurriedly asked them to call out the call log on Zhang Feng's mobile phone.

The most recent call came at 2:29 pm. Su Luoheng sent someone to check the phone number. It was the phone number of the patient's family, Li Pi.

Could it be that Li Pi asked Zhang Feng out and then killed him

When I found it, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening. Su Luoheng took a distressed look at Xia Ruo, who had been studying surveillance videos and witnesses' confessions, and walked over to cover her with her coat and said, "It's late, I'll take you home."

Xia Ruo just noticed that it was late, rubbed her slightly sore neck, looked at her watch, and said, "Well, it's already past 11 o'clock."

Xia Ruo glanced at the pair on her shoulders, and the tip of her nose smelled the unique fragrance of Su Luoheng's body from the coat. She stood up, took off one pair without hesitation, and returned it to Su Luoheng, saying, "Thank you, I'm not cold."

Su Luoheng watched with disappointment as Xia Ruo handed over his own pair, but insisted: "Ye Liang, you can dress it, don't catch a cold."

Xia Ruo shook his head and said, "I might misunderstand it to others." Seeing that Su Luoheng didn't put down his clothes, Xia Ruo put her coat on the chair and turned to leave.

Su Luoheng picked up a pair of chairs, caught up with them in two steps, and said, "I will send you off."

Xia Ruo was thinking about how to refuse, just as his colleague Zhang Qi was also preparing to go home. Xia Ruo said to Su Luoheng, "No, let Xiao Zhang take me back."

After speaking, without giving Su Luoheng a chance to stay, he stopped Zhang Qi and said, "Xiao Zhang, can you send me home?"

Zhang Qi is a female police officer on the same team as Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng. She is a little younger, but she is steady and smart.

Xia Ruo’s home and Zhang Qi were not on the same road, but she saw that Xia Ruo’s tone was sudden, and Su Luoheng, who was struggling with a face behind her, guessed a bit. If you say: "Okay."

Xia Ruoshu took a sigh of relief, got into Zhang Qi's car, and said goodbye to Su Luoheng briefly.

Zhang Qi started the car, and Su Luoheng's figure slowly disappeared from the back of the car. Su Luoheng watched Zhang Qi's car go away lonely, feeling extremely bitter in his heart.

She glanced at Xia Ruo and wanted to ask something, but when she saw her look tired, she didn't say much, only asked Xia Ruo's address.

Xia Ruo told Zhang Qi the address of her home, and then said, "Thank you, Xiao Zhang."

Zhang Qi smiled indifferently and said, "You are welcome, Sister Xia Ruo."

Since Su Luoheng expressed her feelings with herself last time, she has been a little vacillating. On the one hand, I hated him for designing to kill his father, but on the other hand, I found that I really couldn't forget him.

Such feelings made her feel tired.

The appraisal result came out the next day.

The forensic medical examination concluded that the fatal injury was a head injury, with two heavy blows and a second death. The position of the heart was caused by a heavy blow after death. Crutches should be the murder weapon. The bloodstain on it is undoubtedly Zhang Feng's, and the wound matches the shape of the tip of the crutch. And there is only one person's fingerprint on the crutch, which may belong to the owner of the crutch.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)