
Chapter 29: Lippi is missing


Xia Ruo looked at the appraisal report thoughtfully.

Since the fatal injury is a head injury, why should the murderer strike again at the heart of the deceased? She didn't understand.

Su Luoheng walked over and said, "Xia Ruo, follow me to see Li Pi's family."

Xia Ruo was taken aback, and asked, "Li Pi? Who?"

"It's the family member of the patient who made trouble in the hospital."

Xia Ruo remembered the man who was easy to talk about yesterday.

Later on this matter, they also questioned the people present at the hospital. The probable situation is that Li Pi's brother died unexpectedly while Zhang Feng was undergoing surgery. The official answer given by the hospital was that his brother suffered a sudden heart disease during the operation, and the sudden arrest resulted in the death of the rescue. But Li Pi didn't know where he got the news, and he insisted that Zhang Feng's operation error during the operation caused his brother's death. So he went to the hospital and asked the hospital and Zhang Feng to pay compensation to their family. Naturally, the hospital would not admit that he was making trouble unreasonably, so Li Pi threatened that if the hospital didn't give him an explanation that satisfies him, he would pay for his life.

When this happened, many people saw it, not only doctors and nurses, but also patients and their families. Everyone speculated that Zhang Feng's death had nothing to do with Li Pi.

So, Su Luoheng sent someone to Li Pi's home to arrest people based on the information provided by the hospital, but was told by his family that Li Pi had never returned home since he went out the day before yesterday. In order to understand the situation, Li Pi's family members were invited to the police station.

Lippi did not have a wife, and his father died many years ago. There are only Li Pi's mother, an old man, and the wife of his deceased brother.

Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng sat opposite Li Pi's family.

Lippi's mother has just experienced the blow of the older son trend, and now the younger son is suspected of being a murderer, and his mental state is very bad. Li Pi's sister-in-law held the old man tightly, and the two women leaned against each other.

The police officer first verified the identities of the two, and then Su Luoheng asked, "When did Li Pi go out?"

"I went out in the afternoon the day before yesterday." Li Pi's sister-in-law said, with a little accent: "Li Pi said he was going to the hospital to talk to someone from the hospital, and then he never went home."

"Did he call home during this period?"

Sister-in-law Li Pi said remotely, "No. We have no contact at all, I don't know where he went."

Li Pi's mother suddenly asked, "Police boy, did our Li Pi really kill someone? This disobedient counselor..." He said, the old man's eyes turned red.

Xia Ruo felt sour, and quickly comforted the old man and said, "Old man, don't get excited. Now the matter is still inconclusive, we have to find Li Pi first."

Li Pi's mother wiped her tears with her sleeves and said, "The boss is dead, and what else is the key to the second child? Call me an old man and the daughter-in-law of the eldest child. How can the two alone live..."

Xia Ruo comforted the old man and said: Li Pi may have gone out because of other things, he is not necessarily a murderer. "

"In this way, old man." Su Luoheng said, "I will send someone to take you home first. If it's Li

If he goes home or contacts you, can you contact us immediately? "

"good… "

Su Luoheng left the phone number for Li Pi's mother, and then sent someone to send them away.

"Could it be that Li Pi really absconded in fear of sin?" Xia Ruo thought: "If this is the case, this pair of mother and daughter would be really pitiful."

Colleagues brought them the information about Li Pi that they had brought up from the Public Security Bureau, and said, "Li Pi's information was just faxed."

Taking out a few pieces of paper from the portfolio, Xia Ruo scanned it roughly.

Li Pi, male, 30 years old, height 1.7 meters, thin physique, his left leg was broken because he didn't fall off the elevated frame when working on the construction site three years ago, and he was lame after the treatment, so he could only rely on crutches. walk. Now I work in a machinery manufacturing plant.

Reading Li Pi's information, Xia Ruo fell into thinking.

"This case... There are too many doubts." Su Luoheng said.

Xia Ruo felt the same way and nodded.

Judging from Zhang Feng's injury, the murderer attacked him from the side. If the murderer was Li Pi, Zhang Feng should have been defensive in the face of Li Pi. Even if Zhang Feng is completely unprepared against Li Pi, Zhang Feng is 1.8 meters tall and has a strong physique. Li Pi is 1.7 meters tall and obviously thin, Li Pi doesn't look like Zhang Feng's opponent. Of course, these are just speculations.

However, Li Pi was obviously lame and difficult to walk. After killing Zhang Feng, it was difficult to walk without relying on crutches, let alone escape. Unless someone drove to pick up or there is some other way.

Thinking of this, Su Luoheng decided to look up Li Pi's friend. After all, according to Li Pi's physical condition, the probability of a successful crime alone is still somewhat low, and it is very likely that he has an accomplice.

Therefore, Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng decided to act separately. Su Luoheng and Xichang went to the vicinity of Li Pi's house and his factory to inquire about the situation. Xia Ruo and Zhang Qi went to the hospital and Zhang Feng's house to find out about Zhang Feng's Condition.

Xichang is also a young man in their team. The two recent cases have been handled with them. He is very humble. Su Luoheng likes this young man very much and wants to promote him.

The two went to the vicinity of Li Pi's home and asked the neighbors about Li Pi's situation. Everyone said that since this Li Pi broke his leg, his temper has become very irritable, but he is very good to his mother and sister-in-law. He is a good child of filial piety.

After Li Pi's brother died, he didn't know where he knew it. He said that the doctor killed his brother, and many people heard him say that he must ask for an explanation from the hospital. Li Pi doesn't have many friends, especially after he has a lame leg, and he has fewer friends. The only one he often sees is Li Zi, who works with him in a factory. Li Pi can go to work in that factory thanks to Li Zi.

In the past two days, no neighbors have seen Li Pi, and I don't know where he might go.

So Su Luoheng and Xichang went to the unit where Li Pi worked again and found the Li character.

Li Zi is a black and thin young man. When Su Luoheng and the others found him, he was assembling the parts. When the police came, they knew it must be related to Li Pi. Before Su Luoheng and the others asked, Li Zi took the lead and said: "Police officer, Li Pi must not be the murderer.

Someone must have framed him. "

Su Luoheng was taken aback after hearing this and asked: "Why are you so sure, is there any evidence?"

Li Zi took off the oil-soaked gloves, put them aside, put both hands on his thighs, and said, "I know him, although this kid is a bit grumpy and doesn't speak well, but he abides by the rules and doesn't know how to do it. Killing people." It seemed that they were afraid that Su Luoheng would not believe them, and added: "If you don’t believe me, ask other colleagues, Li Pi takes things seriously and obeys the rules, and he is always able to do what he does. The completion of quality and quantity."

Su Luoheng nodded, noncommittal, and then asked Li Zi: "Where were you yesterday afternoon?"

"I'm in the unit, I've been in the unit all day, and I haven't been out." Li Zi said.

"Can anyone testify?"

"I have been with them all the time, and they can testify to me." Li Zi said, pointing to other workers who were working a little further away.

"Then apart from you, does Li Pi have other close friends?"

Li Zi talked and said, "Li Pi is very stubborn. Since his broken leg, he has hardly contacted his former friends, so I still have a good relationship with him."

"Um..." Su Luoheng replied, and asked again: "Then do you know where Li Pi might go?"

Li Zi thought for a while, shook his head and said, "Li Pi grew up in this place. He hasn't been out of this city before, where can he go?"

"Has he contacted you in the past two days?"

"No… "

"Okay, if you get his news again, or if you think of anything, please contact me." Su Luoheng left his contact information to Li Zi.

"Okay." Li Zi replied, looking at the number of the dragon and flying phoenix that Su Luoheng had written on the paper, and put it into his jacket pocket.

Su Luoheng nodded, put away the record book, asked Li to sign and stamp it, and then said, "Thank you for your cooperation."

Later, Su Luoheng and Xichang asked several people in the project who often worked with Li Pi. They confirmed the fact that Li Zi had been in the factory all day for the past two days and said that Li Pi is indeed a good job. serious person. Li Pi has worked here for more than two years, and has hardly made any mistakes, that is, people are not easy to talk, easy to get angry, and have a little grumpy temper. Once before, due to a mistake by a new worker, a nail was dropped and the machine was not tightened, causing the machine to be unsuccessful. Li Pi scolded the newcomer. But he really didn't look like a murderer.

In the car, Xichang said to Su Luoheng: "Captain, I think people who know Li Pi don't have a bad evaluation of him. He might really not be the murderer."

Su Luoheng said: "I don't know if he is a murderer. But Chang, you have to understand that someone who does not look like a good person must be a good person. The real bad person is often just like a good person. No one is aware of it."

Su Luoheng was very serious when he said this. Xichang nodded heavily beside him and said, "Captain, I understand."

The other side.

Xia Ruo and Zhang Qi also arrived at the home of Feng Hua, the wife of the deceased Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng's community is strictly supervised, and there are cameras everywhere.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)