
Chapter 3: clue


Still having that bad temper, Xia Ruo lowered her head and cursed, but she didn't know what it was like in her heart.

She was also annoyed just now. In fact, the separate investigation is the most disadvantaged. After all, Su Luoheng is the leader of the crime team. Once the forensic doctor who comes back from vacation finds out any details that she hasn't noticed, she will definitely report it to him as soon as possible. He, and judging from his current situation...

Xia Ruo gritted her teeth, she didn't know if Su Luoheng would tell her all those clues, she didn't think so.

As if seeing Xia Ruo’s concerns, Su Luoheng turned his head and smiled at her: “In this case, we will investigate separately and set up two special teams. After the baby’s identity comes out, you will focus on his relatives. With friends, we pay attention to his neighbourhood and address. After the autopsy report comes out, I will be the first to inform you. How about?"

Xia Ruo thought about it, this is also a way. If the team members are divided equally, then her energy will be saved a lot. Moreover, Su Luoheng is a person who does what she says, and she will do it when she says it.

After the two people negotiated, they followed the other police officers back to the crime team. At the meeting, Su Luoheng immediately announced the incident and decided his group by drawing lots, so that he could truly be fair, just and open. .

Of course, after the results of the draw came out, some people were happy and some were worried.

After all, although Xia Ruo suddenly appeared as an airborne soldier, no one knew her details. What about the preliminary examination ability of forensic medicine? Who can't do this level after years of advanced studies in forensic medicine

So in general, the current people are divided into two pairs, one is Xia Ruo's group, responsible for investigating the baby's family situation, and the other is Su Luoheng's group, responsible for investigating the baby's neighboring relationship and suspicious contacts.

In fact, both have their merits, but it is the newcomer Xia Ruo who made this point, so those who were drawn to Xia Ruo's group will inevitably have a bitter face.

Su Luoheng thought that Xia Ruo would shrink because of the distrust of the team members, but she was not in a hurry. In fact, Xia Ruo was not sure whether these people would listen to her. Shaped blood mark.

Somehow, she always had a very strange feeling. It seemed that she could see a woman who was not dressed in crude clothes, staring at the headless corpse of a baby with terrible eyes, while dipping his blood on the swaddle carefully. A love with blood, and infinitely tenderly said: "Baby, mother loves you."

This kind of scene made her shudder. At this time, she suddenly regretted investigating this direction.

"This is the end of the group member assignment. If you have any objections, you can talk to me privately. Now it is divided into two groups. My group will stay here, and Xia Ruo's group will go to another conference room for a meeting. It's over."

Su Luoheng assigned the task well, and Xia Ruo took her team members out without any objection.

Closing the door, she turned around and said straight to the point: "I know that you all don’t understand and distrust me now. This is human nature, but the Su team is just using the two most likely clues to set up a task force. Start the investigation. During this time, I will be responsible for the direction of your investigation. Your experience is better than mine. I hope that the seniors can give more advice."

After speaking, Xia Ruo lowered her head and bowed deeply.

In any place, humility is always the most important thing. Sure enough, after Charlotte's humble but not humble words, the team members' eyes were obviously more friendly to her.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Xia Ruo didn’t drag his feet anymore and directly assigned the task: “After the baby’s identity comes out, I hope we can start investigating his family, including relatives, parents’ best friends, etc., since social activities are there. The Su team is in charge, so we don’t need to interfere in this area. Of course, if we get suspicious characters from the baby’s parents, it is also the scope of our investigation."

Hearing this, several team members couldn't help but lower their heads and laughed secretly. It turned out that this new police officer was so interesting. On the surface, he said that he would never interfere with the investigation scope of the Soviet team. But now this statement... is it considered opportunistic

Xia Ruo didn't pay much attention to the expressions of the team members. She is now focused on the case, and she really can't figure out who would actually treat a child like this, or a newborn baby who has not been weaned.

In the next few days, Xia Ruo was waiting for the forensic doctor’s autopsy report every day with anxiety, for fear of missing any details, not to mention that she now had only one photo and the heart-shaped bloodstain in her hands.

What made her even more dumbfounded was that the members of the two groups actually started gambling in private, betting on which one of her or Su Luoheng would grasp the key evidence faster.

Since the two groups of people are so enthusiastic, she must not let them down, right

Finally, after a few days of waiting, the autopsy report finally came out.

While the forensic doctor came in with the autopsy report, he was still grinning with a bitter face: "Oh... my Hawaiian beauty, bikini... You are all to blame! Why are you calling me back! Sun... Beach..."

Su Luoheng and the others ignored him. They seemed to have become accustomed to his behavior. Xia Ruo was a little surprised when he saw him, but her eyes were quickly caught by the autopsy report in his hand. The attraction passed.

"Oh! There is also a little beauty!" The forensic doctor made a fuss at Xia Ruo as if he had seen the New World.

Xia Ruomo... She is currently working

He had his hair crossed, and he also brought a huge ****. How could he tell that he was a beautiful woman

Su Luoheng pulled Xia Ruo behind him: "Don't even think about it."

Xia Ruo was startled, and seemed to be overwhelmed by the reaction, but the forensic doctor had already puckered his mouth and "slapped" the autopsy report into his hand, apparently accustomed to his behavior of protecting the calf.

She smiled quietly, as expected, it was only the concern of her superiors and subordinates, what was she thinking about

Xia Ruo rejected all the thoughts and looked at the autopsy report intently.

It was roughly the same as she thought. There was no head, the cause of death was not easy to determine, and no other abnormalities were found in the digestive system, so it was determined that the cause of death was the disappearing head.

At the same time the post-mortem report came out, the baby's identity was also found. The deceased was named Zhang Congcong, from Zhejiang, and his parents were migrant workers who came to Hong Kong to work. His father was Zhang Qingxi and his mother was Du Xiaohua.

Members of the serious crime team came to Zhang Qingxi’s home and showed the deceased’s photo to signal them to identify the body. As a result, Du Xiaohua cried and fainted on the spot as soon as he saw the corpse, confirming that the deceased was the baby Zhang Congcong who had been missing for many days.

After they stabilized their emotions, Su Luoheng went in and made a routine transcript of them. Xia Ruo had been standing at the door watching the couple, always feeling that they were honest, not like the fierce faces in his impression. People, Zhang Qingxi and Du Xiaohua’s sadness over the death of their son is not easy to pretend.

Did you think wrong? Xia Ruo frowned and fell into deep thought.

Finally it was Xia Ruo's turn to go in for interrogation. She had also learned interrogation skills at the police academy, so it was not difficult.

"Captain Su, who should be asked just now, has already asked, so now I want to know something else from you. How long do you usually stay with the deceased?"

Du Xiaohua was very different from what she had imagined. She was dressed plainly and had a dark face. He looked like a migrant farmer.

"... Actually, the two of us are not too busy with work or anything. We can usually accompany the baby. Who knows that day... I put the baby in the hospital and went out to buy a bowl of porridge and drink. Who knows that the baby will be lost as soon as I get back!"

After finishing speaking, the mother burst into tears with exhaustion: "What kind of sin are you doing! What kind of damn is going to kill my baby! Is it impossible to kill me! Why do you want to kill my baby!"

Xia Ruo handed her a glass of water to signal her to calm down. Now she felt that this mother would definitely not be the murderer. What did she just say? Hospital

"Why would you take the deceased to the hospital?"

"My baby... was born with a crooked neck, so I took the baby with his father to the hospital to find a doctor to give him massage, I want to get better soon..."

"Which hospital?" Xia Ruo suddenly became alert.

"It seems to be... What's it called... Kanghe Hospital?"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)