
Chapter 31: Assistant's secret


Back in the institute, Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng gathered all the information and sorted them out.

I also sent someone to check the easy-to-use hotel that I wrote down before, and indeed, as he said, he had been on business trips at the QQ Hospital in B. The hotel proprietor also proved based on the check-out record that it is indeed easy to check out the room after five o'clock. In addition, some guests reported that it was about three o'clock in the afternoon when a special loud music was heard in the room where Yi was located. For five or six minutes, the guests in the next room were very dissatisfied. , The guests took a few shots at the door before they disappeared. Later, Xia Ruo got in touch with Yi again on this matter. He said that it was because the compilation of the information made him feel a headache. Listening to the loud concert made him feel relaxed, but he did not expect that the sound insulation effect would be so bad that it would noisy the people around him. terribly sorry.

It takes more than an hour's drive from B to the hospital. If Yi is still in the hotel at three o'clock, then he has an alibi.

Xia Ruo felt a little tired looking at the dense evidence in front of him. It was a little late to go back yesterday. I got up early this morning and started working. I did feel a little tired.

Su Luoheng made a cup of coffee and handed it to Xia Ruo, and said, "Have a cup of coffee. Sweetened one."

Xia Ruo took the coffee: "Thank you."

Su Luoheng looked at his watch. It was already half past six in the afternoon, and he said, "May I invite you to dinner. What do you want to eat?"

Xia Ruo originally wanted to refuse, but seeing Su Luoheng's sincere and somewhat nervous look, she couldn't bear to hurt him.


Su Luoheng got Xia Ruo's reply and was very happy.

The small table was filled with skewers and beers.

Xia Ruo helplessly: "You ordered so many things, we are only two of us, how could we finish eating..."

Su Luoheng has been very happy ever since Xia Ruo agreed to come out with him for dinner, like a child who was given a lot of candy.

He felt that Xiao Ruo was finally willing to accept his invitation, and no longer evaded and coldly treated him. This made him full of hope again.

"What I ordered is your favorite. We can eat slowly without worry."

Seeing the plate full of her favorite foods before her eyes, she swallowed bitter water.

Xia Ruo sighed inwardly, and couldn't help saying that Su Luoheng was really good to him. Although she shouldered the hatred that killed her father, she seemed to be unable to control herself more and more and didn't like Su Luoheng anymore.

Every point he treats her well is seen in her eyes. Why didn't I feel uncomfortable when I refused him.

Su Luoheng broke apart the disposable chopsticks, carefully brushed off the chopsticks' frizzy sawdust, and handed it to Xia Ruo.

Controlling himself as much as possible not to think about it, Xia Ruo brought the topic to work.

"What do you think of this case?"

When it comes to the case, Su Luoheng naturally becomes very serious. He has always taken work seriously.

"Now the most suspected one is Li Pi."

All the evidence points to Lippi, and there are too many doubts in the middle. What's more, there is no person from Li Pi at all now, and the possibility of absconding in fear of crime is very high. The case is almost at a deadlock.

But Xia Ruo always had doubts about this conclusion: "I always feel that the case will not be so simple, there are too many doubts."

In fact, Su Luoheng also agreed with this point. but

Except for Lippi, everyone else has an alibi. There is indeed a lot of unfavorable evidence against Lippi. However, the doubts are also obvious. First of all, suppose Li Pi killed Zhang Feng. How can a lame man escape after throwing his crutches? Secondly, Li Pi is much thinner than Zhang Feng and cannot attack her if Zhang Feng is prepared. However, according to people who knew him, apart from Li Zi, Li Pi had no good friends. But Li Zi had been in the factory that day. Then who else might be his accomplice in the crime

Su Luoheng was lost in thought.

If the murderer was not Li Pi, who else would it be? According to Zhang Feng's recent operation records, except for Li Pi's brother, other operations were relatively successful, and there is no possibility that the family members of other patients will hate Zhang Feng.

"Zhang Feng doesn't have any other enemies..." Xia Ruo muttered while thinking: "According to people who know Zhang Feng, he has no other shortcomings except for occasionally drinking and drinking. For several years, Zhang Feng has consciously stopped drinking."

When Xia Ruo was thinking about a problem, her face would unconsciously tilt to the left, and her lips would habitually be slightly lifted. Su Luoheng, who was sitting opposite her, throbbed as she looked at Xia Ruo's thinking.

If he didn't break up with Xia Ruo back then, that would be great. In that case, he could sit beside Xia Ruo calmly all the time and watch her all the time.

Su Luoheng felt regretful in his heart. If he could let the time go again, he would not let go of Xia Ruo's hand if he said anything.

She seemed to have noticed that Su Luoheng was watching her all the time. Xia Ruo turned her face and saw Su Luoheng's painful expression. Her heart trembled slightly, avoiding his gaze, and lowered her head to eat the barbecue in front of her. .

Thinking of this, Su Luoheng couldn't help feeling sad, opened a bottle of beer, and took a big sip directly at the mouth of the bottle without using a paper cup. The cold beer poured into his spleen and stomach, which made him feel much more comfortable.

At this time, Xia Ruo felt a little uncomfortable. Seeing Su Luoheng drinking beer, she felt a little itchy, so she said to Su Luoheng, "Open a bottle for me, too."

Su Luoheng raised his brows and looked at Xia Ruo's stretched hand, her wrists were white as snow.

"Can you drink it?"

Xia Ruo glanced at him dissatisfiedly and said, "There is so much nonsense there, you can't open it, if you don't open it, I'll drive it myself!"

Having said that, he made a gesture to get the bottle by himself.

Su Luoheng smiled and stopped: "I'll drive, I'll drive."

Su Luoheng took the beer at hand, knocked on the edge of the table, knocked off the cap very skillfully, and handed it to Xia Ruo.

Xia Ruo took the beer and took a sip directly at the mouth of the bottle like Su Luoheng, but was snatched and couldn't help coughing a few times.

Su Luoheng put a paper cup in front of Xia Ruo and said, "You should drink with a paper cup."

Although not satisfied, Xia Ruo accepted Su Luoheng's proposal.

At this time, the atmosphere between the two people became lively. While drinking and eating barbecue, while chatting about the case, the people around him changed twice, but they still haven't left. Really, as Su Luoheng said, eat slowly without worry.

A few bottles of beer were quickly drunk by the two of them. Su Luoheng greeted the proprietress of the barbecue stall: "Miss proprietress, let's have half a dozen more beers."


A little girl came to Su Luoheng with six bottles of beer

Their table.

"Two, your beer."

The little girl's voice was sweet and beautiful, and Xia Ruo turned her head and took a look. She is a pretty little girl, at the age of a high school student, wearing denim overalls and a light yellow sweater, looking youthful and energetic.

"Thank you." Xia Ruo said to her.

The little girl laughed and two small pear vortices appeared on her cheeks, and she sweetly replied: "No thanks, it should be."

Putting down the beer, the little girl went back to help her mother.

Xia Ruo looked at her back, wondering if she had been so carefree before, was she also so beautiful at that age.

The dishes were a bit cold, and Su Luoheng asked the proprietress to heat them up again. Slowly, the two of them actually ate the food all over the table.

Xia Ruo touched her chubby belly and said, "Ah... It's so supportive, I haven't eaten so much for a long time."

Seeing Xia Ruo contented, Su Luoheng was also very happy.

He said: "Xiao Ruo, if you like it, we will come together next time."

Xia Ruo avoided Su Luoheng's gaze and said perfunctorily: "Okay, next time we have a group dinner, we will come to this restaurant to eat. I think it's pretty good."

Su Luoheng may be a little drunk, and hurriedly took Xia Ruo's hand and said, "Xiao Ruo, I just want to be alone with you."

Xia Ruo was taken aback, and she pulled her hand back when she wanted to, but then Su Luoheng tried hard, and she did not get her hand out of his confinement with a few strokes.

"Su Luoheng, let go!" Xia Ruo was a little angry.

Su Luoheng did not lose his strength and said, "Xiao Ruo, I am sincere..."

"Su Luoheng!" Xia Ruo's eyes were cold: "If you don't let go, I will..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard the sound of a broken plate.

Su Luoheng and Su Ruogu were startled and looked to the left.

I saw the little girl who had just brought them wine, surrounded by three or four men, pulling and pulling.

One of them grabbed the half of the girl's exposed arm, and the girl tried her best to free herself: "You let me go!"

Su Luoheng released Xia Ruo's hand, stood up, and walked over there. Xia Ruo covered the place where Su Luoheng had just grabbed with one hand, as well as the temperature of his palm. He took a breath and walked behind Su Luoheng.

Su Luoheng intervened among a few people, and took the hand of one of them that was pulling the girl's arm with one hand, and said, "Let go."

The man whose arm was grabbed by Su Luoheng narrowed his eyes and looked at him dismissively, "What are you? I won't let it go. What can you do?"

Xia Ruo looked at this person. She was about the same size as Su Luoheng. He had tattoos on his arms and couldn't see the shape. The strange appearance only made her feel a little ugly. She is simple and thin, has no muscles, her complexion is not very good, dark circles under her eyes are very dark, and there are a lot of red blood streaks. At first glance, she looks like a drunkard all year round.

Xia Ruo stood there again with confidence, and if he dealt with these three people, Captain Su of the serious crime team should not be a problem at all.

Su Luoheng raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and used his hands relentlessly, only to hear a scream, and the tattooed person's hand was bent into a strange angle.

Dislocation can range from dislocation to fracture.

The little girl escaped from the tattooed man's control and immediately hid behind Su Luoheng, looking at the three people timidly.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)