
Chapter 32: Road meets a mess


"Big brother...Help me..." the girl whispered behind him.

Seeing that Su Luoheng sprained his brother, the other two were furious and shouted at Su Luoheng: "You fucking dare to hurt my brother!"

"beat him!"

The two of them fought the empty wine bottle on the side table, and the one who had a dislocated wrist also held up an empty wine bottle with the other hand, and rushed towards Su Luoheng.

Su Luoheng pushed the little girl to Xia Ruo's side, and then fought with the three people.

Xia Ruo had quick eyes and quick hands, and when she saw the wine bottle there, she hurried over and drew the little girl to a place beyond the dangerous distance.

Su Luoheng solved the three small gangsters without any effort.

"That elder brother is amazing." The little girl said to Xia Ruo, "Sister, is that elder brother your boyfriend? He is so amazing."

Xia Ruo blushed and said, "No... we are just colleagues."

After he knocked down the three people, Xiang Xia Ruo asked for the handcuffs on her body, and then used two pairs of handcuffs to handcuff the three people together. After that, I called the nearby police station and said that three drunken gangsters had been caught at the barbecue booth and told them to come over quickly.

"It turns out that brother and sister are police officers." The girl said admiringly, "No wonder they are so powerful."

Xia Ruo looked around, but didn't see the boss of the barbecue booth, and asked, "Where is your mother?"

The fight started from here, as if the proprietress had disappeared, and there was a reason why her child was being bullied, but the people avoided Xia Ruo could not help but feel a little angry.

The girl was taken aback, and said, "My mother? Where is she at home."

Xia Ruo always thought that the lady proprietor of the barbecue stall was his mother, and asked: "Then what is your relationship with the lady proprietor here?"

"I work here." The girl said.

"When you are old, you will go out to work, don't you go to school?" Su Luoheng looked at the little girl as if she had just started high school.

The girl lowered her head and whispered sadly: "I'm not going to school..."

Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo also guessed seven or eight points about the situation of her family when the girl was young but came out to work. Xia Ruo touched the girl's head heartily, and asked, "Your home lives there. We will send you back later."

"Thank you brother and sister."

When someone came from the police station and took the three gangsters away, Su Luoheng stopped a policeman who could drive and drove the girl home in Su Luoheng's car. On the way, I learned about the girl.

The girl's name is Zheng Xiao. Because of family reasons, she stopped going to school after graduating from junior high school. There are only two people in her family, she and her mother. Her father died of an accident five years ago. His mother fell ill two years ago. Recently, he has become more serious. He coughs every day, but there is no money for the mother to be hospitalized. A little bit of the money saved in the family was spent, and there was no way to supply Zheng Xiao to school, and to see a doctor for her mother, so she had to drop out of school and work. The personal lives of the mother and daughter are now supported by the little girl Zheng Xiao's income.

Xia Ruo took Zheng Xiao's shoulders distressedly, thinking about how he had no worries about food and clothing since childhood. Compared with this little girl, he was really too happy. Unexpectedly, she would have to endure so much pressure at a young age.

Zheng Xiao’s house is a little more remote in this city. It looks like there is

It's been a community for a few years. The tallest building is only six floors, with broken skin and large patches of paint everywhere on the walls. Her family lived in the innermost part of this pile of buildings, and the police car could not get in. Therefore, Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo got out of the car and walked across this section of the road.

Zheng Xiao led him on a small road, passing through two relatively narrow alleys. Some of the garbage in the trash cans on both sides were overflowing, and Sa made an unpleasant smell. One or two people can be seen swimming around in cheap clothes, looking like they are doing nothing. Occasionally, the cat will run overnight, and the erect pupils are a little scary in the dark night. The entire community—if it can be called a community, the whole presents a sense of dilapidated wine.

It's hard to imagine that this girl with such a sweet smile lives in such a place.

As Xia Ruo walked, she looked around, feeling a little nervous.

Maybe it's because TV shows have been watched too much. In such a place, she always feels that something will happen.

Su Luoheng sensed his nervousness and stretched out his hand to hold her hand quietly.

Xia Ruo was taken aback, and pulled her hand away from the palm of his palm with a little force.

Su Luoheng opened his empty palm, feeling as if his heart was also empty.

Zheng Xiao walked into a five-story building. The stairs were cramped and narrow. Many small advertisements were posted on the cement walls on both sides, some of which were many years ago.

They went up to the third floor.

Zheng Xiao took out the key, inserted it into the lock, and said to Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo, "This is my house."

With a "chap", the door opened, and Zheng Xiao opened the room, but he whispered and stood at the door.

Su Luoheng heard Zheng Xiao's cry and realized what was happening, and took a step forward and looked into the room.

The living room was in a mess. All the drawers and cabinets were opened, and all kinds of sundries were scattered on the ground. At first glance, it looked like someone had been robbed.

Zheng Xiao suddenly thought of something, calling: "Mom... Mom!"

She walked into the house quickly and looked around for her mother. Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng also walked in, carefully not to destroy the scene.

Zheng Xiao screamed at the bedroom door: "Mom!"

Su Luoheng and Xuan Ruo ran quickly, and saw a woman in her forties leaning on a wardrobe and fainted on the ground. There was blood on the back of the head, and there was also an obvious blood stain on the wardrobe, which spread to the woman leaning in a line. s position.

Just looking at the scene, the woman's back head hit the closet, causing bleeding in the back of the head.

Xia Ruo checked the woman's physical condition and said, "There should be some help. Call 120."

Su Luoheng had already taken out his cell phone and dialed the emergency number and 110.

"Mom... Mom..." Zheng Xiao grabbed her mother's sleeve and knelt next to crying.

When the police arrived, Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng inspected the scene of the crime carefully.

Zheng Xiao's house is not big, with one bedroom and one living room, and the property is 50 square meters. Chen She is relatively old, and some equipment in the bathroom and kitchen is in a state of disrepair. The living room and bedroom were turned into a mess.

Zheng Xiao's mother suffered only one trauma. It must have been pushed hard and hit the cabinet behind her head. In that case, Zheng Xiao’s mother should have seen the suspect head-on. If she can wake up, she

Will know who the murderer is.

Zheng Xiao's mother was taken by an ambulance to a nearby hospital.

"Could it be a pure money robber?" Xichang, who came later, looked at the crime scene and guessed.

Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng’s first reaction when they saw the scene was that it looked like a robbery and theft scene, but regardless of Zheng Xiao’s family is very poor, in the community where her family is located, one can see I feel that there should be nothing worth stealing from the residents' homes. Who would rob them here at the risk of being caught

So, for what purpose did the criminals sneak into Zheng Xiao's house

Su Luoheng rubbed his eyebrows, guessing at various possibilities.

Perhaps the criminal was to kill Zheng Xiao's mother, and the house was turned upside down just to disguise the crime scene as a robbery scene

Or what other precious things are hidden in Zheng Xiao's house

Shen Sankai's case has not yet come to fruition, and the whereabouts of the suspect in Zhang Feng's case are still missing. Now that something like this has happened, he has been really busy recently.

"How about it, any ideas?" Xia Ruo asked Su Luoheng.

Su Luoheng shook his head: "At present, I still can't figure out what the criminal's purpose is."

Obviously, Xia Ruo also felt that this was not a simple robbery, otherwise he would not ask him that way.

Su Luoheng entered the bedroom and stood at the door of the bedroom like the situation at the time.

Zheng Xiao's mother was pushed from the front. It should be an accident that occurred during the pull. If it is to hurt Zheng Xiao's mother specially, the possibility of pushing from the real face is very small.

What is the reason for the two people to quarrel

Perhaps this person is someone Zheng Xiao's mother knew.

Su Luoheng thought a little bit, hoping to sort out some clues.

Zheng Xiao's family lives on the third floor. It is very difficult to climb the window. Su Luoheng has seen it, and there are no pipes or other supports around it. It is difficult for criminals to climb in through the window. The door lock is intact and there is no sign of picking the lock, indicating that the criminal can enter either with the key or the door opened by Zheng Xiao's mother.

Therefore, in all likelihood, Zheng Xiao's mother knew someone. After she opened the door and asked someone to come in, that person attacked Zheng Xiao's mother.

Yes... This possibility is the greatest.

Su Luoheng sorted out his thoughts little by little.

Xia Ruo suddenly felt a little tired, so she looked at her phone, and it was already past 12 o'clock in the evening. Turning his head to look at Su Luoheng, he stood upright in the center, thinking with his head half hanging down, as if entering a man's land.

This has always been the case. He was very focused when he was working, and he couldn't hear him often when people called him.

"Sister Xia Ruo, it's too late, let's call it a day." The police officer in the same group said to her.

Xia Ruo nodded and walked to Su Luoheng's side, originally wanted to tell him not to think about it, and stop work first. But seeing him frowning and thinking hard, he suddenly recalled some fragments of the previous together, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

A police officer saw Su Luoheng staring at the place where Zheng Xiao’s mother was injured in a daze, but Xia Ruo looked at Su Luoheng in a daze and couldn’t help but laughed and said, “Look, sister Xia Ruo looked dazed at the group leader. Long is really attractive."

Several other team members heard the sound and looked over, and it was so. Xia Ruo's eyes fell tightly on Su Luoheng's body, and there was sweetness and sadness in his eyes, like a little girl who just fell in love.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)