
Chapter 38: Li Pi's body was found


Feng Hua heard about this for the first time, thinking it was just Zhang Feng's guilt for not being able to rescue the patient, so he comforted him and said, "It's not your fault..."

"No... it's my fault." Zhang Feng interrupted her. Feng Hua looked over, Zhang Feng's tone was calm and calm, but she knew he must be drunk, otherwise it would be impossible to say such things to her.

Zhang Feng opened his eyes, faintly glowing in the dark night: "I drank too much... my hands shook for a while... just for a while... and it was all over..."

Feng Hua was completely stunned.

"I watched that person's heart stop, but there was nothing I could do..." Zhang Feng covered his face with one hand. However, there is only regret but no regret.

After this, Feng Hua learned that the young man in Zhang Feng's mouth was easy. Therefore, when Su Luoheng mentioned a surgical accident, he immediately thought of Yi.

it is as expected. Xia Ruo thought.

"Do you have any evidence to prove this?" Xia Ruo asked.

Feng Hua shook his head and said, "I just heard it by accident. And it's been many years."

Zhang Feng seems to be a very strict person. He will not leave him with any problems after coming. It is estimated that there must be no evidence left by the hospital.

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation." Su Luoheng got up and said goodbye to Feng Hua after receiving the information he wanted.

In the car.

Xia Ruo closed his eyes and rested while Su Luoheng drove.

"Now there is no direct evidence that can be easily identified." Xia Ruo said.

Is there any evidence that can directly identify him as the murderer

There was an intersection in front of him, and when he met a red light on the opposite side, Su Luoheng stopped the car, with one hand on the steering wheel, and the other took out a cigarette from his pocket. As soon as he took out the cigarette case, he remembered that Xia Ruo was also in the car and awkwardly took the cigarette back.

Naturally, Xia Ruo had already seen it and turned her head to the window on her side, but said to Su Luoheng, "It is dangerous to smoke while driving."

Su Luoheng smiled and replied, "Well, not next time."

Interrupted by Su Luoheng, Xia Ruo was silent for a while before she remembered what she had just wanted to say to him: "I think, let's apply and go to Easy Home to search. I'm afraid that if we delay, we will really check everything. Can't come out."

The red light flashed a few times before it turned into a green light. Su Luoheng's car continued to start.

"Don't worry about this, let's go in a while."

"Ah? Where to go?" Xia Ruo didn't react.

Su Luoheng looked at the cars on both sides intently. This point happened to be the rush hour when there were a lot of people and cars.

"Go to Yijia. I had already applied for a search warrant." In fact, after realizing that Yi might be the murderer, Su Luoheng decided to leave the procedure first.

Su Luoheng's work efficiency surprised Xia Ruo once.

At this time she also realized that Su Luoheng's driving direction was not back to the game: "Shall we go to Yijia now?"

"Yeah." Su Luoheng nodded, glanced at her and said, "Do you want to go to eat first or go directly to Yijia for verification?"

Xia Ruo touched her stomach and said, "Well... I'm not hungry yet, let's go to Yijia first."


Easy to home.

It is easy to see that Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo are a little surprised.

"Comrade police officer, why are you two here? What's the matter?"

It is easy to wear beige loose home clothes, and the eyes under the black glasses frame are a little confused, as if they have just woken up. Today he is not scheduled, he is

Good to rest at home.

"Well, we are here to search." Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo showed their police officer ID and search warrant to be easy to see.

Yi pushed the spectacle frame on the bridge of his nose, and said, "Search my house? What will be related to the case in our house... Comrade police, you are not mistaken..."

Having said that, Yi Yi gave way to the door, allowing Su Luoheng and Yi Yi to enter.

On the way, they notified Xichang and Zhang Qi to come over. They didn't know when they would arrive, but Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo arrived first.

"Yeah." Su Luoheng obviously didn't intend to say more, and went straight into the innermost room.

The easy home is not big, with two bedrooms and one living room.

He stood in the middle of the living room with a little horror, the big man about 1.8 meters arched his waist slightly. Xia Ruo walked over and asked him, "Are you alone in your house?"

"Yes. I'm the only one."

"How long have you lived here?"

"I've lived here since I graduated from university, maybe... for five or six years." It was easy to think.

It’s easy to look nervous and ask: "Comrade police, why are you here to search my house? Yes... Do you suspect that I am the murderer?"

Xia Ruo's formulaic smile: "We are just skeptical. Don't worry, there is no conclusion."

However, what she thought in her heart was that this guy looked pure and timid, but he was actually a murderous demon. Such a cowardly appearance in front of her made people want to tear this face apart. However. In the absence of evidence, she can only think about it.

In a short while, Xichang and Zhang Qi arrived, and they assisted Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo in searching the easy home and easy private car.

It was disappointing that nothing was found.

Without the clothes he wore that day, without Li Pi's mobile phone, no useful evidence was found.

"Police officer, do you have any misunderstandings?"

It seems to be easy to predict, they will find nothing.

Is it really going back to nothing

Xia Ruo was not reconciled.

Not only Xia Ruo, but also everyone else.

Seeing the murderer is right in front of them, they may be laughing at them triumphantly, but they have no way to bring each other to justice.

A deep sense of powerlessness.

Xia Ruo bit her finger and thought unconsciously.

There must be other clues... There must be traces... What is it

She suddenly saw the easy shoe cabinet. Think of the pair of clean and shiny shoes at Zhang Feng's crime scene that afternoon.

Xia Ruo walked over, found the pair of shoes, pointed and asked Yi: "Are you buying these shoes new?"

"Um... Not really."

Seeing this pair of shoes again today, it is not shiny at the time, it should be a few days without oil.

When I first saw him, it was easy to rush over from place B, and it was only at 5:30 in the afternoon that he started to rush back, so why did he specially oil his shoes

Xia Ruo said to Su Luoheng, "Take these shoes home."

A panic flashed in Yi Yi's eyes.

Su Luoheng did not ask Xia Ruo why he did this, so he motioned to Xichang with his eyes, and Xichang put his shoes in the evidence bag.

Before leaving, Xia Ruo said to Yi: "I am sorry for your father's death. But murder is never the best solution."

Xia Ruo didn't look at Yi Yi's shocked look.

But she could imagine that this man removed all the cowardly disguise at that moment, exposing his fierce nature. About,

Everyone who has the vengeance of killing his father will feel this way in his mind.

Su Luoheng walked behind Xia Ruo.

In fact, if you don't love Su Luoheng, why don't you want to turn around and stab Su Luoheng

Back in the bureau, Xia Ruo asked Zhang Qi and Xichang to send the shoes for appraisal, and to be firm on the residual material on the soles. If nothing else, there might be Zhang Feng’s blood stains, or even a corpse thrown. The same geology of the wasteland of the skin.

When Xichang and Zhang Qi left, Su Luoheng asked Xia Ruo: "How did you think of this?"

"Because his shoes were unexpectedly clean that day, the one who just ran back from the outside at night, and went back to the hospital after returning. In such a hurry, he wouldn't even polish his shoes brightly at night. Bar."

"He threw the clothes away, but didn't throw the shoes. Why?" Su Luoheng couldn't understand.

Xia Ruo said: "I don't know either. But fortunately, he didn't throw it away. We still have a chance."

Su Luoheng walked around the chair Xia Ruo was sitting on, leaned against the desk behind him, and said, "Let's go, I invite you to dinner."

Xia Ruo stood up, Su Luoheng thought she was going out with her, but Xia Ruo said, "I want to go home to eat today. Thank you for your invitation."

Is it okay just now

Su Luoheng became increasingly confused about Xia Ruo's capriciousness.

"Then, you go to my house, I'll cook it for you." Su Luoheng insisted on the invitation.

When it comes to going to Su Luoheng's house, Xia Ruo shows a mocking smile.

Su Luoheng quickly explained: "I have no other meaning, just want to treat you to a meal."

Xia Ruo reached out and picked up her coat, and passed by Su Luoheng: "No need."

The cold tone made Su Luoheng freeze in place.

Xia Ruo bit her lower lip tightly.

It is easy to avenge her father’s murder by murdering Zhang Feng. What about her father’s murder, what should she do

late at night. bar.

The feasts are full of enchanting men and women dancing. Deafening music resounded on the dance floor. Stepping on the rhythmic drumbeat, Si Peilan twisted her body to the full.

Si Peilan retreated from the dance floor until she felt a little thirsty. Peng Yuhang sat on the edge of the bar and kept watching her.

Si Peilan sat next to Peng Yuhang, and he pushed a glass of cocktail in front of Si Peilan, and Si Peilan drank it in one fell swoop.

"How about it?" Si Peilan asked.

Peng Yuhang knew that Si Peilan was asking about the last time he explained that he had arranged for her to enter the Yanxing Club.

"I've taken care of it." Peng Yuhang took out a folder from his bag and put it on the bar.

Si Peilan picked up the folder and opened it, pulling out a few sheets of paper from it.

"I made you a doctor of medicine. You can come anytime."

In the information, Si Peilan is a doctor of medicine from a well-known foreign university. His age has not changed, and he is still 30 years old.

"Very good." Si Peilan put the file back in the folder, and she was quite satisfied with her identity.

"When are you going to come?"

"Next week."


It is already the sixth day after Zhang Feng's death.

It was supposed to be the weekend, but because of Zhang Feng's case, the members of the crime team were not able to rest. Everyone can't help but look sad.

Su Luoheng saw that everyone was a little languid, stood up and slapped his hands vigorously, and said to the team members: "Cheer up, everyone, when the two cases at hand are over, I will give everyone a holiday!"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)