
Chapter 39: Lover Xia Ruo


Xichang looked up from a pile of documents and asked, "Group leader, only vacation? Is there any bonus?"

Several other team members also booed at this time: "Yes, team leader, will you give me bonuses?"

Su Luoheng laughed and scolded: "You guys who just think about money."

Xichang joked and said, "We are all laymen, too."

Su Luoheng thought for a while and said, "Why else, when the case is over, I will give everyone a holiday and go to the farmhouse to rest for two days. How about a treat?"

When I heard that Su Luoheng invited everyone out to play, the team members immediately cheered up.

"Okay! Team leader mighty!"

"Team leader wise!"

"Then everyone will work hard to close the case at hand as soon as possible." Su Luoheng took the opportunity to cheer up.

"Okay!" Sure enough, everyone's mood was much higher.

"Team leader! The appraisal team sent the appraisal results here." Xichang handed the documents to Su Luoheng.

Xia Ruo also walked over: "How is it?"

Su Luoheng took out the appraisal report.

Xia Ruoyou is a little nervous, if the appraisal result is not satisfactory, what else can they do to find evidence that is easy to kill

Su Luoheng scanned the contents of the appraisal report carefully, and showed a relieved smile: "Indeed, Zhang Feng's blood was detected!"

Xia Ruo breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Luoheng's voice was exhilarating: "Immediately! Easy to arrest!"

"Yes!" The group members immediately dispatched.

When Su Luoheng was about to go out, his cell phone rang.

"Hello?" It was his team member.

"Team leader, March fought with the other person, but we didn't catch up after the other party ran away."

"You wait for me, I'll go over immediately."

Su Luoheng hung up the phone and said to Xia Ruo: "Xiao Ruo, come with me to Zheng Xiao's house."

"What happened?"

"Said on the road."

The soldiers are divided into two ways. Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo went to Zheng Xiao's home, and Xichang and Zhang Qi went to Yi's home to be easily arrested.

After getting in the car, Xia Ruo put on his seat belt.

"What happened to Zheng Xiao's house?"

"It's not a big deal, it's just that something has gone wrong with March. I think it's safer to go and see it by myself."

Su Luoheng started the car.

"Markey? Do you still think he is suspected?" She didn't take over the matter very much. She didn't know the situation very well, but from the last interrogation, this person didn't look like a criminal suspect.

"It can't be said that he is suspected of being a criminal suspect. I just think he might know something."

Zheng Xiao's case is still in a deadlocked state. March is a breakthrough. The appearance of March standing at the door and peeking that day is too suspicious, Su Luoheng doesn't believe that he really doesn't know anything.

The police arrested March into his home and waited for Su Luoheng to arrive.

Ma Qi's house is in the building opposite to Zheng Xiao's house, on the fourth floor. His house was messy, the sofas were all ripped leather, the cotton inside was turned out, and only a piece of cloth was used to cover it, and a corner was still exposed. On the coffee table in front of the sofa, there are a few books on the cover of revealing the impurity of the girl, and two boxes of instant noodles that have been eaten. The TV is a relatively old-fashioned kind, thick, like one that has been used for many years.

Zou frowned as soon as Xia Ruo entered the door. The same is because of poor economic conditions. Although Zheng Xiao's house was turned into a mess by the robbers, it can be seen that it is usually clean and tidy. And March's house is completely messed up. Where is it like a place where people live.

When Su Luoheng and the others arrived at March's house, March was bored with his head down.

Sitting on the sofa, I didn't know what I was thinking, but I didn't take the police officers in front of me seriously.

"What's the matter?" Su Luoheng asked.

The police officer simply said something on the phone, and he didn't know the specifics.

"We saw him fighting with another man in the alley, so we rushed over, and then the man ran away when he saw us. This guy actually stopped us and caused the man to run away." As he said, the police officer took a look. The absent-minded March.

Su Luoheng stood in front of Ma Qi, and Ma Qi looked up at him with a face full of ruffians, still pretending to be wronged and wronged.

"Who are you fighting with?" Su Luoheng said condescendingly.

"Just a friend." In a very perfunctory tone.

"Friend?" Su Luoheng wouldn't believe this kind of nonsense.

"Really just a friend."

"Why are you fighting each other?"

"It's just a little thing."

"What's the matter?" Obviously Su Luoheng didn't intend to let him get through.

"Police officer, I didn't steal, rob or kill. Why are you interrogating me now?" March asked, raising his neck.

"Now you are the suspect in the robbery of Zheng Xiao's house."

"Why do you call me a criminal suspect? Don't I just take a look curiously?" March's tone was a little aggressive.

Su Luoheng seemed to suppress his anger.

"Where is there so much nonsense!" The police officer beside him couldn't understand March either, and directly reprimanded: "Just say whatever you ask."

Still groaning, but not having such a bad attitude, March said: "That's it, I just made a few quarrels."

"What's the quarrel?" Su Luoheng was trying to break the posture of casserole asking the end.

"Just... He said that I didn't accomplish anything, and that I was useless. Then I can't help but refute it. You can't bear it, the policeman."

In fact, Su Luoheng's ideal is that you are indeed a trash, and he is right.

"Then why did you protect him when our police chased you? He scolded you like that?"

Macky said with a neck, "That's just a small fight, you guys are making a fuss too much. Even though you speak badly, you are still friends after all."

Ghosts believe in your friends.

Xia Ruo didn't interrupt and kept listening. It feels like this March is really running the train with his mouth full, and he can't believe a word, no wonder Su Luoheng suspects him.

She shook her head and looked out from the window. As they said before, the opposite of Ma Qi's house is Zheng Xiao's house. Looking at it from here, the movements of Zheng Xiao's house can be seen quite clearly.


Xia Ruo suddenly realized something and turned to ask March: "What were you doing the afternoon when Zheng Xiao's house was stolen?"

Xia Ruo asked suddenly, and March reflected it, and then said, "I have been at home."

"What are you doing at home?" she asked.

"I said your policemen are so serious?"

Whether it was Su Luoheng or Xia Ruo, both of them were eager to follow this question and insisted on asking meticulously.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Su Luoheng cursed.

Ma Qi narrowed his mouth and said, "Just watch TV at home."

Xia Ruo pointed at the window and said, "Have you noticed Zheng Xiao's house?"

Su Luoheng also looked in the direction of Xia Ruo's finger, and found that Zheng Xiao's house could be seen from Ma Qi's house.

My doubts are even greater.

"I've been watching TV and I didn't pay attention to their home." March said


"What show did you watch that day?" Xia Ruo asked nonstop: "What is acting on TV?"

"... Acting... Acting..." March hesitated for a long time, without telling what the show was, and finally said foolishly: "Then I don't remember what I did."

Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo both had an idea. Perhaps, Ma Qi saw the suspect who robbed Zheng Xiao's house that day, and the person who fought with him was probably that person.

Looking at the status quo, there is no escape from March's mouth.

Su Luoheng thought about it. I thought it was better to let him go and continue to send police officers to supervise him.

"Go back." Su Luoheng didn't say anything extra, so he put down two words, turned around and left.

Xia Ruo immediately understood Su Luoheng's thoughts. Say hello to the other two police officers: "Let's go."

Ma Qi was very proud of seeing Su Luoheng's people just leaving, and thought that Su Luoheng believed his words.

Su Luoheng and his party left Ma Qi's house, turned around and said to the two stunned police officers: "You two continue to stay here and stay on guard. Ma Qi will definitely move."

The police officer understood what the team leader meant. This is to put a long line to catch a big fish. Immediately accept the order: "Yes!"

Zhang Qi also called, saying that they had successfully arrested Yi from Yi's house, without any resistance, Xia Ruo told Su Luoheng.

"Let's go, back to the game." Su Luoheng said.

Yi in the interrogation room was expressionless, looking down at his fingers and wondering what he was thinking.

Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo walked into the interrogation room, and Yi looked up at Xia Ruo.

Different from the look of the previous few meetings, it is easy to lose the caution and fear when seeing Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng at that time, but one party's lifeless indifference.

"You killed Zhang Feng and Li Pi, didn't they." Xia Ruo asked.

The easy answer is very slow, but there is no half-minute struggle: "Yes."

Perhaps because of the same motivation, Xia Ruo looked easy, and felt a little bit of sympathy in her heart, a little bit uncomfortable.

"You tell me what is going on." Su Luoheng said.

When telling this story, his voice was steady and indifferent, as if he was telling someone else's story.

When Yi was still in college, his father fell ill. Heart disease, living in the hospital, the attending doctor is Zhang Feng. Because it is easy to study medicine at university, and the grades are not bad, so I have some understanding of my father's condition. He knew that his father's heart surgery had a great chance of success.

But unexpectedly, the operation failed. And the reason turned out to be sudden heart disease. Those who study medicine can easily understand the physical condition of their father and cannot accept this result. Later, after various investigations, he found that his father died on the operating table without a sudden heart disease. The real reason was that Zhang Feng made a mistake during the operation, and he actually performed the operation after drinking alcohol.

After graduation, Yi squeezed his head into this hospital and became Zhang Feng's assistant. The death of Li Pi's brother gave an easy opportunity. He lied to Li Pi that his brother died because of Zhang Feng's operation error, and then urged him to go to the hospital to make trouble so that the people in the hospital knew that there was such a thing. Then I asked Li Pi to come out, killed him with the knife I bought before, and buried him in the wasteland. Take away his mobile phone and crutches. At the same time, using the opportunity of a business trip to create his alibi, just as Xia Ruo guessed.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)