
Chapter 4: High cold old male god


Kanghe Hospital

Xia Ruo suddenly widened his eyes slightly.

It is a famous tertiary hospital in Hong Kong with a long history and excellent doctor resources. How could Zhang Congcong disappear there

She immediately told Su Luoheng of this discovery, and he immediately agreed to start the investigation of Kanghe Hospital. He estimated that it was a bit surprised that Xia Ruo would tell him such a general clue, but of course she wanted to win justice.

Everyone came to Kanghe Hospital. Su Luoheng and others were responsible for the investigation of other doctors in the hospital, while Xia Ruo was mainly responsible for the investigation of acupuncture and massage doctors.

She walked into the department, and there were not many doctors who could acupuncture and massage, so it was effortless to check it up. She quickly locked on a target.

This person is called Li Runian, a famous golden bachelor in Kanghe Hospital. He is also a hot figure in acupuncture and massage department, but he is one year older than Su Luoheng and single...

Xia Ruo observed him for a period of time and found that this man was gentle, handsome and talented. He was usually unsmiling. A few nurses talked about him after dinner and jokingly called him the "cold old man god."

Xia Ruo laughed a little after hearing these words, and it really suits him well.

Xia Ruo pushed the door in and sat down in the seat opposite him. Li Runian said, "Which part?"

"I'm here to conduct a routine investigation of you, Doctor Li." Xia Ruo smiled.

Li Runian raised his head to look at Xia Ruo, frowning: "Are you a policeman?"

Xia Ruo showed him his ID as soon as he finished speaking: "Yes, I believe that Dr. Li is also aware of the recent headless baby case. The police have confirmed that the deceased Zhang Congcong was performing massage in the Acupuncture and Tuina Department before his disappearance. Do you know Dr. Li's impression?"

Li Runian shook his head: "No, I was doing massage for a patient all day that day. I only went out when the lunch was served. I was in the consulting room at other times. A nurse can prove it to me."

"Do you have any information about that patient?" Xia Ruo continued to ask.


With that said, Li Runian pulled out a copy from the pile of folders around him and handed it to Xia Ruo.

Xia Ruo opened the folder and looked at it. It turned out that it was a male female, and the medical record stated that there was a problem with the spine.

It seemed that there was no problem. Xia Ruo looked at him and asked again: "Do you know who gave Zhang Congcong the massage?"

Li Runian thought about it carefully, and finally shook his head: "I have no impression, but I don't have a patient like Zhang Congcong in my memory, right? There are not many babies who come to massage. If there are, I will definitely be impressed."

Xia Ruo nodded, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with her, she left Li Ru-nian, and then walked out of the clinic.


After Xia Ruo left, Li Runian slowly took off his eyes on the bridge of his nose, wiped them vigorously, and then let out a sigh of relief.

After going out, Xia Ruo didn't meet Su Luoheng and the others first. Instead, she walked to the nurse's desk and listened to the young nurses talking about Li Ru-nian. She also inserted an appropriate sentence: "Dr. Li is really that good? But he is not old. It’s weird that I don’t even look for a girlfriend when I’m young."

One of the young nurses obviously treated her as a patient, and quickly said with a grin: "I heard people say that if a man does not find a girlfriend, he is either gay or ***, but Dr. Li is so good-looking, even if he is gay, he is also attacking. Bar?"

Xia Ruo was laughed at by the blatant remarks made by the little nurse. It seems that the nurses in this hospital are very talkative: "Does Dr. Li have any favorite things? For example, children?"

The little nurses shook their heads unanimously: "No, I haven't heard Dr. Li say, and I haven't seen how much he likes children, but it is said that his hobby is a bit strange..."

"Strange?" Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows in surprise

The little nurses lowered their voices hesitantly, "Are you not Dr. Li's patient?"

Xia Ruo shook his head and smiled: "No, I am the patient of Dr. Lu next door."

"That's good." The little nurse breathed a sigh of relief, "I heard that Dr. Li prefers to stay with those weird things, such as the kind of specimens soaked in formalin, even one night. The people who visited the morgue said that he saw Dr. Li... as if he was opening a drawer to look at the corpse!"


A thread in Xia Ruo's heart suddenly connected.

Does this mean... Li Ru-nian, in fact, is not completely without suspicion

I’d better go back and ask about the exact time when the deceased Zhang Congcong’s parents disappeared. After all, it’s a personal hobby, and I can’t convict others on the basis of a hobby specimen.

Xia Ruo told Su Luoheng of his findings, and Su Luoheng also said that the evidence was insufficient, so the matter was put on hold for the time being.

Xia Ruo has been thinking about this after returning, and the only clue is so broken...

Early the next morning, Xia Ruo found Zhang Qingxi and Du Xiaohua, and after asking about the time of Zhang Congcong’s disappearance, Xia Ruoxin said it did not happen. It happened at noon...

It seems that Li Ru-nian's suspicion of committing the crime cannot be ruled out.

At that moment, the police station received a report from Kanghe Hospital. The reporter was a resident patient of Kanghe Hospital. She suffered from paralysis of lower limbs, so she had been living in the hospital for a long time. She claimed that it was around three o'clock in the morning today. At that time, I saw a ghost in the utility room next to Li Ru-nian’s office.

Xia Ruo was taken aback, how could she be so coincidental? Li Ru Nian

Also, what the hell is going on

She immediately found Su Luoheng to understand the situation, but found that the reason for this incident was actually because the old lady had the habit of getting up at night, and then Li Runian’s office happened to be not far from the toilet, so when she came out, she heard Li Runian’s office next to it. The sound of people's footsteps and the sound of moving things in the sundries room.

Su Luoheng planned to send someone to the hospital to find out about the situation, but Xia Ruo stopped him: "I don't think it should be so troublesome. Wouldn't it be better to find Li Runian directly?"

Su Luoheng turned his head and looked at Xia Ruo's eyes and couldn't help but blame: "This matter has nothing to do with Li Runian. You take the liberty to disturb other doctors. Are you afraid of being complained?"

Xia Ruo frowned: "The utility room belongs to Li Ru-nian, why can't he explain the reason? I think he also has the right to know about this matter. If something really goes wrong, the person who will be complained is me, not Captain Su."

Su Luoheng gritted his teeth, as if he didn't expect that Xia Ruo would not be able to get off the stage in front of so many people. After saying this, Xia Ruo didn't look at him anymore and went straight out.

Su Luoheng's voice came from a distance behind him: "If you violate the instructions of your superiors, what kind of punishment do you know?"

Xia Ruo didn't answer, she still walked out unhurriedly, this kind of thing, let's talk about it later.

A few police officers cringed and followed out, all of them were her team members. One of the policewomen smiled and said to her: "Sister Xia Ruo, you were so handsome just now! I have never seen Captain Su send something like this. What a big fire!"

Xia Ruo laughed a little dumbfounded: "This task is for me to do my own way. If Li Runian is indeed wronged, the best result is to be transferred from the crime team, do you think it is good?"

The policewoman shook her head: "It's okay. The key is that you dare to stick to yourself. I think it's already cool."

"Then go find Li Runian together."


Xia Ruo and others came to Li Runian's office and learned that Li Runian was not in the office. He suddenly asked for a leave of absence two days ago. Xia Ruo raised an eyebrow and smiled: "It seems that we can go back and apply for an arrest warrant."

She didn't know where she was confident. Only Li Runian had the key in the utility room, and a faint smell of formalin floated. Xia Ruo directly asked the police officer to open the door. After walking in...

What you see is a small utility room. The contents are not messy, and the owner loves to be clean at first glance, so it is naturally clear at a glance.

Xia Ruo walked in and went back to fill in a search warrant. There was a large closet in it, and there was nothing in the closet. Xia Ruo found that the closer to the closet, the stronger the smell of formalin.

She took a deep breath and opened the closet door violently—

What appeared in front of him was a baby skull that seemed to have been soaked for not too long.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)