
Chapter 41: The case has made a major breakthrough


Old God Su Luoheng was leaning on the back of his chair and said with a mockery: "Markey, if it weren't for our police officer who arrested the two of you today, maybe I would see you again, you would already be a dead body."

Could it be that that person is going to harm him? Only then did Xia Ruo understand. I don't know what the reason was. After the man named Shanli gave Ma Qi money, he planned to murder him.

The amount of 20,000 yuan may not have been earned by March for other people's work. Is it fraud? Coercion? What unspeakable secret does March know about him

"Ma Qi, please explain quickly." Su Luoheng said.

Ma Qi didn't fight, but showed an angry face: "This grandson, since he wants to harm me, don't blame me for not showing mercy to him!" He looked directly at Su Luoheng: "Police officer, I will say everything!"

Su Luoheng smiled successfully in the plan.

This incident must start from the day Zheng Xiao's house was robbed.

Ma Qi likes to look out when he has nothing to do, because the two buildings are so close that he can often see some beautiful women, which is also one of his evil tastes. It was also a coincidence that day, and happened to see a man rummaging through Zheng Xiao's house. Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Zheng Li!

Who is this Zheng Li

He is Zheng Xiao's father, a man who should have died five years ago. Ma Qi was shocked at the time, guessing that there must be some secret in this, so he secretly followed Zheng Li and learned of his temporary residence. Then something happened to Zheng Xiao's house, and Ma Qi immediately understood that Zheng Li did it. So he started thinking about it.

He found Zheng Li and said to him, "I am not interested in you feigning death and why you go back again, but now that I know this, I may not be able to keep my mouth shut from others."

Zheng Li is annoyed: "Go ahead, how can I pretend that I don't know anything?"

"Fifty thousand! Give it to me the day after tomorrow, and I promise it will rot in my stomach."

Zheng Li had no choice but to collect 50,000 yuan for him. But he didn't expect Ma Qi to be greedy and found him again, saying: "Because of you, I have been noticed by the police now. My life has been disrupted. You have to compensate me."

Zheng Li was unwilling to entangle him more, so he just said: "Just tell me, how much money do you need to give up?"

"Thirty thousand."

"Okay, but you have to let me get together."

Seeing Zheng Li's neat promise, Ma Qi sneered proudly, thinking that he had the advantage: "As expected, he is willing to do things with his wife. He just does things simply."

Zheng Li's eyes were cold.

But on the day of the appointment, Zheng Li only gave him 20,000, and he threatened Zheng Li to tell him about the fake death and the murder of the robbery if he could not give him another 20,000 in two days.

Then, he and Zheng Li were arrested by police officers who had been lurking beside March.

"That's it, police officer, I'll explain it all." March said, "I'm willing to hand in the other fifty thousand dollars, so you just let me go?"

Xia Ruobai gave him a glance.

Su Luoheng patted Xia Ruo on the shoulder: "Xiao Ruo, follow me to meet Zheng Li."


Zheng Li's interrogation room is closed.

Knowing that he was actually Zheng Xiao's father, Xia Ruo felt that this person was indeed somewhat similar to Zheng Xiao. It's just that Zheng Xiao is a kind and innocent girl, and his biological father is a scumbag who abandons his wife and daughter and hurts his wife.

Thinking of Zheng Xiao's quilt

Regarding the bullying, she looked at Zheng Li and felt very upset.

Zheng Li was also wearing that black windbreaker and wrapped his body in the windbreaker. A pair of dark and sneaky eyes.

Su Luoheng stared into his eyes and said, "Zheng Li."

Zheng Li opened his eyes wide in surprise, met Su Luoheng's gaze, and panicked to avoid: "My name is Shanli, I don't know who Zheng Li is."

"You don't have to pretend, March has explained the whole thing."

Zheng Li had a stiff face, he wanted to yell at him, but he could not burst out: "He is a liar, do you believe what he said?"

Su Luoheng sneered, "Believe it or not is our business, and it's your business to confess or not. Zheng Li, you have to think carefully. We can find out these things as soon as we check them. If you think about it, do you want to be lenient? Resist strictly."

Zheng Li fell silent, his eyes hidden under his slightly old eyelids.

"Okay, I said."

Su Luoheng nodded in satisfaction and said, "Let's talk about it."

He thought for a while, and then said to Zheng Li: "Just start with the fake death that year."

Zheng Li said that when he fell in love with other women and wanted to divorce Zheng Xiao's mother, Zheng Xiao's mother quit. It happened that another accident happened to the car that day, so he took the opportunity to feign death, went to another place, and changed his status. Life.

"Then why are you back again?" Su Luoheng asked.

"I saw a piece of news on the Internet saying that now there is a kind of ancient money that is very valuable and can be sold for more than one million. This kind of ancient money was also available in my family before, and I thought to myself that if I can get the ancient money, I can make a hundred dollars. It’s over ten thousand, so I thought about going to the house and stealing the money, but unexpectedly, Zheng Xiao and her mother were also at home..."

"Scum..." Xia Ruo commented.

Zheng Li was embarrassed.

Su Luoheng smiled and glanced at Xia Ruo, thinking, Xiao Ruo is still like this, and he is the least likely to see this kind of person.

"As a result, I didn't expect this matter to be discovered by March, so he will blackmail you all the time, right?" Su Luoheng asked.

"Yes." Still very annoyed: "At first, I gave him 50,000, and then gave him 20,000. He was not satisfied, and he asked me to ask for 20,000. This greedy villain."

You two each other. Xia Ruo thought.

"So you decided to kill him?"

Zheng Li froze, denying: "I don't!"

Su Luoheng's voice was once louder, with a pressure that cannot be ignored: "Then what are you doing with your scissors!"

"I said it was because the knife was dull to sharpen it!"

Who would believe you this kind of nonsense!

"Then you said where do you plan to grind the knife with you?"

"Of course I will look for it, and I will take it out by the way, in case I encounter it."

Hustle and bustle.

But they have no other evidence to prove that Zheng Liyou premeditated the murder of March. If the police showed up a few minutes later, he might be convicted on the spot.

Because Zheng Li's fake death case involved a five-year accident, Su Luoheng contacted the police officer who undertook the case.

The police officer was also very surprised, saying no wonder he couldn't find Zheng Li's body no matter how he searched at the time. But one thing is very strange. The police officer said that the person who was in the same car with Zheng Li drowned at that time. If Zheng Li had time to escape, why not rescue his colleague? And as far as I know, his colleague should know water.

In fact, it is possible for Zheng Li to escape alone in an emergency, but according to Zheng Li

He said that he left Zheng Xiao's mother for a woman. He had the idea of suspended animation, but he couldn't tell who that woman was. Su Luoheng always felt that there was something else hidden in this matter.

He and Xia Ruo ran into the same bureau that undertook the case at the time and retrieved the case files from that year. He and his colleagues were engaged in the accounting work of the same company. After that, the two went to the company again.

Found the boss of the two at the time.

Still in the meeting, Zheng Li's former boss heard that the police were coming, so he temporarily terminated the meeting.

"Delay your time, we want to ask you some questions." Xia Ruo was a little sorry.

"It's okay, it's okay, help the police." The boss seemed to be a very open-minded person: "What is the matter with the two police officers looking for me?"

The boss said jokingly: "Is it because I secretly deleted two items from my wife's shopping cart and was found?"

"Hahaha, of course not." Xia Ruo was amused, thinking that this boss is really interesting.

Su Luoheng said: "We came because of a case five years ago."

"The case five years ago?"

Su Luoheng nodded: "Yes. I don't know if you still remember, there used to be a person named Zheng Li who worked as an accountant in the company?"

"Zheng Li?" The boss thought for a while and said, "It was the person who died in the accident, right? Another employee in the company was also involved in the accident. I still have an impression of him. What happened to this case? ?"

Xia Ruo said, "Zheng Li is not dead."

The boss was surprised: "Not dead?!"

Xia Ruo nodded: "Well, he was in suspended animation at the time."

After hearing what Xia Ruo said, the boss cursed: "This turtle grandson!"

Su Luoheng saw that the boss's reaction was unusual, and asked, "What's wrong?"

The boss said: "This matter... At that time, it was about half a year after they had an accident. When they checked the company's finances, they found that the problem was not solved. Later, after looking up, it was found that Zheng Li had the problem. Originally, we wanted to sue. He did, but learned that his mother and daughter had a difficult life. I checked their accounts and found nothing wrong, and even if they were really sued, they couldn’t get the money back, thinking about hundreds of thousands of dollars. , Everyone is dead, just forget it."

Speaking of this, the boss really didn't get angry: "I didn't expect Zheng Li to be dead, this guy!"

Xia Ruo is also somewhat generous. Although a few hundred thousand is not a big amount for a company, but just like that, if you don't want it, it's bold enough...

"Zheng Li manipulated the company's finances and cheated hundreds of thousands?" Su Luoheng asked with certainty.

"Yes." The boss said: "This kid is afraid to take the opportunity to escape the debt."

Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo bid farewell to the boss.

"What do you think?" Su Luoheng asked. Because Xia Ruo kept her head down, as if thinking about it.

"Yeah..." Xia Ruo said, "I don't think it's a big deal. I just feel like that idea is about to take shape in my mind, but I just can't say it..."

Su Luoheng was amused by Xia Ruo's description and reached out and rubbed her hair. Then both of them were stunned.

Once, when two people were still together, he always liked to touch her hair like this. He said her hair was very soft and felt very comfortable to the touch. At that time, Xia Ruo glared at him, saying that he thought it was a fake dog hair.

Thinking of these past events, the atmosphere suddenly became a little embarrassing.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)