
Chapter 5: murderer?


All the people present couldn't help taking a breath after seeing this baby skull specimen. Such cruel things were done... Could this Li Runian really be a pervert

Or... he is actually the murderer

Xia Ruo frowned and felt a little headache. There is no search warrant now. It is reasonable to say that these things belong to Li Ru-nian's private property, and tampering is subject to legal responsibility.

Thinking of this, she simply let people watch here, and before she came back, she was not allowed to let any unrelated people in, and went back to Su Luoheng to apply for a search warrant.

By the time she returned to the police station, Su Luoheng had already stood there waiting for her in time. When she saw her hurriedly returning, she raised her eyebrows unkindly: "How? Didn't you find anything? ?"

Whether it was at the beginning or now, his appearance is still so annoying.

Xia Ruo gritted her teeth bitterly, and her tone was not very good: "I'm sorry to disappoint you. I found a baby skull soaked in formalin in the utility room. I am coming back to apply. Search warrant, bring the skull back for DNA testing."

Su Luoheng couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard that he had found something, but he quickly reacted: "No problem."

After getting the search warrant, Xia Ruo rushed back without stopping. With the search warrant, he found the baby skull that the dean asked to bring back to Li Ru-nian’s utility room. How did the dean know that his young and promising doctor would hide such a horrible thing , I immediately agreed.

Xia Ruo took out the skull specimen carefully, put it in the evidence bag and kept it carefully, and then took it back to the police station.

When Su Luoheng got this thing, he immediately handed it over to the Forensic Department for inspection. The results of the inspection did not come out so quickly. During this time, Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo had been tracing Li Runian's whereabouts and other criminal facts.

By visiting the people around Li Runian, Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo discovered that this person's life circle is actually very simple. Except for these colleagues in the hospital, he is an elderly grandmother whose parents died when he was very young.

Since Li Runian was willing to abandon this old grandmother and escape alone, it seemed that he had panicked and finally escaped.

Usually Li Ru-nian’s character is also unsmiling. Apart from necessary work communication, he barely chats with others. Therefore, his popularity in the hospital is not very good. Only a few female doctors or nurses are willing to approach him because of his face.

Xia Ruo couldn't help but feel a little sigh, and she was unwilling to communicate with others, no wonder she would become a pervert step by step.

However, there is no conclusive evidence to prove Li Ru-nian’s criminal facts. The case is not over yet, and there are still many doubts, such as the floating one.

The photo, the heart-shaped bloodstain, this kind of action is not like Li Ru-nian did to an unknown baby.

Su Luoheng disliked Xia Ruo's caress about such small issues. Now Li Ru-nian's suspicion is basically certain. What is she still struggling with

It is understood that Li Ru-nian’s interpersonal communication is very simple, there are basically no family members, there is only one uncle and one aunt, and he basically does not interact with them.

The only breakthrough now is Zhou Qiuye, Li Ru-nian’s nanny. This is a rural woman with a low level of education. She was hired by Li Ru-nian's housekeeping company. She has been cleaning at his house for many years. Li Ru-nian has always trusted her.

Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng found Zhou Qiuye. She was still cleaning at Li Runian's house. They walked in and showed her a police officer's ID. Then they explained their intentions and planned to learn from her.

Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo sat down on the sofa, Zhou Qiuye also sat down opposite them, obviously a little nervous: "Police officer, I haven't committed anything... I have always been a good citizen who abides by laws and regulations!"

Xia Ruo laughed a little, and hurriedly signaled to calm her down. She said, "You don't need to be nervous, we are just here to find out about Li Runian's situation. There is no other meaning."

Zhou Qiuye just let go of her heart a little now, but she quickly reacted: "Huh? Li Ru-nian's matter? I have nothing to do with him!"

Xia Ruo patiently explained to her: "No, we just want to ask, do you know where Li Runian is? Or what did he say before he left? What did he take away? Or what was left behind?"

Zhou Qiuye waved her hand in a panic, thinking that the police thought she and Li Ru-nian were in the same group: "I don't know or not, I don't know anything."

Su Luoheng said impatiently: "If you don't cooperate with the police investigation, we will sue you for obstructing justice!"

As soon as this remark came out, Zhou Qiuye shook fiercely, and the police sue her? That would be terrible, is she still alive!

When she thought of this, she gritted her teeth and couldn't take care of anything. She seemed to have said everything about Li Ru-nian as if she was going to douzi: "In fact, this person is still quite good, and the salary is also high. The personality is too bad, like a stuffy jar, three sticks can’t hold a fart, and working in his house, don’t mention how boring, such a person, I have nothing to say to him, basically do it every time After finishing the housework, he left. As a result, just two days ago, he came back in a hurry. As soon as he came back, he hurriedly packed his things, as if someone was chasing him outside. Don't let me be nosy, don't you think this is a lunatic?"

Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows, so panicked, rushing to fear

Crime escape

Su Luoheng was not satisfied. Instead, he said: "Did he give you anything?"

When talking about this, Zhou Qiuye's eyes suddenly dodged: "Wh... I have a bad relationship with him. I can't laugh anymore if I have something to come from."

Xia Ruo narrowed her eyes and smiled somewhat comfortably. It didn't seem to look like an interrogation: "If you think about it, then answer. If Li Runian gets caught, you will be an accomplice..."

Zhou Qiuye was obviously frightened. She was just a small person. She was so courageous, she recruited in an instant, carefully took out a golden book from her arms, and handed it to the police with dismay.

"This is what he told me to throw away before he left, but I think he walked so hurriedly, there must be some problem, so I stayed, hoping to help the police..." She smiled flatteringly.

Of course, Su Luoheng didn't believe her one-sided words, and she said it nicely. Isn't it because this book looks relatively high-end, so she wants to take it for herself

After saying goodbye to Zhou Qiuye, they returned to the police station to study the book carefully, only to find that it was a phone book, which recorded the phone calls of people who had private contacts with Li Ru-nian.

These calls have basically become empty numbers until today, and only a few of them can get through, and a few unsuspecting ones have been ruled out, leaving only one phone number specially marked by Li Ru-nian with a red pen.

Xia Ruo slapped, and the person who picked it up was a man with a very polite voice.

The communication between her and the man was painless, but he later admitted generously that he was a collector of human specimens.

All his specimens were bought from various sources, and now it seems that there is no evidence to convict him. Xia Ruo also learned that Li Runian was the fixed host of this person, and many of his human specimens were obtained from He bought it from him.

Finally, the person added another sentence: "We started working together a long time ago. I am not afraid to tell you that I am now a Chinese American and I am not afraid of your conviction."

Xia Ruo smiled and said, "Don't worry, my goal is not you, but Li Runian. I wish you a good dream."

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone and couldn't wait to get up to find Su Luoheng. As soon as Su Luoheng saw her, she said: "The forensic department has a result. It is confirmed that the baby skull belongs to Zhang Congcong!"

Xia Ruo was also very excited. She told Su Luoheng of her findings: "I now apply for an arrest warrant to arrest Li Runian as soon as possible! I learned from a collector of human specimens in the phone book that Li Runian began to resell in his early years. The human specimen is alive, confirm it is correct!"

Su Luoheng nodded and immediately issued an arrest warrant to apprehend Li Runian nationwide.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)