
Chapter 53: Lots of sleeping pills


The production date of the medicine is early last year.

So, before Zhang Bei committed suicide, had he taken a lot of sleeping pills

Could it be because of taking sleeping pills, depression, becoming sick and then committing suicide

Su Luoheng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

It's really a mess.

What is it that makes him feel wrong

Xia Ruo on the other side was thinking in a daze.

When he saw Zhang Bei's body, his right hand sank in the water and there were obvious wounds on his wrist. Holding the dagger in his left hand, he sank in the bathtub. He was neatly dressed in a shirt and jeans. The off-white shirt was tucked into the jeans, and he was also wearing navy blue socks. Although it was wet by the blisters, it could be seen that it was neat before sinking into the water.

This color combination is very familiar, and it seems to match the color of the suit that Nanyin wore yesterday. Although it was wet by the blisters, it could be seen that it was neat before sinking into the water.

Xia Ruo thought to herself, it seemed that the two of them were really affectionate. However, such a thing happened.

Nanyin had been crying that day, so I must have been very sad.

What I saw in Zhang Bei’s bedroom at that time was that the bed was messy, as if someone had just gotten up. This is consistent with what Zhang Bei’s autopsy report said that Zhang Bei had taken a lot of sleeping pills before his death. .

Since it is in such a awkward situation, why does Zhang Bei keep his clothes neatly

Xia Ruo held the autopsy report of Zhang Bei that Su Luoheng had just given her in his hand. She and Su Luoheng stood in the same room alone, with their heads down in thought.

Even the way of thinking is very similar.

Shang Jie arrived soon.

The whole person is still in a very trance state.

"Comrade police officer, you said, Zhang Bei, he committed suicide?"

Although the girl playing Sahua had confirmed the news yesterday, until now, when he personally went to Zhang Bei's house, Shang Jie still didn't want to believe it when he saw the place where the breath of the life of a friend still remained.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Shang, Zhang Bei has indeed passed away." Su Luoheng said.

The weather in Hong Kong is already very hot. Shang Jie is wearing a single coat and a coat in his hand. The big man looks like he just ran over.

Shang Jie didn't speak for a long time, as if he was digesting Su Luoheng's words, and also as if thinking about what to say next.

Finally, Su Luoheng took the lead and asked: "Mr. Shang, we want to know about Zhang Bei's situation with you."

Shang Jie nodded blankly and said, "Okay."

Su Luoheng asked Shang Jie about Zhang Bei's recent living conditions and mental state, as well as Zhang Bei's character. For Zhang Bei's suicide, to a large extent it is closely related to the above-mentioned state.

Shangjie's statement is basically similar to Nanyin. They all mentioned that Zhang Bei's mental state has been very bad for the past two years, insomnia, and malaise. However, he is not irritable at all, and seldom shows excitement. Everything will be hidden in his mind and he will bear it on his own.

Recently, their song has attracted the attention of a boss in Beijing, hoping to cooperate with them. This is a good opportunity for him and Zhang Bei. Therefore, recently Zhang Bei is also racking his brains to create a new song as the first album.

In other words, under the pressure of creation, Zhang Bei's mental state is very bad.

"Do you think Zhang Bei will commit suicide because of creative pressure?" Su Luoheng asked.

Shang Jie was stumped by this question.

Su Luoheng's question

Fa made him feel that Su Luoheng did not believe that Zhang Bei committed suicide. In time, the current evidence can be consistent with the conclusion that Zhang Bei committed suicide.

However, even as a friend, he could not tell whether Zhang Bei would choose to cut his wrist because of pressure.

"He was really under great pressure during this period, and his mental state was not good. I didn't expect him to do such a stupid thing. After all, we are going to Beijing soon."

"Where is Nanyin? Do you know Nanyin." Xia Ruo asked.

Shang Jie nodded and said, "Nan Yin is Zhang Bei's girlfriend. They have been dating for more than five years. Their relationship has always been very good. Zhang Bei should be sad for something like this."

Thinking of the girl who kept crying, Xia Ruo thought, she was really sad.

That kind of grief impressed everyone present at the time.

"It seems that Nanyin doesn't support Zhang Bei's going to Beijing?" This was what Nanyin said personally yesterday.

"Yes." Shang Jie also regretted putting the incident away: "Nanyin wants to stay in Hong Kong, but Beijing is a rare opportunity for us, and Zhang Bei can't give up. The two people also had a big quarrel over this matter. ."

"Do you also know about their quarrel?"

"Yeah. Zhang Bei is a temperament who keeps everything in his heart, and Nanyin is a quiet and good-tempered girl. The two have been dating for five years. The real quarrel will be the one."

Su Luoheng looked up and saw the photo on the wall, and asked, "Zhang Bei, what is your attitude towards Jianci?"

"Different?" Shang Jie seemed a little surprised why Su Luoheng would mention this person, his eyes widened with questions. Then he noticed where his line of sight was, and as he looked over, he saw a large poster with Jian Ci holding the guitar stuck in a conspicuous position.

"Oh." Shang Jie seemed to have thought of something: "Zhang Beiting admires this person."

The position of Jianci among the folk singers is considered to be the best, and it can be well-known within two or three years. It also drove the influence of folk songs. From various angles, the words are a person worthy of the respect of all folk singers.

"Is it just worship? Will Zhang Bei have a competitive mentality for him, because he came to Hong Kong to hold a concert and increased the pressure?" Su Luoheng asked.

Shang Jie once again showed his incomprehension of Su Luoheng's questioning.

"Zhang Bei, he is actually a very bored person, he likes to compete with himself, but does he have any problems with the words... Competitiveness, I really haven't heard him mention it."

Shang Jie said very tactfully, but in his opinion, Zhang Bei is not a person with this kind of thinking, but he is embarrassed to say so decisively.

There is a discrepancy between Nanyin's view on this matter and what Nanyin said.

Shang Jie asked, "Comrade police, I would like to ask, where is Abei's remains?"

"Well, it's still in the forensic appraisal institution. But it will be returned to his relatives soon." Su Luoheng replied.

In fact, Zhang Bei has no relatives in the world. Both his parents are dead. The only person close to him is probably the Nanyin monk Shangjie. Therefore, Zhang Bei's body will probably be handed over to the two of them.

Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo had no questions to ask him again, and Shang Jie planned to leave, deal with the things that Zhang Bei did not finish before his death, and deal with the aftermath.

With a heavy heart, Shang Jie was about to leave, but stopped when he passed the trash can at the door.

He pointed to a lunch box in the small trash can and asked: "This box of lunch is for police.

Did you throw it away, Comrade Cha? "

In order to ensure the integrity of the crime scene, they generally do not throw rubbish into the victim's home at will.

"No, what's the matter?" Su Luoheng sensed Shang Jie's surprise sensitively.

Shang Jie pointed to the unfinished mango box lunch, and said: "Abei never eats mangoes. He has mild allergies when he eats mangoes. Nanyin has always hated mangoes, and it is impossible for her to eat them. Who left the box lunch?"

After listening to Shang Jie's words, Su Luoheng stood up from his chair "swishly".

Apart from Zhang Bei and Nan Yin, a third person appeared in this family yesterday

The box lunch in the trash basket looks like yesterday's undoubtedly. If Zhang Bei is going to have dinner with Nanyin, this can only be lunch, which is a short time before Zhang Bei’s suicide. Then who is the third person who appeared in Zhang Bei’s house? Will it be the key clue to the whole thing

Su Luoheng greeted Xichang and said, "Check, this box lunch is sold there, and by the way, send a copy of the residual material to the appraisal center."

"Yes." Xichang started immediately.

Asking Shang Jie to come over indeed provided Su Luoheng with new clues.

July 28th, five thirty in the afternoon.

"Su SIR, the identification result is out."

Xichang walked into Su Luoheng's office with a heavy tone.

"what's the result?"

Putting the documents at hand aside, Su Luoheng took the appraisal report brought by Xichang.

"There are a lot of sleeping pills in the mango box lunch."

The sleeping pills in the mango box lunch must not have been put by Zhang Bei himself. Therefore, whoever owns this box lunch may be related to Zhang Bei's case.

Xichang paused for a while and said, "Su SIR, I found out that this box lunch was bought in a store two streets south of Zhangbei's home. Through surveillance video, the person who bought the box lunch was found out, who was... "

Su Luoheng looked up at him.

Su Luoheng said a name that surprised him.

"Yes, Nanyin."

"Nan Yin?" He was surprised.

Nanyin doesn't eat mangoes. Zhang Bei is allergic to mangoes. There are a lot of sleeping pills in the mango box lunch, and there are traces of sleeping pills in Zhang Bei's body.

Did Zhang Bei, who is allergic to mangoes, eat mangoes

What did he ask to do

Didn’t Nanyin know that Zhang Bei was allergic to mango

Nanyin clearly said yesterday that she had never met Zhang Bei, so why would she lie

It happened that Xia Ruo came in and asked, "Why, are there any new clues?"

Su Luoheng told Xia Ruo the appraisal result and his question.

Xia Ruo took the transcript of the question about Nanyin Monk Shang Jie from the left side of Su Luoheng's desk, and sat down on the swivel chair opposite him.

Looking and thinking, Xia Ruo formed a vague conjecture in her mind.

"Do you think Nanyin doesn't even know that Zhang Bei is allergic to mangoes."

"How come, they have been dating for five years." Xichang said.

"Because Nanyin doesn't like to eat mangoes, she will definitely not come into contact with mangoes, and Zhang Bei does not eat mangoes. She only thinks that Zhang Bei doesn't eat mangoes because of her reasons. In fact, she doesn't know that Zhang Bei can't eat mangoes either. ."

"Why does Zhang Bei want to eat a mango box lunch?"

Xia Ruo said: "Because it was the box lunch brought by Nanyin, Zhang Bei would not stop eating it."

"Huh?" Xichang didn't understand Xia Ruo's explanation.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)