
Chapter 54: Four major suspects


Su Luoheng understood it immediately.

Su Luoheng stood up from behind the table, walked outside, and said, "Bring Nanyin back first."


After half an hour.

Xichang said to Su Luoheng: "Nanyin could not be reached. The phone was turned off, and her unit also said that she did not go to work today."

Could it be that he ran away because he was afraid that his actions would be exposed

Su Luoheng made a decisive decision: "Go to her house."

Nanyin's home is three blocks away from Zhangbei's home. She lives alone. It is also a rented house.

Xia Ruo knocked on the door, but no one responded.

Xichang found the landlord of Nanyin's house and helped them open the door.

The room is quiet.

As soon as the door was opened, a faint smell of blood permeated.

Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng looked at each other, their gazes flickered, and they rushed into the room to look for Nan Yin's figure.

Not surprisingly, when she smelled the bloody smell, Xia Ruo guessed the situation in front of her.

Nan Yin lay quietly in the bathtub, folded her hands on her abdomen, and was also wearing the beige shirt and blue long skirt she wore when she first met her, but she was stained with blood in a fuzzy color.

There was a hideous wound on his wrist, the knife was placed on the glass table next to the bathtub, and there was still dried blood on the blade.

It looks very similar to Zhang Bei, except that there is no water in the bathtub, but it is dry.

The lacquered white bathtub and the red contrasted into a dazzling color. It was a striking and cruel color collision, but because of Nanyin's serenity, it unexpectedly showed a kind of tranquility and gentleness. This clean girl is so peaceful even in death.

Nan Yin lay in the bathtub, without a painful look, and even a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was asleep. Perhaps it was because of his pale complexion, not to mention the stunning and beautiful eyebrows, but there was also a bit of beauty that made people unable to look away.

Several people stood at the door blankly, watching the scene in front of them, as if time was still.

Xia Ruo reacted first, and took a breath, raised her hand to cover her mouth, suppressing the scream that was about to burst through her throat.

How could... how could this happen.

Su Luoheng frowned, stepped forward to check the surroundings, and came to the conclusion almost effortlessly: "Suicide."

Xia Ruo stabilized her emotions and checked Nanyin's cold and stiff body, and said: "It has been at least 15 hours since she died. It seems that she committed suicide when she came back yesterday."

"Suicide in fear of sin?" Seeing the scene before him, Xichang's first reaction was this.

It seems so.

But how did Nanyin guess that they would find out about her? And Nanyin committed suicide last night. She committed suicide in fear of sin, and it was a bit too early to decide.

Su Luoheng saw a letter on the washbasin counter and said, "Look, here is a letter."

Xia Ruo looked over.

The envelope in Su Luoheng's hand was not sealed, but simply folded. The envelope was blank and nothing was written. He opened the envelope and pulled out a thin sheet of paper from it.

"Did Nanyin leave it?" Xia Ruo asked.

After looking at the inscription, Su Luoheng nodded and said, "Yes."

Su Luoheng scanned the contents of the letter, and Xia Ruo asked him, "What did you write?"

He handed the letter to Xia Ruo: "Read it for yourself."

The tone is heavy.

Xia Ruo took the letter, and Xi often leaned in curiously.

Nanyin’s letter is very brief, saying: "My Bei is a gentle and kind person, my Bei sings very well, and my Bei doesn’t like to be alone. I can’t bear to let my Bei wander alone, I want to go Follow him. Dear friend, please bury us together. Sincerely, Nanyin."

Xichang stared at the lines of the letter and looked left and right, but couldn't see any way, and said, "What does this mean? Did she kill Zhang Bei? Look at this tone, it seems that it has nothing to do with her. ?"

Xia Ruo turned his head and glanced at Xichang, and couldn't smile. "If you think Nanyin is the murderer, will you say it in the suicide note?"

"But, since she has decided to commit suicide, why did she pretend to be Zhang Bei's suicide scene? How about killing Zhang Bei and committing suicide directly, why so much trouble?" Xichang said his thoughts.

Xichang's thinking is very reasonable. They couldn't really understand why Nanyin did this. But Xia Ruo felt faintly in her mind.

She felt that the quiet and indifferent girl was creating a scam for herself.

Pretend that Zhang Bei committed suicide, pretend that Zhang Bei will be waiting for her, pretend that she will continue to be with Zhang Bei after suicide. She had compiled herself into a beautiful fairy tale, and everything she did was not to blindfold Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo, but to deceive herself.

Her lies made Zhang Bei "suicide" and made herself think that she had a happy ending.

Of course, this is only Xia Ruo's guess. Without the slightest evidence, they might never know what Nanyin thinks.

Su Luoheng and the others had no direct evidence to prove whether Zhang Bei was killed by Nanyin. And now Nanyin also committed suicide. Everything is even more inconclusive.

"Nan Yin is dead, what shall we do?" Xichang asked.

"There is really no proof at this time." Su Luoheng was helpless.

They have very little information at hand. Zhang Bei had a lot of sleeping pills in his body. The cause of death was a wound on his wrist and excessive blood loss. The suspicious point is that Zhang Bei is allergic to mango rice. The mango rice was sent by Nanyin and contained a lot of sleeping pills. Although Nanyin claimed that he had never been to Zhang Bei's house, it was obviously a lie. As for the key, it may also be a lie. She just put the key back later.

However, none of the above can prove that Zhang Bei was indeed killed by Nanyin.

Xia Ruo remained silent.

Su Luoheng looked at her expressionlessly, as if in a daze, and asked, "Xiao Ruo, what are you thinking?"

Xia Ruo looked up, looked at Su Luoheng, and said, "Su Luoheng, can we stop investigating this case?"

Su Luoheng was taken aback.

Xia Ruo's expression was serious, even with a trace of pleading.

"We, don't check it anymore."

Su Luoheng didn't understand what Xia Ruo meant.

"Xiao Ruo, what do you mean?"

Xia Ruo felt uncomfortable looking at Nanyin's peaceful look as if she was sleeping. She said: "Nan Yin committed suicide, and Zhang Bei committed suicide. Let's just do it, let's not investigate."

Su Luoheng was a little unbelievable: "Xiao Ruo..."

Xia Ruo interrupted him: "Even if we are obsessed with Zhang Bei's murder, we can't find any direct evidence. In that case,

Just take it as we see it. "

Just as they saw it. Zhang Bei committed suicide because of too much pressure. Nanyin went with Zhang Bei because he loved Zhang Bei. It also seems to be a happy ending.

Su Luoheng looked at Xia Ruo with a cold face, Xia Ruo looked directly at her, and the pleading in his eyes made him helpless.

To be honest, he owed Xia Ruo, and if he asked him to do everything this summer, he couldn't refuse.

Moreover, as Xia Ruo said, they couldn't find out anything after investigation, and the final result might be that Zhang Bei committed suicide to close the case.

Su Luoheng closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said to Xichang, "Call someone over." Then he turned and walked outside the door.

Xia Ruo understood Su Luoheng, and his attitude was equivalent to acquiescing to Xia Ruo's proposal.

Xichang was a little stunned, unbelievable: "Boss... what does he mean?"

Xia Ruo patted Xichang on the shoulder and said, "Do as Su Luoheng said."

After finishing speaking, she ran out following Su Luoheng's footsteps.

Su Luoheng was sitting in the car with a window open, and a long smoke at his fingertips was shining with flames. His face turned another time, Xia Ruo couldn't see his current expression.

Xia Ruo walked over and leaned over and knocked on Su Luoheng's car window. He glanced at Xia Ruo and rolled down the car window.

Xia Ruo didn't talk to Su Luoheng through the car window, but directly opened the car door and sat in.

"Thank you." Xia Ruo said.

Su Luoheng was silent for a moment, sighed, and said, "Forget it, just like you said, even if we insist on investigating, there may be no results."

After hearing Su Luoheng's words, Xia Ruo blinked.

She understands Su Luoheng. He has always been a person who breaks the casserole and asks the end, even if it is facing a thing that can't get a clear result, he will stick to it. But now, Su Luoheng gave up to continue the investigation because of her request. Xia Ruo knew that this was closely related to her.

After a while, Su Luoheng suddenly turned his head and asked Xia Ruo: "What do you think of this matter?"

Xia Ruo didn't understand what Su Luoheng meant.

"I mean, in this case, what do you think is the truth?"

Xia Ruo leaned her back on the seat and said: "Nan Yin brought mango rice to Zhang Bei from outside in the morning. Zhang Bei ate mango rice containing a lot of sleeping pills. When he was asleep, Nan Yin came back from outside again and brought Zhang Bei. Bei killed and pretended to commit suicide. Then she put her key in Zhang Bei's bedroom, pretending that she didn't have the key. He came back at night, just to wait for the landlord as a witness."

Su Luoheng nodded, his guess was the same.

"What about Nanyin's suicide?"

"Nan Yin." Xia Ruo remembered the girl who was quiet even crying and said, "I guess, she might just want to give her own garden a dream."

Su Luoheng didn't understand, and asked her, "A dream come true?"

Xia Ruo smiled and said nothing.

Zhang Bei wants to leave her for Beijing, but Nanyin insists on staying in Hong Kong. In the end, Nanyin decided to keep Zhang Bei in his own way and let him stay by his side.

Su Luoheng looked at his watch, half past seven.

"Are you hungry? Take you to dinner?" Su Luoheng suggested.

"Good." Xia Ruo smiled.

At this time, the two people respectively received text messages from Zhang Qi.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)