
Chapter 59: Transaction exposure


But since Su Luoheng had realized that the murderer should be a girl, why bother to find Tang Wei

Su Luoheng has always been strictly forbidden to do things, maybe he is only cautious.

Then Tang Wei is no longer suspicious, and Chen Yu is now the only suspect. However, according to the teachers' information, Chen Yu only had a slight relationship with the third victim, and had no contact with Gu Si and Xiang Xiang.

Furthermore, according to their speculation, it is the students who are psychologically dissatisfied with the students with excellent grades, and the grades of Chen Yu are above the average, and they are the class that has the least conflict with them.

It seems that there is still too little information at hand.

Xia Ruo stared at the scene photo of Gusi's murder in a daze. Suddenly, she saw a little green thing in a corner of the photo. She looked closer, as if it were a bead.

Xia Ruo called Su Luoheng over, pointed to the tiny green bead and said, "Su Luoheng, what do you think this is?"

Su Luoheng looked in the direction Xia Ruo pointed, and there was a green object under an equipment rack about one meter to the left of Gu Si's body, like a round bead.

This kind of bead is definitely not something that the sports equipment originally has, it can only be dropped there by someone.

Su Luoheng immediately called the police officer who undertook the case.

He asked them if they had noticed the bead at the scene. When the other party said no, Su Luoheng became anxious and said, "How did you handle the case! Are you so careless? What if this is the murderer's thing! "

Su Luo hung up the phone angrily.

He and Xia Ruo went to the equipment room together and found that the green bead had disappeared. After all, more than a month has passed.

Although this bead looks small and is not easy to attract attention, it is probably a physical evidence left by the murderer on the scene. Although it is also possible that a student accidentally dropped it, as long as there is a little possibility, it cannot be let go.

Su Luoheng rubbed his eyebrows. It was possible that the police officers who handled the case at that time made them miss important information.

Xia Ruo looked at the bead carefully and said, "I feel that this bead looks like jewelry."

Su Luoheng said: "Send the photos to Xichang and the others, and let Xichang zoom in on the beads."

Xichang and Zhang Qi didn't come with them today because they were dealing with another case, but they should arrive tomorrow.

"Bell... Bell..." The bell rang after class, and the school suddenly became lively. Students in school uniforms rushed out of the classroom and rushed to the school gate.

It's time for school.

It seems that there is no time to find out about the situation with the students.

Xia Ruo thought for a while and suggested to Su Luoheng: "Should I go to the home of the victimized student and ask their parents about the situation?"


Xia Ruo called Xiangxiang's house in advance, and after making sure that her family had time, they rushed over with Su Luoheng.

Xiangxiang's family lives in a very ordinary community.

Her parents learned that Su Luoheng and the others were coming, prepared tea in advance, and when Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo arrived, they made tea for them.

Xiangxiang's family lived in a very ordinary house with two bedrooms and one living room. Parents are very polite people, and you can imagine that children educated by such parents must be very educated.

Raised good child.

Xia Ruo couldn't help feeling a pity.

In the living room of Xiangxiang's home, there is a section dedicated to the various awards of Xiangxiang from elementary school to high school, and almost half of the wall is plastered. From these awards, you can also see what a good girl Xiangxiang is.

It has been more than two months since Xiangxiang's accident, and his parents seem to be in a relatively stable mood.

"Police officer, what do you want to know, just ask." Xiangxiang's father said.

"Does Xiangxiang have anything to do with her classmates?" Xia Ruo asked.

Her father shook his head and said, "Xiangxiang has a carefree temper. I have never heard of a classmate with whom she has a bad relationship."

It is the same as the teacher's rhetoric.

"Before Xiangxiang's accident, did anything unusual happen?"

This is the focus of their question this time. Xiangxiang’s head teacher mentioned earlier that Xiangxiang often felt nervous when she encountered the board falling before the accident.

Su Luoheng felt that this incense accident must be related.

Xiangxiang's father thought for a while and said, "Something more unusual? It seems to be... She was always a little suspicious in those few days."

With that said, Xiangxiang's father glanced at her mother and asked her for confirmation. Xiangxiang's mother nodded and said, "That's true."

"Then do you know why?"

Her father frowned and said, "It seems that she told us during dinner that she has always had bad luck recently. Ah, yes, two or three days before the accident, Xiangxiang's arm was still covered. The falling board from the old building was hurt."

"What a bad thing? Did she specifically say anything bad happened?"

Xiangxiang's father shook his head and said, "She didn't say anything specifically about this."

"Then that board, do you know where it fell from?"

"When Xiangxiang came back, she was already injured. We took her directly to the hospital. We only heard her tell us that she was smashed by a board. We don't know where it was."

Su Luoheng nodded, thinking these can only go to school tomorrow to ask her classmates.

Speaking of this, the mother who wanted to start suddenly said, "I blame me, she has to take some mathematics improvement class. Xiangxiang's mathematics has already been learned so well... If it weren't for that class, it wouldn't be so late. Just go home, maybe... I won’t be killed..."

Speaking of sadness, Xiangxiang’s mother was full of regrets, and she cried out with her chest. Xiangxiang’s father embraced his wife and comforted her with distress, saying, “It’s not your fault, and we won’t think about it. , Xiangxiang will have an accident."

Xiangxiang's father also had red eyes.

Xia Ruo felt uncomfortable seeing this scene and couldn't bear to watch it any more.

Su Luoheng wondered: "The day Xiangxiang had an accident, was it on the way back from the improvement class?"

"Yes." Xiangxiang's father said: "The improvement class is usually arranged after school, and it is near the school. Several students from their school have gone, so we also signed up for Xiangxiang."

Su Luoheng Club: "Can you provide us with the contact information of that tutoring class?"

"Oh, of course." Xiangxiang's father found out the tutor's mobile phone number from his mobile phone, read it to Su Luoheng, and he recorded it on his mobile phone.

Can’t bear to stay at Xiangxiang’s house again, Su

Luo Heng and Xia Ruo bid farewell to Xiangxiang's parents and promised them that they would catch the murderer of Xiangxiang as soon as possible.

After leaving Xiangxiang's house, Su Luoheng called the teacher of the improvement class.

Is a female teacher.

Su Luoheng asked the teacher of the improvement class directly on the phone.

According to the teacher of this improvement class, the day of Xiangxiang’s accident was indeed the day when she was in the improvement class. There was nothing different about her that day, because Xiangxiang was very good at math and she was always the fastest Solve the answer to the problem.

What impressed the teacher was that for a math problem she asked that day, Xiangxiang not only solved the problem quickly, but also used three methods. As a teacher, she felt that a smart girl like Xiangxiang was very rare. . But I didn't expect that something happened to Xiangxiang that day.

Su Luoheng asked the teacher about the list of students who He Xiangxiang was with in their improvement class. There are only three students, two girls and one boy. According to Su Luoheng's previous judgment, the murderer was a girl, so they focused their attention on the two girls.

Of the two girls, one is called Wanru and the other is Xiao Tian. According to the teacher of the improvement class, the relationship between the two girls is very good. Xiao Tian's mathematics is already very good, and it seems that he came to improve their class just to accompany him. Always come together and walk together.

Su Luoheng had a little impression of this like name. In the list of outstanding students provided to him by President Pu, it seems to be among the best, basically in the top five.

According to the law of murderers, the top students are very dangerous, so Su Luoheng will be more impressed by the names of these students.

Originally, Principal Pu had booked a hotel for Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo, which was near the school. It was a good hotel, but Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo declined. To use Su Luoheng's argument, they came out to handle the case on official business, and they should naturally pay for the reimbursement. When they went to the hotel booked by Principal Pu, it would be easy for people to lose their tongues.

In this regard, if there is a very strange guess, it is that Su Luoheng wants to stay at the thicker Ade Hotel.

Sure enough, Su Luoheng parked the car at the door of the more luxurious hotel that Principal Bipu had booked for them.

Xia Ruo rolled her eyes mentally, thinking that this could really be reimbursed at public expense, so he was willing to spend so much money in a room with thousands of people a night.

The two set up two single rooms respectively, next to each other.

A person walking by the front desk took a copy outside in his hand, a scent wafted over, and Xia Ruo's stomach screamed twice.

Both people were stunned.

Su Luoheng patted his forehead annoyedly, and said, "Oh, why did I forget that I haven't eaten yet, let's go, let's eat something first."

The two went straight to Xiangxiang's home after they came out of school, and then they called the teacher in the improvement class in the car, and they kept spinning like a top until now.

Xia Ruo was a little embarrassed, but she never wronged her stomach, so she agreed to Su Luoheng’s invitation kindly, and asked the front desk staff if there is any restaurant near the front desk that is suitable for supper, and the two of them went to eat together. I came back only after I was full of wine and rice.

August 2nd, Tuesday.

Wake up early this morning, Su Luoheng went to a nearby place to buy steamed buns and soy milk for Xia Ruo, estimated the time she would wake up, and delivered it to the door.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)