
Chapter 63: Examination and death


Every month, there will be a school-wide ranking exam, and the ones who are killed each time are the top performers in the school. Will there be any connection between the two

Xichang brought in the takeaway and greeted the other three people with a smile on his face and said, "Come on for takeaway."

Xichang, who was immersed in the desire to enjoy food, never expected that Su Luoheng would say to him in the next second: "Xichang, don't eat it yet."

"Huh?" Xichang was completely stunned, refusing to hear Su Luoheng's words in his heart.

But Su Luoheng didn't have the time to feel Xichang's current feelings. He unceremoniously said to Xichang: "You go to the principal and ask for the test report of the most recent monthly exam."

Xichang wrinkled his face and said in mourning, "Okay..."

When the boss spoke, he could only obey. Put the takeaway box on the table, and then left the office silently, with tears of grievances.

Xia Ruo and Zhang Qi looked at the scene amusedly.

Several people didn't care about Xichang, but after he left, they unceremoniously opened the takeaway box, and several people ate. When Xichang ran in panting, only three people, Xia Ruo, Zhang Qi and Su Luoheng were seen; the old gods were sitting and talking while eating. Even seeing him come in as if he were a transparent person.

Xichang feels wronged even more. It's sad to pass the transcript to Suro Crocodile.

Su Luoheng put the lunch box aside and took the transcript from Xichang.

Xia Ruo also put down the lunch box and walked over.

Su Luoheng found the last three chapters and opened them on the table. The first one was at the end of May. Xiangxiang ranked first in the exam results. The time is almost the same as when all sorts of inexplicable "unlucky things" began to appear. The second one is at the end of June, the first is Gu Si, and he was killed shortly after. The third one is the exam at the end of July, and the first place is Yu Qing, but within two days, Yu was killed.

Obviously, the murderer will want to kill the student who scored first after each exam.

Xia Ruo pointed out to Su Luoheng: "Su Luoheng, you see, Wanru and Xiao Tian's results have always been among the best, especially Wanru, in the latest exam, has reached the third place."

Su Luoheng turned his head and looked at Xia Ruo: "You mean..."

"Yes." Xia Ruo nodded.

If the murderer were Wanru and Xiao Tian, their motivation might be to advance their results.

But judging from the transcript, Wan Ru's suspicion is greater than Xiao Tian.

Su Luoheng said, "Tomorrow, I will call Wanru and Xiao Tian to ask them."

Xia Ruo nodded: "Yeah."

In the end, Xichang silently finished the takeout. He really felt that it was hard work to eat the bowl of rice in his hands, so it tasted especially sad and delicious.

Su Luoheng looked at his watch: "Well, it's already seven o'clock in the evening."

But the sky was still bright outside.

"Everyone has worked hard today, so let's call it a day. We will continue tomorrow."

Because Xia Ruo didn't like to live with others, Su Luoheng opened a room for Zhang Qi and Xichang each, in the hotel where they stayed yesterday.

Xichang looked at the luxurious tavern, gave Su Luoheng a thumbs up, and said with emotion: "Su SIR, you are a big man!"

Xia Ruo ruthlessly pierced his fantasy dream and said: "You Su SIR are going to go back for reimbursement."

The expression on Xichang's face appeared

The moment of twitching, I felt that Su SIR's image collapsed in front of him, and dust fell to the ground.

Su Luoheng glanced at him with a smile, and said, "Why, are you not satisfied? Are you planning to go out and find a place to live by yourself? I won't stop you back."

"No, no," Xichang hurriedly waved his hand and said, "I think this hotel is really great. Thank you Su SIR for giving me the opportunity to stay in such a good hotel."

Zhang Qi laughed.

It's half past eight in the evening.

Si Peilan walked into a high-end hotel in W place.

Peng Yuhang had already sent her the room number long ago, and Si Peilan looked for the place where Peng Yuhang was with a clear goal, attracting people in the hotel one after another.

"I'm here." Si Peilan stood outside the door and texted Peng Yuhang.

But in a moment, the door in front of him was opened.

"What are you looking for me in such a hurry? Is there anything that can't be solved after I go back?" Si Peilan was very dissatisfied with Peng Yuhang's act of calling him out to meet.

"Let me show you a medicine." Peng Yuhang took out a bag of things from his bag and handed it to Si Peilan: "I just received it yesterday, and the other party is urging us to reply as soon as possible."

In fact, Peng Yuhang is not selfish, he also wants to take this opportunity to meet Si Peilan.

Si Peilan reached out and took the medicine, took it out, looked at it, frowning and said to Peng Yuhang: "It's okay to just look at the appearance, but now there is no instrument, I can't check out anything." It seems to be complaining about Peng. Yuhang didn't do it with heart.

Peng Yuhang took out a few documents from his bag and handed them to Si Peilan, saying, "I just forgot. This is the identification of the ingredients of this medicine."

Si Peilan just calmed down his dissatisfaction and carefully looked at the documents in hand.

Then asked Peng Yuhang: "How much can the other party give and when can the delivery be made?"

Peng Yuhang said a number.

Si Peilan thought for a while and said, "Yes, just follow this transaction."

"Good." Peng Yuhang took back the medicine and documents.

He hesitated and asked, "Would you like to rest here tonight?"

Si Peilan raised her eyes and glanced at him, and said, "It won't work today. Let's go back."

Peng Yuheng has some regrets. Seeing that there was nothing wrong, Si Peilan said goodbye to Peng Yuhang, ignoring Peng Yuhang's retention.

On the way back to the hotel, Si Peilan saw a coffee shop that was well decorated, so she suddenly became interested in taking a seat and ordered a cup of coffee.

Su Luoheng felt a little hungry in the middle of the night. He wanted to buy something to eat. When he passed the coffee shop, he saw a familiar figure.

He stopped in his footsteps and looked at it carefully. It was Si Peilan who was undoubtedly the same.

Since Su Luoheng and the others smashed the drug deal in Yanxingshe, the two have not seen each other again. The Yanxing Society has always been a stalk of Su Luoheng's psychology. He dislikes everyone in the Yanxing Society, but he is unexpectedly attracted to Si Peilan.

After hesitating for a moment, Su Luoheng walked into the coffee shop and sat across from Si Peilan.

"Long time no see." Su Luoheng greeted her.

Si Peilan obviously did not expect to meet Su Luoheng here, and was a little surprised.

"Long time no see," she replied.

It was like an ordinary old friend who had been reunited for a long time saying hello, it seemed that the drug transaction had never happened, and it seemed that it was not Su Luoheng who shot and wounded Si Peilan at that time. The two people tacitly avoided talking about it.

"I didn't expect to meet you here." Su Luoheng said, "Are you here to travel


Si Peilan curled her lips and smiled provocatively, "Come on."

Su Luoheng squinted his eyes slightly, do something? Could it be that Yanxing Society also has any activities in W city

Seeing Su Luoheng's reaction, Si Peilan let out a mocking smile. Su Luoheng immediately realized that he had been tricked by Si Peilan, but he was not angry either.

Si Peilan asked: "Susu SIR, why are you here?"

Su Luoheng smiled and replied: "Come and do something."

Si Peilan was taken aback.

Su Luoheng answered her with her words.

It's really interesting.

Si Peilan smiled.

August 3rd, Wednesday.

The teachers at the school heard that Su Luoheng suspected that Xiao Tianhe was a little surprised.

In their impression, these two girls are both cheerful and diligent in learning new songs.

According to Teacher Zhang, Xiao Tian is good at math, just as good at Chinese. The two complement each other and often read and study together. Xiao Tian is a pure-minded girl who is very tolerant of everything, but she seems to be relatively mature, competitive, and always study quietly. The academic records of these two students are excellent.

Su Luoheng told Teacher Zhang that she asked her to let Xiao Tian go to the lounge to find them during the second class. However, before the first class started, Su Luoheng suddenly got the above news, saying that he had something to deal with because it was near W ground.

Su Luoheng ordered the matter to Xia Ruo, and went to handle the matter by himself.

Early in the morning, Xia Ruo sent Xichang and Zhang Qi to Gusi's house to ask their parents something to see if they could get any useful information, so now she was the only one left in the lounge.

She spread out the case materials on the table, looked at the photos of the scene with her cheeks, and thought.

Several people died by piercing their throats with a round-headed weapon. Among them, Gu Si was hit in the back of the head with a dumbbell from behind, and Xiang Xiang passed by the god of death many times before the accident.

Before Xiang Xiang was pierced with a sharp weapon in her throat, the murderer tried many ways to kill her. But after that, no matter whether it was old or soft, it seemed that the murderer had chosen the same weapon without any suspense.

This is particularly evident in Gu Si's body. Because after smashing Gusi with dumbbells, the murderer can use any heavy or sharp equipment in the sports equipment room to kill Gusi, but she insisted on choosing the same weapon that killed Xiangxiang. What does this mean

Xia Ruo would not bite the fingers of her right hand when she was thinking, her teeth were gently rubbing the nails of her thumb, while guessing the murderer's thoughts.

In the beginning, the murderer used many methods to kill Xiangxiang, but she might have discovered that this method was not easy to use. In the last time, she managed to kill Xiangxiang with a murder weapon. Later, I thought that only this kind of weapon could kill the victim, so I used this kind of weapon persistently one after another

Xiangxiang's autopsy report mentioned that Xiangxiang had signs of arguing with others, and her coat and schoolbag were gone. This shows that the murderer's fingerprints were stained on the coat and schoolbag.

However, the murderer did not act similarly in the next two cases, indicating that she had gained the experience of committing the first crime and was prepared in advance. But does this also prove that Xiangxiang was killed by the murderer at the time? After all, the several murder attempts before the last one were careful every time.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)