
Chapter 65: A hairpin


Suddenly, something on a student's desk attracted narrow attention. It was a hairpin.

Why bring a hairpin

Xia Ruo picked up the hairpin. It was made of plastic, but it looked good. The main body was a straight rectangle with a bunch of green flowers at the end. However, this kind of hairpin is usually not brought out, why is it placed here

Xia Ruo was looking at the hairpin in a trance, and suddenly a girl's voice came from the door: "Who are you!"

Xia Ruo was taken aback, turned around, and saw a tall girl with a tall ponytail. Looking at Xia Ruo angrily.

The girl walked quickly to Xia Ruo, grabbed the hairpin in Xia Ruo's hand, and said, "Even if you are a policeman, you can't just move other people's things!"

Faced with the girl's unceremonious accusation, Xia Ruo was a little embarrassed. After all, he broke in without saying hello, and it was really wrong to move others without permission. It was just a moment of curiosity, but I didn't pay attention.

"Sorry." Xia Ruo said, "I just think it looks good..."

Xia Ruo was a little embarrassed.

However, the girl didn't seem to plan to take care of it. She bypassed Xia Ruo and sat in her seat and said, "If you have nothing else, can you be quiet? I want to rest."

Before Xia Ruo could answer, the girl was already lying on the desk and buried her head in her arms.

Xia Ruo felt helpless, thinking that the children nowadays are really more individual than each other. Eyes scanned the book on the girl’s desk, and her name was written on it: "Wanru".

It turned out that this girl is just like that. Didn’t the teacher say it seems to be relatively silent? How do you feel so aggressive when you talk to her

Anyway, I would meet again in the afternoon, Xia Ruo turned and left the classroom, gently closing the door of the second class classroom.

After Xia Ruo left, she looked up at the door as if she lifted her head from the crossed arms. Holding the hairpin tightly in his hand, there was no expression.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, Su Luoheng came back.

"What are you looking for in such a hurry?"

"It's not a big deal." Su Luoheng didn't intend to elaborate on this matter, but instead asked Xia Ruo: "Did you have any gains this morning?"

"Zhang Qi and the others ran for nothing. Gu Si and his parents both met in an emergency and left temporarily." Xia Ruo first talked about Zhang Qi's morning situation, and then mentioned his own harvest in the morning: "This morning I talked to the teachers for a few words, and their impressions of Xiao Tianhe Wanru were pretty good, and they didn't think it was going to kill people."

Su Luoheng sneered and said, "How many murderers look like murderers?"

Often the more innocent a person is, the more unfathomable scheming.

"I also met Xiao Tian, feeling that this girl seemed to want to hide something."

Xia Ruojiang talked to Su Luoheng about the content of her conversation with Xiao Tian and her performance. Su Luoheng thought for a while and said, "Well, this girl is indeed suspect."

In addition, Xia Ruo also shared some of her thoughts on the case this morning to Su Luoheng. I thought that Su Luoheng would praise her, but Su Luoheng smiled and said, "I guessed these after I heard that Xiangxiang was killed in so many accidents."

Xia Ruo couldn't help feeling a little frustrated, and complained at the same time: "Then why don't you tell me?"

Su Luoheng admitted his mistake: "Too busy, for a while

I just forgot. "

Although Su Luoheng was telling the truth, Xia Ruo was still very dissatisfied, and she even happily said this to Su Luoheng.

Feeling Xia Ruo's dissatisfaction, Su Luoheng hurriedly apologized: "I was wrong, OK? Next time I have any thoughts, I will tell you immediately."

Looks like he is messing with an awkward girlfriend.

Xia Ruo blushed, glared at him, and said, "No, you are Su SIR. You don't need to tell me anything."

Su Luoheng wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Xia Ruo: "When the second class is in a while, let's come here. Let's meet this little girl together."

It was as if he came to the place the teacher told him to come, and the door was half open.

"Knock, knock." She knocked on the door politely.

Su Luoheng, who was sitting at his desk looking at the documents, looked up, saw the doorway, and said, "Please come in."

As if walking in, and seeing Xia Ruo sitting on the side, he was not surprised at all. Obviously, she had already guessed the identity of Xia Ruo.

"Hello classmate, are you like it?" Su Luoheng asked.

"Yes." The answer seemed to be very calm, not wanting the indifference shown by Yu Yu, nor the positiveness shown by Mimi.

"We want to get some information from you."

"Teacher Zhang told me everything. If you want to ask, please hurry up." It seemed like Su Luoheng and the others were wasting her time now.

"The day Xiangxiang was killed, where did you go after you left the math improvement class?"

"Vegetable market, West Market." As if the answer was simple and neat, it seemed that there was no need to think about it.

"How about the day Gu Si was killed?"

"When was the day Gu Si was killed? I don't remember." As if saying, afraid that Su Luoheng could not understand, he said, "Is it busy lately? We have a lot of courses in the third year of high school, so I don't have time to remember these things."

Although the tone seems to be peaceful, the words are always thorny.

Su Luoheng stopped questioning Gusi's affairs, but asked, "Where were you and what did you do on the night when you were gently murdered?"

"Last week?" As if asked, as if this incident had become a trivial memory.

"Last Wednesday." Su Luoheng reminded her.

Then she showed a thoughtful look, and then said: "Last Wednesday night, I have been doing homework and reading at home."

"Did you know the gentleman before?"

She shook her head and said, "I don't know. But because I'm on the same floor, I can often see it."

"Where is Gusi? Are you familiar with him?"

"It's not familiar, but there is still some contact. After all, he..." It was as if he was hesitant to speak.

Su Luoheng knew what seemed to be the reason for hesitation, and said: "We already know that Gu Si likes Xiao Tian."

As if surprised, but then he calmed down and said, "Ah, Gu Sheng said it."

Su Luoheng was amused. These one or two children are actually quite smart.

"Yeah." Su Luoheng admitted without evasiveness, and then asked the same question as before: "So, how is your relationship with Gu Si?"

He glanced at Su Luoheng as if he heard something strange, and said: "He likes my best friend, the police brother, you ask me, how is my relationship with him a bit weird? After all, I am too No plan to dig the foot of the wall."

Su Luoheng was embarrassed for a while. Xia Ruo snickered from the sidelines.

This little girl is also interesting...

"I mean, did you have any relationship with Gusi

Affection? "

"Normally. Except for ordinary classmate relationships, there is basically no communication."

"Didn't Gu Si like Xiao Tian? Would he find you because of Xiao Tian?"

As if impatient with Su Luoheng's questions, she said: "As a senior high school student, I am not so leisurely and care about his affairs. Besides, Xiao Tian doesn't like him at all. I don't need to waste time. On him."


For some reason, Su Luoheng felt a little dizzy. He seems to be out of touch with the thinking of the children of this age, and he has no idea what they are thinking.

Su Luoheng was silent for a long time.

Xia Ruo put aside her smile, and asked as if she were: "Why did you bring the hairpin to school with you?"

It seemed to turn to look at Xia Ruo.

It seems that Xia Ruo is still a little dissatisfied with what Xia Ruo touched her, and the look in her eyes is not very friendly. But she still patiently explained to Xia Ruo: "The hairpin was given to me by Xiao Tian. We are two of us, one for each of us. We will feel very at ease with that hairpin."

Su Luoheng thought to himself, it's just a hairpin, but what's so reassuring. But looking at Xia Ruo's expression, it seemed that he understood it completely, and for a short while, he felt that he had been out of the path of young people, no wonder those children called themselves "police uncle" one after another.

As if answering all the questions of Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo, he returned to the classroom to continue the class.

Su Luoheng asked Xia Ruo: "Xiao Ruo, why did you ask her about the hairpin?"

Xia Ruo told Su Luoheng what happened at noon. She tried to find something similar to a murder weapon that she could carry with her. When she saw the hairpin, she just felt a little strange. After all, a hairpin is not a daily object.

Su Luoheng said, "You said that the hairpin's body is a plastic rectangle?"

Xia Ruo nodded and said, "It's like a box, not the same as the murder weapon used by the murderer."

But if Xia Ruo is really just pure curiosity, she does always feel that something is wrong there, but she can't tell what's wrong.

In the afternoon, Zhang Qi and Xichang went to the home of Gusi and Qingming again, and asked Gusi and Qingming's parents Wen Lirong about some information, but they didn't get any substantive information.

According to Gusi’s parents, their family generally does not restrain their children from doing things they like. On the day of Gusi’s accident, they only thought that he was playing with friends outside, and then he stayed at a friend’s house when it was too late. This kind of thing has not happened before. However, because of Gusi's good grades, there is not much restriction on him as a parent.

As for Gentle, on the night of the accident, Gentle told her parents that she was going out to buy something to eat. They didn't think much about it. As a result, Gentle never came back. So his parents called the police and came to see it later. The corpse is lightly arrived. Gentle is usually a very well-behaved child, and her parents didn't expect Gentle to lie to them.

"These kids, none of them are worry-free." Su Luoheng said.

Today Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng met Xiao Tian and Wanru respectively, and their answers were actually quite vague. Either I went to the vegetable market, or I just don't remember. However, at least a month has passed since the incident, and they can't have any opinion on this kind of rhetoric. Although there is no way to prove that they must have appeared at the crime scene at that time, it at least proved that the two girls did not have an alibi.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)