
Chapter 66: An alibi


They have the motivation and time to commit the crime, and they are directly or indirectly related to the three victims. Only Xiao Tianhe is the same. So now, these two girls have become Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo's prime suspects.

What they lack now is direct evidence. There is no evidence that can directly prove that Wan Ru or Xiao Tian killed the three people. Now they can't get more information about the crime scene, only the murder weapon is their breakthrough.

Since three people in a row were killed by the same kind of murder weapon, the murderer would not discard it, and it must still be with him, either at home or with him.

"Su Luoheng, do we want to search Xiao Tianhe Wanru's house?" Xia Ruo asked.

Su Luoheng also hesitated. Without evidence, he rushed to search a student's house, which would not affect the student or his family.

Zhang Qi came up with an idea: "Otherwise, ask Teacher Zhang to go with him, just say it's a home visit?"

Xia Ruo felt that Zhang Qi's idea was not bad, so she said, "Then talk about home visits to the outside world. When we go with the search warrant, we will say it is a routine inspection. Because it has something to do with the deceased?"

Su Luoheng lowered his head to think.

Now that the case has reached a bottleneck, I am afraid that it will be difficult to make progress if we don't do something. Xia Ruo and Zhang Qi's proposal can take care of the face of students and parents, and can also take care of their police station.

Su Luoheng finally made a final decision: "Okay."

According to Su Luoheng's temperament, he usually does what he says, and never delays.

So Su Luoheng asked Zhang Qi to contact Teacher Zhang and acted tonight.

In order to save time, Xiao Tian's home where Teacher Li, Xia Ruo and Zhang Qi went, Teacher Zhang and Su Luoheng, and Xichang got a home. Although the parents of the two families expressed dissatisfaction, there are teachers, and the police are routine. They don't have much excuses and can only let them check.

There are many popular celebrity posters hung in Xiao Tian's bedroom, mostly pink, and the small bedroom is full of many things. When Xia Ruo and Zhang Qi were checking her room, Xiao Tian stood at the door and looked at them. She was still flustered and hesitant when she first met in the morning, not knowing what she was thinking.

Xia Ruo thought of the hairpin that Xiao Tian gave her, and turned to ask Xiao Tian, who was stiffly standing at the door: "It looks like there is a hairpin, it looks good, and you gave it to him."

I don’t know if it was shocked by Xia Ruo’s sudden question. Xiao Tian’s face changed suddenly, but she quickly calmed down and said, “Yes, I gave her a hairpin.”

"She said, do you have one too?"

Xiao Tian looked away and said, "Yes."

"Can you show it to me?"

Xiao Tian pursed her lips, and asked Xia Ruo: "It's just a hairpin, why are you so curious, officer?"

Xia Ruo was taken aback, and said, "I just think it looks good."

Xiao Tian said: "I can't find the hairpin. But I hope you don't tell Wanru, she will be unhappy."

Xiao Tian made this explanation.

It is not difficult to understand that something shared between girls is equivalent to a token of witnessing the friendship between the two sides. If one party loses it, he has turned his back on this friendship.

Could this be the reason why Xiao Tian was alert when Xia Ruo mentioned the hairpin

Su Luoheng and Xichang on the other side also arrived at home. Just like

The bedroom is very clean and simple. As soon as he stepped into his bedroom, the most intuitive feeling was that there were a lot of books. However, none of them are extracurricular books, they are all learning books, workbooks and the like. Su Luoheng saw this stack of books and couldn't help feeling that life as a senior high school student is really hard.

It is also because there are books in the same room, so it is easy to search, and everything except books will appear obtrusive and easy to notice. As for the hairpin Xia Ruo said, Su Luoheng also saw it in the like schoolbag.

Made of plastic, you are a green unknown flower at the end. It feels a little worn to the touch, as if it's broken.

When Su Luoheng and the others searched, they seemed to have been sitting quietly in the living room reading their books. Xichang said to Su Luoheng, "This little girl is really desperate."

Su Luoheng didn't pay attention to Xichang, but in his heart, Su Luoheng thought, the reason why this girl is so desperate is probably because of the good situation.

It seems that Wanru's home is a bit poor, and the furniture is a bit old.

In the end, Su Luoheng couldn't find anything in Wanru's home.

In the evening, a few people gathered in Su Luoheng's room in the hotel, and they exchanged their own progress in the evening.

"Still failed to find the key evidence." Xichang said regretfully.

Su Luoheng sat on the sofa, closed his eyes, pondered, and then said: "Otherwise, expand the search area and ask the police here for assistance. Each family asks if they saw anything when the accident happened."

Su Luoheng's proposal is basically the least optional plan, but if there is no progress in tomorrow's case, it is probably only a waste of energy and inefficient methods.

Thursday, August 4th.

At 7:15 in the morning.

This time has not yet reached the peak time for students to go to school. There are not many students in the school. Only a few students who arrived early are sitting in the classroom and reading quietly. The whole campus is quiet.

The calm was suddenly broken.

A girl ran out from behind the teaching building and shouted hoarsely: "Kill! Kill!"

The sharp screams came from the back of the hidden teaching building to the gate.

This morning is no longer peaceful.

While Su Luoheng and the others were eating breakfast, they received a call from Principal Pu and asked them to go to the school as soon as possible, saying that some students were seen by other students.

The four of Su Luoheng quickly put down the unfinished food in their hands, and got in the car and rushed all the way to the school. The hotel is very close to the school, and he ran all the way, from putting down the phone to arriving at the scene, it only took about ten minutes, and even the teachers and students had not left the scene.

The scene of the crime was in the open space behind the teaching building. Few people would have noticed it, and it was so dark.

I only saw Xiao Tian being controlled by two teachers and standing aside, as if being supported by the other two teachers, a cylindrical sharp object was pierced at the clavicle of the left shoulder, and bright red blood flowed down the shoulder.

"What's the matter?" Su Luoheng got out of the car and strode to the scene, seeing the scene before him.

Xia Ruo, who arrived at the same time, was also extremely surprised.

Xiao Tian was full of tears, biting her lower lip, her eyes still slamming like she was trying to tear her like a tear. She said viciously, "Unfortunately, I couldn't kill you!" Then she brought

He glanced at the people around him with deep hatred, including the teachers, including Xia Ruo, and said, "Why are you here to destroy my good deeds! I hate you!"

Xia Ruo was completely stunned.

At this time, Xiao Tian and the girl with double pony tails that I saw yesterday, although the tone of voice is not good, but the lively and agile girl seems to be two people.

Xia Ruo, who was holding her shoulders like a pen, was even more shocked. She looked at Xiao Tian incredulously, as if she saw something terrifying, her mouth was open, but she didn't know how to speak.

The picture at this time is very weird. The assassin is full of tears, but the victim is always in a daze. It seems that the person being assassinated is not himself, as if his soul is no longer in the body. Went the same.

"Have you called an ambulance?" Su Luoheng asked.

Principal Pu nodded, just as he was about to speak, the ambulance bell rang, and a female teacher accompanied him in the ambulance.

Wan Ru's eyes had never left Xiao Tian, and couldn't see what kind of feeling it was. Unbelievable, heart-wrenching, more forbearing, and other emotions seemed to merge together.

After Xiao Tian seemed to be led away by the teacher, she never looked at her again. She hung her head and stared at her toes, her voice choked and she couldn't help crying.

Su Luoheng looked at Xiao Tian and said to Xichang and the others: "Bring it back to the police station."

It was a girl who saw Xiao Tian assault, named Xiaoyan.

She said that she would come to school in advance every day, in the place where Xiao Tian committed the crime, because there were few people and it was quiet, even if she read aloud, she would not disturb others. Who knows, when I just walked there today, I saw Xiao Tian holding a silver object and stabbing it at Wanru, which looked like a stabbing. Then she was frightened and ran away while shouting "Mill!"

After Xiao Tian arrived at the police station, she became extremely quiet, staring straight at one place, in a daze.

Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo walked into the interrogation room.

Xiao Tian looked at Xia Ruo, and then at Su Luoheng. There was no emotion.

"Xiao Tian, are you trying to kill Wanru?" Su Luoheng asked very directly.

Xiao Tian blasted her eyes slightly and said, "Yes."

She looked at the edge of the table in front of Su Luoheng with a soft voice.

"Why are you killing her?"

"Because her grades are better than mine. I hate that her grades will always be better than mine." Xiao Tian was expressionless.

"Xiangxiang, Gu Si and Qing, were you killed by you?"


It seemed that Xiao Tian would not answer so happily, Su Luoheng paused.

"Then tell me in detail about the killing of the three of them."

"After the math improvement class was over, I followed Xiangxiang into a small alley and killed her while she didn't pay attention. As for Gusi." Mentioning Gusi, Xiao Tian sneered and said, "He has always liked it. I, but he probably didn’t know that I actually hated him to die. I asked him to pick up things for me in the sports equipment room that day, and then when he didn’t pay attention, he injured him with dumbbells and killed him with a silver needle. he."

Xiao Tian went on to say: "You can cheat with me. I just imitated Shang Yu's handwriting and wrote a note to her, and she went to the small forest at the back of the park on time. Gently delicate and delicate. Yes, it is too easy to kill her."

She raised her head and glanced at Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng, with a hint of sarcasm on their faces, and said, "That's it."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)