
Chapter 67: The mandarin duck of the dead soul


Xia Ruo had been sitting there and listening quietly. When Xiao Tian said these things again, her tone could not hide her disgust. Her appearance was not at all the same as the cute and lively girl described by her classmates and teachers.

Su Luoheng asked: "Why are you killing them?"

Xiao Tian looked at Su Luoheng with an idiot-like look, and said, "Of course it's because they got better than me in the exam? I hate these first, first, first!"

Xiao Tian repeated the three words "first place" repeatedly, strengthening her tone every time she said it, full of nausea and hatred.

"But, it seems that it's not the first place." Xia Ruo said suddenly.

Xiao Tian was not surprised by Xia Ruo’s question. She said: “Obviously, it seems that she will be the number one in the next exam. Moreover, she surrounds me every day, and she must be deliberately talking about topics other than studying or studying. I am mocking me, I am not as good as her! And that Xiangxiang, why is math better than me! I am going to kill them, killing them I will be the best!"

Xiao Tian weighed every word of her, her voice trembled interestingly, but her ferocious expression concealed sorrow.

After listening to Xiao Tian's words, Xia Ruo felt a little uncomfortable.

These children seem to have been oppressed by learning to give birth to a nightmare.

Xichang knocked on the door and walked in, holding a silver needle with a stabbing like a shoulder in his hand, and said to Su Luoheng's clubhouse: "Su SIR, after the identification, this silver needle matches the wounds of the previous victims."

This is undoubtedly a murder weapon.

Su Luoheng rubbed his eyebrows and asked, "Why did you choose to kill Wanru in the morning this time, but you chose to kill it at night three times before?"

"Actually, I made an appointment as if I had come to school earlier. I didn't expect her to be late. Otherwise, how could anyone see me if I wanted to kill her."

Su Luoheng's psychology gave birth to a trace of doubt.

Xiao Tian's answer was almost impeccable, and he could answer every question without thinking. It's just like…

He suddenly thought of the words Xia Ruo had used when communicating with Xiao Tian for the first time, and felt that the girl's answers to her every question seemed to be carefully thought out.

Now Xiao Tian's answer gave him this feeling.

The murder weapon Xiao Tian used was a silver needle. Said it is a needle, in fact, this thing is far less thin, about ten centimeters long, the widest part of the needle tail is about one centimeter in diameter, and the tip of the needle is very sharp. There are still bloodstains on it.

Xiao Tian confessed the crime. She killed all three people in a row. She was bumped into the last assailant. There were all personal and physical evidence, and the murderer herself confessed. It seems that the case is over.

When Xia Ruo left the interrogation room, she saw tears in Xiao Tian's eyes.

Zhang Qi has been guarding in the hospital.

The person opposite seemed to be sitting in a ill sex, always in a daze, no matter what others asked her, she would not speak a word. His eyes were hollow, and he sat on his knees. It seemed that Xiao Tian was hit hard by the matter of killing her.

When the doctor and teacher heard about this, they all sympathized with the child very much. Your best friend wants to kill himself, no one can bear it.

At lunch, neither Xia Ruo nor Su Luoheng spoke. Only Xichang has been talking about the unfathomable nature of the current high school students.

Xia Ruo shocked her too much because of Xiao Tian, she never thought of a little girl who would wear a double ponytail.

There is such a face unexpectedly.

And Su Luoheng's silence was because he always had doubts about Xiao Tian's confession. The seemingly well-founded homicide is actually uncommon in many places.

For example, Xiao Tian and Wan Ru live very close to their homes. Why don't you arrange her somewhere else but choose the school as the location of the murder? Obviously the previous three actions were related to the monthly test, but this time it was only a week apart, which was inconsistent with the murderer's theory of inertia.

If Xiao Tian is really lying, what is the reason for her lying

As if thinking of something suddenly, after the lunch break, Su Luoheng went to the interrogation room and called Xiao Tian over.

Xiao Tian was still looking at the edge of the table in front of Su Luoheng, half in a daze.

Su Luoheng asked, "Xiao Tian, why do you want to kill Xiangxiang?"

Su Luoheng had already asked her this question in the morning. Xiao Tian was a little confused, but still replied, "Because her grades are better than mine."

"When did you plan to kill her?"

"A month and a half ago."

Su Luoheng showed a slight smile.

He said, "Xiao Tian, who are you covering?"

Xiao Tian's parents got the news and rushed to the police station soon.

Both her parents asked to see Xiao Tian, but Xiao Tian refused.

Xia Ruo couldn't help them.

Xiao Tian's parents were sitting on their seats and crying, saying that their daughter could not be a murderer. This must be a misunderstanding.

Xia Ruo could only comfort two people on one side.

Xiao Tian's parents tried hard Xia Ruo said, their daughter is really good, very well-behaved, and it is impossible to be a murderer. While talking, he also took out his mobile phone to show Xia Ruo various photos of Xiao Tian, as if these photos could prove Xiao Tian's innocence.

"Police officer, you see, my daughter often participates in activities and she is very caring. She has participated in various animal associations and Hanfu associations..."

Xia Ruo took a comforting look at the photo of Xiao Tian’s mother’s mobile phone placed in front of her, but was stunned, her voice suddenly calmed down, and said to Xiao Tian’s mother: "Ms. Xiao, can you give this picture to her? May I take a closer look?"

Xiao Tian's mother was also stunned by Xia Ruo's sudden change in attitude, and said, "Okay, okay."

Xia Ruo zoomed in on the photo in the phone, stood up "嚯", and said to Xiao Tian's parents: "You wait for me here." Then she walked to the interrogation room. She knew that Su Luoheng was now with Xiao Tian. conversation.

Su Luoheng's confident words fell, and Xiao Tian raised her head in surprise and said, "I don't have one."

At this time, Xia Ruo pushed open the door of the interrogation room and spoke to Su Luoheng, but looked at Xiao Tian and said, "The murderer is not Xiao Tian."

Su Luoheng and Xiao Tian both looked at Xia Ruo. Xia Ruo put the phone in front of Su Luoheng and said, "The real murderer is like."

Suddenly, Xiao Tian's noodles were like ashes.

The photo on the phone is a photo of Xiao Tianhe and seemingly two people standing together in Hanfu.

Xia Ruo explained to Su Luoheng: "Look, it looks like this hairpin on your head."

What a clever person Su Luoheng is, Xia Ruo immediately noticed the clues of the picture.

Except for the appearance they saw, the hairpin on the head actually had a string of small hanging beads. The appearance of the small hanging beads was exactly the same as what they saw in the crime scene photos of Gusi.

Su Luoheng looked at the silver needle as a murder weapon on the table again, and remembered himself

The strange sensation felt when I held the hairpin like that I suddenly understood something.

Su Luoheng took out his cell phone and called Zhang Qi, who was still in the hospital.

Su Luoheng said to Zhang Qi: "You go back to school now and take out the hairpin that she put in the schoolbag from the schoolbag like that."

However, Zhang Qi interrupted Su Luoheng with a heavy tone: "Su SIR."

Su Luoheng heard that Zhang Qi's tone was wrong, and paused, waiting for Zhang Qi to speak.

It was as if sitting opposite Zhang Qi, fixedly looking at her.

Zhang Qi said to Su Luoheng on the other end of the phone: "Su SIR, as if to say, she was the one who killed the three students."

Su Luoheng also stunned, turned his head to look at Xiao Tian, and said to her: "Like, admit that he is the murderer."

Hearing Su Luoheng's words like this, Xiao Tian opened her eyes wide and burst into tears instantly.

The two phones were connected to the girl at both ends. At this moment, a kind of subtle pain spread to everyone's heart with Xiao Tian's cry.

In fact, when Xiao Tian went to the crime team lounge that day, she saw the green bead in the photos of Gu Si's murder scene.

The rose hairpin was given to Wanru by Xiao Tian. It was originally a small green pendant with a string, but it disappeared more than a month ago. As if to say, it was because she accidentally hooked to the side of the chair and tore the small beads. But when Xiao Tian saw the green beads in the photo, she was a little suspicious. And Zhang Qi, who came in suddenly, described the appearance of the murder weapon, and sat down to confirm Xiao Tian's psychological guess.

I was afraid that it was as if he accidentally damaged the beads while trying to kill Gu Si, and took off the entire string of beads in order to prevent others from noticing it.

Speaking of this hairpin, in fact, it has its own characteristics.

Although it looks plastic as a whole, it actually has a small mechanism that can remove the plastic part of the hairpin. Inside is a long silver needle. When Xiao Tian showed this "hidden weapon" to Wan Ru, he also joked: "In this case, you can also use it to test poison before eating in the future!"

But I didn't expect that, as if not using it to protect myself, but using it to kill others.

This is why Su Luoheng finds it strange. When he got to this hairpin before, he felt that the weight of a plastic hairpin was a little bit inexplicably heavy, which was very strange. When he saw a little spiral wear mark on the "Silver Needle Weapon" in Xiao Tian's hand, he boldly guessed that this silver needle was the body of the hairpin.

When Su Luoheng asked Xiao Tian when she thought about killing Xiangxiang, she said without hesitation that it was a month and a half ago. In fact, otherwise, the real murderer had started planning two months ago.

Therefore, Su Luoheng saw through Xiao Tian not the real murderer at a glance.

In fact, when he realized that it was the murderer who killed the three people, Xiao Tian had already made plans to protect the hairpin. Except for the different colors, the hairpins that were exactly the same were removed. Leave the silver needle part and hide it. When I went to search the room, I lied that she lost the hairpin.

It was also when he realized that Wan Ru might be the murderer, Xiao Tiancha looked back when the three students were killed, and seemed not to be with her. When Xiangxiang was killed, it was like telling her that her grandma had gone to her house, so she was going to the vegetable market to buy some vegetables. When Gusi was killed, it was as if she said that she was going home later, and some of her homework had not been finished.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)