
Chapter 69: A different story


Xia Ruo slowly opened her eyes, "No, you should send me back first."

"This..." Bai Zhenzhen was a little hesitant, and then she smiled hippiely and said, "Okay, it's up to you."

Bai Zhenzhen turned around, drove in the opposite direction, and said, "Are you regretting it?"

"What?" Xia Ruo didn't seem to hear clearly.

Bai Zhenzhen smiled slightly, "Are you regretting that you just rejected Su Luoheng?"

"How is it possible." Xia Ruo chuckled lightly.

Bai Zhenzhen didn't pierce her, and smiled to himself.

"What to do? What to do?" Su Luoheng struggled when he returned home. "What should I do to save Xia Ruo now? If I don't do anything else, Xia Ruo is afraid that another man will be snatched away." Su Luoheng lay down and couldn't fall asleep, thinking about Xia Ruo. The mood is mixed.

Su Luoheng roared like a devil in his heart: Xia Ruo, can we go back to the past? Can we be together again now? Xia Ruo, I really, really want to be with you forever!

"Xia Ruo, Xia Ruo..." Bai Zhenzhen called out a few times, and Xia Ruo woke up. Xia Ruo rubbed her hazy eyes, shook her head, got out of the car after Bai Zhenzhen helped her open the car door, and walked into the house dizzy. Only the handsome man standing next to a car under the street light in the dark night watching Xia Ruo go upstairs.

Bai Zhenzhen smiled at Xia Ruo's back, knowing that she saw her walking into the community and no one could be seen before Bai Zhenzhen drove away.

Su Luoheng couldn't fall asleep, his head was full of Xia Ruo, he wanted to go back with Xia Ruo, to return to that good time. He still loves Xia Ruo, no, she has always loved Xia Ruo.

"Xia Ruo, can you still go back in time?" Su Luoheng sat up and grunted, clutching his hair frantically, "What's wrong with me? Ah..."

I still love Xia Ruo, but what can I do to make Xia Ruo come back to me

Su Luoheng was so annoyed that he got out of bed and opened the refrigerator to take out a cold beer and sat in the kitchen alone to drink. When a person is in a bad mood, it is always easy to get drunk.

In a moment, Su Luoheng became a little unconscious.

He lay alone ** and muttered:

"Xia Ruo, we loved each other so much in the past, what about now? Don't you love me? I still love you!"

"Xia Ruo, I know that I was wrong before. Can you forgive me? Just this time, I promise I won't have trouble with you again, OK?"

"Xia Ruo, Xia Ruo..."

It would be great if you could go back in time. We are so in love, so romantic, so happy...

Suddenly, he recalled what the host had said in a variety show he had watched before: "Sometimes women need to be coaxed."

In an instant he suddenly started.

Yes! Sometimes women need to coax and deceive. I should create more opportunities for myself.

Su Luoheng was agitated by these, and the wine was half awake in an instant.

When he went to work the next day, Su Luoheng saw that Xia Ruo was busy in front of the computer, so he walked over to her and said, "There is a combination match, do you want to participate?"

Xia Ruo was already busy, but when she heard Su Luoheng's voice, she was shocked and continued to type on the keyboard, ignoring him. Seeing that Xia Ruo ignored him, Su Luoheng approached Xia Ruo again.

"Did you not hear me? Not interested in the game?!"

"Yes! I'm not interested, can you please stop bothering me, haven't you seen me busy?"

Su Luo

Heng stepped back to a chair and sat down. "I can hear it. You can't say it yourself. When you get there, don't come to me. Xia Ruo turned around and gave Su Luoheng a blank eye. He was not interested in the combination game, and even less interested in the game with Su Luoheng. .

In fact, the two of them had participated in similar competitions when they were still together.

At that time they were lovers, no matter what they did was sweet. Throughout the game, Su Luoheng's eyes never left Xia Ruo, and the final result was second. At the moment when he got the certificate, Xia Ruo suddenly threw himself into Su Luoheng's arms.

Nowadays, things are different, and Su Luoheng has broken up with Su Luoheng. It is inevitable to be embarrassed to participate in such activities with him. Besides, I still have work to do, so how can I waste time on it

Xia Ruo thought so mentally, but Su Luoheng didn't think so. He said quietly, "But I heard that Eason Chan's ticket will get the first place in the competition."

Su Luoheng got up to leave after speaking. He walked very slowly, and wanted to hear Xia Ruo's "Slowly!"

But when he walked to the door and had to step out with one foot, Xia Ruo still didn't respond. Su Luoheng felt incredible. He walked up to Xia Ruo to see what kind of work would make her give up her idol Eason Chan.

Su Luoheng unplugged the earphones from Xia Ruo's ears, "Can you respect me? Anyway, I am sincere to invite you."

Xia Ruo originally wanted to put on headphones to shield Su Luoheng from making trouble, but it turned out that it was useless. "What are you doing?" Xia Ruo said to Su Luoheng angrily.

Su Luoheng looked at Xia Ruo temptingly, "Don't you like Eason Chan very much?"

Xia Ruo was confused by Su Luoheng's words, "It's up to my idol, give me the headphones."

Su Luoheng only reacted because the earphones were too loud, and Xia Ruo didn't hear what he was talking about at all.

He put the earphones next to his ears and immediately removed them. The sound was so loud that he was surprised: "Do you want to become deaf?"

"You need to control." Xia Ruobai gave him a glance.

"It seems that you really don't want Eason Chan's concert tickets." Su Luoheng smirked at Xia Ruo.

Tickets for Eason Chan

Xia Ruo turned to look at Su Luoheng. Su Luoheng's smirk made her understand something. She asked, "The combination game is related to Eason Chan tickets, isn't it?"

Su Luoheng nodded, "Participate?"

Xia Ruo thought for a while and said "Okay."

Before the game, Xia Ruo was more nervous than he thought.

The team that chose Su Luoheng must obey his command. Before the game, Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo had a short rehearsal. This competition is a test of teamwork. This is not a problem for Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo. The second place last time was because they underestimated the enemy.

The preliminary round is a live cs game in a forest. The requirement is that two people in the team must be "alive" and cannot be beaten by others. The time was two hours, and the two who knew the rules of the game looked at each other and smiled. Does such a simple game still compare? They must be the first.

The facts were also as expected by the two people. Within half an hour, Su Luoheng resolved the two pairs of members by himself. Later, as long as he saw Xia Ruo or Su Luoheng, he walked around.

The preliminary round is a test of physical strength and agility, so the semifinals and finals are a contest of wisdom. Due to time

Restrictions, the organizers of the competition decided to merge the semi-finals and finals together. The rule is to complete a 10,000-piece puzzle within three hours. Three hours is the bottom line. The game is more than time. Which team has a shorter time will win.

"Puzzle, do you have any confidence."

After listening to the rules of the game, Su Luoheng asked Xia Ruo: "Yes, it's not that I haven't tried it."

On Xia Ruo's birthday in their first year together, Su Luoheng gave Xia Ruo a puzzle, which was Van Gogh's starry sky. At that time, they worked together for 10,000 pieces, which lasted a long time, because they were trying to dismantle each other's parts. The trouble did not stop until midnight.

Coincidentally, the jigsaw puzzle of this game is also starry sky, "This time, you can't disassemble each other, uh, for your Eason Chan also cooperate." Before the game, Su Luoheng said to Xia Ruo.

"Got it." The referee gave an order, and the game started in a tense atmosphere.

Su Luoheng looked at the finished drawing of the starry sky in his hand, and said to Xia Ruo: "Put the puzzles of the same color together." "There are only two colors, and they are only divided into two piles, which is not very useful." Su Luo Heng supported his forehead, "Are you only Eason Chan in your mind. That's why you are so stupid."

Xia Ruo was speechless, she looked at the puzzle in front of her, and suddenly understood what Su Luoheng meant, and began to use the girl's unique sensitivity to group puzzles with similar colors together. It's much easier to fight like this.

"Come on." When Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo devoted themselves to the game.

In the competition, Su Luoheng commanded the game in a macro-level, Xia Ruo operated carefully, and the two people cooperated in a tacit understanding and lived up to the expectations and took the first place. When the certificate and Eason Chan's ticket were placed in his own hands, Xia Ruo hugged Su Luoheng like instinct. Su Luoheng was taken aback, hugged Xia Ruo back, and shared the joy with her. This scene is so familiar, but will he and Xia Ruo really have a chance to go back.

Once, I also had you.

Su Luoheng looked at this situation and suddenly remembered the time when two people were together. At that time, Xia Ruo would not reject herself again and again, and would not have such a cold attitude.

Thoughts seem to go back to eight years ago.

"Su Luoheng!" Xia Ruo enthusiastically raised his hands to greet him. Seeing Su Luoheng standing under a street lamp in the distance, Xia Ruo was on the other side of the road and couldn't wait to run to him right away. The man standing there, but the man she loves deeply.

Su Luoheng reflexively searched for the master of the voice, and when he looked at the other side, the thin figure stood out in the crowd. Su Luoheng smiled at Xia Ruo and waved his hand to Xia Ruo.

When Xia Ruo saw Su Luoheng looking over, he waved to her, and immediately became excited. All the way to the traffic lights, ran to the other side as soon as the green light was on.

Xia Ruo trot in the direction of Su Luoheng, and Su Luoheng also walked towards Xia Ruo.

Xia Ruo threw at Su Luoheng excitedly and hugged Su Luoheng tightly. Su Luoheng was staggered by Xia Ruo's action, but he took a step back and stopped steadily. He pulled out his hands in his pockets and hugged Xia Ruo tightly, rubbing Xia Ruo's hair back and forth with his chin.

Xia Ruo put her head in Su Luoheng's arms and rubbed it.

After a while, Xia Ruo raised her head to look at Su Luoheng, and Su Luoheng looked at her dozingly. Xia Ruo's excitement couldn't hide it at all: "I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I can finally go out with you again! I'm so happy, so happy!"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)