
Chapter 74: Hesitate


It seems to be taken for granted.

Zhao Qiqi used her position as the assistant manager of the business department to access the first-hand information of Imagine’s customers. It just so happens that Zhao Qiqi’s boyfriend’s business overlaps with Imagine’s company, and her boyfriend’s business has encountered difficulties recently. Dismal, so Zhao Qiqi gave birth to evil intentions, and wanted to use the company's resources to help her boyfriend. He secretly informed his boyfriend of some customer information, and helped him to survive the difficult period of starting a business.

Xia Ruo sneered in her heart, thinking that this kind of employee who eats inside and out, if he were the boss, would fire her.

"When you went to Changdi's office, you found that he was not there, and what did you do?" Xia Ruo asked.

Zhao Qiqi showed a trace of nervousness and said, "I... I didn't do anything, so I came out."

"Lie!" Xia Ruo said solemnly: "We watched the surveillance video. You went in at 1:30 and came out at about 1:45. In these fifteen minutes, what did you do in Changdi's office? !"

Zhao Qiqi's face was a little pale when Xia Ruo pierced the lie.

She paused for a moment, seeming to be trying to say something, and then said: "I... I really didn't do anything, I just stayed in the general manager's office for a while, and wanted to wait for the general manager, in case he comes back, but wait I didn't wait for fifteen minutes, so I left."

It seems to make sense. Although it could be seen that Zhao Qiqi was lying, Xia Ruo didn't refute it for a while.

Seeing that Xia Ruo stopped talking, Su Luoheng just frowned and looked at Zhao Qiqi, then smiled slightly.

He personally asked Zhao Qiqi: "Your company's rule is that the period from mid-twelve to two in the afternoon is the lunch break. If you have something to do with your general manager, why not go to him during work hours, but when you have a break? Woolen cloth?"

Zhao Qiqi originally thought that her speech was perfect, but Su Luoheng's question made her commit a difficult task.

Seeing Zhao Qiqi's hesitation, Xia Ruo reminded her: "Zhao Qiqi, don't try to fabricate lies to deceive the police."

However, Zhao Qiqi seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and she was sitting in distress and asked Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo, her tone of voice seemed to be questioning: "You haven't answered me yet, why are you arresting me? You have to give me a reason?"

Knowing the reason, Zhao Qiqi can know how to round her lie.

It seems that Zhao Qiqi has not received the news that Changdi has been killed, or pretended not to know the news.

Su Luoheng told her "kindly", saying, "Chandi was killed in the office."

Zhao Qiqi was obviously taken aback, unbelievable.

"What are you talking about? The general manager... he was killed?" Then, when Zhao Qiqi came to Su Luoheng and the real reason for their arrest, she really panicked and eagerly explained: "No, no, no, police officer, I didn't kill the general manager. When I went to find him, he was not in the office at all."

"When you went to find him, he was not in the office. Can anyone prove it?" Su Luoheng asked.

Zhao Qiqi was speechless, frowning, as if she was about to cry: "But he is really not here."

Su Luoheng interrupted Zhao Qiqi’s pale and feeble explanation, and said: “Okay, don’t tell us in time. If you want to prove your innocence, you can answer our questions properly. What do we ask you? Good answer

What, don't lie, otherwise it is very possible to lead the disaster to your own head. "

I don't know if Zhao Qiqi was really tamed by Su Luoheng's words or just pretended to be, she said, "I see."

Su Luoheng asked her the question she hadn't answered before: "Why did you go to Changdi during your lunch break?"

"I... I..." Zhao Qiqi hesitated, but thought that she was involved in a murder case and concealing too much would only put herself in a worse situation, so she cruelly decided to tell the truth.

Zhao Qiqi's voice was a few degrees lower than before, as if she felt embarrassed: "I want to... I want to make a deal with the general manager..."

Zhao Qiqi's expression was a little unpredictable when she said the word "deal".

Xia Ruo is puzzled. With Zhao Qiqi's talents, what kind of capital does she have to negotiate a "deal" with the boss of Imagine Building

Su Luoheng vaguely guessed something.

"What deal?" Xia Ruo asked.

Even if you are talking about a deal, you should go to Changdi during working hours.

Zhao Qiqi pressed her lips tightly, and finally reluctantly said: "I plan to seduce him and ask him to let me go."

Seduce the general manager and avoid being expelled from Changdi for leaking company information

Xia Ruo was stunned, and involuntarily looked at the woman in front of him quickly from top to bottom. She is indeed good from looks to figure. If it is seductive, she does have the capital to talk about "deals" with Chang Di.

Perhaps because of Xia Ruo's gaze, Zhao Qiqi gave Xia Ruo an unpleasant look. Xia Ruo lowered her head embarrassedly and coughed to hide her embarrassment.

"But why did you not leave after you found out that Changdi was not in his office? What did you do in his office?" Su Luoheng continued to ask.

Zhao Qiqi fell silent again.

Su Luoheng's psychology has already been measured.

When checking in Changdi's office before, he used to pay attention to the documents on Changdi's desk. Judging from the arrangement of most of the documents, Changdi is a relatively tidy person, and the files are organized in a relatively orderly manner. However, two parts showed signs of irregularities, and it was obvious that someone had turned it over.

Before contacting Zhao Qiqi, she used the company's information to help her boyfriend's company, and Su Luoheng probably guessed something.

Sure enough, Zhao Qiqi hesitated and said: "I don't think there is anyone in the office, so I want to see if there is any other information in the general manager's office..."

Zhao Qiqi said very vaguely, but Xia Ruo also understood what Zhao Qiqi meant.

She is looking for valuable documents such as Imagine's company's obsolete information and customer information.

"So, you want to be expelled anyway, why don't you make another money before leaving?" Xia Ruo said.

"Yes..." Since she couldn't hide it anymore, Zhao Qiqi thought she might as well admit it generously.

Su Luoheng thought for a while, and then asked, "Don't you doubt that Chandi will be in his cabin?"

As the assistant general manager said, the whole company should know that Changdi has the habit of resting in the cabin.

"Yes. I went and knocked on the door of the cabin." After all, I wanted to seduce the general manager. If he is resting, it might be good for her: "But no one responded after two or three minutes..."

Speaking of this, Zhao Qiqi suddenly woke up, her mouth grew in shock, and said: "Could it be that...

Li was killed in that small house..."

Su Luoheng nodded.

Zhao Qiqi was even more shocked and said, "Then... Then, when I went, the general manager was already..."

She covered her mouth.

So, if Zhao Qiqi was telling the truth, Changdi had been killed before 1:30 in the afternoon.

After learning about Zhao Qiqi's situation, Su Luoheng sent police officers to send Zhao Qiqi home and asked her to keep her mobile phone open.

It was late at night.

After sending away Zhao Qiqi, Xia Ruo became lazy.

Su Luoheng looked at her and said, "After a busy day, you are exhausted."

Xia Ruo smiled and said to him: "Well, I'm exhausted, let's go back quickly."

Su Luoheng took the initiative to pick up Xia Ruo's bag, hugged her, and said, "Let's go."

August 16th, Tuesday.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Li Chengzhi, chairman of Lexmark, and Shanxi, a college classmate of Changdi, were taken to the police station.

Li Chengzhi, male, forty years old, chairman of Lexmark.

According to Zhang Xiaoqin, Lexmark is a small company that has just been in business for three years, but it is not doing well. Although the products developed by the company have great potential, they lack a market and are now on the verge of bankruptcy.

Chang Di, the general manager of Imagine, is very interested in Lexmark's products and believes that this product has market potential, so he intends to acquire Lexmark. Recently, he is discussing the acquisition with Li Chengzhi.

"If that's the case, Li Chengzhi and Changdi are working cooperatively, aren't they?" Su Luoheng asked Zhang Xiaoqin.

If this were the case, Li Chengzhi and Changdi would not have Mao Dun, and no motive for murder.

But Zhang Xiaoqin shook his head and said: "Although our company and Lexmark are discussing the acquisition, in fact, the relationship between the general manager and the chairman of Lexmark is not optimistic."

"Why?" Su Luoheng asked.

"Because the general manager is willing to pay a very low purchase price, Lexmark is unwilling to accept such a price. But our general manager has always been bound to get what he wants..." Speaking of his general manager's personality and temper, as an assistant Zhang Xiaoqin showed a helpless and annoyed expression. He paralleled his index finger and thumb in a small gesture, and said, "So, the general manager used some small tricks to force Lexmark to compromise."

"Huh?" Su Luoheng raised his eyebrows, small tricks? Looking at Zhang Xiaoqin's embarrassed expression, it doesn't seem to be a "small" trick.

Zhang Xiaoqin laughed dryly and explained to Su Luoheng: "It is our general manager. He used some contacts to suppress Lexmark, which made Lexmark’s already weak market situation even more bleak. Li Chengzhi even did it for Lexmark. The company owes a foreign debt. Even if the company goes bankrupt, he can't get out of it all. Now he has to consider the matter of being acquired by our company. Then, the general manager lowered the previously set price. ."

After hearing Zhang Xiaoqin's words, Xia Ruo had an ideal heart. The general manager of this Imagination Company was indeed too much. It could be said that he did not scrutinize any means for his own benefit.

"Therefore, there is a deep Mao Dun between Li Chengzhi and Chang Di." Su Luoheng judged the conclusion based on Zhang Xiaoqin's words.

When Li Chengzhi was taken to the police station, his mental state was not very good, he had heavy dark circles under his eyes, and he kept yawning, as if he hadn't slept all night.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)