
Chapter 75: The case is unknown


He also learned that Changdi was killed when he was contacted by the police this morning. After being shocked, he was taunted. He said: "It's normal for someone like Changdi to hate him."

Even if he was suspected of being a criminal suspect, Li Chengzhi did not show any nervousness or fear, as if he had heard someone say that the price of today's food has risen again.

Although Li Chengzhi learned from Zhang Xiaoqin's mouth is a somewhat downright character, when I saw him, it was not exactly what Xia Ruo thought. Li Chengzhi wore a neat black suit. Although the tailoring and materials were not the best, it was very temperamental when worn on his body. It is not so much that he wore a suit, it is better that the suit found him.

The man who is facing a difficult situation in his career does not seem to have been hit in the slightest.

Li Chengzhi sat in the interrogation room, looking sleepy.

"Comrade police officer, if you want to know anything, just ask. I didn't sleep last night and I was really tired." Li Chengzhi couldn't help but yawned, and said to Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo somewhat apologetically.

Su Luoheng touched his elbow on the table and did not directly enter the subject. Instead, he asked Li Chengzhi with great interest: "What did you do yesterday, why didn't you sleep all night?"

Su Luoheng rarely chats with the suspect, and Xia Ruo looks at Su Luoheng with some understanding.

In fact, Su Luoheng just wanted to explore Li Chengzhi. After all, Li Chengzhi was very calm about the identity of his criminal suspect, and he didn't care about it. Does he have any evidence to prove that Changdi didn't kill him

"I was busy with the company yesterday." Li Chengzhi said bluntly. After all, he didn't have the patience to talk about the details. Even if he said Su Luoheng, he didn't necessarily have the patience to listen.

Su Luoheng continued to keep chatting: "Isn't your Lexmark company acquired by Imagine?"

When Su Luoheng said this, Li Chengzhi was unhappy, and immediately retorted Su Luoheng, saying: "Who said that our company is about to be acquired by Imagine, I haven't signed the acquisition contract yet!"

Even the contract is written, and it is not far from signing. Xia Ruo thought.

"However, according to the assistant to the general manager of Imagine, your Lexmark company now has no choice but to agree to the terms of Imagine. It will be a matter of time before it is acquired." Su Luoheng said indifferently, as if Talk about a gossip topic that has nothing to do with yourself.

"Huh!" Li Chengzhi let out a contemptuous smile, and then said: "Changdi did use some despicable means to push Lexmark to a desperate situation, but we have found a way out of desperation."

"Oh?" Su Luoheng looked surprised and said, "Yes, why did you go to Changdi yesterday? Isn't it to talk about the acquisition?"

"It's really talking about the acquisition, because we haven't received any news yet..." Speaking of this, Li Chengzhi suddenly had an epiphany and looked at Su Luoheng. It turned out that Su Luoheng had started interrogation a long time ago, and had been arranging his words from the beginning.

He looked at Su Luoheng. Converging his chattering posture, with a mocking smile at the corners of his mouth, he sat up straight. Since Su Luoheng wanted to know the whole story, he did not insist on keeping the facts, so he told Su Luoheng about the matter one to five to ten: "I went to Changdi at noon yesterday to discuss the acquisition. Things. But we didn’t negotiate, and the other party’s price was too low. So we broke up. But after I returned to the company in the afternoon, I received a message saying

Imagine the company’s rival company is willing to pay to support us. We have a chance to get rid of the crisis and re-expand the market. Last night, we made a plan for this and did not sleep. "

For Li Chengzhi, this kind of good news fell from the sky.

"You said that you left without joy?" Su Luoheng asked.

"Yes." Li Chengzhi replied.

Thinking of the beating marks on the face of the deceased, Su Luoheng asked, "Have you had any physical conflicts?"

"Yes." Li Chengzhi said without evasiveness: "I punched him."

"Why did you beat him?"

"Chandi's price is low, and he has a bad attitude, saying that if I don't accept his price, my company and I will only die for one day." Li Chengzhi's sarcasm was even stronger.

But is it just a physical conflict between them

"I heard that Chandi has used some methods to almost put your company and yourself in a desperate situation. Then why don't you accept his proposal? Are you afraid that things will get worse?"

Su Luoheng felt that Mao Dun between Changdi and Li Chengzhi was more than that. And after listening to Zhang Xiaoqin's words, Su Luoheng sent someone to investigate Li Chengzhi and Lexmark, and found that both the company and the children of Miles were heavily in debt.

"You are right, I have indeed been driven to a desperate situation by Changdi." Li Chengzhi leaned back on the chair, folded his hands in front of him, and said, "But Changdi's attitude is too excessive, I can't tolerate others. I am insulted by such people."

"In other words, as long as Chandi is dead, no one will persecute Lexmark, right?" Su Luoheng asked unceremoniously.

Li Chengzhi frowned slightly when he heard Su Luoheng's questioning, but said with a mockery: "Yes."

"Do you have any evidence to prove that it was not Chandi you killed." Su Luoheng asked.

Li Chengzhi thought for a while and said, "I didn't. But I didn't kill him."

Su Luoheng asked the last question: "By the way, did you and Changdi make an appointment in advance?"

"Yes, he made an appointment, saying that he didn't have time until half past eleven, and that he was very busy in the morning."

That's roughly what I learned from Li Chengzhi.

Li Chengzhi has the motive of committing crimes, whether in the interests of the company or in personal feelings. Can't get rid of the suspicion of murder. But this person has a very frank attitude. I don't know if he really didn't commit the crime, he was not afraid of shadows, or he was too capable of acting.

After lunch, the appraisal center sent the appraisal results, saying that the knife on Chandi’s chest only had Chandi’s fingerprints, which should be the knife in the office of Chandi.

The murderer’s tool for the crime was from Changdi’s office, indicating that the murderer had committed the crime and did not plan ahead.

In Chandi's cabin, no fingerprints of other people were found.

After Li Chengzhi's questioning was over, Xishan was taken to the interrogation room.

Xishan, 45 years old, male. Run a software company. It was a college classmate of the deceased Chang Di.

I learned from Zhang Xiaoqin that Xishan and Changdi started contacting because Xishan’s company had a problem recently and wanted to take some money from Changdi to maintain the company’s operations. Therefore, I have always had some contacts with Chandi recently. Yesterday, I went to Changdi's office to find him. I wanted to come here for this.

"Then Changdi loaned the money to Xishan?" Xia Ruo asked Zhang Xiaoqin.

"I don't know." Zhang Xiaoqin said: "Because this is the personal business of the general manager, I don't know much about it, but if I guess, the general manager

I shouldn't lend him money. "

Xia Ruo was curious and asked, "Why?"

Not to mention that Changdi itself is very rich, Xishan is also his college classmate.

Zhang Xiaoqin showed an embarrassed expression again. She would show this expression every time they mentioned the unflattering likes of their general manager.

"Because, our general manager, he is very... thrifty..."

Xia Ruo: "..."

Although Zhang Xiaoqin used the word "thrifty" implicitly, in other words, Changdi was stingy.

Xishan was originally not a local, but a person from D. He came to A to find Changdi. Live in a very small hotel. When the police found him last night, he was about to leave A.

Compared to Li Chengzhi, Xishan looks a little more desolate. Although he is already forty-five-six years old and is already the age to start a family, but at first glance, this person gave Xia Ruo a kind of mess that was not as good as 30 years old. a feeling of.

Xishan had a gloomy face and said nothing. He is still wearing the same suit seen in the surveillance video yesterday.

"What did you arrest me for?" Xishan's voice was a little dumb, I don't know if it was born or expressed deliberately.

Su Luoheng didn't circumvent him, and said straightly, "Chandi is dead."

Xishan was taken aback, suddenly raised his head, his gloomy eyes widened round, and suddenly a few grunting laughter burst out from his throat. The mocking expression in his eyes was obvious, and he said something similar to Li Chengzhi: "Damn it."

Xia Ruo was taken aback.

Unlike Li Chengzhi, Li Chengzhi's dislike of Changdi is only reflected in his disdain for his personality. But if Chuang Xia can feel it, Xishan's aversion to Chang Di has risen to hatred.

Xishan looked at Su Luoheng and asked him, "Chandi is dead, so what did you do when I came to live?"

Obviously, he asked knowingly.

Su Luoheng also cooperated with him: "We suspect that you may be the murderer of Chandi."

Xishan said with a gloomy face, "I killed him? I really wanted to kill him. But you said I killed him, what's the evidence?"

Su Luoheng said: "We don't have evidence yet..."

"Since there is no evidence, why do you suspect me!" Before Su Luoheng finished speaking, Xishan interrupted him sharply. .

Xia Ruo frowned, patted the table, and sternly said to Xishan: "What is the noise! According to what we know, during the time that Changdi was killed, you went in and out of his office. We have reasonable reasons to suspect that you might The murderer who killed Chandi!"

Xia Ruo disliked this clamoring suspect.

"Mr. Xishan, I hope you can cooperate with our work to clear your suspicion." Su Luoheng said coldly.

Neither Xia Ruo nor Su Luoheng gave Xishan a good attitude, and Xishan also understood his unfavorable situation, so he could only sit back honestly and look aside without speaking.

Su Luoheng asked him, "What did you do when you went to Changdi's office at 12 noon yesterday?"

"Talk about things," Xishan said, staring at his fingers.

"whats the matter?"

Xishan's voice is still sullen and dumb: "My company's turnover is difficult, so I borrowed money from him."

"Then did he lend it to you?"

"No." Xishan's voice deepened a few degrees. He said, "He is not in the office at all."

Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo were taken aback.

Chandi wasn't in the office when he went to see him in Xishan

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)