
Chapter 80: Don't let others see you


"Okay." Lan Xiang clutched her belt tightly and said seriously.

"Remember not to let others see you, and be careful when you go home." Redwood repeatedly urged.

Lan Xiang nodded heavily, opened the door of Fancheng's house, and walked out. According to Hongmu, he walked carefully on the side of the road with his head down and walked back home through the path. After he got home, he took off his clothes and threw them in a trash can two blocks away from his home, and then washed them. A hot bath.

The steaming heat wrapped Lan Xiang tightly, and she felt that her body after the whole night was finally relaxed, and along the bathroom wall, Lan Xiang slowly squatted down, feeling that all this happened was like a dream. .

On the other side, Mahogany used a mop to wipe the place where Lan Xiang had just stood. He took a new bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet and brought it to the living room. Use Fancheng’s hand to buckle a wine glass, pick up another wine glass with the print of his red lips, and gently place it on the living room table, pour red wine in both glasses, and Mahogany picks up his own glass. He took a big mouthful.

Red wine with a bad taste, Mahogany swallowed hard, and then thought.

As if suddenly remembering something, Mahogany took the wine bottle to the bathroom again, poured the clear wine red ** into the urinal and flushed it out, leaving only one-third of the red wine remaining in the bottle.

Then he dragged Fan Cheng's hand and stretched it to the front of his shirt, with a slight force, tore open the front of the shirt, revealing the white shirt.

Finally, he picked up the fruit knife, held the handle of the knife, stood in front of Fancheng's corpse, made two repeated gestures, simulating the scene at that time. But the expression on her face was hideous, as if she was really about to pierce the knife in her hand.

Stained some of the blood from Fancheng on his clothes.

Everything was prepared, Hongmu took a deep breath, threw aside the fruit knife in his hand, stood at the door of Fancheng's house, listening to the movement outside.

He opened the door violently and slammed it shut. Mahogany stepped on a few centimeters of high heels and started running in the corridor. Although one hand was covering the torn clothes on the front, the fabric torn apart was still obvious, and fluttered to the sides as the mahogany ran. She had been walking and running for a long distance until she got to the side of her car, looked back at the direction of Fan Cheng's house, and got into the car. At this time, a cold smile appeared on the mahogany face.

Take out the mobile phone and send a text message to Lan Xiang: "The matter is done, don't worry."

Lan Xiang's mobile phone flashed in blue light in the dark, she picked up the mobile phone, saw the text message from Hongmu, placed it on her chest, and let out a sigh of relief.

August, Friday.

The sun was great, and Su Luoheng drove Xia Ruo to the police station early in the morning.

"Sister Xia Ruo is early, Su SIR is early!" The police officers greeted the two politely.

"Morning." Xia Ruo nodded with a smile.

Everyone might have noticed that Xia Ruo was the real master between the two people, and Su Luoheng always followed Xia Ruo's words very much. Now even to say hello, the police officers are the first to say hello to Xia Ruo, followed by his senior inspector.

Su Luoheng rubbed his eyebrows, thinking that he was really losing his status recently.

"Sister Xia Ruo, Su SIR, come here quite early today." Zhang Qi walked past them with a cup of coffee, and said with a smile while looking at them.

"Well, it's almost the weekend." Xia Ruo said.

"I hope I don’t encounter anything today

Whatever the case, we all live in peace without conflict. "Zhang Qi hugged coffee and prayed.

Actually, I pray this kind of prayer every day, but it's useless.

As soon as Zhang Qi's voice fell, the crime squad's phone rang: "Dingling..."

Xia Ruo leaned over to answer the phone: "Hello, Crime Squad."

"..." Xia Ruo finished speaking on the other end of the phone, and then said: "Okay, we will be there soon."

Su Luoheng asked: "What happened?"

Xia Ruo said: "Someone reported that there was a homicide in the Chengdong Z community, and someone was killed at home."

Zhang Qi's prayer failed to come true.

"Let's pass now." Su Luoheng hurriedly walked to his office, took the necessary tools and car keys for the case, went out with Xia Ruo, followed by Zhang Qi and Xichang.

Z cell.

The scene of the homicide case had been blocked by police officers who came first. Xia Ruo, Su Luoheng and others presented their police officer's certificate and entered the deceased's home.

The deceased's hair was half-long, which was a popular hairstyle. He was wearing a white shirt with the shirt tucked into his trousers.

The deceased leaned back on the sofa, his body was limp, his head was tilted to one side, and his abdomen had obvious stab wounds. A fruit knife was placed on the sofa next to the deceased, stained with blood, and it was suspected to be a murder weapon.

The weather in August was still very hot, and there was a bloody smell in the room that had not yet dissipated, and Xia Ruo frowned slightly. In this regard, summer is really unpleasant.

"The identity of the deceased?" Su Luoheng asked the police officer who was already on the scene.

The police officer took the report of the inspection of the deceased and the scene of the murder, and came to Su Luoheng's side and reported to him: "The deceased was named Fan Cheng, the owner of a small company, 32 years old, and a native of Hong Kong. According to the corpse The degree of decay, the death time was at least forty hours. The body was discovered by his colleague."

While listening to the police report, Su Luoheng kept observing the scene of the crime.

The community where the deceased Fancheng lived is an old-fashioned community, but Fancheng's own home has been finely decorated. Looking at the newness of the furniture and walls, it should have been newly renovated in the last year.

His house is a relatively standard two-bedroom, one-living room, eighty to ninety square meters. The sofa in the living room not only occupies one wall, but also has two sofas on the other two sides. The deceased died on the couch in the middle, while the fruit knife fell on the single couch on the right.

Surrounded by the sofa is a glass table, silver, and the table top is an animal flower decoration. Xia Ruo felt very ugly, probably a leopard with a poor image.

On the table there is a bottle of red wine with one third remaining, two goblets, half a glass of red wine is left in one glass, and only one bottom is left. And there is only one bottom of this cup, and there are traces of red lipstick on the rim of the cup. In addition, there is a fruit plate on the table with three apples in it.

Is a woman.

According to the degree of decay of the corpse, as the police officer said, the deceased was killed for at least 40 hours. There were blood stains on the sofa and on the body of the deceased, which had dried up.

"Who found the body?" Su Luoheng asked.

The police officer greeted a man next to him, who was also in his thirties, short-sleeved white sportswear, black sports pants, and black sneakers.

This person was named Xili, a colleague of the deceased Fan Cheng.

"How did you find the body?" Su Luoheng asked.

Xili said: "Yesterday, Fancheng didn't come to the company all day. We called him and he also

No, but the day before yesterday he said that he was going to talk about a big case, and the work process of our company now depends on the final result of his case talks, so I was quite anxious, and didn't answer any contact. I happened to live close to Fancheng's home. "

Xili pointed out the window to Su Luoheng in the northwest direction and said, "My home is far from this community. It took a few minutes to drive there. So I said that I would stop by when I went to work in the morning. I kept calling him when I got to the door. On the phone, I heard only the phone ringing in the room and no one answered it, so I pushed the door and went in. Then I looked at Fancheng, who had passed away."

Siri said just now that he opened the door and came in

Su Luoheng asked strangely: "When you came in, the door of Fancheng's house was not closed?"

"No." Siri said, "It's just concealed."

Su Luoheng walked to the door, leaned over and looked at the lock on the door, it was broken.

Someone broke the lock of Fancheng's house. Could it be a robbery

Su Luoheng said to Xichang: "Go check Fancheng's bank card and see if anyone has used his card to withdraw money in the past two days."

"Yes." Xichang took the order and went to the corner to make a call.

Su Luoheng continued to ask Xili: "When was the last time you saw Fancheng?"

"In the afternoon the day before yesterday." Xili recalled: "He said he was going to talk to a client about a big case. As long as we talk about this case, our company's performance can be doubled. Then we will leave after four o'clock in the afternoon."

"To talk about the case?"

"That's what he meant." Xili shrugged and said, "Because he invested the most money in setting up the company, we won't stop him if he wants to leave early."

Xia Ruo came over and asked, "Is Fancheng rich?"

Xili hesitated and said, "I'm not sure about this. Anyway, he is very proud to make a move. But in the impression he used to be quite poor."

"You knew him before?" Xia Ruo asked.

"It's a acquaintance. He was in a high school class. Later, he didn't go to college, and we all went to college, so we didn't contact us anymore. Last year he suddenly took a sum of money to find us and said that he wanted to set up a company and let us help him. We were also very surprised." Xichang smiled and said, "It's really impermanent. We didn't expect that a person who didn't even pass the college entrance examination would end up being better than us."

A person who invested a lot of money in setting up a company still lives in this kind of civilian community. Although the house has been finely decorated, it still cannot change the old reality of the community. And the decoration of the house seems to have been newly installed in the past year.

According to Xili, Fancheng suddenly came to them with a sum of money last year, so it sounds like Fancheng became rich overnight.

"What's wrong?" Su Luoheng asked, wondering how Xia Ruo was interested in Fancheng's company.

"Nothing." Xia Ruo said.

She actually just thought it strange. The community is very old, but Fancheng's family is quite high-end, she always feels very disharmonious.

Su Luoheng looked at the scene of the crime.

What Xili said, the last time I saw Xili was in the afternoon the day before yesterday. Xili should go to discuss business with partners. After discussing business, go home to meet with beautiful women

No, Xili said that what Fancheng was going to talk about was a big case closely related to the future of their company. If the result of the talk was finished, the company's colleagues would be notified as soon as possible, but he did not.

Su Luoheng looked at the two wine glasses placed on the table and thought, is it because he invited the partner to his home

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)