
Chapter 84: Mahogany is a man


Su Luoheng did not answer Lan Xiang's question, but asked her: "Have you heard of Fancheng's name from Hongmu?"

Lan Xiang shook his head and said, "No. She never mentioned it to me."

What Hongmu said was just acquaintance with Fancheng, and didn't have deep friendship. It seemed to be true. Otherwise, Lan Xiang had never heard of Fan Cheng's name.

"Do you know that on the afternoon of August 3rd, Hongmu and Fancheng went to his house to discuss business?"

"I know..." Lan Xiang said.

"Why does your company negotiate business with Fancheng's company?" As far as Su Luoheng knows, Hongmu and Lanxiang's companies are very large, but Fancheng's company is just a small company that has just been established for a year.

"I don't know this. Redwood is responsible for this. Maybe she thinks their company's products are good..." Lan Xiang still clutched her bag, as if nervous.

"What kind of person is Hongmu usually?" Xia Ruo asked.

"Redwood, she is very warm and helpful. She is very kind. She is also very serious in her work, very hard." Lan Xiang said seriously, looking straight into Su Luoheng's eyes, fearing that he would not believe it.

Su Luoheng nodded, indicating that he knew.

Looking at his watch, Su Luoheng asked Lan Xiang, "Does Miss Lan drive?"

Lan Xiang was taken aback for a moment, and didn't know what Su Luoheng asked about, so he didn't answer in time.

Su Luoheng explained: "Oh, I'm looking at the weather too late, I'm afraid it's not safe for Miss Lan to go back alone, and I'm afraid the police officer will send you back."

Lan Xiang said "Ah" and said, "Then I will trouble you."

Su Luoheng said: "It should be." Then he called the police officer on night duty and told him to drive Lan Xiang home.

Before leaving, Lan Xiang once again confirmed with Su Luoheng: "Can it really prove that Hongmu is a legitimate defense?"

Su Luoheng said: "The current evidence is very beneficial to Miss Hongmu. Don't worry, we will find out the truth."

Lan Xiang just murmured in relief: "That's good."

After Lan Xiang left, Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng also took the documents and left the police station. In the car, Xia Ruo said, "This Lan Xiang is also very worried about his friends. Wait until we wait until late."

Su Luoheng nodded and said, "It seems that she cares about Redwood very much."

The next day, Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo went to Hongmu's company, and her colleagues' opinions were similar to those of Lan Xiang. Moreover, Hongmu is solely responsible for the business between their company and Fancheng. So no one else is particularly clear about the reasons.

In this case, all the evidence seems to prove that Mahogany is indeed a legitimate defense.

So, what happened to the unlocked lock

During the interrogation before, she asked Hongmu. She said that she didn't know that the lock was pried. That happened after Hongmu left. Fancheng had also passed away at that time.

Who is the lock picker? It was true that he could not find his bank card in Fancheng's home, and Su Luoheng's order to trace the Fancheng bank card has not yet been answered.

At present, the case has reached a deadlock again.

It seemed that all this was a case of legitimate defense, murder and thief, but Su Luoheng still felt that something made him feel disharmonious.

It was a good weekend, but Su Luoheng was troubled by this case. He rubbed his eyebrows.

Xia Ruo collapsed on her back, also pondering this case.

There are several questions: Is Redwood a legitimate defense? Who broke the lock of Fancheng's house and why? above

Two problem diagrams and proofs.

In fact, Mahogany's legitimate defense has been considered solid. After all, whether from people related to Fancheng or those who know Hongmu, it can be concluded that Hongmu is kind and enthusiastic, while Fancheng has more negative comments. Then there are the fingerprints on the mahogany clothes, and passers-by who pass by the mahogany can prove what the mahogany said.

What about locks

Just thinking about it, Su Luoheng's cell phone rang, and his cell phone was placed next to Xia Ruo. Xia Ruo picked it up and looked at it, and said to Su Luoheng, "It's Xichang."

"You take it." Su Luoheng raised his chin and motioned to her.

Xia Ruo knew the password of Su Luoheng's cell phone, so he was not polite, and naturally picked up: "Hey, Xichang, what's the matter?"

Xichang on the opposite side was taken aback.

"Sister Xia Ruo?"

"Well, it's me." Xia Ruo said and sat up from the **.

Because I already knew the relationship between Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng, after a little shock, Xichang was not surprised and said, "Sister Xia Ruo, Su SIR is next to you?"

"Yes, just say anything." Xia Ruo put on her slippers, and while holding her mobile phone to talk to Xichang, she walked towards Su Luoheng.

Xia Ruo put the phone in Su Luoheng's ear, and it happened that Xichang said, "Someone just used Fancheng's bank card to withdraw money."

Su Luoheng was taken aback, took the phone from Xia Ruo, and asked, "Where?"

"Hong Kong C, we have contacted the local police to hunt down."

"Okay." Su Luoheng said to Xichang, "Contact me after catching someone."


Su Luoheng hung up the phone.

"Why, the case has progressed?" Xia Ruo smiled.

Su Luoheng relayed the news that Xichang had just brought with Xia Ruo. Xia Ruo sat opposite Su Luoheng and thought for a while and said: "Since the other party used Fancheng's bank card to withdraw money, it means that he really entered the Fancheng home for theft and picking the lock. It has nothing to do with Fancheng's murder."

Su Luoheng felt the same way, but with a hint of luck, because after all, the thief was the first to see the scene of the murder before reporting the crime. Perhaps he could provide more intuitive information. Moreover, he may also have destroyed the scene of the murder case. I don't know what was going on in his family before he entered Fancheng's house.

Of course, the most important thing is. Su Luoheng believes that if a thief wants to enter and steal, he must first understand the owner's movements. Then the thief should have been secretly observing Fancheng for a long time. Maybe, what can he see.

The man was caught in the evening and was sent to the Hong Kong Police Station the next morning.

Su Luoheng interrogated the suspect in the interrogation room.

This person's name is Fan Chu. He is a resident of a community in Hong Kong A, not far from the community where Fancheng lives.

Fan Chu sat in the interrogation room rattling.

Su Luoheng knocked on the table with his index finger bones, and signaled Fan Chu to get up and concentrate.

Fan Chu raised his head.

"Where did your bank card come from?" Su Luoheng asked.

"Picked up" Fan Chu answered without hesitation. Since he was caught yesterday, three groups of people have asked him about this question. He insisted on saying this every time, and he never let go.

"Pick it up?" Su Luoheng sneered, "Do you know the password of the bank card you picked up?"

"Guess." Fan Chu replied simply and neatly, looking at Su Luoheng vaguely provocatively.

Su Luoheng chuckled and said, "Guess it? How many times have you guessed it?"

Fan Chu said: "I guessed it once."

"Yeah, then you are lucky enough." Su Luoheng said teasingly.

"Yes, luck is pretty good." Fan Chu replied unwillingly.

Su Luoheng stretched one arm and put it on the table, with a signature pen between his fingers. He sneered and said to Fan Chu: "When you meet me, your good luck may be over."

Fan Chu also got a cold face and said, "Why are you so sure?"

"Humph." Su Luoheng sneered and asked him: "Do you know Fancheng?"

"Acknowledge." Fan Chu replied.

"Yeah." Su Luoheng nodded and said, "We found your fingerprint on his door." After that, Su Luheng "kindly" reminded: "It's the side of the house."

Fan Chu was speechless, he didn't expect to hide his fingerprints at all, only then did he realize that he hadn't paid attention.

"Fan Chu, you'd better explain the crime honestly. A good attitude can reduce your guilt, otherwise..." Xia Ruo missed the opportunity to say next to him, intending to lure Fan Chu.

Fan Chu's nose began to sweat.

Finally compromised and explained the facts to Su Luoheng.

It was the night after Su Luoheng was killed that he picked the lock and entered Fancheng's home. Because the curtains of Fancheng's house had not been opened all day, Fan Chu guessed that Fancheng might have gone out and there was no one in the house. So I arrived at Fancheng's house and knocked on the door cautiously.

"After you entered Fancheng's house, you found him dead, didn't you?" Su Luoheng asked.

Fan Chu responded: "Yeah, I was shocked at that time! There is still a bloody smell in the eerie, oh, that scene, it's like making a ghost movie..."

Turning out an exaggerated support on his chest, he emphasized to Su Luoheng: "Comrade police officer, it is really not the Fancheng I killed. He was already dead when I went."

"We know this." Su Luoheng said, "What did you do after you entered?"

"What did you do?" Fan Chu looked up at the ceiling, thinking while saying, "I made this jump after I went in, and my legs became soft. What else can I do?"

"Is bullshit!" Xia Ruo interrupted him and said, "Talk about the point!"

Probably it was infected by Fancheng's neighbor's aunt. She looked very uncomfortable with this kind of person.

Fan Chu curled his lips and said, "Then what else can I do? I was stealing things, so I went into Fancheng's room and stole his wallet out."

"Did you do anything else?" Su Luoheng asked.

"I was so frightened that I took my wallet and ran away."

Xia Ruo asked him: "What is the relationship between you and Fancheng?"

Chu Fan said with a disgusting expression, "What's the relationship between me and that kid... Hmph... It's nothing!"

Xia Ruo looked at Fan Chu and asked, "How can you guess the password of the Fancheng bank card so quickly?"

Probably because Xia Ruo asked suddenly, Fan Chu was not prepared, so he replied: "This kid has never changed the bank card password!"

"Didn't you say that you have nothing to do with him, how do you know that his bank card password has not been changed?" Xia Ruo is funny, this person is really easy to cheat.

"This..." Fan Chu found himself a little cramped when he said something contradictory.

Xia Ruo interrupted him and said emphatically: "Fan Chu, you'd better tell the truth, now you have a fatal case."

When Fan Chu heard this, he said anxiously: "I said that I didn't kill the return trip, and you also said that someone else killed Fancheng."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)