
Chapter 94: Bad lie


"After our judgment, Hongmu really lied." Xia Ruo nodded.

Lan Xiang was silent, looking diagonally downwards, slightly nervous.

"Ask you a few questions." Xia Ruo opened the notepad and said.


"From 4pm to 10pm on August 3rd, where are you and what are you doing?" Xia Ruo asked her.

"August 3rd..." Lan Xiang lowered his head, as if thinking carefully: "On August 3rd, I will go home straight after get off work."

Xia Ruo said, "Stay at home all the time?"

"Yes." Lan Xiang said.

"Can anyone prove it?"

"I live alone." No one can prove it.

Xia Ruo looked at Lan Xiang, who spoke earnestly, and also looked at Xia Ruo.

"Did you know Fancheng before?"

"I don't know. Um... He had been to our company once, but he was looking for Hongmu, who seemed to be discussing business with her."

"Have you been to Fancheng's house?" Xia Ruo asked frankly.

Lan Xiang was nervous for a moment, but quickly calmed down.

"No," she said affirmatively.

Xia Ruo touched the pen in his hand and said to Lan Xiang: "Miss Lan, it's like this. We found a hair on the spot, which looks very similar to your hair color. It has now been sent to the appraisal department. If it proves that this is indeed the case. If you have your hair, you might be suspected of being an accomplice in murder with Hongmu."

Lan Xiang's face turned ugly, and said, "Why... How come there is my hair? Redwood's killing of Fancheng is just a legitimate defense, isn't it?"

"After Miss Hongmu killed Fan Cheng, why didn't she leave? According to her, she was drunk, but in fact, Miss Hongmu has always been drinking well. So we guessed she was lying."

Lan Xiang's interlocking fingers tightened.

How could this happen, just a few days ago? The police noticed it. She originally thought Mahogany could hide all this. Lan Xiang felt desperate.

"Miss Lan, with all due respect, did you participate in the killing of Fancheng?" Xia Ruo stared at Lan Xiang intently, trying to see something from her.

Lan Xiang quickly thought in his mind, should he confess to the police now, or trust Mahogany? Looking at the current situation, how long can Mahogany last? If things are exposed, what will happen to the Redwood who helped him

"What if you can't find out why Mahogany lied?" Lan Xiang asked.

Xia Ruo said solemnly: "If Hongmu can't explain the reasons for staying at Fancheng's house, we can reasonably suspect that she is trying to cover up the scene and cannot protect her from criminal punishment for legitimate reasons of defense." Xia Ruo paused. Said to Lan Xiang: “Of course, if we detect that the hair is indeed Miss Lan’s hair, we will think that you are also involved in the case. We doubt."

Obviously, that hair is probably his.

Mahogany couldn't explain what happened during the three hours she was not drunk. If she told the truth, it would be equivalent to exposing him, so she would definitely be silent.

He was obviously the one who killed him, but now he is going to be punished with Mahogany... Lan Xiang is struggling.

Lan Xiang has been silent all the time.

Xia Ruo knew that Lan Xiang had something to hide from them, and said, "Miss Lan, I hope you can tell the truth. If you tell the truth now, you can still count on you to confess. Maybe you can ask the judge to sentence you."

Lan Xiang raised her eyes and muttered

Inadvertently repeat Xia Ruo's words: "Frankly?"


Looking at Lan Xiang's reaction, Xia Ruo had some measure in her heart. Lan Xiang had already begun to waver.

Just when Xia Ruo thought Lan Xiang would say something, she firmly said to Xia Ruo: "I don't know anything. Even if you find out that the hair belongs to me, it may be on the redwood clothes. He touched my hair, and then accidentally stayed at Fancheng's house." Lan Xiang said clearly: "After all, I and Hongmu are good friends."

Xia Ruo was taken aback.

She didn't expect that Lan Xiang would choose clever rhetoric when she was on the verge of shaking out the truth. And this reason seems to make her irrefutable.

"Miss Lan..." Xia Ruo tried to pry open Lan Xiang’s mouth, but was rejected by Lan Xiang coldly: "Comrade police officer, I really don’t know anything. If you have nothing else to ask, I still have a lot of work to do. Do."

This is an obvious eviction order.

Xia Ruo had no choice but to stand up and say goodbye.

Lan Xiang's attitude just now clearly meant something to say, but why did he stop talking

Xia Ruo clenched his teeth secretly when he was hitting the door.

But this also proved that Su Luoheng's intuition was not wrong, and Hongmu did have a problem. In other words, Lan Xiang also has a problem, and she must be inseparable from this case.

Seeing Xia Ruo disappear from the corner of the stairs, Lan Xiang closed the door softly and quickly.

Leaning on the tightly closed door with her back, Lan Xiang fell to the ground, leaning on her chest, and clenching her posterior molars.

Almost, just a little bit... She was about to tell the truth of the matter.

Lan Xiang grabbed the front of the clothes and wrinkled them.

Knowing that Hongmu would be in such a situation, she would never make the call to the suburbs of Hongmu anyway. In order to get rid of the crime for her, Hongmu disguised the scene of legitimate defense, but the lie is always difficult to complete.

But she can't admit it now.

If you admit it now, it is not only betrayal of Redwood's help, but most importantly, the police have not yet found key evidence. Maybe Redwood can find an excuse to be successful.

Lan Xiang secretly thought that if the police determined that Hongmu was not a legitimate defense and were to convict her, then it would not be too late for her to tell the truth. After all, whether it was then or now, when the truth was revealed, Hongmu might be charged with a cover-up crime.

There is still time...

I don't know if Lan Xiang is stating the facts or comforting him, she was repeatedly said to him: "Hold on a little longer, maybe... everything will turn for the better."

"How is it?" Su Luoheng saw Xia Ruo return to the police station and asked her, "Did Lan Xiang say anything?"

Xia Ruo was discouraged and threw the notebook in his hand on the table, slammed him into the seat, and said, "Almost a little bit."

"Almost?" Su Luoheng got up and poured a glass of warm water, put it in front of her, and said, "What do you mean?"

Xia Ruo struggled from the seat, took the water glass in Su Luoheng's hand, and said, "There must be something wrong with that Lanxiang." Xia Ruo's tone couldn't contain her beak. She said to Su Luoheng: “When I was talking to Lan Xiang just now, I could clearly feel that she had something to hide from us. And she almost said it out, but she didn’t know why, so she was talking to her. He took it back again."

Xia Ruo was a little discouraged when she said that, and said: "In the end, not only did she not say anything, she also gave the hair a perfect excuse..."

Xia Ruo told Su Luoheng what Lan Xiang said intact, and Su Luoheng sneered, thinking that it was really a dripping explanation.

Su Luoheng sat on Zhang Qi's office chair next to Xia Ruo, with his right arm resting on the desk, and said, "Do you think Lan Xiang knows the truth?"

Xia Ruo thought for a moment, nodded, and said, "Yes."

Su Luoheng fell into thinking and was silent.

According to Xia Ruo, Lan Xiang's words must be false. According to their speculation, Lan Xiang also went to Fancheng's house that day. Lan Xiang went to Fancheng's house but why did he deny it? What happened between her and Fancheng? How many truths are there in Mahogany’s words? What roles did Lan Xiang and Hongmu play in this case

In Fancheng's home, the only fingerprints collected were redwood and that little bastard, why didn't they have Lanxiang? Under the assumption that Lan Xiang had indeed been to Fancheng's house that day, there was only one answer, and that was that Lan Xiang's fingerprints were erased.

Su Luoheng suddenly remembered the three hours that Hongmu had concealed.

Hongmu insisted on not telling what happened to those three disappearances. Could it be that she wiped off Lan Xiang's fingerprints during these three hours? But since Lan Xiang's fingerprints can be erased but not his fingerprints

There must be some reason for her to leave his fingerprints, what would it be

What is the secret that Hongmu will hide at the risk of being accused of a murderer

As good friends, Hongmu and Lanxiang, what secrets are hidden between them

good friend? Su Luoheng suddenly remembered the case of Xiao Tianhe Wanru he had encountered before, and the friendship between the two little girls was deep. Xiao Tian didn't even hesitate to commit the crime for the sake of being like this.

Mahogany and Lanxiang are also very good friends. Could it be that...

The reason Mahogany lied, could it be... to protect Lanxiang

Su Luoheng sat upright all of a sudden.

Xia Ruo stared blankly at Su Luoheng's awakening appearance, and asked, "What did you think of?"

Su Luoheng was not eager to answer her, but sorted out his thoughts.

During the three hours that Hongmu was hiding, she was disguising the crime scene and erasing the traces of Lan Xiang staying at Fancheng's house. In order for Lan Xiang to get rid of suspicion. Therefore, perhaps it was Hongmu and Lanxiang who killed Fancheng, or it was just Lanxiang!

Obviously, judging from Su Luoheng's contact with Lanxiang and Hongmu, Hongmu was obviously more agile and decisive than Lanxiang. Lan Xiang's personality is too weak, so no matter whether it is the person who was killed by Lan Xiang or the hands of Mahogany and Lan Xiang, they cannot let Lan Xiang be involved in this matter, otherwise it is likely to be exposed.

The killing of Fancheng could only be a temporary motive, otherwise, Hongmu would not leave him deadly doubts for three hours. What was the reason for the temporary decision to kill Fancheng? Hongmu said that Fancheng wanted to belittle her, so in order to protect him, he killed him with a knife. Is this reason the truth

According to what they learned, although Fancheng is a more flexible mind, his limbs are not well-developed. Even if the two women of Hongmu and Lanxiang can't completely subdue Fancheng, they should still be able to escape by seizing the door.

Furthermore, from the perspective of Fancheng, if he really wanted to do something to these two women, he would never invite both of them, but only one of them, so that he could start. If one of them had an appointment, and the other would follow along, Fan Cheng would definitely give up his idea.

Ask one of them...

A new idea gradually emerged in Su Luoheng's mind.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)