
Chapter 95: Three hours


Three hours, even if it were to disguise the scene, it was a bit longer. But what if Hongmu doesn't understand the situation, or even not at the scene

Su Luoheng's thoughts gradually became clear.

At that time, the only person Fan Cheng met was Lan Xiang. The reason is simple. Lanxiang and Hongmu are good friends. It is not surprising that Lanxiang can help discuss the business of Hongmu. Seeing Lan Xiangsheng's beauty, Fan Cheng became enamoured. After drinking a few glasses of Lanxiang wine, Fan Cheng tried to be frivolous, but was killed by Lan Xiang.

Of course, these are guesses based on the plot provided by Redwood. In fact, Lan Xiang should have killed Fan Cheng for other reasons. Because with Hongmu's mind, he should be able to get evidence of Lan Xiang's legitimate defense, so he didn't need to spend so much time and effort. She contacted Hongmu only after Lan Xiang committed the crime, and Hongmu rushed to protect Lan Xiang from being punished by the law. She disguised herself as a legitimate defense scene and used the neighbors she was traveling with.

Because he knew everything well, there was a case of Hongmu coming to the police station to surrender.

With this inference, everything will be right.

Xia Ruo looked at the bright light in Su Luoheng's eyes, knowing that he must have understood something, and said, "Su Luoheng, what did you think of?"

Su Luoheng smiled and said, "I think, I might have guessed the truth."

Xia Ruo was taken aback, and she was still wondering what the truth was just a moment ago. At this moment, Su Luoheng figured it out

Hey, no, she is still struggling, what the truth is...

Xia Ruo dragged his chair closer to Su Luoheng and asked, "What is the truth?"

Looking at Xia Ruo's curiosity, Su Luoheng smiled and rubbed her head. I said the conclusion I just speculated with Xia Ruo.

Xia Ruo was startled.

"You mean, the real murderer is Lan Xiang, and Hongmu is only committing the crime for her?"


Xia Ruo showed a puzzled expression: "But why did she do this?"

"Lanxiang's mind is far less meticulous and strong than the mahogany, so the lie of mahogany is more successful." Su Luoheng said affirmatively, but in fact, if it weren't for the coincidence at the congee shop, they might be true. The case will be closed with Mahogany justified defense.

"..." Xia Ruo was silent. After carefully passing Su Luoheng's guess in his head, he felt that this kind of inference could indeed connect all the evidence and also answer their previous doubts.

Su Luoheng was really smart, Xia Ruo thought.

After a while, Xia Ruo asked Su Luoheng: "So, where do you go to find evidence to prove your guess?"

Su Luoheng had already dialed the phone, and while looking for the contact number in the phone address book, he answered Xia Ruo, saying: "If Lan Xiang was the only one present at the time, then Lan Xiang could only contact Hongmu through the mobile phone. I am now recruiting people to go. Check Lanxiang’s call records that day."

At that time, because Hongmu quickly surrendered, Su Luoheng didn't think about it. Moreover, he only thought of the connection between Hongmu and Fancheng, or the connection between Lanxiang and Fancheng, but the neglected Hongmu and Lanxiang. the relationship between.

I just ordered the colleague on the other end of the phone to help check Lanxiang’s call records. The appraisal department called. Su Luoheng answered the phone. The other end said that after the appraisal, the hair that Su Luoheng provided to them is indeed Lan Xiang's own.

An hour later, Su Luoheng received the call again and received a fax.

The content of the fax is the communication record of Lanxiang on August 3rd, which shows the record of several calls between Lanxiang and Hongmu.

There are two calls from five to six o'clock in the afternoon, two calls from eight to nine o'clock, and ten forty-one calls.

The time of Fancheng's murder was finally determined to be between 6 pm and 5 pm to 9 pm on August 3rd, and there was no time for very preparation. However, during this period, Mahogany and Lanxiang hardly broke contact.

According to the time point, Lanxiang or Hongmu should have been killed in Fancheng between 6pm and 8pm.

Holding the communication record, Xia Ruo turned around and said to Su Luoheng: "This can only be a concise verification that your guess may be correct, and it cannot substantively prove the truth of the case."

Xia Ruo is right. This communication record can at most verify the truth of Su Luoheng's guess.

But Su Luoheng was not in a hurry at all. Xia Ruo felt that he might have any other way, and asked him inquisitively: "Do you have any good way?"

Su Luoheng's eyes were bright, he laughed, and said, "Lan Xiang and Hongmu are obviously good friends, and now Hongmu comes out to commit the crime, you say, why does Lan Xiang not let go?"

Lan Xiang would certainly indulge his friend who died for him, otherwise, according to Hongmu's character, he would definitely not come out to commit the crime for Lan Xiang. There may be two reasons, either, Lan Xiang and Hongmu are not good friends that outsiders seem to be, but Lan Xiang holds the handle of Hongmu, so she has to commit the crime for her. Either way, Lan Xiang is absolutely sure that Mahogany won't be responsible for her.

According to the attitudes of Lanxiang and Hongmu, the strong side is obviously in Hongmu, and the first possibility is relatively low. Therefore, it can only be the second.

"So Lan Xiang believes that Mahogany must be able to get rid of guilt?" Xia Ruo said.

Su Luoheng nodded appreciatively, and said, "Yes."

Then Su Luoheng stopped talking again, let Xia Ruo think.

Since there is no evidence, he must find a way to get Hongmu and Lanxiang to confess. Judging from the contact with Lanxiang and Mahogany, the resistance of mahogany is stronger, and it is easier to use Lanxiang as a breakthrough point.

When talking to Lan Xiang before, why did she almost tell the truth? It's because Xia Ruo mentioned that Redwood might have memorized it for her.

Xia Ruo raised a smile and said, "If we tell Lan Xiang that Hongmu is about to be convicted, then she will certainly not let the situation develop in a direction that is not conducive to Hongmu, and she will naturally tell the truth!"

Su Luoheng smiled more, nodded and said, "That's it."

Xia Ruo picked up the bag on the table and walked straight to the door, and then found that Su Luoheng was still sitting there looking at him blankly, and couldn't help but laugh and curse: "What are you doing in a daze, go quickly!"

"Go to Lan Xiang?" Su Luoheng asked helplessly.

"Right." Xia Ruo said happily.

Su Luoheng was helpless and admired. Xia Ruo's mobility is indeed extremely strong.

Xia Ruo came to the company of Hongmu and Lanxiang for the second time today.

Seeing Xia Ruo go back and forth, Lan Xiang felt a bit stunned. Seeing the serious expressions of Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng, he realized that things must have developed into a very bad situation.

"Miss Lan." Xia Ruo greeted Lan Xiang.

"Officer Xia, why did you come back just now?" Lan Xiang smiled, at the moment there was no guilty conscience.

Xia Ruo was just wearing blue incense and said: "We are here to tell you, because Hongmu conceals the truth, we

If the case cannot be closed with due defense, she will be charged to court for intentional homicide. "

Lan Xiang was stunned.

"How come you can draw conclusions so quickly, Officer Xia, didn't you tell me this morning that you are just skeptical?" Lan Xiang's tone began to rush.

Su Luoheng opened his mouth, drawing Lan Xiang’s attention from Xia Ruo to him, and said, “Miss Lan, you have to understand that we cannot delay the case for too long. The killing of Fancheng was admitted by Hongmu. But she did not have sufficient evidence to prove that he was a legitimate defense. In this case, we can only prosecute him for intentional homicide."

"How can you be so sloppy!" Lan Xiang, who has always been gentle, asked almost in a fingerprint tone.

Su Luoheng sneered, and said: "Hongmu can't produce evidence to prove that he is a legitimate defense. We are justified in doing so."

Lan Xiang's face was very ugly.

She didn't expect that things would take a turn for the worse so suddenly, she originally expected Redwood to have any way to make things turn for the better.

What should we do now, let Hongmu be prosecuted? Let Hongmu take the blame for her? She can't do it.


Lan Xiang suddenly thought of something, and asked Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng with a cold expression: "Why are you here to tell me?"

If they really have decided to sue Hongmu, they will not specifically inform her, but have already begun action.

Lan Xiang immediately realized that Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng had come to play with her.

Xia Ruo was taken aback, but he didn't expect Lan Xiang to react so quickly this time, killing her by surprise.

Su Luoheng seemed to have expected Lan Xiang to ask this for a long time, and said: "Miss Lan, I think you and he will probably guide ourselves why we will tell you this matter specially."

Lan Xiang said nothing.

Su Luoheng continued: "We are not bluffing either. Miss Lan, we are indeed planning to sue Miss Hongmu." He paused and reminded Lan Xiang to say the same: "Of course, it's because you don't have any doubts. Circumstances."

Lan Xiang understood that Su Luoheng was giving her an ultimatum, but she didn't know how much Su Luoheng had learned about the matter between them.

"What do you want to know from me?" Lan Xiang asked.

Su Luoheng understood that Lan Xiang was testing them and probing their details.

"We suspect that Hongmu is to protect the real murderer, and the top crime." Su Luoheng did not name a specific person.

When Su Luoheng said this, Lan Xiang understood that Su Luoheng had guessed the matter.

This is the end of the matter, and she can no longer hold on to it. She could hear that Su Luoheng's statement that he would prosecute Hongmu was not alarmist. She could not watch Hongmu being punished for her.

Lan Xiang took a long breath, as if she had been taken away from all her strength, her nerves that had been tightly guarded were finally released and slackened.

"Officer Su, Officer Xia, what do you want to know?" she said.

Lan Xiang obviously planned to confess all the facts.

"Miss Lan, please tell all the facts you know." Xia Ruo said.

Lan Xiang's thoughts returned to a few days ago.

"On the afternoon of August 3rd, Hongmu suddenly contacted me, saying that she had something to do, and asked me to negotiate business with Fancheng for her. Because it was Hongmu's request, I quickly agreed and went to Fancheng's house on time."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)