
Chapter 96: Is it legitimate defense?


"What time?" Xia Ruo asked, intersecting.

"Five-thirty in the afternoon." Lan Xiang remembered more clearly at this time: "I took the materials prepared by Hongmu and arrived at Fancheng's house on time. I originally planned to negotiate business with Fancheng as soon as possible and sign the contract, but Fancheng has been around. In terms of other things, I also prepared red wine. At first I thought that Fancheng was not satisfied with the conditions offered by our company, so I did not mention the business for a long time. In order to lose my appetite, you know, this is often used by businessmen. So I didn’t think much about it. Fancheng asked me to drink, so I drank it.”

Lan Xiang also regretted, he believed the stranger so easily.

"But I didn't drink well. Maybe it was because I caught a cold that day. I was sleepy for a while and it was hard to open my eyes." That day she felt dizzy and became sleepy. "Then Fancheng began to approach me, even …Trying to take off my clothes… ”

Lan Xiang frowned, speaking slowly and slowly, and said, "Then... I fell asleep."

Xia Ruo was taken aback.

Lan Xiang saw Xia Ruo's suspicion and increased his tone, saying, "What I said was true. I fainted at the time and didn't know anything. It's just... after waking up, I saw that Fancheng was dead."

Thinking of the scene when she first woke up, Lan Xiang's face appeared surprised: "Moreover, I still hold the fruit knife in my hand. I just knew that I might have killed Fancheng." She raised her eyes and looked at Su. Losing balance, said: "I think, the next thing, without me, you can guess it too."

Then, Lan Xiang lent Hongmu to call for help. After Hongmu came to Fancheng's house, he pretended to be on the scene, and knew everything about the rest.

Su Luoheng nodded, but he still had a few questions.

"If you are telling the truth, then your behavior is also legitimate defense. Why does Redwood pretend to be a legitimate defense scene?" It can even be said to be unnecessary.

Lan Xiang shook her head, and said, "I don't know this. I was confused at the time, and Hongmu said that she had a solution to this matter, so I just listened to her arrangements. Later, I was just I wiped the floor for her, and went home. Hongmu stayed on the scene alone. It was about ten o'clock in the evening before eleven o'clock. Hongmu texted me and said that she had everything arranged. So , I don’t know exactly how Redwood plans."

At that time, Lan Xiang was so shocked by the incident that he killed someone, she was in a daze, and she couldn't think about things at all. Mahogany had become her backbone and could only trust her.

"You mean, after Mahogany came, as long as you wipe the floor, you will be allowed to go home?" Su Luoheng asked.

"Yes." Lan Xiang nodded and said, "Hongmu also asked me not to be seen on the road."

Xia Ruo felt that Mahogany was like Lan Xiang's nanny.

"You haven't contacted you again before Redwood texted you?"


"You said that after you woke up and saw that he had a knife in his hand, you'guess' that he killed Fancheng?"

"Yes." Lan Xiang said, "I have a bad drink. Everyone knows that if you don't believe me, you can ask others."

Therefore, Lan Xiang passed out after drinking a few glasses of wine.

"Then do you have any impression of him killing Fancheng?"

Lan Xiang hesitated

Said: "Um... No, I really didn't have any impression at the time. It was just me and him in Fancheng's family at the time. So when I saw that he was injured with a knife full of blood, I knew the murderer was Him."

Lan Xiang's eyes were very real, and Su Luoheng's intuition told him that Lan Xiang was telling the truth.

"What time did you wake up?"

"It's more than eight o'clock." Lan Xiang still remembered the number that appeared on the phone screen when she called Mahogany.

"You slept for two hours?" Su Luoheng asked.

"Yes..." Su Luoheng's tone was distrustful of Lan Xiang, so Lan Xiang repeatedly emphasized and explained: "Because my alcohol volume is really bad."

Lan Xiang repeatedly emphasized this because Hongmu had lied about this matter before, and Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng noticed something was wrong. Now Lan Xiang repeatedly emphasized this matter, also in order to prevent Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo from doubting.

"Well, we will check this matter again." Su Luoheng said.

Xia Ruo then asked her: "Did you know Fancheng before?"

"do not know."

"Then why do you want to go to Fancheng's house to talk about things, go to... a strange man's house?" Xia Ruo asked euphemistically, because this kind of thing seemed incomprehensible to anyone.

"Because Hongmu said, she had made appointments with Fan Cheng to meet at his home."

Xia Ruo found out that Lan Xiang was still three-sentence to Hongmu. Why did this girl trust her so much

"Then you can propose to meet in another place?" Xia Ruo said.

Su Luoheng looked amused at Xia Ruo and brought him into the situation.

"However, when Hongmu called me, the time was already in a hurry. She said that temporarily changing the time would leave a bad impression on the customer..." Lan Xiang also said very aggrievedly.

"..." Xia Ruo was speechless.

When this Lan Xiang met Mahogany, it seemed as if she had lost her own opinion, and she would listen to everything.

Su Luoheng rubbed his eyebrows and said to Lan Xiang, "All you are telling are the truth?"

In fact, Su Luoheng never judged whether the other party was telling the truth based on the other party's answer, but based on the other party's performance and his intuition.

"Well, yes." After finally telling the truth, Lan Xiang felt that the whole person was relaxed.

Xia Ruo frowned, thought about what Lan Xiang said for a while, and said to Su Luoheng: "Su Luoheng, if you say this, Lan Xiang is also a legitimate defense."

"Yes." Su Luoheng nodded and said, "If what she said is true, it is indeed legitimate defense."

"What I said is true!" Lan Xiang said anxiously from the side, looking earnestly, Xia Ruo's words were like a life-saving straw to her.

Su Luoheng said to her solemnly and solemnly, "But, Miss Lan, do you have any evidence to prove that you are a legitimate defense?"

Lan Xiang was taken aback.

After the incident, the only evidence that Lan Xiang had existed at the scene was only one hair that Xia Ruo found later, and all the others were replaced with mahogany ones. But the disguised scene can no longer prove the truth of what Lan Xiang suffered.

Lan Xiang was stunned. After realizing this, the flame of hope that had just been gas was extinguished, and a huge sense of disappointment invaded her, making her face pale.

"Officer Su... Then what should I do..." Lan Xiang looked at Su Luoheng with a lost look, she was already

Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng have been regarded as his last straw: "How can I prove his innocence?"

Su Luoheng rubbed his eyebrows. In the past, Hongmu had created a lot of evidence to prove his innocence in order to disguise the scene, but it also indirectly caused the evidence to prove Lan Xiang's legitimate defense to be overwhelmed. Now it is really called "empty without proof." ".

He shook his head.

Lan Xiang fell into the seat almost desperately.

Xia Ruo bit her lip and said, "As long as it is something that has happened, it is impossible not to leave a trace."

She grabbed a corner of Su Luoheng's sleeve and said, "Su Luoheng, let's find a way to find evidence!"

In fact, even if Xia Ruo didn't ask him, he would do it, because it was his duty, so Su Luoheng didn't hesitate to say, "Okay."

Lan Xiang looked at Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng with scorching eyes, and she was grateful: "Thank you police officer..."

Even so, Lan Xiang had to be taken back to the police station and temporarily detained.

Xia Ruo said to her: "Don't worry, we will try our best to find evidence to prove it for you. If you remember any details, let us know."

Lan Xiang put all hope on Xia Ruo and Su Luoheng, and said, "Thank you."

"This is what we should do." Xia Ruo said.

"Officer Xia, I also want to ask about the situation of Hongmu." Lan Xiang said, "Since the man was not killed by Hongmu, is she all right?"

Xia Ruo said helplessly: "How could it be okay for Hongmu to interfere with our police investigation?"

Lan Xiang showed a nervous expression, Xia Ruo comforted and said, "Although I don't know what to do with her, don't worry, it won't be serious."

When Lan Xiang heard Xia Ruo say this, he relaxed a little, regretting that he had pulled the mahogany into the water.

Xia Ruo told Hongmu about Lan Xiang's surrender. Hongmu was shocked and almost cried: "Didn't I tell this fool to listen to me! How can she admit it..."

Mahogany covered her face with her hands, and murmured, both reproachfully and sadly: "How can she admit it..."

Xia Ruo stayed quietly for two minutes without making a sound. She gave Hongmu time to calm down. Knowing that her breathing had stabilized, she asked, "Redwood, why are you guilty for Lan Xiang?"

Now that Lan Xiang has confessed all the facts, she has no need to hide it.

Redwood said: "Because I don't want her to be hurt."

"Hurt?" Xia Ruo didn't agree with Hongmu's statement at all: "If you kill someone, you should be punished by the law. How can this be called'harm'?"

Hongmu fights the injustice for Lan Xiang: "This scumbag in Fancheng, he should be damned if he wants to do something wrong with Lan Xiang! Why does Lan Xiang want to accompany such a person?"

When Hongmu mentioned Fancheng, the disgust in his tone could not be suppressed. Xia Ruo felt that when Hongmu talked about this, it was as if he was really the one who was bullied by Fancheng.

Sure enough, he is a good friend, Xia Ruo thought.

Although she was moved by admitting the relationship between Hongmu and Lanxiang, Xia Ruo was opposed to Hongmu's statement. She righteously said: "No one's life can be taken away by others, even if he is just a scumbag!"

Hongmu looked at Xia Ruo coldly. Although she did not agree with Xia Ruo's words, she did not refute her anymore, because she knew that it didn't make sense.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)