
Chapter 98: Tell the truth


"Well... I can't be considered a girlfriend, anyway, it's... the relationship between everyone playing with each other." Fan Chu smiled maliciously and said.

"How did you know?" Su Luoheng asked him.

"Hehe." Fan Chu laughed twice and said, "I've seen Fan Cheng with the woman in the photo several times."

"Just being together doesn't prove anything." Xia Ruo said.

Fan Chu shook his head and said, "No, no, no, I have seen several times that Fancheng wants to take advantage of this beautiful woman. Sometimes the beautiful woman avoids, sometimes she just let Mother Fancheng touch her waist with her little hands. NS."

"Do you have any evidence?" Su Luoheng asked.

"Yes!" Fan Chu said with a grin: "It's on my phone. I took a picture of them together."

Su Luoheng and Xia Ruo were about to leave after they had asked. Fan Chu stopped them: "Hey, police officer, when can I be released? It is not me who killed Fancheng."

Su Luoheng said to him: "You committed the crime of theft, how can you let you go back?"

Fan Chu had a flat expression on his face.

Before closing the door, Xia Ruo said with a mockery, "Fan Chu, I think you have gained a lot in the past few days. The food in our police station is not bad."

After speaking, he closed the door and left without waiting for Fan Chu to reply.

The photos in Fan Chu's phone were found. There were indeed photos of Fan Cheng touching a rosewood hand in a drink shop, and photos of Fancheng holding a rosewood waist while walking on the road.

The relationship between Hongmu and Fancheng is really extraordinary.

That being the case, why did Redwood lie to them that he is not familiar with the return journey? Are you going to leave relatives

What makes Su Luoheng more concerned about is that according to Fan Chu's statement, Hongmu should know who Fancheng is, and it is even more impossible for Lan Xiang to go to Fancheng's house alone. So what is the intention of Hongmu to let Lan Xiang go to Fancheng's house

According to the actual development, Lan Xiang later killed Fancheng. So, is the purpose of Hongmu asking Lan Xiang to go to Fancheng's house to kill him? Then why didn't he do it? Why did he still commit the crime for Lan Xiang later

Since she and Lan Xiang are good friends, how could they let Lan Xiang fall into the fire

Also, why does Mahogany go to the storage room? According to previous inferences, she is not looking for photos, and may not even know the existence of photos.

The mahogany in the photo in the box was stunned by the drug.

The expression of Hongmu on Fan Chu's phone photos is also very unsightly. Could it be said that Hongmu was threatened by Fan Cheng

Fancheng figured out how to rap Hongmu and took photos, and then used the photos to threaten Hongmu to be with him? Later, Fan Cheng saw Lan Xiang when he went to Hongmu Company to discuss business with her, and threatened Hongmu to ask Lan Xiang to go to his house, and wanted to treat Lan Xiang in the same way, but Lan Xiang killed Fancheng.

Thinking of this, Su Luoheng suddenly saw another question.

Since the relationship between Hongmu and Fancheng is not good, why does Hongmu have to do business with Fanchengran? It can only be because Hongmu is threatened by Fancheng. Combining with what Fan Cheng’s colleagues said, he can always get business with mysterious methods they don’t know, maybe because his method of doing business is unpopular, it is better to say that he threatens Hongmu to have to negotiate business with him.

In this way, Fancheng suddenly became rich more than a year ago. Where did his money come from

Will it also be the same as Hongmu


Su Luoheng called the police officer of the crime team: "Xiao Zhao, immediately check the account records of the Fancheng bank card account one year ago to see if there is any account exchange with Hongmu."

If Fancheng uses photos to threaten Hongmu to give him money, to get him a business, and even let him take advantage of her, then it should be Hongmu who really wants to kill Fancheng.

Hongmu sent Lanxiang into the tiger’s mouth probably because of threats, but Lanxiang accidentally killed Fancheng. Hongmu was ashamed, so he stepped forward to help Lanxiang replace the crime

But the premise is that Mahogany knows the existence of the photo. Or, she just knew the existence of the photos, but didn't know what kind of situation Fancheng used to store the photos, so she thought that as long as Fancheng died, his photos would not be exposed

But if you don’t need to look for photos, why does Mahogany arrive in the storage room

The cabinet is behind the door...

Did she hide her clothes after hiding behind them

Why should she go behind the door

Su Luoheng rubbed his eyebrows.

As a friend, Hongmu even asked his friend to face a person who had done something wrong with her alone. Could there be other reasons

For a long time, Su Luoheng's thinking about this case is that Hongmu and Lanxiang are good friends. All the things that Hongmu does are for Lanxiang, and Lanxiang believes in everything that Hongmu does for her. But what if even this is a lie

At that time, Su Luoheng and the others believed that Hongmu and Lanxiang were good friends because Hongmu was willing to help Lanxiang get rid of the crime at the expense of his life, but now it seems that the purpose of Hongmu's coming to Fancheng's home is not just to pretend the scene is so simple. Purpose, then this matter may be false from beginning to end.

If the purpose of Hongmu's camouflage on the scene is not to pretend that he is justified, what else can it be

If Fancheng uses photos to threaten Hongmu to give him money, to get him a business, and even let him take advantage of her, then it should be Hongmu who really wants to kill Fancheng.

Su Luoheng had a hypothesis in his mind.

Maybe it was Redwood who used Lanxiang to kill Fancheng

As soon as this hypothesis came out, Su Luoheng thought about many things clearly.

For example, Hongmu and Fancheng met at Fancheng's house, but temporarily notified Lan Xiang to go there for her, and did not even give Lan Xiang the time and opportunity to change the location, just to ensure that Lan Xiang would appear at Fancheng's house.

After Mahogany disguised the scene, he also erased all traces of evidence that was powerful for Lan Xiang, precisely so that Lan Xiang could not prove his innocence.

However, this will make Lan Xiang also lose his life for killing Fan Cheng. Could it be that there is any grudge between Hongmu and Lanxiang

Hongmu knew what Fancheng was, and he could probably guess what Fancheng would do to Lan Xiang. Is it intentional? At that time, Fancheng was raped by mahogany, so, would Fancheng also be raped by Lanxiang? Is there a drug in red wine? And Lan Xiang also mentioned that she didn't know why she was so drunk that day.

The reason why Su Luoheng and the others did not detect it later was because Hongmu had changed the drugged red wine.

If this is the case, the matter becomes-Hongmu knew that Fancheng would find a way to rape Lan Xiang, so he planned to send Lan Xiang to Fancheng’s house and used Lan Xiang to kill Fancheng, and then he pretended to bear the blame for Lan Xiang. Actually Shang but Ba and Lan Xiang have

All the evidence of strength was erased, and it also allowed him to achieve an image of sacrificing his life for his friends, so that the police could not suspect her, and would not think that there was any collusion between her and Fancheng.

But in this case, there are still many problems.

What is the grudge between Lanxiang and Mahogany

Why does Mahogany come to the storage room

Does Lan Xiang really know nothing

What if Lan Xiang didn't kill Fan Cheng but was raped by Fan Cheng smoothly? Or this is Mahogany's original idea, but Lan Xiang killed him is an accident, and the rest is Mahogany's plan

Su Luoheng decided to go to Hongmu and Lanxiang's company again.

This time, Su Luoheng did not ask Hongmu and Lan Xianglai about the girl's separate relationship, but asked the people in the company how their personal relationship was.

The answer given by most people is that the relationship between Mahogany and Lanxiang is very good and very close. But also got some details. For example, although Lanxiang has a weak personality, he is much stronger than Hongmu in terms of business, and the boss of this company is more practical. So after joining the company, Lanxiang has been doing well and doing pretty well. In contrast, Mahogany is much inferior, and her character is more aggressive, not very pleasing to her boss.

Some people even revealed that when he saw the leader giving Lan Xiang a reward, Hongmu's face was actually very ugly.

Su Luoheng had some guesses in his heart.

The relationship between Mahogany and Lanxiang has always been that Mahogany is relatively strong, and Lanxiang is overwhelmed, but after entering the workplace, he finds that he is not as good as Lanxiang in every way, and is always inferior to Lanxiang, and I feel dissatisfied. To put it bluntly, it is jealous.

In addition, Hongmu has experienced being raped and threatened by Fancheng, and his heart is even more unbalanced.

At this time, Xichang called and said that they had cracked the password of the USB flash drive.

"What's in it?" Su Luoheng was driving inside, so he connected the phone with a Bluetooth headset and asked Xichang from this side.

Xichang had a serious tone and said: "It's a dialogue, a dialogue between Fancheng and Hongmu."

"Content?" Su Luoheng said concisely.

"The content is probably that Fancheng asked Hongmu to trick Lanxiang into his house. Hongmu disagreed. Then Fancheng threatened her with a photo of Hongmu and said that if she didn't do this, she would expose the photo. And Hongmu and Fancheng in the past two years After doing a few deals, there was a lot of tricks in it. So Hongmu promised Fancheng to trick Lan Xiang into his house on the night of August 3rd."

This further confirmed Su Luoheng's guess.

On the other side, Xia Ruo also obtained the transfer record between Hongmu and Fancheng sent by Xiao Zhao. From a year ago to now, Hongmu has been sending money to Fancheng, especially more than a year ago, when Hongmu made a payment. A huge sum of money to Fancheng. No wonder everyone said that Fancheng suddenly became rich.

Su Luoheng rushed to the police station, gathered all the evidence together, and shared his thoughts with the team. Xia Ruo was surprised when he heard Su Luoheng's speculation. It turns out that even "good friends" are illusions. …

In the interrogation room.

Mahogany's look is not very good, a little tired.

Su Luoheng didn't say much nonsense, and directly released the conversation on the USB flash drive.

After hearing this conversation, Hongmu's entire face turned pale, and he muttered: "Unexpectedly... this bastard actually recorded the sound..."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)