Douluo Dalu

Chapter 111: The fusion of soul skills and the unique skills of Tangmen


The dense yellow light spots rushed into the golden-red light around Xiao Wu's body in an instant. What surprised both parties at the same time was that the moment the yellow light spots entered the light of Xiao Wu's body protection, they disappeared like moths to a flame.

Not only did it not produce a half-point effect, on the contrary, the golden-red light around Xiao Wu's body was blazing, from the original three inches to more than a foot thick.

In an instant, all the rays of light that attacked her were destroyed.

At the same time, a very special aura was suddenly released from Xiao Wu's body, and the golden-red light instantly soared, although it faded with the expansion of the distance. But it also shrouded her opponent easily.

The referee in the arena was also shrouded in this light, but he didn't feel anything strange. But Xiao Wu's opponent was different. Under the golden red light, he only felt like he was facing a Titled Douluo.

The soul power of the whole body lost its effect in an instant, and the sunflower in his hand also withered and withered quietly in the light.

Xiao Wu was also stunned. In the current situation, she didn't need to make another move at all, and as the sunflower in her opponent's hand withered, the heat in her body slowly disappeared, and after a while, it disappeared. The dazzling golden-red halo also disappeared.

The game started normally and ended strangely. Compared with the fiery scenes of the first game, this one is more incredible. Xiao Wu was just a soul sect, but she lost two soul sects in a row. Shocked the audience.

Just when Xiao Wu was a little dazed, Tang San's subtle voice sounded in her ear. "No matter who asks, don't answer why this golden-red light appears. Keep silent and mysterious. Leave the rest to me."

At the same time, there was also a discussion in the VIP seat. Emperor Xue Ye looked at Ning Fengzhi in surprise, but Ning Fengzhi shook his head at him, saying that he did not know what that golden red light was.

Platinum Bishop Salas said, "I didn't expect it. There is actually a person with a soul bone in this Shrek Academy. This should be their hidden strength."

Soul bone

Emperor Xue Ye and Ning Fengzhi both showed their approval, for them. This is obviously the best explanation. Xiao Wu didn't take out any soul tool to use, and the golden-red light was obviously not the ability that a soul tool could possess. It is undoubtedly the most reasonable to explain it with the skills of spirit bones.

The Great Emperor Xue Ye took a deep breath, "It's just that this spirit bone skill is too powerful. It can actually cause the opponent's spirit to wither in an instant. It seems that in terms of spirit trauma, this student of the Barack Academy is better than the previous one. more serious."

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly. Said: "Your Majesty doesn't know. If I guess correctly, Xiao Wu's spirit ability should be targeted and not effective for any spirit. Perhaps, only the plant-type spirit will be affected by this spirit of her spirit bone. Constrained by ability. Even the range will be even smaller."

As the Sect Master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and the number one auxiliary spirit master in the world, Ning Fengzhi is so knowledgeable that if the golden red light released by Xiao Wu would have an effect on any spirit. Wouldn't that make the world invincible

It was rare for Salas not to raise the bar with Ning Fengzhi. Nodding his head, he said, "Sect Master Ning and I have the same opinion. This should be a very ordinary soul bone, but it only came into play at the right time. It doesn't mean anything."

The referee in the competition venue was naturally full of doubts about Xiao Wu's golden-red light, and went up to ask, but Xiao Wu refused to say anything. In desperation, the referee had to hand over the right to judge to the jury.

At this time, the three of Emperor Xue Ye had already made a judgment. From their point of view, it was normal for Xiao Wu to refuse to talk about it. After all, who would admit to having a soul bone on her body? The victory of this match was undoubtedly awarded to Shrek Academy. Xiao Wu won two consecutive victories.

As the game continued, Shrek Academy was a bit dumbfounded that the strength of the students behind Barack Academy was obviously not comparable to the previous two. Xiao Wu lost three people in a row again before exhausting her soul power and stepping down.

After that, the few Barack Academy players who played on the field did not have any soul sect above level 40 again.

Xiao Wu's perfect performance undoubtedly overshadowed the team members who played in the previous two games from each academy, and her five-game winning streak also temporarily placed her personal record at the highest position.

Xiao Wu came off the stage, and Tang San immediately stepped into the arena. And Barack Academy just relaxed because of Xiao Wu's end. But with the release of Tang San's martial spirit, it completely fell into freezing point.

Yellow, yellow, purple, black. Four spirit rings appeared at the same time. Although the black spirit ring was not conspicuous, the deep light shone. However, the last two students of Barack Academy completely lost their fighting spirit.

Before Tang San even started, Barack College voluntarily conceded defeat. After all, the game has just started, and the smell of gunpowder generated by the previous conflict has obviously strained the relationship between the two colleges. The team leader of Barack College does not want to have no one available in tomorrow's game.

Shrek Academy also played two people to solve the battle, but from the perspective of the scene, it was better than Blazing Academy. It is precisely because of this that Huo Wu's gaze at Tang San became more and more fierce.

After eating two big recovery sausages, Xiao Wu's spirit power slowly recovered, she almost couldn't wait to pull Tang San back to her teammates and asked, "Brother, what happened to the light on my body just now? Do you know? ." If Tang San didn't know, why could he remind himself

Tang San smiled and nodded, speaking his judgment in her ear. It was only then that Xiao Wu suddenly realized. She reached into her arms and touched the Acacia Heartbroken Red, which had been in her arms. Indeed, the heat just poured into her body from this position.

The first round of the promotion match was perfect for Shrek Academy. The only one who really showed her strength was Xiao Wu, but she completely resolved the match.

Except for the Four Elements Academy, other academies at most only learned that Shrek Academy has a monster equipped with a ten thousand year spirit ring.

In the subsequent games, the other three teams that qualified from Tian Dou City also won respectively. The five spirit master academies representing the Heaven Dou Empire were immediately satisfied with their complete victory.

He said on the spot that all the winning academies will be rewarded with 1,000 gold soul coins each, and the losing academies will also be rewarded with 500 gold soul coins.

After the first day of the game, the deans of each academy came to the stage to draw lots. Shrek Academy was not very lucky. In the second day of the game, the opponent they drew was the Blazing Academy who had made a big splash in the first game. .

Although it is a round-robin competition, every academy will encounter it, but encountering the Blazing Academy so early has undoubtedly caused some psychological fluctuations in the players of both sides.

Back in the camp, Xiao Wu went back to her room to rest first. There will be a game tomorrow. She has consumed a lot of spirit power today and must recover as soon as possible. Jiang Zhu is with her. Her reply speed became faster.

The master gathered the students of Shrek Academy and asked straight to the point: "Tomorrow your opponent is Blazing Academy. What kind of lineup do you think should be used to fight?"

As the captain, Dai Mubai was the first to say: "Master, although the strength of the Blazing Academy is not bad, they are actually the weakest among the Four Elements Academy, only Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu are stronger. It is difficult for people to threaten us. Judging from the situation of today's game, at least one of Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu will be in the front. Win as much as possible. The other players should be used to consume our soul power. I'm the first to play, and the junior ends up. This is a complete guarantee of victory."

Grandmaster said: "Mubai is right. However, I have to remind you of one thing. After all, the preliminaries are preliminaries, and even in the current promotion competition, each team may not use all their strength. We are not the only ones hiding it. Strength. Others will also use this method. Among the seven Shrek Devils, there are two auxiliary spirit masters, and the others are relatively balanced. Tang San and Mubai are slightly more prominent. You come to the competition, not just to take Ranking, the more important thing is to exercise. Exercise your strength and mentality. What you can think of, your opponent can naturally think of. What I want to give you today is surprise. It is easier to break the opponent's rhythm by playing cards out of common sense. Therefore, In the battle tomorrow, Xiaosan will be the first to appear, followed by Ma Hongjun, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and Mubai."

Just as the master only announced three names when he faced the Barack Academy today, now he has only pronounced five names. Clearly, this is the lineup he thinks can be won.

Among the five, only Ma Hongjun had never played before, and this time he was sent to the Grandmaster for his own purpose. Ma Hongjun in the preliminaries has not been able to play, and the task given to him by the master is to practice hard.

It's better to start the actual fight at this point and let him fight with outside opponents to find the rhythm of the game than to start again in the finals.

As for Oscar and Ning Rongrong, they were auxiliary spirit masters, as long as they had a tacit cooperation with their teammates. Continue to freeze. The promotion round is not something they can participate in.

Silent all night.

The rhythm of the promotion game is much faster than that of the qualifiers. There are no ordinary spectators, and all they want is the result of the game. Removed those tedious processes and the hustle and bustle of the audience, but instead made it easier for the soul masters to exert their strengths.

The match between Shrek Academy and Blazing Academy was in the fifth stage, and before the match started, Tang San could already feel the fiery gaze watching him not far away.

Tang San didn't go to see Huo Wu, and he didn't want to act arrogant, he just watched the games on the field calmly, especially Kamikaze Academy and Thunder Academy. These two colleges are the ones they have never met. He is about to play in the promotion round, and he has to watch it carefully.

Through observation, Tang San discovered that in addition to the Four Elements Academy, there were two other academies that were also very strong, one called the Silas Academy and the other called the Botany Academy.

Silas Academy was fine. It seemed to be similar in strength to Four Elements Academy, with three students above level 40. And Tang San of the School of Botany couldn't understand it. All the team members of the Botanical Academy have plant spirits, and they are all extremely strange plants. Since the start of the game, they have only played three players.

Of course, this is also because they did not meet a strong opponent. Although the team members they played were all in their thirties, Tang San saw that the team members of the Botanical Academy were all control spirit masters. It wasn't a loss either. With the help of three Soul Venerable Academy students in their thirties, they had won two consecutive victories in the game that had already ended.

The Botanical Academy kept a low profile, and their spirit skills weren't dazzling, but the more they were like this, the more Tang San felt that they were not simple.

Finally it was Shrek Academy and Blazing Academy's turn to appear.

When Tang San entered the venue on behalf of Shrek Academy, the Blazing Academy was on the side. The team members suddenly showed stunned eyes.

The first official Huo Wushuang to appear in the Blazing Academy was just as Dai Mubai had judged, and the last one to appear was Huo Wu.

Seeing that Tang San was the first to appear in the competition arena, Huo Wu stood up from his seat fiercely, the plumpness on his chest kept rising and falling, and his eyes gleamed. If it weren't for the competition, the order of appearances in the submissions could not be changed, she would definitely be the first to play without hesitation.

Why? Why are you the first to appear? Huo Wu shouted loudly in his heart.

within a month of the end of the qualifiers. Her practice is almost tormenting to herself. He also finally made a breakthrough, not only did his soul power increase by one level. There has also been a considerable improvement in the application of his own spirit skills and various abilities. And all of this is to find Tang San's shame.

But right now, Tang San appeared as the first player of Shrek Academy. No matter how strong he is, Huo Wu doesn't think he can hold on to a fight with him. Has the opportunity for shame just disappeared? She is unwilling.

However, the rules of the game were there, which made her so helpless. She couldn't let her brother and everyone else quit the game.

After all, she also has to think about the whole team.

Huo Wushuang and Tang San stood facing each other. The expression on his face was serious. He originally thought that Xiao Wu, who had won five consecutive victories yesterday, would still be the first to appear, and he was also ready to fight Xiao Wu.

But what appeared in front of him was Tang San who had left a deep impression on him. This made a crack in Huo Wushuang's inner firmness.

He knew that with Tang San's ability to control martial spirits and his immunity to fire, it would be hard for him to please him. Fire immunity is too much restraint on his strength.

Tang San still had a calm expression on his face. He was like this when facing any opponent. As the referee called the match, he made a gesture of invitation to Huo Wushuang.

almost the same time. The two finished the process of releasing their martial spirits. Tang San raised his right hand in front of him, and the faint blue silver grass grew five inches from the palm of his hand and swayed gently. If it weren't for the four dazzling spirit rings on his body, he showed his strength. , No one could believe that it was only five inches of blue silver grass. The power can be so amazing.

Not only the Blazing Academy, those academy members from the kingdom and the principality, as long as they didn't participate in the competition, almost all looked at the battle between Huo Wushuang and Tang San.

One is a traditional strong team, and the other has the fourth ten thousand year spirit ring. This battle is destined to be exciting. At the same time, these academies also wanted to carefully observe how strong Tang San was.

Scales emerged from under the skin, and the fiery flames rose in an instant, then extinguished in an instant. Huo Wushuang's entire body was covered with a layer of dark red. A short horn protrudes from the top of the head, about three inches long. It was his spirit, the one-horned fire tyrannosaurus possessed.

Seeing the process of Huo Wushuang releasing his martial spirit, Tang San's eyes couldn't help but freeze. The flame release is normal, but the subsequent flame convergence is obviously different from the last encounter in the teamfight. Seeing that Huo Wushuang looked calm, it was obvious that he had decided how to deal with him.

Different from normal attack type spirit masters facing control type spirit masters, this time it was Tang San who launched first.

Tang San's foot moved, and the person had already floated out. It didn't look like his movements were fast, but with the illusory pace under his feet, he was already close to Huo Wushuang in the blink of an eye.

The main attack of the control system soul master? Unbelievable thoughts popped into everyone's mind.

The first spirit ring on Huo Wushuang's body lit up in an instant, and the dark red layer on the scales on the surface of the body suddenly became crystal clear, like a layer of armor covering the body, but his body did not move. Just staring at Tang San who was rapidly approaching.

To Huo Wushuang's surprise, the blue silver grass entanglement in the prediction did not fall on him, Tang San still approached him, but did not intend to use his spirit ability.

Huo Wushuang couldn't bear it any longer, his hands slammed together in front of his chest, dark red rays of light rushed out from his palms, and instantly condensed into a slap-sized dark red ball of light.

There was still no flame rising, not even a trace of scorching heat radiating, just as his eyes locked on Tang San's body, a dark red ball of light shot out, heading straight for Tang San.

Seeing the moment before the two were about to collide, Tang San's feet suddenly slipped, and he narrowly avoided the impact of the dark red ball of light. At this moment, he said that Huo Wushuang was already less than five meters away.

Obviously, Huo Wushuang's attack was not so easy to dodge. Although the first attack was avoided, the ball of light immediately changed direction, chasing after Tang San.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the blue silver grass in Tang San's right palm suddenly swelled, only one, as thick as a baby's arm, spread to three meters in the blink of an eye. Wushuang's body slammed, and at the same time, a clump of blue silver grass rose from Tang San's back, woven into a large net in the air, forcibly blocking the ball of light behind him.

In the next instant, a look of surprise appeared on the faces of the two at the same time.

With a violent roar, the dark red ball of light disappeared, but the net covering it also shattered, and the blue silver grass swung out by Tang San's hand also approached Huo Wushuang.

Huo Wushuang's body finally moved, not caring about the Blue Silver Grass that slammed towards his body, but slammed into Tang San's body.

The blue silver grass slammed on Huo Wushuang's shoulder accurately, but with an explosive roar, the blue silver grass was directly blown to pieces. At the same time, the distance between Huo Wushuang and Tang San was already close at hand.

How rich Tang San's actual combat experience is, he realized the problem in an instant.

That's right, his Blue Silver Grass can indeed be immune to water and fire, but it is not immune to the impact of energy. Blazing Fire Academy came up with a very simple way to deal with it. Converge the fire attribute attack and convert it into another attack mode.

The characteristics of flames are not only scorching, but also bursting.

Huo Wushuang compresses and condenses his own fire attribute soul power as much as possible, and then releases it instantly when the two sides contact, forming an explosive force.

In this way, although the fire attribute cannot affect him, the explosive force is still terrifying.

As one of the five major academies of elements, Blazing Academy is truly well-deserved. Whether it is a teacher or these outstanding students, it is truly extraordinary that they can find a way to deal with themselves in such a short period of time.

But will this beat me? The smile at the corner of Tang San's mouth did not disappear. You are making progress, why am I not

Facing Huo Wushuang's impact, Tang San knew that as long as he was in contact with the opponent's body, the dark red scales on Huo Wushuang's body would form a series of explosions that severely damaged him. What the Blue Silver Grass can bear now.

After all, both of them were forty-two spirit masters, and from the beginning of the battle to the present, Huo Wushuang had given out far more spirit power than Tang San. Combined with his masculine unicorn tyrannosaurus spirit, it is indeed invincible.

With burst versus control, this choice is undoubtedly the most correct, but unfortunately, Tang San's control has reached a new level in this short month.

Facing Huo Wushuang's head-on collision, Tang San did not retreat, but continued to charge forward. Seeing that the two bodies were about to collide, Huo Wushuang raised his fists at the same time and slammed into the empty space on both sides of Tang San, trying his best to make him unable to dodge.

He believed that as long as he and Tang San were in physical contact, then he would immediately gain the upper hand. How could the one-horned explosive dragon be comparable to the Blue Silver Grass

But at this moment, Tang San's forward rushing body stopped abruptly, he also raised his hands, and did not release the blue silver grass, his palms met Huo Wushuang's fists, his wrists Shaking slightly, each of his arms took a wonderful arc.

Huo Wushuang immediately felt that something was wrong. The power he output seemed to meet a soft barrier, and the two punches he threw out were full of the feeling of being powerful and not dispatched. What surprised him even more was that the scales on his fist touched Tang Tang. After the force of three, it did not cause an explosion. but was pulled aside. It was as if someone had pulled him with his hand. Following the momentum of his fist, Huo Wushuang's body staggered.

Tang San disappeared, the moment Huo Wushuang lost his balance.

The next moment, Huo Wushuang only felt a force coming from behind him. Before he could react, the whole person was sent out, and his body made a series of roars in the air. It was he who activated his scales. Contains the bursting fire element.

It's a pity that his reaction was a beat later. Although the explosive force was strong, it was in the air and couldn't affect Tang San at all.

This is the effect of the ghost shadow fan's walking step and the control of the crane to capture the dragon.

These days, Tang San has been thinking about a lot of things, he suddenly realized that since possessing the spirit ability, he seems to have neglected many originally very powerful abilities. That's right, soul skills are really easy to use, and they are direct and simple. But in fact, how could his own Tang Sect's unique skills be worse than those skills

To understand the dialect in the way of this world, the unique skills of Tang Sect that I cultivated from the Xuantian Treasure Records are all skills in themselves! Purple Demon Eye is. Ghosts and Shadows, Controlling Cranes and Capturing Dragons, Xuan Yushou, aren't they all? Even if the hidden weapons that Tangmen are best at can't be used, can't they use them

If the previous process was slowed down a bit, then the entire process of Tang San's launching could be clearly seen. Controlling He Jin to dispel the opponent's attack, Guiying Mizong led him to the back of Huo Wushuang, and Xuan Yu's hand took Long Jin to push out.

Although the explosive force has been contaminated a little, Xuanyu's hand is so tough. There is no harm at all, but Huo Wushuang's body has been quickly pushed out.

Seven blue silver grasses. Under the sunlight, it shimmered with purple-red brilliance, falling from the sky like seven long rainbows.

At this moment, Huo Wushuang turned his back to Tang San completely, he could only feel the pressure in the air, but couldn't see what kind of attack it was. And the attack time taken by Tang San's Blue Silver Grass happened just as the energy of his scales had just exploded, and his spirit power was condensing. The embarrassing time for the next soul skill could not be announced.

Control, this is still control, but with details and precision. Details determine success or failure, and at this moment, Tang San maximized his advantage by virtue of the ground.

The blue silver grass slashed onto Huo Wushuang's back without any suspense. The seven blue silver grasses hit the same spot, and the first blow knocked Huo Wushuang in the air to the ground. From the second time onwards, Huo Wushuang's unbearable pain had spread all over his body in an instant, with a feeling of numbness and convulsions, all he could do was turn over quickly and bounce. But the back is already a bloody mess.

do not forget. On the blue silver grass is the highly poisonous land, the poison from the human-faced devil spider, and the thorns of the ghost vine. Huo Wushuang, who had lost the protection of his scales, was not only fully invaded by toxins at this time, but the severe pain greatly affected his spirit power and concentration.

Tang San's face was still so calm, but he didn't give the opponent a chance to relax, just when Huo Wushuang bounced up and was about to face Tang San. His feet suddenly tightened, and without any warning, a piece of the most common blue silver grass wrapped around his ankle. Again he lost his balance.

For defense and counterattack. Almost all the soul power that Huo Wushuang had just condensed was in his upper body and fell to the ground again. It also takes time for him to use explosive force to dissolve the entanglement on his ankle.

However, his entire body was already flying under the drive of the blue silver grass.

This time, Huo Wushuang's body was thrown into the distance, but Tang San on the ground had already followed in an illusory way. Twelve blue silver grasses appeared along with the wave of his right arm, still attacking the same one. Location.

The crackling sound was almost incessantly remembered, and a roar burst out in the air. This time, Huo Wushuang's body was already defended. In a loud explosion, twelve blue silver grasses shattered one after another, but the piercing pain of the slap and the shock from the explosion of his own fire element still made Huo Wushuang unbearable. Sprayed out of the air.

Finally blocking the last blue silver grass, Huo Wushuang tried his best to control his body and his feet to land, so as not to make a fool of himself again. At the same time, he couldn't wait to burst out a series of attacks in the air, lest the terrifying blue silver grass like a snake would wrap around him again.

"You lost." Tang San's attack didn't appear again, only his calm voice came.

Huo Wushuang came back to his senses at this time, and when he fixed his eyes, his face couldn't help but turn pale. It was only then that he realized that he had already left the field of competition and landed just one meter away from the edge.

It was only now that he realized that the reason why Tang San threw him up and swung twelve blue silver grasses at him was not to attack himself, but to use the power of the blue silver grass to strike. And the explosive force of your own body sends yourself a farther distance.

Going out of the field, no matter what the situation, already means failure.

Huo Wushuang stared blankly at Tang San, he was not dissatisfied, on the contrary, he suddenly discovered that the frustration in his heart was so strong.

Facing Tang San, what ushered in was not his control, but his strong attack. The precision of the control-type soul master, the speed and strength of the combination of the strong-attack type and the agility-attack type.

From the moment of the first contact between the two sides, to the end, he didn't even have the chance to use his stronger spirit skills after he was relieved. And what Tang San used could only be regarded as the first spirit ability at most, not even all of the first spirit ability.

Just waving a few blue silver grass, how much soul power can he waste

Hidden weapons, including not only throwing types, but also mechanical types and rare cable types. It was Tang San who used the hidden weapon's cable-casting method on his Blue Silver Grass.

He had used it in the previous Meteor Man Hammer, but these days of hard work had made him truly realize the importance of combining Tang Sect's unique skills with soul skills. It's really bringing the two together.

Forty-two vs. forty-two, the victorious side consumes almost negligible spirit power, this is the effect Tang San obtained after cultivating hard. In actual combat he proved his strength.

Huo Wushuang, who originally thought he could fight, was defeated without showing his full strength at all. He couldn't even consume Tang San's spirit power.

"When you faced me, you lacked confidence. If a soul master has no confidence, how can he possibly win?"

Tang San's words rang in Huo Wushuang's ears, and when he looked at Tang San's calm eyes again, Huo Wushuang suddenly realized that this young man who was obviously younger than himself seemed to be his teacher.

Huo Wu had already run over at this time, grabbed Huo Wushuang's arm, and asked with concern: "Brother, how are you?"

Huo Wushuang shook his head, "I'm fine. I lost, and I'm convinced."

Huo Wu raised her head sharply, as if flames shot out from her eyes, burning Tang San fiercely.

Tang San's eyes were still calm, looking at Huo Wu without any emotion.

The first game ended like this, although the scene was not as chaotic as the qualifiers, and there was no applause and cheers.

But Tang San's performance still conquered the audience. Even Ning Fengzhi, the Sect Master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, found that the child himself was becoming more and more incomprehensible. At such a young age, he already had a bit of a common demeanor.

The corner of his eye drifted to the platinum bishop Salas beside him. Ning Fengzhi was a little surprised to find that Salas' face was very calm, and he didn't have any emotional fluctuations because of Tang San's performance. Just like a normal game.

The next game seemed so simple to Tang San, he was always so calm, Blazing Academy played five players in a row, among them the twin brothers Huoyun and Huoyu even broke through from level 39 to level 40 class.

But no one could make Tang San release his third spirit ability.

The Blazing Academy was equivalent to having four Spirit Masters of rank 40 or above, but with six people on stage, they still couldn't stop Tang San's progress. Soul power is still full, and there is not even a trace of exhaustion on his face.

Under such circumstances, the last member of the Blazing Academy, the vice-captain Huo Wu, walked heavily onto the arena.

As soon as the competition starts, the most disparate score has appeared since the start of the promotion competition, and it is the old and strong team Blazing Academy who has been worn out by six people. This is a situation that no one could have imagined before the game, but it is like this. It really happened.