Douluo Dalu

Chapter 113: The Wildness of the Phoenix


Tang San's injury was a good thing for most of the academies participating in the promotion round. Especially those who haven't met Shrek Academy and hope to get good grades. However, from the second day of the promotion round, these academies discovered that Shrek Academy had changed.

The people appearing have changed, and the strength seems to have also changed.

In the next three matches, the evil-eyed white tiger Dai Mubai relied on his fierce and explosive attacking methods to defeat at least four opponents each time. Zhu Zhuqing, who came out second, came to end the game. Without Tang San, Shrek Academy still only used two people.

Day by day, Tang San's recovery was faster than the doctor's judgment. In just three days, his wounds had already closed and scabbed, and he was able to move freely. The whole person became alive again. When Tang San said he wanted to participate in the promotion competition later, he was unanimously opposed by everyone in Shrek Academy.

In desperation, Tang San had to change from an absolute main force to a spectator. Today was the sixth day of the match. In the first five battles, Shrek Academy was completely victorious.

Today, Shrek's opponent is the Botanical Academy, the one that Tang San couldn't see through. Facing this academy, the lineup of the masters was completely different from the previous games. The top three players were Huang Yuan, Jingling and Tailong.

Soon after the game started, those who followed the game were taken aback. Because, in the first three games, Shrek Academy was beaten by the opponent's Botany Academy. The College of Botany only sent one team member, and they defeated Huang Yuan, Jingling and Tailong successively.

And the spirit of this member of the Botanical Academy is a kind of vine. Similar to Tang San's Blue Silver Grass, but much thicker. Having reached the forty-first level of spirit power, he played with the control system ability, completely restraining the three of Tailong. Although it consumed a lot of soul power, after all, they still lost three people in a row. This can be said to be the biggest setback that Shrek Academy has suffered since the start of the promotion competition.

When Tailong, who was ranked third, was suppressed and defeated by his opponent, his opponent's words changed the atmosphere of the entire Shrek Academy team.

The Botany College student defeated three opponents one after another, obviously a little overwhelmed. After defeating Tailong, he said: Shrek Academy is not so good.

"Damn, I can't bear it anymore. Let's see how I deal with them." It was Ma Hongjun who was the fourth player from Shrek Academy. At this moment, his chubby face was flushed red, and he stared angrily at the Spirit Master who was about to become his opponent in the center of the arena.

At this moment, a large and generous hand pressed on Fatty's shoulder, "Have you seen the opponent's attack method? Your goal is to defeat them all. Save as much soul power as possible."

When Ma Hongjun looked back, he found that the person who spoke was the master. Tang San, who was watching the battle, naturally understood. The master let the three of Tailong appear first, in order to see the opponent's fighting method. And the fourth one, Ma Hongjun, has only one purpose, that is, to control each other's attributes. Just like the Blue Silver Grass that Blazing Academy thought could restrain Tang San.

When Ma Hongjun stepped onto the field, the student who lost the three Shrek Academy in a row almost burst out laughing.

Although Ma Hongjun is not as fat as he was two years ago, he still has a spherical body, especially the flesh on his face is particularly swollen and looks very cute. Although he is not the youngest among the Shrek Academy players. But from the outside, he is clearly the smallest. What's more, in the previous game, Ma Hongjun never played.

Even in the Four Elements Academy, their attention had never been on Ma Hongjun, they would pay attention to Tang San. Pay attention to Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, and Xiao Wu, but never pay attention to a little fat man.

After winning three games in a row, although this member of the Botanical Academy had consumed a lot of soul power, his confidence had risen to a peak state, and Ma Hongjun had not been taken seriously at all.

"Little fat man, you better go down. If your brother hurts you, it will be bad." Although it was a smile, the student of the Botany Institute clearly showed contempt in his eyes.

Shrek Academy has been together for a long time, and their personalities will be affected by their partners, and Fatty is no exception. blinked. Make an innocent look. "However, the teacher asked me to play. If I go on like this, I will be punished when I go back. Why don't you beat me down, brother. But you have to be gentle."

"Okay, no problem. I don't bully children."

Before he could finish his words, the elite of the Botanical Academy who had won three games in a row had widened his eyes, because he could clearly see four rising spirit rings from Ma Hongjun, two yellow and two purple, the best match .

It wasn't just him who was surprised. The Four Elements Academy, who was watching the battlefield below, was also surprised. They never thought that there was such a team member hidden in Shrek Academy. The strength of level 40 and above, as well as the distorted air around him and the changes in his hair and body, undoubtedly showed the strength of his martial spirit.

With the improvement of spirit power, Ma Hongjun's Moxigan hairstyle has completely turned red after using his spirit. Since eating the immortal herb 'Cocks Comb Phoenix Sunflower' that Tang San gave him, not only has he There is no longer the threat of the evil fire backlash, and his phoenix power has been completely purified. Even the master has said that among the Shrek Seven Devils, Ma Hongjun is the strongest one in terms of explosive power.

He didn't care whether the other party was surprised or not, the moment his martial spirit was released, Fatty started. With a bang, along with the flashing of the second spirit ring, surging purple flames rose into the air, and then, a line of fire spewed out, heading straight for the opponent.

Even if the dense vines are erected as shields, the power of the attributes will be displayed at once. Not to mention that the opponent in front of Ma Hongjun has spent a lot of soul power in the previous three games. Even if it is not consumed, it is impossible to block Live the attack of the phoenix flame. Just like their complete defeat when they met Blazing Academy before.

The purple flames easily penetrated the opponent's defense and stuck to the opponent's body.

In horror, the member of the Botanical Academy who had won three consecutive victories turned over without hesitation, and rolled his body quickly on the ground, hoping to put out the flames on his body. At the same time, countless ivy surged out of his body and rushed towards Ma Hongjun, trying to stop him from attacking him again.

However, Ma Hongjun did not continue to activate as he imagined, but just stared at the opponent with a sneer, the purple flame rising from his body became more and more intense.

Qingteng rushed in front of Ma Hongjun, as if he didn't see it, and let him attack, but unfortunately, these Qingteng couldn't pass the phoenix. The purple flame was like an insurmountable moat, and any ivy that approached would instantly turn to ashes.

If this plant-type spirit master above the fortieth rank maintains his spirit power in a state of complete victory, he might still have some threatening effects on Ma Hongjun. It's a pity that his soul power has been consumed too much in the first three battles. In the face of Ma Hongjun, whose level is not inferior to him, his spirit power is full, and his attributes are even more comprehensive, how can he compete.

Not only did he fail to stop Ma Hongjun, but the purple flame that reached his body was not extinguished by rolling. The tyrannical attachment ability, erosiveness, fiery heat, and the pain it brings to the opponent are simply beyond words. At this time, the team member had no ability to speak, and the plant spirit power in his body was desperately resisting the erosion of the phoenix flame, but how could the terrifying phoenix flame be so easily resisted.

"We concede defeat." The team leader of the Botany College shouted to the referee without hesitation.

Ma Hongjun raised his right hand to the opponent, and the purple flame sucked back, which resolved the opponent's crisis. For him, it was an easy victory. Of course, this simple victory is just the beginning.

There were three Spirit Masters above the 40th rank in the Botanical Academy. Except for the first player to appear, the remaining two were ranked last. Therefore, the next four opponents Ma Hongjun faced were all plant spirit masters in their thirties.

Although these spirit masters with plant spirits were all from the control system, it was a pity that their spirits were so restrained by Ma Hongjun that the two sides did not need to fight at all. As long as Ma Hongjun unleashes his own fire phoenix, he can guarantee that the opponent's spirit ability is completely ineffective against him.

No matter how strong your spirit ability is, when your spirit is completely useless against your opponent, no matter how strong your spirit ability is, it means nothing.

From the first match to the fifth match, Ma Hongjun even stood there still, bathing the phoenix to protect his body, and at the same time increasing the phoenix line of fire, spewing flames, sweeping, and once he hit the opponent, the match would end immediately. For him, the battle was as simple as that.

Once wearing three, it was already a great advantage, but in an instant, the Botany Institute was reversed five times by Shrek Academy, and it was no suspense.

Finally, another spirit master above the fortieth rank stepped onto the stage. The colors of the four spirit rings were yellow, yellow, yellow, and purple. Obviously not as good as Ma Hongjun in terms of attributes.

His martial spirit is the thorns of red flames, and he is also the only spirit master with flame resistance among the seven participating team members of the entire Botany Institute. He is naturally the last hope of the Botany Institute at this time. If he also loses to Ma Hongjun, then there is no need to fight in the last game.

When the teacher who led the team from the Botany College saw that Ma Hongjun's flames were so tyrannical, the task he gave to the previous players was to consume Ma Hongjun's soul power as much as possible. After all, among the Shrek Academy players who had played before, there was no soul master with flame ability like Ma Hongjun. As long as the sixth soul master they played could defeat Ma Hongjun, then there was still a chance to defeat Shrek Academy. Tang San was seriously injured while fighting the Blazing Academy and was unable to play. Although the other members of Shrek Academy are also very strong, the control power of the control system soul master of the Botany Academy is not weak.

At the beginning of the match, Ma Hongjun's opponent waved both hands at the same time, the third spirit ring on his body flashed instantly, and the skill was activated.

The scarlet rays of light scattered around his body, and large red thorns with a height of two meters rose from the ground, and a forest of thorns was laid on the ground to separate the two sides. In this way, Ma Hongjun couldn't see his actions, and at the same time, his scarlet thorns quickly surrounded Ma Hongjun, and quickly approached Ma Hongjun. His purpose is to control Ma Hongjun within his own thorns. As long as he succeeds, he will be slaughtered later. He is very confident in the fire resistance of his Red Flame Thorns. After all, this is a fire-type plant spirit.

Will Ma Hongjun really be controlled by his opponent? He quickly gave an answer.

Facing the rapidly approaching thorny forest, Fatty did not panic. The third spirit ring on his body flashed instantly, and with a loud phoenix ming, a huge purple-red light and shadow appeared behind Fatty.

Seeing this scene, not only the faces of the teachers and team members watching the game under the Botany College changed greatly, but even the judges in the stands were shocked. In the first few games, except for a few people, most people didn't see what Ma Hongjun's martial spirit was. At this time, I saw the light and shadow behind him. Everyone realized that this seemingly inconspicuous little fat man. It actually possesses one of the top martial souls, the Phoenix.

Huge purple flame wings spread out from behind Ma Hongjun instantly. Under the terrifying purple-red light, the fire-resistant red flame thorns could not escape the fate of being burned. Even if it is the same fire attribute, there are high and low points. If Ma Hongjun's flames can't be restrained even by this small fire attribute plant, then his Evil Fire Phoenix Martial Spirit doesn't deserve to be called the top.

Boom, the flame took Ma Hongjun's body into the sky, and the huge purple flame wings spread out behind him. In the air, he naturally found his opponent's figure very easily, Feng Yi Tianxiang, without hesitation, pounced towards the opponent.

How to dodge when the ground is facing the air? Neither speed nor flexibility are on the same level.

The Chiyan Thorns Spirit Master was in the Thorns Forest, he could only feel Ma Hongjun's movements, but he couldn't see it. until this time. Ma Hongjun had already jumped into the air, and he knew just how powerful his opponent was. Seeing his opponent pounce, he could only do the last struggle.

The fourth spirit ring lit up, purple light flashed, and the scarlet thorns on the ground were also covered with a layer of lavender light, and the light appeared on the thorns of the thorns. next moment. Countless purple light spots rose into the sky and shot towards Ma Hongjun in the air.

Rain of Thorns, the fourth soul skill. The thorn spikes infused with the intense fire element can attack both in a large area and in a concentrated attack. Once shot, the fire poison in it will be released in the opponent's body, causing huge damage.

Ma Hongjun really endured the attack of the opponent's spirit ability. Although he was in the air, although he could make the opponent invisible, it was difficult for him to dodge. What's more, those thorns and thorns came from all directions.

The fire-bathing phoenix and Fengyi Tianxiang were instantly activated to the maximum extent, and as soon as the thorns and spikes entered the flame range around Ma Hongjun's body. immediately turned to ashes.

but. After all, this is a thousand-year-old spirit ring skill, or the opponent's fourth spirit skill. Although Ma Hongjun still restrained his opponent in terms of attributes. But it's not as strong as the previous few people restrained. So, though, he filtered the fire poison from the spikes and the spikes. But the impact of the spikes more or less fell on him.

If it was just a few, or dozens, Fatty might not feel anything at all. But it was thousands of spikes. The pain wasn't enough, but the constant tingling made it even more uncomfortable.

Ma Hongjun was completely irritated, and if he did not retain his soul power, Fengyi Tianxiang's speed was fully opened, and he flew straight down.

Boom, Ma Hongjun landed heavily on the ground in front of his opponent. The fourth soul skill is activated.

Ma Hongjun's fourth soul skill, Phoenix Sky Strike, was originally a backhand skill. The biggest disadvantage is that the opponent can dodge and cannot be locked. But the funny thing is that the Scarlet Flame Thorns Spirit Master from the Botanical Academy had set up a forest of thorns in the arena from the very beginning, and his purpose was of course to limit Ma Hongjun. But at this time, it has also become the fetters of limiting himself.

With a loud bang, the moment Ma Hongjun landed, the shock of the phoenix roaring to the sky broke out, and the distorted air instantly destroyed all the surrounding thorn forests. In that distortion, there was no suspense in the body of the Chi Yan thorn soul master. fell into dizziness.

"Fatty, be merciful." Under the stage, Tang San and Dai Mubai hurriedly shouted loudly as they saw Fatty's phoenix roaring strike. The Phoenix Howling Sky Strike is divided into two parts, the first part is the backhand restriction, and the second part is the terrifying Phoenix magma charge. Once the second part is completed, the Scarlet Flame Thorns Soul Master who has completely fallen into a stalemate will surely die. As the most explosive attacking spirit ability among the Shrek Seven Devils, Phoenix Roaring Sky Strike would be severely damaged even if a spirit master of rank 5 or 6 was hit in the front. What's more, the opponent is only level 40.

The worries of everyone in Shrek Academy were in vain. Although Ma Hongjun was extremely uncomfortable, his heart was full of anger, but after being with his friends for so long, he could still control his emotions. The moment he stunned the opponent, the Phoenix Wing Tianxiang Fire attribute impact force on his body had already invaded the opponent's body. At the same time, the chubby body turned around deftly, and with a spin kick, he stomped on the opponent's chest.

The body of the Scarlet Flame Thorns Spirit Master drew a beautiful parabola in the air and fell directly outside the field. Was caught by a teacher at the Botany Institute. Although he was still in a dizzy state at this time, he was not really traumatized.

After quickly checking the physical condition of the Scarlet Flame and Thorns Spirit Master, the teacher of the Botany College immediately understood that the opponent had shown mercy. With a sigh in his heart, he told the referee that he would give up the last game and admit defeat.

Everyone in Shrek Academy cheered and rushed to the stage like a hero, throwing Fatty's spherical body into the air.

The promotion round started. Now, the first one to wear seven finally appeared. And it still appeared on a Shrek Academy player who had never played before. This fact shocked all the participating academies of the Heaven Dou Empire.

A faint light flickered, and the expression on Fatty's face was very wonderful. He hadn't fought with outsiders for a long time. This battle can beat the opponent. This is of course related to his martial spirit's restraint on opponents, but it is also inseparable from Fatty's hard work these days. Even Fatty himself felt that his soul power had grown by leaps and bounds since he ate the cockscomb phoenix sunflower. Throughout the team, he has become an integral attack output.

In terms of overall strength, Fatty was already second only to Tang San and Dai Mubai among the Shrek Seven Devils, and slightly better than Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing.

"Fatty, yes!" Dai Mubai patted Ma Hongjun's shoulder.

Ma Hongjun smiled complacently and said, "That's right, how can the hard work brothers put in these days be in vain? I'll see the next round of promotion. But to be honest, Dai Boss, the feeling of wearing seven is really cool, haha. Ha ha."

Grandmaster looked at Ma Hongjun with a smile, and said, "Don't be too complacent. Today's victory is only because you restrained your opponent's martial spirit too much, and you can defeat seven opponents in a row. In another situation, it's not that simple. For example, do you still have the confidence to win Shui Bing'er from Tianshui College? Her Ice Phoenix and your Fire Phoenix restrain each other, so you have no advantage in terms of attributes. Control is obviously better than you. Or, you don’t need to fight against each other. As long as you meet an agility-type spirit master with excellent flexibility, it will be difficult to defeat your opponent. Even if you can win, your spirit power will inevitably be consumed hugely.”

"Uh..." Ma Hongjun scratched his head, the excitement in his heart suddenly decreased a lot, and he was speechless when he saw the master.

The master smiled and said: "As the most powerful attack output in the team, your role is unquestionable. But you must also understand that because you have such terrifying attack power, you are also the easiest to be noticed by the opponent and the first to be destroyed. In a team, attack-type spirit masters and control-type spirit masters are undoubtedly the most important. They are both the first targets of the opponent's attention. Therefore, you must not only exert your attack power better, but also Protect yourself as much as possible. You can't always have teammates by your side. For your future, you are the one who needs to learn to fight alone among all people. This is what a storm-type soul master must have. Don’t be arrogant when you win, don’t be discouraged when you lose, and keep an ordinary mind.”

Education combined with combat is undoubtedly the most effective. Grandmaster's words were not only addressed to Ma Hongjun alone, but also included Dai Mubai and several other spirit masters of the assault system.

"Okay, we can leave the stage." The master waved his hand and led the crowd to the rest area.

At this moment, a fiery red figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone's sight, blocking their way. This person appeared abruptly, and was blocked in front of the Shrek Academy team almost instantly.

Seeing this person, Grandmaster couldn't help showing a faint smile, his eyes fell on Tang San, whose body had basically recovered.

This fiery red figure is none other than the vice-captain of the Blazing Academy team like a dazzling flame, Huo Wu with a magical fire shadow martial soul.

Looking at the Shrek team that had just won six consecutive victories in front of her, Huo Wu gritted her teeth, not concealing her purpose, staring at Tang San with a bit of fiery gaze. But in her eyes, there seems to be no more anger and disobedience that filled with disobedience before. Her eyes seemed a little more complicated.

"Miss Huo Wu, is there something wrong?" Dai Mubai, the captain, spoke up.

Huo Wu's gaze swept past Dai Mubai, nodded, and said to Tang San, "Tang San, I want to talk to you."

The eyes of the other six Shrek Seven Devils and the four alternates immediately focused on Tang San. And Tang San himself was slightly surprised, frowning slightly, "Is there anything I can't say here?"

Fire dance shook her head. "I want to talk to you alone."

Tang San suddenly felt a pain in his waist, and when he turned to look, Xiao Wu was looking at him with dissatisfaction, and there seemed to be something more in his eyes. Dai Mubai was a little helpless. Among the Shrek Seven Devils, Tang San was only slightly stronger than Ma Hongjun in terms of appearance. Whether it was Oscar's inhuman handsomeness or Dai Mubai's wicked charm. Obviously more attractive to girls than him.

Huo Wu is undoubtedly an extremely good girl, and at the age of nineteen, she has long been born slim. The body is perfect because of the large amount of training. Even Dai Mubai, who had countless happy women, couldn't help but have some thoughts about her. If it wasn't for the existence of Zhu Zhuqing, maybe he would have launched a pursuit offensive.

But what Dai Mubai didn't understand was that it seemed that ever since the two teams met, Huo Wu's attention had always been on Tang San, who was not very good looking. Although Tang San's strength was very strong, it also made Dai Mubai doubt his own charm. Only later did everyone know that the reason why Huo Wu paid so much attention to Tang San was the most important thing Tang San hit her that time. Huo Wu is a very competitive girl. The more she followed her, the more she wouldn't care, and Tang San hit her hard during the first team battle between the two colleges, which caused Huo Wu to see only Tang San in his eyes.

Grandmaster looked at Tang San, then looked at Huo Wu and said, "Go, go back directly later."

Tang San then walked towards Huo Wu, Xiao Wu showed a worried and special look on her face, wanting to say something. But it was stopped by the master with his eyes.

"Let's go back." Under the leadership of the master, the rest of the Shrek Academy waited until they left for the camp.

Not far away, Xiao Wu couldn't help but ask: "Master, why do you want Xiao San to communicate with that Huo Wu alone. Isn't she enough to hurt Xiao San?"

The master looked at Xiao Wu with deep eyes, and said, "She has absolutely no threat to Xiao San. This is the first point. Second. Child, you have to remember that a man's heart can't be tied, it's you, and it will always be you. Yes. Trust is the foundation of each other's feelings. Xiaosan is a person who attaches great importance to friendship. After being together for seven or eight years, you still can't see clearly? In his heart, no one can replace your position. "

After the conversation changed, Grandmaster's eyes drifted to Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing. "Of course. People are different, for men with different personalities. It is necessary to use methods of different personalities. The key is to master their personalities first. You are growing up day by day, and your emotions are in ignorance. I hope, Don't let your emotional problems affect your future. I hope each of you can bring out the best of your talents."

Huo Wu looked at Tang San with a calm face, wearing a shit-green uniform, her eyes changed slightly, "Come with me." After speaking, she turned around and walked towards the rest area.

Although it made Tang San a little strange that Huo Wu came to find him, he still followed Huo Wu into the rest area.

Huo Wu didn't stop until he walked to a secluded corner of the rest area. At this time, the promotion competition outside was still going on, and the students from all academies were watching the game. This so-called rest area was actually a camp that was specially encircled and used for pre-match adjustments. There was no one at this time.

Stopping, Huo Wu turned to look at Tang San, the expression on her face softened a lot, "Is your injury healed?"

Tang San nodded silently, "It's basically healed." Even he was amazed at his body's healing ability, not to mention skin, flesh and blood, even the Eight Spider Lances that had been blown up with some tiny cracks. has completely healed. If it wasn't for the Grandmaster's repeated emphasis on not letting him play again, Tang San would have no problem participating in the promotion round.

Huo Wu seemed to be relieved, "That's good."

Tang San was a little puzzled, "You called me here, just to ask this?"

Huo Wu glanced at Tang San, and couldn't help but feel discouraged. From childhood to adulthood, although she has always pursued strength and practiced hard, she is also full of confidence in her appearance, he has never seen him before. There has been a boy who would be impatient when facing him, but Tang San at this time gave her this feeling.

"Are you very reluctant to talk to me?" Huo Wu's familiar fiery temper seemed to spread again.

Tang San shook his head, "That's not true. I just don't understand what we have to say between us. After all, we are competitors."

"Why are you like a piece of wood. Are you a normal person?" Huo Wu never knew what it means to be implicit, so she directly said what was in her heart.

Tang San frowned, "If you're willing to say so, there's nothing wrong with it. It seems normal that few people can participate in the promotion competition. Besides, our Shrek Academy has always been famous for producing monsters."

"You..." Huo Wu was choked and speechless, and then she thought, Tang San was right, he really wasn't a normal person. How could a normal person have such strength, and also have the fourth spirit ring of the ten thousand year level.

Tang San looked at Huo Wu and said indifferently, "If it's nothing, I want to go back first."

"Wait a minute." Seeing that Tang San was about to leave, Huo Wu hurriedly stopped him, "I'll make you so impatient? You can leave, answer me a question first."

Looking at the fiery red and stunning color standing in front of him, Tang San said, "Just ask."

Staring into Tang San's eyes with burning eyes, Huo Wu asked in a deep voice, "That day, why did you save me? Why did you use your body to block the attack. That's why I'm going to attack you."

Tang San looked at Huo Wu in surprise, "Is this your problem? Is that why you called me here?"

Huo Wu nodded, "That's right."

Tang San said helplessly: "It's good that you are my opponent, but you are not my enemy. You launched such an attack just to gain victory. There is no deep hatred between each other, let alone you are a woman. What good will it do to me if you die? It will also exacerbate the conflict between our two academies. Let me bear the attack, death will definitely not die, and it is normal to save you."

"That's all?" Huo Wu looked at Tang San blankly, she found that Tang San's answer was different from what she imagined.

After Tang San saved her but was seriously injured that day, Huo Wu thought about it a lot. The first thing she thought of was that Tang San fell in love with her. There were many people who pursued Huo Wu like Feng Xiaotian, but there were more secret crushes. Under the inertial thinking, this is the first point that Huo Wu thought of. She came to Tang San today, just to hear what Tang San had to say. From her point of view, even if Tang San didn't know that kind of sweet talk, he would definitely show some good feelings towards him.

But who knows, Tang San actually described it in terms of interests, and didn't seem to care about his behavior that day.

Seeing Huo Wu's sluggish appearance, Tang San decided not to stay. At this moment, all his mind was filled with the strange expression on Xiao Wu's face when he left. It was even more fearful that Xiao Wu would think too much. So he took advantage of Huo Wu's sluggish time and turned away.

"Tang San." Huo Wu suddenly woke up from her sluggishness and hurried to chase.

Tang San turned around subconsciously when he heard her cry. But who knew that Huo Wu's movements were too violent, and the bodies of the two almost collided.

In order to protect herself, Huo Wu subconsciously put her hands on Tang San's chest, and Tang San also grabbed Huo Wu's shoulders in order not to be bumped into. The distance between the two suddenly shortened to the nearest extent, and breathing could be heard.