Douluo Dalu

Chapter 18: Do not move Ming Wang Zao Wou-Ki


After listening to Dai Mubai's words, the four people who followed him were silent for a while at the same time, but Xiao Wu couldn't help but speak first, "Are you picking students or wives? This is too strict. No wonder the teacher at the door said you are here. Only monsters are accepted. I am afraid that only monsters can pass these four exams. I would like to ask, how many students does Shrek Academy have now? How many students can they recruit every year?"

This time, it was Dai Mubai's turn to show a wry smile on his face. "Our Shrek Academy has admitted a total of 42 students in the 20 years since its establishment. On average, there are a little more than two a year. If all four of you are admitted this year, it will be a record. Before this, the academy had not received any students for two years. At present, there are still three students in the academy including me."

"Three?" Apart from the cold girl, Tang San, Xiao Wu and the soft girl exclaimed almost simultaneously.

Dai Mubai laughed at himself, "In the entire Douluo Continent, we can be regarded as the only academy with more teachers than students. Even after you are admitted, our academy will never have more students than teachers."

Tang San said: "In this case, how can the academy survive? If there is no source of students, there should be no income."

Dai Mubai said, "Otherwise, why do you think the academy is in such a small village? It's because of lack of funds. If it wasn't for my family's sponsorship, I'm afraid the academy would have closed last year. If we can't recruit any more students this year, then we will The three students who are studying will be the last batch of Shrek Academy students."

"Then why doesn't the college relax some of the entrance examination requirements? I think there are not many people who signed up." The soft and beautiful girl said suspiciously.

A look of respect appeared on Dai Mubai's face, "Sir Dean said that it's better to be short than to waste, no matter when Shrek Academy closes, it will never accept waste. As long as it's monsters. Do you know what the academy's graduation requirements are? We are neither an intermediate-level soul master academy nor a high-level soul master academy. Because our requirements are different from theirs. We only need students under the age of thirteen, and they must be talented. The academy's graduation requirements are Those who are over 40, and those who are over 40 before the age of 20, are allowed to graduate when they reach the level of the Soul Sect."

"The academy has admitted a total of 62 students, but only 14 people have actually graduated. After these 14 people left the academy, all of them have become world-renowned figures. The most outstanding one is now a The youngest elder in the Spirit Hall is second only to the Pope in authority. The rest who have not graduated are unable to complete the forty-level training before the age of 20 and die while hunting spirit beasts. The dean has said that it is not enough. Forty-one, don't go out and embarrass him."

At the end, Dai Mubai's emotions became obviously agitated, and he obviously had the utmost respect for that Shrek Academy's dean.

Tang San smiled and said to Dai Mubai, "I'm very lucky to be here."

Dai Mubai sighed and said, "The royal family of King Barack originally planned to sponsor the academy, but it required the students who graduated from the academy to be loyal to the royal family, but the dean directly rejected it. Our Shrek Academy is out of tune with other academies. Being excluded, that's why it became what it is now."

Tang San suddenly realized that he was eager to meet the dean Dai Mubai spoke of, and he wanted to see what kind of person he was, able to insist on building such an academy so persistently for 20 years. .

"It's here." Dai Mubai stopped. At this time, they came to another clearing. This place is much smaller than the previous second pass, only about 200 square meters. A middle-aged man who looked to be in his fifties was sitting on a chair dozing off.

"Mr. Zhao, I'm bringing someone to conduct the fourth test."

"Huh? The fourth level has come this year? There are still four." The middle-aged man opened his sleepy eyes and looked at the four young men and women in front of him in surprise, as if something incredible had happened.

Dai Mubai said, "Not only did the four of them come to the fourth stage, but they were all exempted from the second and third stage tests."

Teacher Zhao's eyes lit up and he stood up from the chair. He was not tall and his appearance was very ordinary. But it looks very solid. Even shorter than the twelve-year-old Tang San, it gave people a majestic feeling.

The broad shoulders are like a city wall, and the coat can't hide his strong muscles like steel casting. Although the expression on his face is kind, but the strong figure will give people a kind of strong pressure. .

"Four of them are over level 25, yes, yes, it seems that there are quite a few little monsters this year. This is the last level, and after passing my test, you can officially become a member of Shrek Academy. However, my test is not so easy to pass. Practical experience is what every soul master must have. What I test is your ability in this area."

Smiling eyes swept across Tang San and the four of them, looking at them gently, "My name is Zao Wou-Ki, since the four of you have passed the second and third tests without testing, then I'll play with you in person. Now I will give you a stick of incense time to understand and discuss with each other. After a stick of incense, the test begins. The content of the test is that the four of you join forces to resist my attack. One stick of incense time. As long as one person can persist to the end, all You pass the test. I hope you understand, don't try to cheat, no one can escape from this range with speed. At the same time, I can also remind you that it is impossible to block my attack by yourself. Coordination is the only success for you. Chance."

"Teacher Zhao, this is not very good." Dai Mubai said hesitantly.

Zao Wou-Ki glared at him and said, "What's wrong. The dean isn't here, I'm the biggest in the academy, I'm good if I say yes. Okay, I'll order incense. You guys don't have much time, so prepare yourself. Bai, you can also tell them about my strengths and let them be prepared."

After saying this, he didn't know where he took out a stick of incense. He put a finger on the head of the incense, and even lit the incense directly. Between the fingers, the incense was inserted into the ground, and there was no trembling at all.

After doing this, Zao Wou-Ki sat back in his chair, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

Tang San and the four didn't have any special feeling because of the test method proposed by Teacher Zhao, but Dai Mubai said to the four with a solemn expression, "Come here."

The four gathered around him.

Dai Mubai said with a serious face, "I can't help you this time either. I didn't expect Teacher Zhao to take action personally."

Xiao Wu smiled and said: "This teacher Zhao is not like the teacher at the door, he is a strong soul emperor level."

Dai Mubai shook his head and said, "No."

Xiao Wu smiled and said, "Then don't be afraid. What should I say, the four of us also have strengths close to the thirtieth rank, so if we fight four against one, as long as the difference in strength is not too great, wouldn't it be enough to last a single stick of incense? "

Dai Mubai glanced at her, and his eyes seemed to be looking at an idiot, "If you think that Teacher Zhao's attacks are so easy to resist, then you are very wrong. Yes, Teacher Zhao is not on the 60th level. The soul emperor level spirit master of , he is a seventy-sixth level soul saint. Beast martial spirit, battle soul saint. He is the vice president of the academy, and his overall strength is second only to the president."

Tang San's pupils shrank almost at the same time. Seventy-sixth level? In their impressions, let alone those who were less than 30th rank, even in the face of an army of 10,000 people, Spirit Masters at the rank of Soul Sage could be at ease.

Xiao Wu said in disbelief, "He's at level seventy-six? But he looks much younger than the teacher at the door."

Dai Mubai said indifferently: "Age has never been a problem. Time is running out. I will simply tell you the abilities that Teacher Zhao is good at, and then you must immediately decide the tactics against him, otherwise, let alone a stick of incense, It's good that you can withstand his first wave of attacks."

The faces of Tang San and the four became serious, facing a seventy-sixth level Soul Saint level powerhouse, that was no joke.

In the legend of the Holy Spirit Village where Tang San was born, there was a Spirit Saint, that was just a legend, but this Spirit Saint was close at hand, and would also be the examiner to test them.

Dai Mubai said with a wry smile: "Originally, Teacher Zhao is only in charge of invigilating the fourth test. Your opponent should be me. As long as you can hold a stick of incense on my hand, you will pass. But who knows what he will do today. The root string is not right, so I have to do it myself."

"Mr. Zhao's martial spirit is the Vigorous King Kong Bear, a powerful beast spirit. There is no flaw in his body, and his defense is extremely terrifying. Even a spirit master of the same level as him can hardly break through his defense and cause damage to him. Damage. Although speed is not what Teacher Zhao is good at, the gap between you and his spirit power is too great, and it is impossible to be faster than him in this regard. Teacher Zhao's strongest is attack power and defense power. In the academy There is the nickname of King Fudo Ming. Not to mention the four of you, even if you add me, it may not be able to block his attack of a stick of incense, and now I just hope that Teacher Zhao will not be so serious when attacking you."

There are no weaknesses. These four simple words have already revealed the strength of Zao Wou-Ki.

The short-haired, soft and beautiful girl suddenly exclaimed, "He is actually the King of Fuming Zhao Wou-Ki. He has been missing from the mainland for ten years, but I didn't expect him to be a teacher at Shrek Academy. Back then, King of Fu-ming Zhao Wou-Ki once had a relationship with Wuhun Hall. During the festival, Wuhun Temple wanted to punish him, but he just rushed out of the siege of sixteen bishops. After that, the matter was over. The bishops of Wuhun Temple are at least sixty-level. For the above Soul Emperor level powerhouses, Zhao Wuji should have only been in the 60s at that time. Isn’t he even more powerful now?”

Dai Mubai nodded silently, and said, "At least, I've never seen Teacher Zhao take action with all his strength. So, please ask yourself for more blessings. Among the seven spirit rings of Teacher Zhao, the first two are Centennial Spirits. Ring, the third spirit ring and the fourth spirit ring are thousand years, and the last three spirit rings are all ten thousand years. Moreover, the seven spirit rings are all attached to attack and defense. You should be able to imagine his horror. Now, you Get to know each other first, report your name and ability, and see how you should cooperate to best withstand Teacher Zhao's exam."

Tang San was the first to speak, "My name is Tang San, a weapon spirit Blue Silver Grass, a 29th-level control-type battle spirit master."

Xiao Wu saw Tang San speak, and the second one said: "Xiao Wu, Beast Martial Soul Rabbit, 29th-level assault-type battle spirit master."

The girl with short-haired ears hesitated for a moment before she said, "Ning Rongrong, Qiwu Spirit Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, 26th-level auxiliary equipment spirit master."

The cold girl at the end was still indifferent and said indifferently: "Zhu Zhuqing, the beast martial soul ghost cat, the twenty-seventh-level agility attack type battle soul master."

When the four of them finished introducing themselves, including Dai Mubai, all four of them focused their attention on one person. It was the short-haired girl Ning Rongrong who attracted the attention of others.

Tang San said in surprise: "Your spirit is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. So, you came from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?"

The spirit of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda has been passed down in the same vein, and in the entire Douluo Continent, only the direct descendants of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School can possess it.

The teacher's evaluation of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, the weapon spirit, was only one sentence: Pan Continent, the most powerful auxiliary weapon spirit. The best partner of all battle-type soul masters.

Among the six symbols of the Spirit Hall, among the three symbols that were not on the Grand Master's token, one of them was the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. It can be seen how much prestige this sect has in the martial arts world.

Ning Rongrong stuck out her cute little tongue and said, "Don't look at it, I'm no different from ordinary people. I sneaked out of my house. Let's talk about it when we pass the test before us. My martial spirit It's the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, two spirit rings. It can give everyone a boost in speed and strength. The increase is around 30%. There is no problem with lasting a stick of incense."

A thirty percent increase was already a pretty good number, but Tang San knew that the reason why a martial spirit like the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda was called the most powerful among the auxiliary martial spirits by the master was because every Raising a spirit ring can not only increase one more attribute, but at the same time, it will also increase the effect of all the attributes previously enhanced by the spirit ring by another ten percent.

In other words, if Ning Rongrong's spirit power reached rank 30 or above, not only could one more attribute be boosted, but the boosting effect of all attributes would become 40%. And so on. Up to level 70, it can instantly increase seven attributes by 80%. What a terrifying effect this is.

If there is such a Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Spirit Master to assist him, he can almost double his strength in an instant. The stronger the Spirit Master, the better the boosting effect of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

Anywhere in the two great empires, as long as a Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School spirit master appeared, it would immediately become the target of all spirit master organizations. By the people's attention.

Fortunately, the boosting effect of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda cannot be superimposed, that is to say, if there are two Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Spirit Masters, the boost can only be effected according to the one with higher spirit power.

The biggest weakness of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda spirit is that it has no attack power and needs to be protected by a spirit master. But there are definitely many people who voluntarily become the protectors of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. Among them, there is at least the top being among the two spirit masters, Titled Douluo. On the entire continent, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is definitely the top three sects.

As for what kind of boosting effect the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda will have when it reaches the 80th and 90th level, only the core members of their sect will know. It has always been the biggest secret of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Dai Mubai took a deep breath and said, "The combination of the four of you is quite good. There is no martial spirit that duplicates the system. How to resist Teacher Zhao's attack is up to you to decide."

Tang San thought for a while, then said: "Ning Rongrong is in charge of assisting the three of us, then Xiao Wu is in charge of the main attack, I'm in charge of controlling Teacher Zhao's attack, restraining him as much as possible, and at the same time assisting Xiao Wu in frontal attack. Zhu Zhuqing, trouble. You pull from the flanks, with your speed."

Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong both nodded, Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Tang San, and finally nodded slightly, agreeing with his suggestion.

In such a short period of time, they could only use this simple tactic. As for the effect, it can only be tested by actual combat. In any case, they have never encountered such a formidable opponent, and they can only know how strong the opponent is after they have fought.

"Have you discussed it?" Zhao Wuji's loud voice came, and the four of them turned around to look, and the incense stick on the ground between them had burned to the end.

"Teacher, we can start." Dai Mubai nodded to Zao Wou-Ki and quickly stepped back to watch the battle. Although this is an unequal battle, but seeing Zao Wou-Ki taking action, he is also a spirit master of the power attack type, and he will naturally not miss this opportunity to learn.

Zao Wou-Ki stood up again, clasped his hands together, and moved his wrists. A series of tooth-stinging bone explosions sounded, and the invisible pressure suddenly increased a bit.

Another incense stick appeared in Zao Wuji's hand, and before he could light it, Ning Rongrong took the lead.

"Seven treasures turn out to have colored glass." The body floated on the spot for a week, and the dazzling colorful rays of light were released from her body. I saw that there was an extra foot in the palm of Ning Rongrong's right hand where the colorful rays of light condensed. High colorful pagoda.

Baoguang shone, extravagance was pressing, Ning Rongrong smiled, and the whole person looked like a fairy. Two yellow spirit rings rose from under her feet, circling quietly around her.

"Seven Treasures are famous, one is called: Power." The first spirit ring rose, covering the seven-colored pagoda. Under Ning Rongrong's left finger, three rays of colored light were released at the same time, covering Tang San and the others. body.

Immediately, a warm energy poured in from the limbs and bones, and the three of them suddenly felt that their whole body was full of power, and even the soul power in their bodies rushed up like a boil.

Zao Wou-Ki looked at Ning Rongrong in surprise, "My dear, one of this year's candidates is actually from the Qibao Liuli family. Yes, yes, the old ghost Flender will definitely be excited this time." As he spoke, he The incense in his hand has been lit, and he threw it away and inserted it into the ground.

"Seven Treasures are famous, and the second is: Speed." Three more rays of light floated out, and Ning Rongrong's second spirit ring also played a role.

The lightness of his body made Tang San feel that his body seemed to have lost its weight, and he secretly admired that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda really lived up to its reputation, worthy of being the number one martial spirit in the auxiliary department. The speed and strength increased by 30% at the same time, and he suddenly felt that his strength had greatly increased.

At this moment, Zao Wuji moved, not rushing towards Tang San and the others, but half-squatting with both legs and hitting the ground with both fists at the same time.

"Not good." Tang San whispered, the moment Zhao Wuji launched, he already understood what his opponent was going to do.

The master once said that if one day there is an opponent who has a spirit master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, then the Spirit Master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect must be dealt with first.

Zao Wou-Ki's attack was obviously not aimed at Ning Rongrong alone, but he obviously wanted to release an area attack to interrupt Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda's auxiliary effect first.

A blue-black vine suddenly flung out. There were no spikes on the vine, because it only gave Tang San the effect of the first spirit ring. The vine wrapped around Ning Rongrong's waist like lightning. At the same time, he took Ning Rongrong's body into the air.

There was a muffled bang, the ground trembled violently, and a circle of khaki waves was suddenly released in the direction of Tang San and the four following the rhythm of the ground.

Both Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing responded quickly, Xiao Wu jumped up front, Zhu Zhuqing jumped out from the side, and at the same time passed the shock, Tang San and Xiao Wu almost jumped at the same time, even the height of the jump was similar.

"Xiao Wu, come on." Tang San shouted lowly, raising his hands on his chest and pushing forward.

Xiao Wu didn't need to look at it with her eyes, she knew where Tang San's hand was. The two of them had been together for six years and had already reached a complete tacit understanding. The toes of both feet were a little on Tang San's palm, and with the help of Tang San's pushing force, they suddenly shot towards Zao Wuji below like arrows.

Offense is the best defense. At this time, they are passively beaten and let Zao Wou-Ki exert all his strength. They definitely have no chance. It is better to use offense instead of defense, and maybe delay for some more time.

Zao Wou-Ki saw that his fists pounding the ground had no effect, instead a smile appeared on his face. Seeing Xiao Wu pounce on her, she didn't dodge, but put her hands behind her back, as if she was letting Xiao Wu attack.

Xiao Wu naturally would not miss such an opportunity, her body curled up in the air, rolling forward, just as she was about to reach Zhao Wuji, her delicate body stretched out. In a short period of time, she had already After completing the process of possessing the spirit in the air, he stepped on both sides of Zao Wou-Ki's neck at the same time.

Two muffled noises sounded at the same time, Xiao Wu's feet accurately stepped on Zao Wou-Ki's shoulders, but Zao Wou-Ki didn't even shake, grinning, "It seems that you don't have much strength, little girl."

Xiao Wu snorted coldly, do you have no strength? Then let you see the powerful ones. Her feet seemed to stick to Zao Wou-Ki's shoulders, the toes suddenly retracted, and they were placed on the large arteries on both sides of Zao Wou-Ki's neck.

If it was just Xiao Wu's strength, it seemed that it would not be able to move Zao Wuji's body, but at this moment, she was not the only one who did it.

Zao Wou-Ki suddenly felt his whole body tighten, and the thorn-filled vines had madly wrapped around his body, whether it was his arms or both legs, they were all wrapped tightly. The vines were extremely tightened, and a strong paralytic toxin was suddenly released. At the same time, the vines rising from the ground pushed his body up, causing his feet to leave the ground.

No matter how strong a person is, he can't stabilize his body without roots. Zao Wou-Ki's body suddenly spun in the air driven by Xiao Wu's feet. At this time, Tang San's blue silver grass was still wrapped around his body, like a big blue-black zongzi.

With Ning Rongrong's help from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, whether it was Tang San or Xiao Wu, the spirit power exerted at this time had already exceeded the level of thirtieth rank. Xiao Wu's body suddenly turned upside down while spinning rapidly in the air, forcibly pulling Zao Wou-Ki's body up.

Putting both hands on the ground, it was a scissoring action. If it was an ordinary person, the neck would be directly twisted by Xiao Wu's feet, and the last fall would land on the ground.

With a large back flip, she had already used all her strength in this blow to Xiao Wu.

"It's fun to take a turn." Zao Wou-Ki's voice sounded in the air, Xiao Wu suddenly felt that her rapidly spinning body suddenly froze, her feet could no longer move the opponent under her feet, and a strong force suddenly came , her body that was turned backward was forcibly brought back.

With a loud bang, the vines all over Zhao Wuji shattered at the same time, flying in all directions, and his feet stood firmly on the ground again.

And at this moment, Zhao Wuji's complexion suddenly changed slightly, he let out a low growl, and his body suddenly swelled. The already terrifying muscles in the whole body have almost doubled, and even the height has increased by one meter in an instant, and the whole person has become extremely majestic.

Seven dazzling spirit rings rose at the same time, just as Dai Mubai said, two yellow, two purple, three black, seven terrifying spirit rings were attached to him.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding —

A series of dense crisp sounds came from behind Zao Wou-Ki, Xiao Wu took this opportunity to tap on Zao Wou-Ki's shoulder with the tip of her toes, her soft body turned over against Zao Wou-Ki's back, the scorpion braid dipped down, wrapping around like a spirit snake He landed on Zao Wou-Ki's left ankle, exerting force all over his body at the same time.

The dense crisp sound was the attack launched by Zhu Zhuqing.

When she first flashed, her speed was fully revealed. As expected of an agility attack type Battle Spirit Master, her speed was so fast that even Dai Mubai was a little surprised. The most terrifying thing is that Zhu Zhuqing didn't make a sound in any of his actions. The whole person jumped out quietly and attacked quietly. There was no energy released, and there was no sound of soul power breaking through the air.

After Dai Mubai's spirit possession, her ten fingers stick out like sharp-edged tiger claws, while after Zhu Zhuqing's spirit possession, her cat's claws are thorn-like.

After possessing the body, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes changed color at the same time, the left eye was dark green, the right eye was clear blue, the long hair on the head was naturally attached to the back, and when the body moved, there was a string of faint phantoms, which was difficult for people to catch. her exact location. And her attack is also very attractive. Sharp Claws was looking for key points, so that Zao Wou-Ki had to release his martial spirit.

The timing of Zhu Zhuqing's shot was so exquisite that it was exactly the moment when Zhao Wuji used his strength to shatter Tang San's Blue Silver Grass and pull back Xiao Wu's body, and his strength slackened back. Otherwise, her attack power would not be enough to break through Zao Wou-Ki's attack.

However, after Zao Wou-Ki completed the possession of his martial soul, Zhu Zhuqing's attack would not be so easy to produce an effect. Zao Wou-Ki's body seemed to be made of steel, and her cat's claws could only pierce through the clothes on Zao Wou-Ki's body.

For the first time, Xiao Wu's soft skills were deflated. No matter how hard she exerted her strength, it was impossible for Zao Wou-Ki's body to move at all. Even after she turned back, her hands cut into Zao Wou-Ki's leg joints, but it still wouldn't work.

Xiao Wu was in a hurry, but at this time she had nothing to do with her opponent.

In fact, it wasn't that Xiao Wu's soft skills were weak, but that her soft skills were completely restrained by Zao Wou-Ki. The skill attached to Xiao Wu's first spirit ring needs to be flexibly controlled by her body before it can be released, which is a one-hit kill effect. But at this time her strength was too far from that of Zao Wuji, even with Tang San's help, it was impossible to control Zhao Wuji. Unless her soul power can reach a level similar to that of Zao Wou-ki, her soft skills will be the worst for a soul master like Zao Wou-ki who is focused on power.

The Blue Silver Grass was torn, Tang San's face suddenly turned pale, but at this time he didn't hesitate at all, he rushed up in a single step, thick vines appeared on Zhao Wuji's body again, so that he was about to exert his strength. His body was sluggish for a moment, and it was the Blue Silver Grass's second spirit ring skill that parasitized the effect.

Taking advantage of this moment's opportunity, Tang San had already arrived in front of Zao Wou-Ki, and Zhu Zhuqing had also quietly appeared behind Zao Wou-Ki, two cat claws scratching his throat and the base of his ears, all looking for the most vulnerable parts of the human body.

Before Zao Wuji had a chance to break free from the Blue Silver Grass, Tang San suddenly threw a punch towards Zhao Wuji's chest.

Zao Wuji laughed loudly, not in a hurry to break free of the Blue Silver Grass, his chest was raised, obviously he wanted to see how much Tang San's power was.

A glint of light flashed in Tang San's eyes, Zao Wou-ki's laughter stopped abruptly, because he was surprised to find that Tang San's seemingly full-strength punch landed on his chest, but it was as light as nothing, and because he concentrated his spirit power in his chest The front top, suddenly there is a feeling of using the wrong force.

Of course, the strength of Tang San and Xiao Wu was not enough to move Zao Wuji's body, but if it was his own strength, it would be different.

The right fist that Tang San swung suddenly turned into the palm of his hand, the palm sucked back, and the moment Zhao Wuji used the wrong force to control the crane and capture the dragon, it pulled Zao Wuji's body and staggered forward. At the same time, his right foot reached forward and kicked at Zao Wou-Ki's toe. Even if Zao Wuji's soul power is tyrannical, he lost his balance in this situation.

Tang San's timing was not inferior to Zhu Zhuqing's at all. With his skill in controlling cranes and capturing dragons, he was equivalent to using himself plus Zao Wou-ki's own strength to drive Zao Wou-ki's body.

"Get up." Tang San shouted, and with strength on his arms, he suddenly lifted Zao Wou-Ki's body up.

"Xiao Wu." For the first time, Zhao Wuji completely left the ground, and Xiao Wu's skills finally had room to use.

The two slender thighs were wrapped around Zao Wou-Ki's waist in an instant, both hands grabbed his ankles, the first spirit ring on his body shone brightly, and he took Zao Wou-Ki's body to violently rotate in the air for three times, making Zao Wou-Ki Head down, hitting the ground hard.

Although Zhu Zhuqing's previous attack failed to achieve a destructive effect, it also interfered with Zao Wou-Ki's response.

A thick vine formed from blue silver grass wrapped around Xiao Wu's waist just before Xiao Wu and Zhao Wuji's body were about to hit the ground. The three blue silver grass suddenly lifted up and fell in a graceful turn in the air.


After Zao Wuji's martial spirit possessed his body, his huge body slammed into the ground heavily. The entire head was completely immersed in the mud.

Xiao Wu floated down, landing right on Tang San's shoulder, with one foot on Tang San's right shoulder, her arms stretched out to maintain her balance, and she gasped for breath.

She had already used all her strength in the attack just now, if it wasn't for Tang San's skillful control of cranes and dragons, she wouldn't have been able to complete her soft skills with two spirit rings.

"Little San, are we going to shoot too hard?" Xiao Wu asked nervously.

Tang San shook his head, "Teacher Zhao hasn't used his spirit skills yet."

He glanced at the incense on the ground on the other side. At this time, the incense stick had only burned a third of it. But under the previous joint attack, Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Zhu Zhuqing could be said to have tried their best, using all their strengths.

The Blue Silver Grass parasitized on Zhao Wuji was quickly recovered by Tang San. He didn't want his Blue Silver Grass to be exploded by the opponent again. Although the Blue Silver Grass did not consume much soul power, it was always destroyed to Tang San himself. The consumption of soul power is still very large.

Zao Wou-Ki propped his arms on the ground and pulled out his head.

Before Tang San and the others didn't look carefully, only now did they see the appearance of the spirit possessed.

Zao Wou-Ki's whole body was covered with a thick layer of brown hair, and his height actually exceeded 2.5 meters. His muscles were swelled up, his brown-yellow eyes released a domineering aura, and seven spirit rings kept rhythmically circling around his body.