Douluo Dalu

Chapter 34: The soul ring of the human-faced demon spider that exceeds the limit


When competing with Tang San before, because the two soon entered the stage of spirit power competition, Meng still didn't use his soul-breaking sword. Meng Shu didn't quite believe that Tang San, who got this kind of throwing weapon for the first time, could do better than his granddaughter.

Meng still nodded to his grandfather, "Grandpa, let's start."

Meng Shu said to Tang San, "Are you ready?"

Tang San nodded. Do you need to prepare more than a hidden weapon? Of course, with his character, he naturally wouldn't say such a thing.

Meng still quickly glued the cloth bag in his hand to the clothes around his waist. The back of the cloth bag has a hook-and-loop fastener, which can be attached to any material for easy use. She even gave Tang San a special look when she was carrying her cloth bag. It was found that Tang San was holding a cloth bag in one hand as if in a daze, no matter how he looked, it didn't look like he knew how to use throwing weapons. Seeing this scene, Meng still felt a little smug in his heart.

Duke Long Meng Shu took action, but his men did not move, but threw the four-meter-long dragon head crutch in his hand.

The loud dragon's roar sounded from the head of the cane, and the silver cane was like a silver dragon moving quickly, slamming into the big tree twenty meters away.

With a muffled bang, Meng Shu's power was used just right, giving full play to the power of the shock. Without hurting the tree itself, the leaves fell like rain.

Meng Yiren let out a coquettish cry, and shot with both hands at the same time, streaks of cold light were quickly thrown out of the cloth bag, her movements were considered neat, and she threw all the eighteen soul-shattering knives out in one breath.

Perhaps it was because his heart was full of anger towards Tang San. thereby stimulating its own state. Meng still clearly felt that he felt very good in throwing the Soul Breaker today. She can be sure that each of her soul-shattering knives hit the target accurately, and even stabbed two leaves.

Meng was still attentively finishing his throwing knife, while Meng Shu's eyes fell on Tang San after the dragon-headed crutch shot. His dragon head crutches are weapon spirits, and they can be retrieved only with spirit power after they get rid of them, and they don't need to be controlled deliberately. He wants to see. Can this young man named Tang San surprise him again

Under Meng Shu's gaze, Tang San made a move that greatly puzzled the unparalleled dragon and snake couple. When the dragon head crutches are shot. He had already turned around.

But instead of turning to the target tree, he turned his back to the tree. Just as Meng still shot, Tang San moved his hand holding the cloth bag. The entire cloth bag was instantly unfolded in his right hand, and then, the cloth bag trembled.

The eighteen cold lights left their original positions at almost the same time.

Meng Yan's soul-breaking sword was naturally shot from the front, but Meng Shu could see clearly that the soul-breaking sword that Tang San threw turned out to be all arcs.

Throw a throwing knife in an arc. It already requires quite sophisticated techniques. And Tang San didn't even use his hands to directly control it, he just used the cloth bag to throw it out, so that all the soul-shattering knives had such an effect.

Even the Soul Douluo, Duke Long Meng Shu couldn't help but be surprised, and looked carefully at the destination where Tang San's Soul Breaker was flying.

There was a loud roar, and the sound of the sharp blade piercing the tree trunk sounded intensively. The leaves in the air are gradually drifting away, and the competition is now over.

Meng still turned his head to look at Tang San, just when he saw Tang San turning around, he couldn't help but say with a little anger, "You didn't shoot?"

Tang San shook the empty cloth bag in his hand. Said: "I have already shot."

Just when Meng Yan was stunned, the unparalleled dragon and snake couple had come to her side, Meng Shu sighed and said, "It's amazing. Still, you lost."

Meng still looked at his grandfather in confusion, Meng Shu shook his head at her. Said: "In the end, you don't have to look. Let's go."

"No, I don't believe it." Before seeing it with his own eyes, how could Meng still believe that his best weapon throwing would actually lose to Tang San, who had no physical strength in front of him? Ignoring my grandparents' obstruction, Fei also ran towards the big tree. She couldn't believe how she would lose.

Meng Shu sighed and murmured to himself: "I'm afraid it will be a big blow to the still. However, there is no harm in letting her understand that there are people outside of people, and there are reasons for heaven and earth."

When he came under the tree, the first thing Meng still saw was the flying knife he threw. Just as she judged herself. The eighteen flying knives were all inserted into the trunk, and within a very small range. There is at least one leaf on each soul-breaking knife, and at most, there are even three.

A little bit stronger than her usual level.

However, when Meng still moved his gaze upwards and saw those soul-breaking knives with blue ribbons, the whole person fell into a sluggishness.

Eighteen blue-ribbon soul-breaking knives were neatly parked on the tree trunk and divided into three rows, six in each row, just forming a three-character.

Not a single soul-breaking knife has a stack of leaves stuck in it, and even the depth of the blade entering the tree is exactly the same. Compared with Meng Yan's eighteen swords that were staggered in the tree, the contrast was too obvious.

Meng Shu's voice came into Meng Yiran's ears, "Girl, admit defeat. Tang San's technique can't even ask me. At the same time, he shoots and enters the tree at the same time. There is even only one voice, and every soul-shattering sword is put on. He took ten leaves. Moreover, when he shot, he completely turned his back to the direction of the tree and did not look at it with his eyes. Such skills can only be described as magical.”

Meng still turned around slowly and looked at her grandfather. Although her eyes were no longer dull, her whole person seemed to have lost her soul. He didn't even want his own soul-breaking knife, and walked towards his grandparents step by step.

Just as Meng Shu said, being defeated at his best ability was a huge blow to Meng still.

Within three days, he lost to Tang San twice, and each time he lost more than the other, the spirit beast was robbed twice. Tang San's blow to her self-confidence all along was shattered.

Tang San took a few steps to the front, rubbed his palm on his waist, a steel needle spilled out, knocking down all the soul-breaking knives on the tree, and the steel needle also fell back to his hand following the trajectory, and the soul-breaking knife also fell. He took them into his hands one by one and wrapped them in cloth bags.

After doing this, he hurriedly chased in front of Meng Yiran, "Miss Meng, your soul-breaking knife."

Meng still looked up at him, and at this moment, her beautiful face looked pale. "Are you here to make fun of me?"

Tang San shook his head and said, "No. Actually, you don't need to be sad. I have been practicing hidden weapons since I was three years old. Although I am not yet thirteen years old this year, I have been practicing for nine years. I've done my best. That's the most subtle technique I can use right now."

"Hidden weapon?" Meng was still attracted by this brand-new term.

Tang San handed the Soul Breaking Sword into her hand, "Using an effective weapon secretly, I call it a hidden weapon. Hidden weapons should not be used for competitions, but a magic weapon to win by surprise."

When Meng Yiren proposed to compare his hidden weapons with him, Tang San, apart from being a little sarcastic, also had a kind of cordial feeling. After all, this is the first time he has seen a hidden weapon in the hands of others since he came to this world. Thinking back on that, since seeing this girl who is a few years older than me, although I didn't mean it, it has also brought her a lot of trouble. He was somewhat apologetic for stealing her two useful spirit rings. At this time, the overall situation was settled, and he couldn't help reminding Meng still a few words. He didn't want Meng still to give up the practice of hidden weapons because of today's attack.

Meng still blinked with big eyes and said, "Then why can your hidden weapon be used to such an extent?"

Tang San said: "The practice of hidden weapons also requires certain methods. Actually, this kind of flying knife is not suitable for you. For you, its size is a bit large and its weight is a bit high. I think, if you change the flying knife to It's more effective if it's a flying needle. Like this."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and rubbed it on a jade stone on the Moonlit Night of the Twenty-Fourth Bridge, and a five-inch long bone-penetrating needle had appeared in his palm.

Tang San handed the bone-penetrating needle to Meng Yanyan and said, "I call this kind of needle the bone-penetrating needle, it is five inches long, thin in the front and thick in the back, and weighs less than one-fifth of your flying knife, yet it can still be extremely powerful. It is far away and has strong penetrating power. Because of its small size, it is easier to carry. Although it is a coincidence this time, I did destroy your chances of obtaining a soul beast twice. If you want, I have a way to cultivate a hidden weapon. You. You can try it when you go back, it should be better than if you only practice your head."

Meng still froze for a moment, "You want to teach me?" She still remembered clearly that her grandfather said before that he would take off someone's arm. When he looked up at Tang San, he found that Tang San's eyes were extremely clear, without any impurities. Obviously not fake.

Tang San said: "The way of hidden weapons is equally broad and profound, would you like to learn it?"

Meng still nodded subconsciously.

Tang San smiled slightly and said: "I didn't see with my eyes just now but I can still get it right. This is a basic skill of using hidden weapons. When the light is not good or the angle is not suitable, the eyes will not be able to see the exact position of the target, and hearing can play an extremely important role. If you practice listening to sound and position recognition, your hidden weapon will not have a blind spot when it is launched, and also more covert."

Identifying positions by listening to sounds is the basis for practicing hidden weapons, and it's not a secret. At the moment, Tang San didn't shy away from the unrivaled dragon-snake couple on the side, and briefly explained this practice method. And a little bit of how to practice hidden weapons.

Meng still had some grudges in her heart at the beginning, but following Tang San's narration, she nodded again and again, and in less than a cup of tea, Tang San's words gave her a whole new understanding of the world of hidden weapons.

"...If you can practice these well, the hidden weapon will already be of great help to you." Tang San ended his teaching to Meng Yan with the shortest words. It's not that he is proud of himself, but he is eager to absorb the spirit ring of the human-faced demon spider so that he can find Xiao Wu.

At this time, his physical strength and spirit power had recovered, and he felt that he should be able to absorb the spirit ring.

Duke Long and Lady Snake kept watching Tang San teach Meng Yilan but they didn't interrupt. Duke Long, who was originally a little depressed because of Zao Wou-Ki's words, now had a smile on his face.

Meng still gave Tang San a deep look, "I won't say thank you to you."

Tang San smiled indifferently, "I didn't expect it either."

With a puff, Meng still laughed. She was already beautiful, and her smile was as touching as a thaw in a spring breeze. "You're only twelve years old? You're really a kid. Come on, let my sister kiss me." As he said, Suddenly, he leaned over and kissed Tang San on the cheek.

Tang San obviously didn't expect Meng still to "sneak attack" on him, but felt a warmth on his face, not only blushing, but even his ears were rendered red.

Meng still looked at his embarrassed appearance and felt a lot more relaxed in his heart. Seriously said: "You don't have any other ideas. This is my bet to pay you back. I'm willing to admit defeat, I won't be rude. Well, let's go, you can also quickly absorb that spirit ring. Next time if I When I hunt the spirit beast, I encounter you again and make trouble, hum." As he spoke, he even compared his fist to Tang San as if in a demonstration.

Of course, this is obviously not a deterrent.

Duke Long and Snake Woman looked at each other and smiled. After nodding to Zao Wou-Ki again, he took off with his granddaughter. They also need to quickly find another suitable soul beast for their granddaughter, and then leave here as soon as possible. They also had to guard against the threat of the giant ape.

Oscar leaned over to Tang San and smiled, "San'er, are you happy?"

Tang San glared at him speechlessly, "What's cool? Give me some recovery sausages."

Oscar laughed, "I have a big sausage." Under the wretched soul curse, a sausage was directly handed to Tang San.

Turned to look at the corpse of the human-faced demon spider. At this moment, the rich purple-black light had already condensed and formed above the corpse of the human-faced demon spider, which was the best time to absorb it. Looking at it, Tang San's previously relaxed expression became tense again. He always remembered that Xiao Wu was still waiting for his rescue.

After eating the sausage, he walked over to the human-faced demon spider and sat down, "Trouble everyone."

Zao Wou-Ki nodded to Tang San and waved his hand. The students surrounded Tang San in the center, carefully guarding. With their protection, Tang San didn't need to worry about the threat of ordinary spirit beasts, and was finally able to absorb the powerful spirit ring in front of him wholeheartedly.

Raising his right hand, the blue light brought by the Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit slowly appeared in Tang San's palm, taking a deep breath. Tang San summoned the human-faced spider's spirit ring.

The purple-black light seemed to have finally found a vent after waiting for a long time. As soon as he felt Tang San's martial spirit, he suddenly swarmed towards Tang San like a sea of hundreds of rivers.

Seeing that the rich purple-black light instantly enveloped Tang San's body, Zao Wuji couldn't help but secretly startled, his spirit power fluctuated so strongly. How many years has this human-faced spider been cultivated

As the client Tang San felt more clearly, he only felt that a huge heat flow suddenly poured into his body, before he could react, the heat flow had already started to burn his body like a scalding flame.

The domineering nature of the human-faced spider determines the tyranny of the spirit ring it forms. As soon as the powerful aura entered Tang San's body, it began to forcibly transform his body.

Although the energy contained in the spirit ring had no consciousness, it was not at all controllable by Tang San's consciousness.

Under the powerful spirit power fluctuation, Tang San felt as if his body was about to burst open. The severe pain caused him to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Everyone around him was surprised at the same time. They have also absorbed spirit rings, but this is the first time they have encountered such a situation. All eyes turned to Zao Wou-Ki.

Zao Wuji said solemnly: "This human-faced demon spider's spirit ring is too domineering. It is not easy to absorb it. Now he can only rely on himself, and he cannot use any external force to absorb the spirit ring. Otherwise, it will only have the opposite effect. We can only trust Tang San to insist on taking it for himself."

What Zao Wou-Ki didn't say is that the harder the spirit ring to absorb, the greater the effect it will bring. After all, the energy attached to it is huge, and the spirit ability it generates will naturally be extremely powerful.

Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang took Meng still forward in the other direction of the Star Dou Great Forest.

Chao Tianxiang has been observing her granddaughter. Since leaving the Shrek Academy group, Meng still kept his head down and seemed to be thinking about something.

"Still, what are you thinking?" Chao Tianxiang asked.

Meng still woke up from his thoughts by grandma's voice, "I'm thinking about what Tang San said. Grandma, do you want me to use that bone-penetrating needle in the future?"

Chaotianxiang smiled and said, "If you think it's good, just use it. Although the shape of the needle is a little special, it is not difficult to find someone to make it. This is the first time I have seen such a long needle. Five inches."

Duke Long Meng Shu suddenly said: "Tang San's child is very good, not only talented, but also not arrogant at all, he is a rare talent. It's a pity that he refuses to join our family, otherwise, it will not be twenty years. , will definitely be able to lead the family to a new level."

Chao Tianxiang sighed softly and said, "Jin Lin is a thing in the pond, a dragon that changes when it meets the situation. It's not just Tang San, I think those children are very good. I really don't know where Zao Wou-Ki found these talents like this. Excellent children. Listening to Zao Wou-Ki, they seem to be from some Shrek Academy. Why haven't I heard the name of this student?"

Meng Shu said: "These are not important. Although the other ones look good, I think they are still a bit far behind Tang San. Still, what do you think of Tang San?"

Meng still froze for a moment, her eyes flashing for a while, and finally she couldn't help but say: "It's just a mature kid." Thinking of Tang San's serious face, she couldn't help but add, "He really doesn't look like the only one Twelve years old."

Meng Shu smiled and said, "I'm asking you how you feel about him."

Meng is still sixteen years old, at the age of the beginning of love.

"Grandpa, don't you want to mess with the mandarin ducks? I'm more than three years older than him, how is that possible?" She had just passed her sixteenth birthday, and she was indeed three years older than Tang San.

Meng Shu chuckled, "Age is not a problem, female junior, hold a golden brick."

Meng still blushed, "Grandpa, you..."

Meng Shu said: "What? You don't want to? Or do you think his appearance is too ordinary?"

Meng still snorted and said, "He looks ordinary in the first place. From what he wears, it can be seen that he is not a son of a famous family. I really don't understand why he can cultivate with the speed of a waste martial arts like the Blue Silver Grass. So fast."

Meng Shu frowned, "Girl, when did you become judging people by their appearance? That kid Tang San is not as simple as you said. How do you know he's not from a famous family? Blue Silver Grass? Is it a soul master who has cultivated to the thirtieth level or above? There are also the hidden weapons he mentioned, these together are enough to prove the extraordinaryness of this child."

Seeing that Grandpa was a little angry, Meng still stuck out his tongue, "Don't be angry, Grandpa. I'll talk about it later. It's hard to say whether I can see him again in the future."

Meng Shu sighed softly, "Children and grandchildren will have their own happiness, and your own business is up to you to decide. However, grandfather asks his own eyes before he spends his time. In one's life, there is only one chance. Or it is very short. If you can't grasp it, just A lot will be lost."

Chao Tianxiang held Meng Shu's hand, "Okay, old man. Don't be so serious, it's still important for us to find a suitable third spirit ring first. We'll talk about other things later. After we go back, let's first Find out what Shrek Academy is."

The eyes of everyone in Shrek Academy became very solemn at this time, and among the crowd, Tang San, who was sitting cross-legged in the center, could no longer see his figure. The whole person was enveloped in a layer of pale red mist.

The red in the fog wasn't the light of spirit power, but Tang San's blood.

Not long ago, with the violent spirit power fluctuations on his body, Tang San's skin began to overflow with a layer of fine blood beads, and as the spirit power evaporated into the air, it turned into this pale red mist.

Tang San's brows were furrowed, his lips were pursed tightly, his body was constantly twitching, and with the blood dripping from under his skin, one could imagine how severe the pain he was suffering now.

In the fog, the crackling of bones can be heard from time to time, and every time it brings a thrilling feeling to the surrounding people. And the third spirit ring that should have appeared along with the absorption has never been revealed. This proved that Tang San hadn't completely absorbed the human-faced demon spider spirit ring.

Dai Mubai whispered to Zhao Wuji worriedly, "Teacher Zhao, Tang San might be in danger if this continues."

Zao Wou-Ki also frowned, "I know. However, now I can't interrupt him. Otherwise, the result will be more serious. Now we can only see his willpower. The energy given in this spirit ring should be something he can absorb. It's just that his physical condition is not the best, and the energy of this human-faced demon spider spirit ring itself is too violent, that's why this happens. I hope Tang San can get through this. Otherwise..."

Only he knew the pain Tang San suffered at this time. In front of the energy of the human-faced demon spider soul ring, he felt as if his entire body was being cut by countless sharp blades. His internal organs were hurting everywhere, and the tyrannical energy was constantly tearing at his body, causing him to be in extreme pain all the time.

Actually, Zao Wou-Ki was wrong. Because of the scarcity of human-faced spiders, even if the master is present, it is difficult to judge its true cultivation range. The spirit master's third spirit ring's maximum spirit power absorption can reach the level of more than 1,700 years. Only the fourth spirit ring can absorb spirit rings with about 5,000 years of cultivation. The maximum absorption of the fifth spirit ring is about 12,000 years. The absorption limit of the sixth spirit ring is 20,000 years. The seventh spirit ring is between 30,000 and 50,000 years old, depending on the different attributes of different spirit masters. At the eighth spirit ring. It is only possible to absorb the spirit rings of spirit beasts that are more than 50,000 years old. Only the last ninth spirit ring has the possibility of absorbing one hundred thousand year spirit beasts. Of course, among the known spirit masters, no one has been able to absorb the 100,000-year-old spirit beast as their last spirit ring.

The human-faced demon spider that Tang San killed had a real cultivation base of over two thousand years. Although it was just over, it had already surpassed the limit that the spirit master's third spirit ring could absorb. That's why Grandmaster knew that the Human-faced Demon Spider was a huge help to Tang San's Blue Silver Grass. But it wasn't an important reason why he was in favor of finding such a spirit ring.

During the battle, Tang San simply estimated the strength of the human-faced spider. But he overlooked one point. After all, the human-faced demon spider had been traumatized by Duke Long Meng Shu. What kind of strength Meng Shu is, the injury he brought to the Human-faced Demon Spider will naturally greatly affect its strength.

Tang San's situation was different from that of most spirit masters, because he was a twin martial spirit, and he cultivated the Xuan Tian Gong recorded in the Xuan Tian Bao Lu. Physical strength is much better than ordinary people. Logically speaking, if it was an ordinary spirit beast, it would not be a big problem for him to absorb a third spirit ring that lasted about two thousand years. after all. The physical advantage is there.

But this human-faced spider is not an ordinary soul beast. Its own brutality and toughness made the spirit ring extremely domineering, and Tang San wasn't in his best state, and he suddenly fell into a huge crisis.

If Tang San's situation in front of him could be calculated, then there could only be one final outcome for him, his body could not withstand the impact of the Human-faced Demon Spider's energy and exploded to his death. After all, that energy was beyond what he could absorb.

but. Some things are incalculable. Such as willpower and belief.

When a person's willpower is firm to a certain level, or when he has an extremely persistent belief, miracles often occur.

At this moment, Tang San, although suffering unparalleled pain, has an extremely persistent belief deep in his heart. That is to rescue Xiao Wu.

With this belief. He withstood wave after wave of pain, even though blood was seeping out from his body, he still fought against the domineering energy in the human-faced demon spider soul ring.

From a certain point of view, Xiao Wu was captured by the Titan Giant Ape, but instead fulfilled Tang San. Absorbing the spirit ring beyond the limit will certainly bring about a huge crisis, but once it succeeds, the benefits are also huge.

The tyrannical energy fluctuations continued to increase, and the blood mist around Tang San's body became more and more obvious. In the blood mist, there was even a faint fishy smell oozing out. I don't know if it was the impurities in Tang San's body or the toxin from the human-faced demon spider.

When everyone was anxious like ants on a hot pan. Sudden. A light footsteps caught Zao Wou-Ki's attention.

"Who?" Zhao Wuji's icy gaze turned in one direction, and his soul power suddenly gathered. At this moment, Tang San had reached the most critical moment. He would never allow anyone or spirit beasts to disturb him.

"Mr. Zhao." A slender figure ran out of the woods. Seeing her, not only Zhao Wuji was stunned, but the others were also stunned. It was Xiao Wu who suddenly ran out of the woods.

At this time, Xiao Wu looked a little embarrassed, her clothes were more torn, and the neat scorpion braids on her head became messy, but her face was very ruddy, and she seemed to be a bit more mature than before.

"Xiao Wu, are you not dead?" Oscar realized that his words were a bit ugly after saying this.

Xiao Wu said angrily: "Are you looking forward to my death? What's wrong? This fog... God, what happened to Xiao San?"

Seeing Tang San in the pale red mist, Xiao Wu's heart suddenly tightened, dashing toward him in three steps.

She was sent here by the Giant Titan. Although the Star Dou Great Forest is vast, it is not difficult for the Giant Titan, who is the king of the forest, to find Shrek Academy here. All soul beasts can be his eyes. After sending Xiao Wu to the vicinity, the Titan Giant Ape quietly left.

"Don't disturb him. He is absorbing the third spirit ring." Zhao Wuji hurriedly stopped Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu lost her voice: "But, how could it be like this after absorbing the third spirit ring?" She turned her head to look at the corpse of the human-faced demon spider beside her, and she somewhat understood. "It's a human-faced demon spider, it's not good. This human-faced demon spider has been cultivated for more than two thousand years. The master said that the limit of the third spirit ring of a soul master is more than one thousand seven hundred and sixty years. Xiaosan he..."

Zao Wou-Ki was taken aback, "How do you know that this human-faced demon spider has been cultivated for two thousand years?"

Only then did Xiao Wu realize that she had said the wrong thing, "The cultivation of the human-faced spider depends on the length of its legs. You see, the leg length of this human-faced spider has exceeded three meters. The sign of two thousand years. Don't you know that the cultivation base of a thousand-year soul beast will change significantly every thousand years? Just like a hundred-year soul beast will change according to a hundred years of cultivation, and a ten-thousand-year soul beast will change according to ten thousand years. "

Zao Wou-Ki said a little impressively: "I really don't know this very well. I didn't expect you to know so much about soul beasts."

Xiao Wu said: "These are all taught by the master." It is obviously a good way to pass the slip of the tongue to the master who has the most research on martial arts. Sure enough, after listening to her words, everyone's doubts were relieved.

Zao Wou-Ki smiled bitterly: "Little San has already begun to absorb this spirit ring. There is no possibility of stopping now. We can only hope that he can withstand the energy shock in the spirit ring and survive this test. By the way, Xiao Wu, How did you get out of the titan's clutches? Tell us what happened first?"

Of course, she couldn't tell everyone that it was because Erming, the giant ape, came to take her away because he felt her breath. Before she came back, Xiao Wu naturally thought of her words, and now she looked at Tang San in front of her worriedly and explained, "I don't know what's going on. That giant ape grabbed me and ran into the forest without running much. There seemed to be a cow-like roar coming from one direction in the distance. The giant ape looked nervous, looked at me, threw me aside, and ran away."

"The voice of the cow? What kind of cow can make the Giant Titan Ape nervous? What happened later?" Zao Wou-Ki couldn't help frowning.

Xiao Wu's eyes flashed with fear, "That giant giant ape threw me away and let out a roar before leaving. I just felt a whirlwind and fainted. When I woke up, it was gone. The scene was terrifying, at least dozens of spirit beasts were stunned by the shock, and the weak ones died of bleeding from the mouth and nose. I don't know whether to call it good luck or bad luck, but I suddenly discovered that my soul power had also broken through Thirty."

Zhao Wuji was startled, "What? You're already level 30? Who is older than Tang San?"

Xiao Wu said, "I'm a few months younger than him."

Zao Wou-Ki was speechless for a while, the record that Tang San had just created had already been changed. However, what Xiao Wu said next made his eyes widen.

Xiao Wu said: "I was very scared at the time, maybe the increase in spirit power was due to too much stimulation from the outside world. I just found a thousand-year-old spirit beast that was more suitable for me in a coma, so I hunted it and got my third soul. ring."

"Is this okay?" Fatty stared at Xiao Wu, showing the look of seeing a blind cat meet a dead mouse.

Xiao Wu showed an expression of lingering fears, "I'm going to have a big fate, I thought I was dead. In order not to be attacked by the spirit beasts around me after waking up, I had to kill all the spirit beasts that were stunned around me. After absorbing the third spirit ring, my stamina recovered, and then I went back according to my memory. I heard a voice from here and came looking for you, and finally found you."