Douluo Dalu

Chapter 42: The master is the devil


Dai Mubai collapsed beside Zhu Zhuqing, gasping for breath, his entire body trembling slightly.

The scorpion braid on Xiao Wu's head has become scattered, dripping with sweat, and her red lips are buzzing.

Tang San supported Ma Hongjun and Oscar against their own bamboo baskets, then took out the excess weight. At this time, his eyes were also hazy. However, there was something in his consciousness supporting him.

For others, the punishment, or rather the training, is over. But for him, not yet.

Holding the table on which the buckets were placed, carrying a weight of fifteen kilograms, Tang San reluctantly stood up and moved forward step by step.

Although he didn't need to help others, the pace under his feet was completely staggered.

"Brother, I'll accompany you." Xiao Wu also stood up with her back on the table, but she only took one step before she fell to the ground. Although her physical condition was much better than Zhu Zhuqing's, he had walked a long distance behind Ning Rongrong's back before, and the limit was also approaching.

"Little San. I'll accompany you too." It was Dai Mubai who spoke, also carrying his own weight, Dai Mubai staggered to chase after Tang San. The two of them looked at each other, and forced a strange-looking smile on their pale faces. At the same time, he stretched out his right hand and held it in the air.

The next moment, the two people who had endured the most in the entire "punishment" process had fallen to the ground at the same time, following in the footsteps of other companions.

Of the Shrek Seven Devils, seven were punished. At this time, seven also lay down.

The master watched them fall one by one, but never moved. It wasn't until Tang San and Dai Mubai finally passed out at the same time that a faint smile appeared on his face, "Don't give up, don't give up, very good. Very good."

Flender quietly appeared beside Master with Zao Wou-Ki and several other teachers, "Master. You are also very good. Ruthless."

The master ignored the dissatisfaction in Flender's words and waved his hand. "Hurry up and take them there."

Including the master, the teachers hurriedly removed the bamboo baskets from the children and carried them towards the academy.

When Tang San woke up from the coma, he found that he was already in the dormitory, a warm feeling entered his body from all directions, the warm comfort almost made him groan.

After calming down, Tang San found out. His naked body was in a large wooden barrel, which was full of brown liquid, and Oscar was on the other side, still in a deep sleep in the wooden barrel. With so many more large wooden barrels in the dormitory, it was already crowded at this time.

Stirring the liquid in front of him casually, the not too strong medicinal smell hit the nostrils, Tang San moved his nose, and suddenly understood something in his heart.

After coming to this world. Although he has not carefully studied the medicines in this world, he probably knows a few things. The medicines in this world have many similarities with his previous life. At this time, the liquid in this vat should be boiled with some medicinal materials, and these medicinal materials The main functions are to relax the tendons and activate the blood and strengthen the body and nourish the body. It's no wonder that after such a drastic consumption, there is not much pain when waking up. Only the legs are slightly sore. The body is slightly weak.

Only later did Tang San find out that in order to maintain the temperature of the water in the bucket, the master would add some hot water to their bucket every time after a certain period of time. The girls were hired by village women to help add them.

Next to the barrel was a note with the master's handwriting on it.

"Go to the cafeteria to eat when you wake up." Seeing the word "eat", Tang San felt his stomach rumbling, as if he thought about it, and his hunger suddenly surged.

After standing up from the water, he discovered that there were two other smaller buckets placed beside the two large wooden buckets, which were filled with clean water, apparently for them to wash their bodies. Clear water is not warm. When Tang San was immersed in it, he couldn't help shivering, feeling refreshed. The feeling of soreness in the whole body gradually disappeared.

After hurriedly washing the medicinal liquid on his body and putting on clean clothes, Tang San walked out of the dormitory. He was surprised to find that the sky was already filled with stars, and in the silent night, the chirping of insects and birds occasionally sounded, giving people a feeling of tranquility.

He stretched his body hard, and the bones of the whole body made a series of crackling sounds, as if the whole person had been stretched. Taking two deep breaths of fresh air to replace the turbid air in his body, he strode towards the dining hall.

From a distance, he could already see the lights in the cafeteria on. When Tang San walked into the cafeteria, he found a man sitting there eating.

Hearing the footsteps, the one who was eating and drinking turned to look at Xiao San, it was Dai Mubai. The spirit power cultivation made him wake up earlier than Tang San.

"Little San, come and eat. The taste is really good." Dai Mubai's evil eyes had completely returned to normal, and when he saw Tang San, he immediately smiled. They have shared weal and woe and weal and woe more than once. That feeling of sympathy does not need to be expressed in words. When they look at each other, they can already feel each other's friendship.

He walked over to Dai Mubai and sat down. There were still six servings of food on the dining hall table, apparently for him and the others. There is also a note left on the table, which is also the master's handwriting.

"After eating, clean the tableware. Drain the water in the bucket in the room and wash it clean. Don't sleep, practice soul power before dawn. Gather for class in the morning."

The dinner was very rich, with a big bowl of fragrant stewed meat, five big white steamed buns, a bowl of thick soup, a plate of vegetables and a few fruits.

The stomach's protest made Tang San unable to speak to Dai Mubai, and immediately began to feast on the food, sweeping away the food in front of him like a storm.

Cool, cool, very cool. After a lot of physical exhaustion, food supplements seem to make people feel that the body is rapidly absorbing nutrients.

Dai Mubai had already finished eating when Tang San was enjoying his meal, leaning on the table and looking at him, seeing that he had finished eating, he said, "Little San, Grandmaster is ruthless, this is even more ruthless than Dean Flender before. Meng. Looking at the meaning of Master's message, I'm afraid we will have a difficult time in the future. Master taught you this way before?"

Tang San shook his head and said: "The teacher taught me mostly theoretical knowledge before, this is the first time I have encountered such training. However, yesterday the teacher told me that as a spirit master, the body is the foundation. I can withstand the impact of the soul power of the human-faced demon spider soul ring that exceeds the limit, and it is inseparable from the state of my body. Only a strong body can withstand more soul power. Maybe this is why the teacher decided to let us Basic training to strengthen your body."

Dai Mubai smiled bitterly and said, "It's not as simple as strengthening. The master's training for us is completely arranged to the limit. If it weren't for our physical fitness, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to get up after lying down for a few days this time. But that bucket is strange. Liquids also seem to play a role."

"I'm starving, where's the food?" A figure rushed in from the outside, not bothering to say hello to Tang San and Dai Mubai, and rushed towards the food on the table.

It was Xiao Wu who came, looking at her blushing little face, Tang San suddenly revealed a smile. Obviously, Xiao Wu has also recovered from the extreme exhaustion.

While eating, Xiao Wu also saw the note on the table, and made a few gestures to Tang San at the same time, meaning to wait until she finished eating.

After waking up from the drowsiness and having eaten, Tang San felt that his body was lazy and didn't want to move at all. He imitated Dai Mubai's movements and leaned on the table, watching Xiao Wu eat without the image of a lady. the food in front of you.

The food for the girls is the same as them except that there are two steamed buns. Although Xiao Wu's mouth is not big, she can eat without any ambiguity. After a while, she has eaten all the food in front of her.

The fourth person who came to the cafeteria was not another Oscar who had reached level 30 or above, but Zhu Zhuqing.

When Zhu Zhuqing walked in, his expression was very calm, until he saw Dai Mubai, his face became a little deliberately, but from her eyes, Tang San obviously didn't see any emotion of rejection.

Zhu Zhuqing's eating movements were much more elegant than Xiao Wu's, chewing and swallowing slowly, every movement looked so graceful, and behind the graceful movements was speed. If it weren't for the rapid reduction of food in front of her, Tang San would have a hard time believing that she could eat so fast with her seemingly slow movements.

"Very comfortable, I'm full." Xiao Wu leaned directly on Tang San's shoulder without hesitation, "Little San, did you run those two laps later?"

Tang San smiled wryly and shook his head, "No, after you passed out, Mubai and I also passed out. When we woke up, we were already in the potion in the wooden barrel."

Xiao Wu's pretty face suddenly turned red, she sat up straight, and said in a low voice, "Aren't you wearing clothes?"

Tang San was stunned for a moment, then nodded subconsciously.

Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue, "The note left in our dormitory says, don't panic, your clothes are taken off by the women in the village. Go to the cafeteria to eat."

Tang San laughed and said, "Xiao Wu, your blushing look is so cute. It looks like an apple." As he spoke, he pinched Xiao Wu's face dotingly. Xiao Wu just glared at him dissatisfied, but did not stop him from moving.

Dai Mubai said, "Oscar and the three of them haven't gotten up yet, and they seem to be very tired. Let's go back to practice. We don't know what kind of devil training Master will bring us tomorrow."

Tang San nodded and was about to clean up his tableware, but was stopped by Xiao Wu.

"Let's go, it's not your men's job to wash pots and dishes. Leave it to us."

Tang San smiled slightly, touched Xiao Wu's head, turned around and walked out.

Dai Mubai's eyes fell on Zhu Zhuqing. Zhu Zhuqing hadn't finished eating yet, but she freed up one hand and put together the tableware that Dai Mubai had used before. what she meant.

Dai Mubai was overjoyed, he naturally knew that Zhu Zhuqing was thin-skinned, so he didn't say a word, and hurriedly chased Tang San outside.

When the two walked to the entrance of the cafeteria, Xiao Wu's voice came from behind, "It's not what you men should do to wash pots and dishes, but I'll leave the water in those big buckets for you. Remember to do it early tomorrow morning. Get up and help us."

Tang San stumbled under his feet, almost tripping over the threshold, and when he turned to look at Xiao Wu, he saw the sly smile on her face. He was waving at him.

The night was silent, and when Tang San woke up again, it was already dawn, and his biological clock habitually woke him up. Last night's practice he was deeply settled, and he felt that he was completely immersed in the ocean of internal power of Xuan Tian Gong. He didn't even know when Oscar got up to eat.

He had cleaned his buckets before practicing last night, and the dormitory was empty at this time. Oscar also sat on the bed and practiced, and his bucket cleaned up by himself.

Quietly went out, practiced the Purple Demon Eye, and had breakfast. After finishing all this, Tang San knocked on Xiao Wu's door. Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong had already woken up, and they went to eat. Tang San helped them dispose of the heavy bucket.

The familiar bell rang, and almost all of the Shrek Seven Devils rushed to the playground immediately.

The master was already waiting for them in the middle of the playground. Look at the calm and stiff face of the master. Except for Tang San, the others unconsciously felt a little nervous, even a little scared.

"Very good. You all came very quickly today." The master nodded, his eyes swept across the faces of everyone habitually, "I was very satisfied with your actions yesterday. Although some people did not complete the punishment, I am satisfied. Yes. From you, I see the spirit of not giving up and not giving up. As partners, how can we reassure each other to give our backs to each other? What is needed is the word trust. You are all doing well, The trust in each other makes you better for yesterday's test."

"Before the lesson starts today, Tang San, go and finish your punishment yesterday."

"Yes." Tang San agreed. Turn around and run outside the academy.

"Little San, I'll accompany you. It was agreed yesterday." Xiao Wu jumped up to catch up.

Ning Rongrong suddenly said, "Let's go too. Aren't we a whole?"

Oscar stretched his arms, "It's okay to warm up. We're not punishing this time, we're running along, and we don't need to carry any weight anyway."

The fat man said with a frown, "It seems that I really want to lose weight. Is it easy for me to raise this amount of meat?"

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing had already run out. "Stop talking nonsense and keep up."

The whole, a good whole. The master looked at the departing teenagers in amazement, and suddenly felt an impulsive feeling in his heart. There are only four words that can flash in his mind, Heaven's Pride. Although the seven children have been together for less than a month, it can be seen from their actions at this time that the friendship between them will last a lifetime.

With his fists clenched, the master secretly decided that he must do his best to cultivate these children.

It is also from this day. The master let the Shrek Seven Devils fully understand the meaning of the word devil.

When the monster meets the devil. What will happen

The master's training for them is very simple, one to two hours of battle every day. Every day battles are different. A random combination of both sides. Sometimes it's one-on-one, sometimes two-on-two, two-on-two, or even three-on-three, three-on-four.

Every day battle masters will put forward some special requirements, such as what kind of soul skills are allowed, what are not allowed, and what restrictions are there.

After the battle training is over, physical training will begin. Like the first day, during physical training, the use of soul power is never allowed. It must be completed by seven people at the same time. There are endless ways for masters to train their physical fitness. The easiest is to run with weights. There are also various methods such as weight-bearing climbing. But no matter what kind of physical training method, we must make the Shrek Seven Devils reach the limit that the body can bear. After a while, they were all used to waking up from the barrel potion every night.

Although this devil-like training is hard, there is one point that the master is not stingy. In terms of diet, he will satisfy everyone's appetite to the greatest extent.

Due to the intensity of training, three months later, Ma Hongjun may have used the evil fire too much in the training of the devil, and he did not go to Soto City once to solve the problem that his evil fire could not be suppressed. The stove that Tang San bought from the blacksmith shop had already been delivered, but he didn't have time to forge hidden weapons. Even the first parts of the smithy's finished parts haven't had time to assemble.

Tang San, Oscar, and Xiao Wu were officially registered as Soul Masters in Soto City. In order not to cause a stir, when they went to register, the master specially asked them to bring a specially made mask to go. Although it caused some doubts, the situation of hiding their appearance in the spirit master world also happened from time to time, and they still successfully received their subsidy.

Three months of devil-like training did not improve the Shrek Seven Devils' spirit power much. During this period, Ma Hongjun's spirit power only increased by one level. However, these three months of extreme physical training have made a huge change in their physical fitness.

Now, when Tang San and Dai Mubai ran with heavy weights like they did on the first day, the weight attached to them had already exceeded fifty kilograms, and they were still able to handle it with ease. You must know that without using soul power, this is already extremely terrifying data.

Everyone's physical condition has been greatly improved. Under the large amount of exercise and sufficient nutritional supply, it is first reflected in the body.

Dai Mubai has clearly become stronger, with a bit of radiance in his evil eyes, and his whole person seems to be full of explosive power. Now, he really looks like a tiger going down the mountain.

Oscar's changes were even more obvious, and he lost a lot of weight, but if he only looked at his appearance, no one would think he was an auxiliary spirit master. The sturdy physique is completely comparable to that of most battle spirit masters. Of course, his voice was still so soft, and the big beard and the peach blossom eyes on his face didn't change.

Tang San's appearance has changed very little, his appearance is still so ordinary, but the whole person looks more restrained, and his figure is not too strong, just a little taller. It feels like a very ordinary teenager. Definitely belongs to the kind that can't be found in the crowd. Surprisingly, Tang San's spirit power had reached thirty-two. This was not brought by the three-month special training, but from the original human-faced demon spider spirit ring. Perhaps because of breaking through the limit, the pain the human-faced demon spider spirit ring brought to Tang San was enormous, but the benefits were also considerable. In addition to the spirit ring and spirit bone, even the spirit power was directly raised to thirty-two. It made others envious, of course, envy was envy, none of them dared to leapfrog to absorb spirit rings like Tang San did.

Ma Hongjun lost a full two laps, and he no longer looked so bloated. Although he was still fat, he gave people a powerful feeling. His soul power had risen to the twenty-eighth rank, and he was striding forward toward the thirty-eighth rank. The changes in his body made him look much sharper.

Xiao Wu is still the same, with the smallest change in appearance, she is the only one among the crowd. She hasn't even tanned her skin, and she looks happy and lively all day long.

However, she also made everyone suffer a lot when fighting every day. Her third spirit ability, teleportation, was elusive, even Dai Mubai and Tang San suffered less.

Fortunately, her teleportation distance can only be maintained at five meters now.

Even so, combined with the energy saving of waist bow and charm, the melee effects of the three spirit abilities were terrifying enough.

Compared with when Ning Rongrong first came to the academy, although he could not say that his arrogance was gone, he was still much better than before. There was a little more heroism between her brows, and her restrained temper made her even more confusing.

It rekindled the Oscar hope that had given up the pursuit. Of course, in the past three months, even if Oscar has the heart to pursue her, he has no strength to pursue her.

As for Zhu Zhuqing, I have to say that her perseverance is not weaker than that of men. She has never complained of bitterness in three months of devil training. Not only did she persevere, she even asked to increase the intensity.

The whole person lost a lot of weight, but, as an agility-attack spirit master, her speed also increased a lot when her body became stronger.

The three-month devil training finally ended yesterday, and the master gave our Shrek Seven Devils a seven-day vacation to let them adjust their state.

Finally had a chance to rest, Oscar slept in bed headfirst. Tang San cultivated as always, but because Zhu Zhuqing insisted on continuing to exercise the foundation of his body, Dai Mubai took the initiative to ask to accompany him. Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong were similar to Oscar, and decided to take advantage of these seven days to take a good rest. Only Ma Hongjun couldn't be idle. During the devil's training, he was the one who complained the most, but when he was on vacation, the fat man immediately slipped out of the academy and went to Soto City to solve his evil fire problem.

While listening to Oscar's snoring, Tang San assembled the parts sent from the blacksmith shop, finally had time today. He is very satisfied with the craftsmanship of the Tie Brothers in the blacksmith shop. So far, several hidden weapon parts, such as silent sleeve arrows, insinuations, tight-backed bowed crossbows, etc., have been manufactured. Only the Zhuge God Crossbow has higher requirements and is still being forged. middle. Tang San was going to take advantage of the few days of rest, in addition to cultivating, to assemble these hidden weapons and send them to everyone, and teach them how to use them.

Throwing in the assembly of the hidden weapon, time passed quickly, until Oscar woke up from his sleep and asked him to go to dinner, Tang San realized that the sunlight outside had turned into moonlight, and just like that one day passed.

The two walked out of the dormitory and walked towards the cafeteria together. As they were walking, they suddenly saw a person staggering over in front of them.

"Damn it, who is this, how did he grow a pig's head?" Oscar exclaimed somewhat exaggeratedly.

Tang San looked intently, and the person who swayed and stumbled was actually Ma Hongjun, but he looked extremely embarrassed now. Not only did the clothes on his body appear to be damaged, he looked disheveled. At the same time, his round, fat face was completely swollen, with purple-black bruises on the rims of his eyes, and dried blood stains hanging from the corners of his mouth.

"Fatty, what's the matter with you?" Tang San hurriedly walked up to support Ma Hongjun, who was crumbling. Oscar skillfully summoned his own recovery sausage and handed it over.

Ma Hongjun was not polite, and ate the sausage in two bites, which seemed to be a little better.

"Damn. It's a shame this time." Ma Hongjun's eyes were full of hatred. He had a round face and small eyes. At this time, his face was swollen, and his eyes were almost invisible from the fat on his face.

"Who beat you up like this?" Tang San's voice was obviously a little colder.

During the three months of devil training, everyone supported each other, and they were no longer as simple as classmates. Seeing his brother being beaten like this, how could Tang San not be angry

Ma Hongjun said bitterly, "I was beaten up by a wretched uncle. It's a shame, it's a fucking shame."

Oscar frowned. "Fatty, you won't be beaten because you are jealous of others."

Ma Hongjun said angrily, "What are you fighting for and being jealous of? It's clear that I first fell in love with that little girl. That wretched uncle is really shameless."

Hearing what Ma Hongjun said, Tang San suddenly understood a little bit, obviously, as Oscar said, this fat man was beaten while solving his evil fire problem.

Tang San patted Ma Hongjun's shoulder, "Let's go. Go to the cafeteria to eat something, and speak slowly."

With the help of Oscar's recovery sausage, Ma Hongjun's physical condition improved a lot, and the three of them walked into the cafeteria.

In the cafeteria, Dai Mubai was sitting there eating and drinking, but Zhu Zhuqing was not by his side.

"Damn it. Fatty, what did you do?" Seeing Ma Hongjun's embarrassed appearance, Dai Mubai was also taken aback. His temper was much more fiery than Tang San's, he abruptly stood up from the chair, anger flashing in his evil eyes.

Ma Hongjun said with a sad face, "Boss Dai, you have to decide for your brother. You see they beat me up, and even my handsome face was distorted. How can I get girls in the future!"

Oscar chuckled, "It's still a handsome face, swollen like a pig's head. What the hell is going on? Let's hear it first."

Ma Hongjun pulled a chair and sat down. This tells what happened.

"I left in the morning and went to Soto City to prepare to solve the problem of my evil fire. I got there. I really found a golden phoenix in the grass nest. Just when I was about to call that little girl to solve the problem At that time. Who knows, but a wretched uncle appeared. The guy looked in his forties, with short hair. At first glance, he was very simple and honest, but when he looked closely, the guy's eyes were full of obscene light. He had a One hand was still wrapped with gauze, but he insisted on grabbing the little girl from me. At that time, I asked him, Uncle, your hands are already like this, and you still come out to do it? Guess what he said? He actually said that I don't do it with my hands. I've seen the lewd, but I've never seen such lewd."

Dai Mubai said, "You fought with him later?"

Fatty puffed out his chest and said, "Of course, he has bullied me, can I bear it? Originally, I just wanted to drive him away. Who knew this guy was actually a soul master, And it's still a four-ringed soul sect. He beat me up and threw me out of that grass nest. The most unbearable thing was that he actually kicked my dick and said I was young. As a man, how could I bear such insults, and then I got up to fight him, and then it became like this. You didn't see his arrogant appearance, Boss Dai, Brother Ao, Tang Third brother, you have to decide for your brothers! If it wasn't for the fact that the training ground was strong recently, maybe I would be beaten and couldn't come back."

Ma Hongjun was obviously beaten a lot this time, especially the mental blow was very serious. Confusing snot and tears, Tang San and the three frowned.

Tang San asked, "What's that person's name?"

Ma Hongjun wiped his face with his sleeve, "I heard the old bustard in the grass nest call him something unhappy. It's probably not his real name."

"Aren't you happy? A soul sect dares to bully my brother? Let's go, Fatty, you lead the way. Let's go and see now. Little San, Xiao Ao, are you two going?" Dai Mubai could understand Fatty's mood right now. He didn't do anything less than jealousy before, but most of it was just taking advantage of it. Since Zhu Zhuqing came, he has restrained himself. What's more, the fat man was beaten so badly, although he didn't seem to be hurt, but this man was lost big enough.

Tang San nodded, "Let's go, let's have a look together."

This kind of thing, in fact, can't say who is right and who is wrong, but there is no way that it is not for one's own people. Seeing that his brother was beaten, if he didn't take action, he would not be a man.

Oscar chuckled and said, "Of course I'm going, I'm going to see who is more wretched than us fat guys. Even if we can't beat it, with my mushroom intestines here, let's run in time."

When Ma Hongjun heard that the three were willing to stand up for himself, he was overjoyed, "Good brother. Let's go now, maybe we can block him." After speaking, he immediately jumped up, turned and ran outside, as if The wounds on the body no longer hurt.

Dai Mubai grabbed Ma Hongjun and said, "What's the hurry, you have to eat before you go, so that you can have strength. By the way, tell me what the martial spirit of that guy is. Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy is the only way you can win a hundred battles. "

Although the fat man looked urgent, his stomach was really empty, so he sat down again. While everyone was eating dinner, Ma Hongjun told the story of his beating.

"That guy is not tall, only about 1.6 meters, his face is black, as if he just came out of a coal mine, his martial spirit is very strange. It is not attacking, defensive or speed type, it feels like, It feels like…”

Fatty's gaze drifted to Tang San, "It seems to be similar to the third brother's martial spirit, but the appearance is different."

Tang San and Dai Mubai looked at each other and said almost in unison, "Control spirit master?"

Fatty nodded, "It should be from the control department. From the surface of his martial spirit, it looks like two semi-circular covers, both only the size of a steamed bun, pink. As soon as this guy summoned his martial spirit, he took it on his head. Go, don't mention how disgusting it is. When he and I were fighting, we used two spirit abilities together. The first spirit ability was to make those two hoods bigger, blocking my Phoenix line of fire, and the second spirit ability I was trapped by two covers one after the other. The cover felt very flexible, I don't know what material it was made of, and even my phoenix flames couldn't destroy it. It was bound to my body and wrapped me like a zongzi same, and then I became his sandbag."

Two hoods in pink? What martial spirit is this? Even after studying with Grandmaster for many years, Tang San, who is considered to be well-informed, can't even think of it.

Tang San said: "So, he should have two other spirit abilities that he hasn't displayed yet."

Fatty said, "Third brother, with your three soul masters and me, a 27th-level great soul master, are you still afraid that he won't succeed? Besides, you are also a control system soul master!" He would be wrong. , thought Tang San would be afraid.

Tang San said: "Control-type spirit masters are special, in one-on-one situations, control-type spirit masters have a great advantage. Fatty, if we encounter him, you will be responsible for long-range attacks and harassment. Boss Dai and I will face each other. Ao is in charge of supplies. He is definitely not our opponent. The control system is not like the strong attack system. As long as he can't control all of us, he will inevitably lose. If my guess is right, his spirit should be naturally restrained by fire, otherwise Your evil fire will not be useless at all. When I do it, I will counter-control him. Although my soul power is not as good as his, at least he can harass those who cannot control us, and control the melee combat of spirit masters. The ability is completely impossible to block your attacks. Even if he is level 40."