Douluo Dalu

Chapter 50: Phosphorus Violet


Dai Mubai rose up and attacked the two Xuanwu Turtle Spirit Masters in the air, while Tang San was standing on the ground, he was the core of all Blue Silver Grass. At this moment, Dai Mubai was gently pulled by the Blue Silver Grass wrapped around his waist, and it had already returned to the ground. The thunder and lightning dragon claws almost swept over the top of Dai Mubai's head.

The thunder and lightning dragon claws emitted by Yu Tianheng passed 20 meters in the air before dissipating. Wherever they passed, the air was violently twisted, and a heart-pounding crackling sound erupted.

The battle ignited with this crackling sound, and Dai Mubai didn't stop after landing. The Shrek Seven Devils and Seven in One core tactic that evolved with Tang San as the center was not the first time they had been applied to actual combat. The strength of the individual is unified, and the strength gap with the opponent is narrowed.

Dai Mubai swept out with his feet, and went straight to the legs of the Shi brothers in front of him.

Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing also rushed out at the same time, bypassing the Shi brothers on both sides, and running towards the rear of the Huangdou team.

The tortoise shells of the Shi brothers slammed to the ground, their legs tucked into the tortoise shells when they couldn't let go. Seeing that Dai Mubai's foot was about to swipe on the tortoise shells, the blue silver grass wrapped around his waist once again exerted force and pushed him away. After pulling a meter, the foot swept in the empty space.

If Tang San only had the Blue Silver Grass spirit, he wouldn't be able to control every piece of Blue Silver Grass like an arm and finger. After all, pulling required strength, and it was never easy to control it just right. However, he still has Tang Sect's skill of controlling cranes and capturing dragons. With this special skill, he has completely controlled the scene.

Tang San could clearly see the scene of Dai Mubai's tiger claws hitting his opponent's tortoise shell before, he understood. The defensive power of these two Xuanwu turtle soul masters is definitely not something that anyone's soul skills on their side can break through at this stage.

As the only main force close to the opponent's spirit power, Dai Mubai must not be easily damaged.

Yu Tianheng, who was soaring in the air, saw his thunder, lightning, and dragon claws hit the air. After a short delay, he stepped on the tortoise shell of the Xuanwu Tortoise Soul Master in front of him, and his body suddenly accelerated. Tang San, who went straight to Dai Mubai's back, charged over, and waved his blue-electric Tyrannical Dragon's arm again. Another thunder and lightning dragon claw, but this time the target was changed to Tang San.

As the captain of the Imperial Fight Team, Yu Tianheng had already seen that the most important person in the opposing team was not the most powerful Dai Mubai, but the control-type soul who wrapped every member with Blue Silver Grass. Teacher Qianshou Shura.

As long as this point can be broken, then the opponent's ground formation will be self-defeating.

When Yu Tianheng's thunder and lightning dragon claws were sent out again. He was already face to face with Tang San on the battlefield, he was surprised to find that the eyes of the control spirit master in front of him had completely turned purple, his feet moved slightly, and the whole person looked unreal. .

In that strange step, his upper body did not move, but the man had already moved eight feet away, and the thunder and lightning dragon claws attacked tyrannically. But only hit the ground.

Tang San stepped on the ghost's trail, the first spirit ring shone brightly, countless blue silver grasses swarmed up from the ground, wrapped around Yu Tianheng in the air, at the same time, he released the blue silver wrapped around the waists of his companions The grass suddenly tightened. In an instant, a strange scene appeared on the entire battlefield.

On the side of the Imperial Fight Team, the Black Panther Soul Master Oslo jumped up to meet Zhu Zhuqing's attacking figure.

The wind chime bird spirit master in the air also lit up his first spirit ring, swooping towards Xiao Wu with the sound of howling wind, and the front edges of his wings, which had been transformed by his arms, had become as sharp as blades. It was his first soul skill, Wing Blade.

And just as the two Spirit Masters of the Imperial Fighting Team were about to approach their opponents, suddenly, their opponents disappeared without warning. At the moment of disappearing, Xiao Wu even waved her hand towards Feng Chi Bird Soul Master Yu Feng with a smile on her face, obviously. All of this is planned.

Two graceful figures were thrown into the air. Instead of rushing forward, it flew backward, and bounced like them. There was also Dai Mubai, the evil-eyed white tiger in front of the Xuanwu Tortoise Soul Master. The three main attackers from the Shrek Seven Devils retreated at the same time, and they only had one target.

"It's not good. I've got the plan, hurry up." Duguyan's face changed drastically, like a snake's body rushing forward. The other members of the Royal Fight Team also saw that something was wrong. But their response was still a beat after all.

A surging purple-red flame suddenly erupted from Ma Hongjun's body, and then, along with the two spirit rings on his body flashing at the same time, a purple-red flame as thick as a thigh spurted wildly, heading straight for the blue-electric Tyrant Dragon Soul Master in the air. Yu Tianheng.

Everything that happened in front of him was in Tang San's calculations. Dai Mubai's attack was just a bait to attract opponents. They already knew that the Shi brothers were Xuanwu turtle soul masters, how could they think that Dai Mubai could solve his opponent in a short period of time

And Tang San used the Blue Silver Grass to help Dai Mubai resolve Yu Tianheng's attack, not only worried about Dai Mubai being suppressed by the opponent's attack, but more importantly, to make Yu Tianheng notice him.

Yu Tianheng was fooled after all. In other words, deep in his heart, he was still a little careless about the team in front of him that seemed to be obviously weaker than his own. Coupled with Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing's attack, he made a fatal mistake and went deep alone.

Under his feet, the blue silver grass that was crazily entangled up was imminent, and from the front, the Phoenix Fire Wire, which had been amplified by the Phoenix Fire with high heat, rushed forward. Behind him, the three main attackers, Evil Eyed White Tiger, Soft-Bone Charming Rabbit, and Netherworld Civet blocked all escape routes.

At this time, Yu Tianheng was already in a situation of sure-kill.

Before the teamfight started, Tang San and his mates discussed their opponents carefully. No matter how they analyzed it, they all understood that the opponent's strength was much stronger than his own. If you just rely on the strength of the head-to-head, it is impossible to defeat the opponent.

If you want to win this team battle spirit, you must rely on the strength of the team.

The strongest in the Imperial Fight team is the assault-type soul master, Yu Tianheng, who possesses the spirit of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon. Not only is he the highest spirit power, but he is also the captain of the Imperial Fighting Team. There is no doubt that his attack power is the sharpest spear in the entire Imperial Fighting Team, and he is also the spiritual leader of the Imperial Fighting Team. If this spear can be broken first, then there will not be such a big gap between the fighting spirits of this group.

In the air, Yu Tianheng couldn't avoid Tang San's Blue Silver Grass, and he was entangled in it immediately. He ignored the Blue Silver Grass that was entangling his body, and suddenly waved his right arm, another lightning bolt. The dragon's claw slammed into the phoenix line of fire sent by Ma Hongjun.

There was a thunderous roar in the air, and countless purple fireworks were scattered, and the dazzling moment was like a fireworks in full bloom.

Although Yu Tianheng only used the first spirit ability, his spirit power was much stronger than Ma Hongjun's, and he actually smashed Ma Hongjun's phoenix line of fire with the power of thunder and lightning dragon claws.

Yu Tianheng didn't know that he was in a state of extreme crisis at this time. Under the danger and oppression, all his potentials exploded at the same time, and the second and third spirit rings were shining brightly. At this moment, it is impossible for him to have any reservations. As long as he can break through the killing situation in front of the opponent, then the victory of the team fighting spirit belongs to the imperial fighting team.

Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, the thousand-year-old soul skill Thunder Fury activates. An extremely dazzling blue lightning flashed from Yu Tianheng's body in an instant. Accompanied by a strong explosion, the blue silver grass wrapped around him turned into coke in an instant and scattered everywhere.

Thunder's Wrath, effect: For a certain period of time, make the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Soul Master in a rampant state, increase the power of thunder and lightning by 100%, and increase the soul power by 50%.

If he doesn't take the initiative to stop the skill, it will be until the soul power is exhausted.

And every time Thunder Rage is launched, it will consume a lot of soul power, and it will put a lot of load on the body. If it weren't for being in crisis, Yu Tianheng would never release his third soul ability so easily. .

Blue Silver Grass itself is non-conductive, but the energy contained in Thunder Wrath is too huge, Blue Silver Grass cannot block its explosive energy.

But at the same time as the fury of thunder erupted, the purple flames had suddenly bombarded Yu Tianheng's chest. After all, his Thunder Dragon Claw is only the first spirit ring skill. Although he blasted the Phoenix Fire Line, Fatty's mutant spirit is not so easy to deal with. The endless advantages of the Phoenix Fire Line are fully utilized, taking advantage of the opponent's explosion. At the same time as the Blue Silver Grass wrapped around his body, Yu Tianheng was heavily bombarded.

Yu Tianheng let out a stern roar. He didn't pay attention to the attack of the Phoenix line of fire. He forcibly twisted his body in the air, facing the three Dai Mubai and three people who were rushing towards him, and shouted, "Thunder."

The countless snake lightning coiled around the body enlarged at the same time, and the next moment it turned into countless lightning bolts that flashed out in all directions.

This is Yu Tianheng's true full-strength strike. With the 100% thunderbolt power of Thunder Fury, his second soul skill, Thunder Tension, exploded with unparalleled attack power.

Fatty's phoenix line of fire was forcibly blasted away immediately, and most of the thunder and lightning arrows formed by the thunderbolts flew towards Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing.

As long as he can block them, or even hurt them, Yu Tianheng believes that in the state of thunder rage, he is enough to bring great destructive power to his opponents.

At that time, he didn't need to retreat at all, and his partner would also come to the battlefield here and defeat the opponent with one blow.

The Shrek Seven Devils were able to win twenty-seven battles and twenty-seven victories in the Soto Soul Arena. How could they be defeated so easily? Yu Tianheng's Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Martial Spirit is tyrannical, but at this time, he is alone and only one person.

The figures of Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu quietly disappeared, hiding behind Dai Mubai. The blue silver grass wrapped around them all started from Tang San. When approaching Tang San, the three of them would obviously overlap, and this order was naturally controlled by Tang San's release of the blue silver grass. of.

Dai Mubai faced Yu Tianheng head-on, with Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu in the second and third positions behind him.

At the same time as Yu Tianheng unleashed his third spirit ability, Thunder Fury, Dai Mubai also unleashed his thousand-year-old spirit ring ability, White Tiger King Kong Transformation.

The body that became majestic after being possessed by a white tiger with martial soul swelled again, his muscles bulged exaggeratedly, and his upper body clothes were completely burst, revealing terrifying muscle outlines. The most bizarre thing was that black lines appeared on his skin. pattern.

A pair of tiger palms became bigger, and the sharp blades that popped up turned bright silver. The most peculiar thing was that his whole body was shrouded in a layer of intense golden light, as if he were gilded. The blood-red eyes showed a bloodthirsty light, and the whole body carried the domineering arrogance of the king of beasts.

The dragon and the tiger are also the strongest in the martial arts, even if the tiger is slightly inferior to the dragon. The difference was only a thin line, and Dai Mubai's spirit power was only one level lower than Yu Tianheng's.

Along with the furious tiger roar, Dai Mubai's evil eyes instantly merged, and a dazzling white light was suddenly released under the golden light of the white tiger's transformation. The white light spread in the air, reaching a diameter of two meters. . Like a shooting star, it collided in front of Yu Tianheng.

It is also a battle spirit master of the attack type. Also possessing powerful martial spirits, the spirit skills between Dai Mubai and Yu Tianheng are somewhat similar. When the white tiger's fierce light wave in the state of the white tiger's diamond transformation, meets the thunderous rage in the state of thunder, what will it be like? situation

The thunder arrow and the fierce light wave collided in the air. The entire Douhuntai trembled violently, and the terrifying explosive force turned into a strong shock wave that scattered in all directions.

Doudou floated in the sky overlooking the occupation below, the dazzling blue and white light made her eyes burst with flowers. Dumbly said to himself: "This, is this really just a battle between souls?"

After the thunderbolt was launched, Yu Tianheng's body had already landed on the ground, and Dai Mubai had also fallen. The full collision of spirit power and spirit ability caused the two of them to retreat at the same time. Yu Tianheng took three steps back, while Dai Mubai fell. But only took two steps back. A strand of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, obviously. In the collision just now, Dai Mubai had the upper hand.

It wasn't to say that Dai Mubai's strength was stronger than Yu Tianheng. It was because Yu Tianheng had already been attacked by Fatty's flames before. Although there was a counteracting effect of Thunder's Wrath on the flames, Fatty's phoenix flames were not only hotter than ordinary flames, but also had a sticking effect. Yu Tianheng's chest was burnt to pitch black.

What's more, the attack power of Thunderbolt is terrifying. However, it was a ranged attack, while Dai Mubai's attack was a single target. In terms of spirit power condensing, it was obvious that Dai Mubai's white tiger fierce light wave had the upper hand. Even so, Yu Tianheng was only one step back than Dai Mubai, showing how domineering the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Martial Spirit was.

It's a pity that Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda currently does not have any boosting effect on spirit abilities, only strength and speed are boosted, otherwise, Dai Mubai's blow alone will make the opponent suffer a big loss.

Although Dai Mubai appeared to be less impacted, in fact, his body was completely paralyzed at this time. The White Tiger Protective Barrier and the White Tiger King Kong Cover also failed to completely offset the power of thunder and lightning attached to the Thunder.

But. It was not Dai Mubai alone who attacked the opponent, but all of the Shrek Seven Devils. Dai Mubai's attack ended. It also completely resolved the frontal thunder, and at this time, the agile figure flashed quietly and flashed out from behind him.

The ghost thrusting boosted Zhu Zhuqing's speed to the limit. His body even caused a series of afterimages in the air. The two spirit rings on his body flashed at the same time. Before Yu Tianheng's body could stand still, Zhu Zhuqing had already rushed in front of him.

The second spirit ring skill of the ghost cat, the ghost hundred claws, was activated.

Countless claw shadows are woven into a terrifying web of sharp blades. At this time, Yu Tianheng's blood and blood are tumbling in the body, and he has released too much thunder and lightning power under the previous thunder. living predicament.

At the critical moment, Yu Tianheng showed excellent psychological quality, and was not flustered by the opponent's attack at all. The blue lightning Tyrannosaurus rex's arms were connected vertically, defusing Zhu Zhuqing's attack as much as possible.

However, Zhu Zhuqing's attack speed was too fast, and the speed and power of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda were fully displayed in her ghostly hundred claws attack. The little sparks continued to erupt from Yutianhenglong's arm, and at the same time, there were patches of blood.

Yu Tianheng was only able to defend against the vital parts of his body, and on his other arm, shoulders, and legs, he paid a considerable price for the attack of the ghostly claws.

You must know that Zhu Zhuqing's main abilities are reflected in speed and attack power. All the attacks she launches have piercing effects, and the wounds that don't seem to be very deep have already penetrated into the soul power, frantically destroying the jade. The meridians in Tianheng's body.

Thunder's anger finally helped Yu Tianheng to take a breath, and the strong thunder force erupted again, but Zhu Zhuqing's body swayed several meters just before the thunder and lightning approached, just dodging Yu Tianheng's counterattack. Without a doubt, it was Tang San's Blue Silver Grass that controlled the rhythm of the battle.

Following Zhu Zhuqing's lateral movement, a slender body appeared in front of Yu Tianheng, it was Xiao Wu.

Severe pain came from the limbs and bones, and the back was hot. It was obvious that the fiery Phoenix line of fire had attacked the back again, and another enemy appeared in front of him. Yu Tianheng knew that if he continued to be passive like this, he would hang here before his own reinforcements arrived.

Strongly raising his soul power, Yu Tianheng let out an angry roar, and the delicate body that rushed towards Xiao Wu was a thunder and lightning dragon claw.

With the addition of Thunder Wrath, the range and strength of the Thunder Dragon Claws more than doubled. With the speed at which Xiao Wu was charging forward, it was obviously impossible to dodge.

It was at this time that the combat power of the Shrek Seven Devils team fully erupted. Xiao Wu, who charged against the thunder and lightning dragon claws, did not stop at all. The stimulation of the thunder and lightning had already caused her body to convulse slightly. The purple third. The spirit ring shone as if announcing the end of Yu Tianheng's battle.

Soft-Bone Charming Rabbit's third spirit ring skill, teleportation, activated.

Yu Tianheng only felt that Xiao Wu's figure had disappeared in the blink of an eye. The next moment, the slender and delicate body suddenly enlarged in front of him, and a long braid wrapped around his neck, and Xiao Wu jumped up. He jumped up and hooked Yu Tianheng's dragon arm with his hands with the help of the braided Larry, resisting the power of thunder and lightning attached to it, and slammed his legs on Yu Tianheng's lower abdomen at the same time.

Soft-Bone Charming Rabbit's first spirit ring and waist bow are activated.

Yu Tianhengnuo's body was suddenly thrown up by the overwhelming force, even though his spirit power was eight levels higher than Xiao Wu's, and even though the thunder's wrath increased his spirit power by fifty percent, At this time, his physical condition had fallen to the bottom, and Xiao Wu's strength had a 30% addition to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, so he had no chance of blocking Xiao Wu's soft skills at all.

When Yu Tianheng's body passed in front of Dai Mubai, Dai Mubai's pair of tiger palms slapped his ribs at the same time.

It has to be said that although Yu Tianheng has suffered great trauma at this time, his experience in facing the enemy is extremely rich, and he barely uses his dragon arm to block his chest and abdomen. Mubai made an attack, and the sound of bones shattering came clearly. These two palms have a 30% strength bonus, and they are the power-charged blows from Dai Mubai's recovery from paralysis. Even if Yu Tianheng's dragon arm has a very good defense, it will only end in a fracture. . With Dai Mubai's "help", his entire body flew towards the Imperial Fighting Team more quickly.

From Yu Tianheng's attack over the Xuanwu Turtle Soul Master, to the completion of the Shrek Seven Devils' encirclement, to the heavy damage to Yu Tianheng, the whole process was only a very short period of time.

Boom, Yu Tianheng's body slammed heavily on the tortoise shells of the two Xuanwu Tortoise Soul Masters before it stopped. Under the series of attacks, he had been severely injured, and even the fury of thunder was almost scattered by the Shrek Seven Devils. This was also the result of the Shrek Seven Devils not wanting to kill anyone casually, and their subordinates showing mercy. Otherwise, if Tang San added another attack, Yu Tianheng might not be as simple as vomiting blood.

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you."

Yu Tianheng's serious injury undoubtedly angered the Huangdou team, especially the vice-captain Duguyan. As Yu Tianheng's confidante, seeing his man being besieged and severely injured by the opponent, and he was too late to rescue, what a painful feeling. .

At this moment, she had completely forgotten Qin Ming's explanation, and in the scream, the third spirit ring on her body suddenly lit up.

The originally green eyes had completely turned purple, and even the green scales on the snake's tail were covered with a layer of lavender light. When he opened his mouth, a mouthful of rich purple mist spewed out, rapidly spreading in the air, toward Shrek. The direction of the seven monsters swept away.

"All come back." Tang San shouted, pulling Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu behind him who wanted to rush up to follow up the attack. At this time, he was standing at the forefront of the Shrek Seven Devils.

The opponent's wind chime bird soul master and black panther soul master wanted to use their speed to launch an attack. Seeing the purple mist, they hurriedly stopped and retreated from both sides. Obviously, they were also extremely afraid of the purple mist that Duguyan was breathing. .

Tang San stared at the gradually drifting purple mist with a solemn expression. At this time, the purple mist had separated the two sides like a barrier, and slowly approached towards the Shrek Seven Devils. In addition to flying up or retreating from the Dou Soul Platform, otherwise they will be shrouded in purple mist.

Before the poisonous mist arrived, there was already a smell of fishy smell, which made people feel sick and dizzy. The Shrek Seven Devils ate a piece of Oscar's sausage without hesitation. And Oscar himself quickly started making detox sausages for emergencies.

Putting his hands on the twenty-four bridges at his waist on the bright moonlit night, Tang San thought for a moment, then said indifferently: "It's just a green phosphorus snake among the five poisons of green phosphorus, see me breaking your snake venom." Tang San's hands Lift up, each has a large water bag, each water bag is enough to hold ten pounds of clean water. Generally, land is only used when traveling long distances.

Tang San threw both hands vigorously, and threw the two skins into the air, shouting at the same time, "Boss, Baihu Lieguangbo, Fatty. Phoenix FireWire. Activate."

The Shrek Seven Devils had been working together for more than a day or two, and Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai understood it by heart. At this time, Dai Mubai was still in the state of the White Tiger King Kong Transformation. Without hesitation, a mouthful of white tiger blazing light spit out, heading straight for the water bladder thrown by Tang San. Fatty's Phoenix line of fire followed.


The two water sacs shattered instantly in front of Baihu Liebo, and the "water" inside was transformed into a huge mist of water under the impact of strong soul power, and at this moment, Fatty's phoenix line of fire had arrived. , in an instant. The original water mist turned into a fire mist, filling the audience with a special aroma. And enveloped all that purple mist.

The condensed purple mist actually burned in front of the violent flames at the same time, making a series of puffs and disappearing instantly. In the air, under the illumination of the light, only the two broken water bladder fragments fell slowly. The barrier between the two teams has completely disappeared.

"No, it's impossible. How could you destroy my green phosphorus and purple poison?" Dugu Yan stared blankly at Tang San opposite, her eyes filled with disbelief. Not just him. Every member of the Royal Fight team was a little stunned.

They were all too clear about Dugu Yan's green phosphorus snake venom. Even if it is as strong as Yu Tianheng, he will never dare to be easily contaminated. This third spirit ring skill is the most poisonous attack of Dugu Yan. The poison works extremely fast, as long as it gets a little bit of purple mist, it will turn into pus and die in a moment.

Qin Ming, who was far away in the entrance passage, was already anxious when he saw Zi Wu appearing, so he wanted to say something to stop it. But before he could speak, Dugu Yandi's purple mist had already been resolved, but it was something he could never have imagined.

Tang San said indifferently: "The green phosphorus snake venom is nothing more than a trick of carving worms. If the five green phosphorus poisons come together, maybe I will pay more attention. Your green phosphorus snake venom is not ready yet."

Poison itself is the thing that Tangmen relies on to become famous, and it is really scary. Playing poison in front of Tang San was like playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong.

Tang San's method of cracking is actually very simple. His two water bags were not filled with water, but with extremely high-strength spirits. And among these spirits, there is also the existence of realgar powder. Alcohol can help realgar volatilize. Generally speaking. Drink some when entering some places with many snakes and insects to prevent the bites of snakes, insects and ants.

Tang San threw the water bladder out. Use Dai Mubai's white tiger fierce light wave to help the spirits disperse into mist in the air, and then ignite it with Fatty's phoenix flame. Immediately, the snake venom was completely burned. Although the green phosphorus snake venom is highly poisonous, it cannot survive in the face of merciless flames. As early as when Tang San knew that Duguyan's martial spirit was the Jade Phosphorus Snake, he had already prepared to deal with her. Of course, this realgar wine is what he wears all the time. Twenty-four bridges in the bright moonlit night have so much space, isn't it a waste not to use it

In fact, although Tang San was calm on the surface, he was secretly surprised, Dugu Yandi's Biphosphorus Snake Venom was more domineering than he imagined. And after coming to this world, he still didn't have time to find enough poisons and medicines to prepare Tangmen's poisons and antidote. At this time, he had already made up his mind in his heart that after this training was over, he must dispense antidote and poison as soon as possible. Only then would he be able to truly bring out the strength of Tang Sect.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from behind the Royal Fight Team, "What are you waiting for, does a little setback make you fear your opponent?"

Then, accompanied by a faint fragrance, a white light descended from the sky. The white light looked extremely strange. It turned out to be in the form of a petal, slowly falling, and fell directly on Yu Tianheng's body, merging into his body lightly.

Yu Tianheng's body in Duguyan's arms trembled for a while, his exposed wounds healed miraculously and quickly, and the whole person's complexion seemed to have improved a lot, and he even stood up directly.

He said sharply: "Lingling is right, what are we waiting for? Let's do it."

The light of thunder and lightning reappeared, and he, who had been severely injured by the Shrek Seven Devils just now, rushed out first. Snake lightning swept around his body, and even the broken dragon arm was lifted up again.

That's right, that white light like a petal floated out from the hand of Ye Lingling, the only auxiliary spirit master in the Imperial Fight Team. At this time, the formation of the Imperial Fighting Team was not as neat as it had been at the beginning, and the Shrek Seven Devils were finally able to see Ye Lingling's spirit, Nine Heart Begonia.

Holding it in Ye Lingling's hands, it was a pink begonia flower, consisting of white and pink petals. The begonia flower was colorful and beautiful.

The flowers, leaves and vines slipped from both sides of Ye Lingling's palms, and the soft vines faced the wind and fluttered like a lady with beautiful hair covering her face.

At this time, the purple light on her body had just subsided, and it was obvious that the white petal-shaped light was her Millennium Soul Ring Skill.

Seeing Yu Tianheng rushing up again as if nothing had happened, everyone's expressions on the Shrek Seven Devils side couldn't help changing at the same time.

You must know that their attack on Yu Tianheng just now was premeditated for a long time, and it was also a way to narrow the gap with the opponent. After all, it is not just Yu Tianheng who is strong on the other side. If Yu Tianheng can lose his combat effectiveness first, with one less person, his side will naturally have a great chance.

But at this time Yu Tianheng rushed again, which represented not only that the Imperial Fighting team still had complete combat power, but also that the spirit master of the other side's Nine Heart Begonia Spirit Master could treat the wounded at any time. How to proceed

At this time, everyone really understood why Ning Rongrong admired Nine Heart Begonia so much. This special auxiliary martial spirit does have its own uniqueness.

With the previous lessons, the Emperor Fighting Team will obviously not be as careless as before.

Two Xuanwu Tortoise Soul Masters followed closely behind Yu Tianheng, Wind Chime Bird Soul Master Yu Feng directly rushed towards Qibao Liuli Ning Rongrong at the back of the Shrek Seven Devils. Black Panther Soul Master Oslo charged towards Zhu Zhuqing from the flank.

And Dugu Yankou sprayed the green mist weapon, and it shrouded the audience.

The real teamfight had only fully unfolded at this time, and the great situation that had been established with great difficulty under Tang San's control had already vanished.

Don't panic, this was the first thing Tang San realized.

Dai Mubai let out a low roar and faced Yu Tianheng head on. His White Tiger King Kong Transformation was time-limited, and he couldn't delay at this time. And Yu Tianheng's Thunder Wrath did not seem to be withdrawn. The two dragon and tiger soul masters collided again.

Zhu Zhuqing's figure flickered, and she fought against the Black Panther Soul Master Oslo. Her attack and soul power were not as good as her opponent's, but her speed was much faster, and she would not fall into a big disadvantage for a while. Of course, this must be based on the support of Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, otherwise, she is definitely no match for the Black Panther Spirit Master if she is missing a spirit ring.

At this moment, there was only Xiao Wu left beside Tang San, and the fat man behind him was constantly entangling the opponent's wind chimes and bird spirit masters with the Phoenix Fire Wire. Stopping his attacks on Ning Rongrong and Oscar wouldn't help at all.

At this time, what Tang San and Xiao Wu had to face was not just the green mist coming towards them, but also two Xuanwu turtle spirit masters and a jade phosphorus snake spirit master who could use their skills at any time.