Douluo Dalu

Chapter 89: Tang San's fourth spirit ability


Listening to Flender's words, the master was moved for a while, and murmured: "This, is this really okay?"

Flender said solemnly: "What's wrong? At least this way, both of you will feel a lot better. As long as you keep the last line of defense, you don't live together every night, but you can feel each other's love, what's the point? Not good? Don't say that you are only cousins, what if you are brothers and sisters? You just love each other, and outsiders call it a brother-sister relationship, so your old-fashioned heart won't have any opinion."

Listening to Flender's words, the master was stunned like a statue. After a long time, the master suddenly said, "Flander, why didn't you say it earlier."

Leaving these words, the master rushed up and rushed towards Liu Erlong like a fly. As he ran too fast, his tears drew two beautiful waterlines in the air.

Erlong, Erlong, I can finally love you justifiably. As long as I can love you, why do I have to have a body? Spiritual love is enough!

Looking at the master's back, Flender's face showed a sincere smile, Xiaogang, you fool, you spend every day rubbing your ears together, can you really restrain yourself

Seeing the master running towards him like crazy, Liu Erlong's heart skipped a beat.

The master almost rushed to Liu Erlong and stared at Liu Erlong's bewildered beautiful eyes. Suddenly, he opened his arms violently and used all his strength to hold Liu Erlong into his arms. "Erlong, I'm sorry for you."

Just seven words. But it seems to have opened the floodgates of tears. Liu Erlong only felt a blur in front of her eyes. With her spirit power of more than seventy levels, she couldn't use any strength at this time. The whole person was completely soft in the master's arms, and the tears poured down.

She had been waiting for this sentence for too long, twenty years, just as Flender said. Twenty years have passed! How did she get here in the past twenty years? No matter how strong she is on the surface, she is still just a woman after all. What woman doesn't yearn to be cared for by her lover? Which woman does not desire to be happy for herself.

Perhaps it was because the happiness in front of me came too suddenly. Liu Erlong only felt that his body seemed to be swaying in a dream, and everything was so unreal.

Flender quietly waved to Zao Wou-Ki, Xiao Wu and the others. Everyone slowly stepped aside, leaving the vast space in front of them only for the master and Liu Erlong.

Outside the poison array, because of the disappearance of Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Item, the last few remaining soul beasts left unwillingly. As they disappeared, the surroundings were silent.

"Xiaogang. Xiaogang, do you know how long I waited? More than 70,000 days and nights, do you know how I survived? You are really not running away, are you really willing to be with me? ?" Liu Erlong burst into tears and whispered while leaning on the shoulder of the master.

The master nodded vigorously, "Erlong, I'm sorry for you, I swear. I will never run away from our feelings in the future. Although we may not be like a normal couple. But I will always be by your side and love you."

At the moment, the master said Flender's thoughts before, and Liu Erlong kept lying in his arms and listened quietly. When she heard the master say that there is love between husband and wife but there is no love between husband and wife, she understands that the master still doesn't. Can completely break free from that mustache. But. After waiting for so many years, the man in front of him is finally willing to escape, at least he is willing to stay by his side and love himself, so why force too much

Perhaps it was because the acceptance of Xiao Wu as her goddaughter had a great impact on Liu Erlong's mood. At this time, she only had the idea of going with the flow. Obediently nodded in the master's arms. The most important thing is to be with your loved ones first.

After half an hour, Zhu Zhuqing successfully absorbed the ghost tiger spirit ring and walked back with Dai Mubai. It seems that her breath seems to be cooler, and her eyebrows are a little more heroic. The whole person also grew a little taller. Although not as high as Xiao Wu. But if you only look at the appearance, it feels like there is already a bit of adult beauty.

The addition of the spirit ring to the body attribute will undoubtedly cause certain changes in the spirit master's body. Although the Shrek Seven Devils are still young. But they all have at least three spirit rings. The additional energy in the spirit rings promotes the growth and development of their bodies. Their faces are still childish, but they look like adults. Compared with a year ago, everyone seemed to have grown a few years older. As long as they didn't say it themselves, it would be hard for anyone to imagine that the youngest among the Shrek Seven Devils was not yet fourteen years old.

The next one to return was Ning Rongrong, her face was not as pale as Oscar's. When Liu Erlong severely injured the Linjia beast, Oscar was always by her side, covering her eyes, and comforting her constantly by her side. It wasn't until Ning Rongrong began to absorb the spirit ring that Oscar ran to the side and vomited. After vomiting, he cleaned up the horror scene created by Liu Erlong. Therefore, Ning Rongrong didn't see any disgusting scenes after absorbing the spirit ring, but the situation was much better than Oscar.

At this time, Tang San was the only one of the Shrek Seven Devils who had not returned, and everyone waited silently in this poisonous formation.

Liu Erlong snuggled into Grandmaster's arms and fell asleep with his eyes closed. In twenty years, she has never slept as soundly as she does now. Seeing the tranquil smile on her sleeping face, the master felt an inexplicable satisfaction in his heart.

Flender and Zao Wou-Ki were sitting on the other side chatting in a low voice. Looking at the current state of Grandmaster and Liu Erlong, Flender felt a lot more relaxed, and there was an undisguised smile on his face.

Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai sat together silently, although her expression was still so cold, she had no objection to Dai Mubai sitting almost next to her.

The situation between Ning Rongrong and Oscar was similar, but Ning Rongrong had a gentle expression on her face. She took the initiative to lean on Oscar's shoulder and said something to him with a smile. The excited smile on her face was obvious. It can be seen that she should have gained a lot from the fourth spirit ring.

Fatty had consumed a lot of soul power before, relying on a big tree to cultivate alone, condensing his soul power. Xiao Wu was not far away from him, originally, her injury should be the most suitable for healing, but her heart could not calm down.

Everyone else came back, only Tang San was missing, how could she not worry? Sitting there, in her heart, she kept silently praying for Tang San. Not only her, but other people, no matter what expressions they showed at this time, were somewhat worried in the depths of their eyes. Even though Tang San said he had absolute certainty, his level of absorbing spirit ring jumps was really a bit high.

An hour has passed. Xiao Wu told herself that it would definitely take time to absorb such a powerful spirit ring.

Two hours passed. Xiao Wu said to herself that it should take a while.

Three hours passed. Xiao Wu kept saying to herself, soon, it will be soon.

Four hours passed. It was getting dark. Xiao Wu stood there, looking at Tang San's vanishing mountain, shouting in her heart, "Brother, why haven't you come back."

Five hours passed. The night gradually deepened. Tears kept flowing in Xiao Wu's eyes, and no one could stop her from comforting her. At this moment, she only had one thought in her heart, brother, as long as you can come back alive, even if you have no power, even if you become an ordinary person, Even disabled, I would like to. As long as you are alive.

The five-hour wait was such a torment, not only Xiao Wu, but everyone else also became anxious. If it wasn't for the master to block it, everyone would have to go over the mountain more than once to see.

The moonlight shone on the earth, and the bright brilliance pulled the people of Shrek Academy into black shadows on the ground. Xiao Wu's heart gradually became cold and desperate. The anticipation in his eyes is silently transforming towards death.

At this moment, suddenly, a clear long howl resounded through the night sky. In this silent night, the full-bodied roar was so obvious.

As if the lead was ignited, everyone in Shrek Academy jumped up from the ground at the same time. The fire of excitement in Xiao Wu's almost hopeless eyes burned wildly, desperately running towards the mountain peak.

"Brother, brother..." She shouted, her voice was hoarse from crying, she just wanted to be the first to see the man in her fate.

Yes, that long howl belonged to Tang San. At the top of the mountain, Tang San's slender figure drew a long back under the moonlight. He did not descend the mountain with the Eight Spider Lances, but jumped high, the blue silver grass behind him condensed into an umbrella and descended toward the mountain.

Two figures, one descended from the sky and the other ran desperately, were constantly approaching in the brilliance of that full moon, approaching...

Finally, the two figures overlapped at one-third of the mountain peak from the ground, and the two figures merged into one, tightly hugging each other at the mountainside witnessed by the bright moon.

Tang San became taller, and the muscles on his body became stronger, that warm embrace was like the most perfect nest, the moment Xiao Wu fell into it, her person had already passed out in a coma of contentment.

Even though Xiao Wu took Oscar's recovery sausage and Tang San's Longzhi Ye, she never adjusted her breath, and waited for more than five hours. Living.

She finally let her wait until Tang San returned, her tense heartstrings relaxed, and her body was finally able to protect herself and bring her into a coma.

Picking up Xiao Wu's slender legs, Tang San hugged her tightly. Although Xiao Wu didn't have time to say a word to him, how could he not understand what Xiao Wu was enduring

This night, Tang San slept with Xiao Wu in his arms. This time, not only did he not escape the embarrassment, but he always let Xiao Wu melt into his arms.

That night, Tang San didn't sleep, his hand kept pushing the palace behind Xiao Wu's back for blood.

That night, no one bothered them, just like no one bothered the master and Liu Erlong.

For the eleven people from Shrek Academy, the night was not peaceful. The Shrek Seven Devils began to transform towards the real powerhouse from this night.

Despite the twists and turns, the goal this time was finally accomplished. Early the next morning, after everyone woke up from their sleep, Flender urged everyone to leave the Sunset Forest as soon as possible in order to be afraid of unforeseen circumstances.

As the dean, Flender's shoulders are obviously the heaviest. Not to mention that many of the Shrek Seven Devils have profound backgrounds. Even if they don't, as a teacher, he doesn't want to see anyone here. Dangerous places are harmed. He has already obtained the spirit ring, so he will naturally be in a hurry to get out of here.

After one night of treatment by Tang San. Xiao Wu's injuries were more than half healed. When she woke up in the morning, she didn't say anything more about yesterday's events. She just looked at Tang San with a bit more attachment.

"Little San, what is your fourth spirit ability? Show us." As he walked out of the forest, Oscar touched Tang San with his shoulder.

Tang San smiled slightly, and said: "It's nothing, it's just the same as the ability the Crypt Demon Spider used yesterday. It's slightly different. Do you really want to see it?"

"Of course. You are the first among us to have a ten thousand year spirit ring, let's see."

The conversation between the two also attracted the attention of others. Not only the Shrek Seven Devils, but Grandmaster and Flender also wanted to see what kind of spirit skills Tang San got from that crypt spider.

"Okay." A wicked smile appeared in Tang San's eyes, he raised his right hand, and a dark blue light gushed out from his palm.

A piece of blue silver grass emerged from Tang San's palm, and it seemed that its thickness was no different from before. The only difference is the color, the blue silver grass at this time has turned into pure black, giving people a feeling of depression. The most shocking thing was the four spirit rings that appeared at the same time.

Two yellow, one purple, one black, two hundred years, one thousand years. For ten thousand years, four spirit rings rose and fell around Tang San's body. As soon as the spirit ring came out, an invisible pressure suddenly pushed Oscar away a few steps, and Tang San revealed an unpredictable sense of mystery.

Seeing that, the black spirit ring quietly lit up, compared to the dazzling thousand-year-old spirit ring. The ten thousand year spirit ring gives the impression of being condensed and restrained.

Without the slightest warning, sixteen pitch-black blue silver grasses suddenly rushed out from the ground around Oscar's body, instantly meeting above his head, forming a single-body cage.

Since there were no aura fluctuations when it was emitted, Oscar didn't have any sense of evasion at all. In addition, the speed of the sixteen blue silver grasses that suddenly appeared was too fast. When he reacted, this circle of blue silver grasses was already As strong as steel.

"This is my fourth spirit ability. It was born out of the spider web cage of the Crypt Demon Spider. Because my cage is formed of blue silver grass, so. I call it the blue silver cage."

Dai Mubai raised his hand and flicked on the pitch-black Blue Silver Grass. A sonorous sound came from it, and the soft blue silver grass became as hard as steel under the action of the soul skill.

Dai Mubai took a deep breath. With a loud shout, he released his martial spirit, his right fist surging with white light, condensing his spirit power and bombarding one of the sixteen blue silver grasses in a circle.

There was a loud bang, and a fine crack appeared on the blue silver grass. Dai Mubai patched it up again, and then it shattered and disappeared into a faint black light.

Ma Hongjun frowned and said, "This looks very ordinary. It doesn't seem to be as strong as the cobweb binding. Third brother, is the ten thousand year soul skill just like this?"

"Really?" Tang San's eyes revealed a strange smile. Black light appeared on his body again, almost in an instant, except for him and Xiao Wu, including Flender, Liu Erlong, Grandmaster and Zao Wuji, the black light rose instantly. In the blink of an eye, another eight blue-silver cages appeared. Trapped the body of everyone in it.

Even strong men like Flender and Liu Erlong couldn't dodge the black blue-silver grass that suddenly appeared without warning, and were immediately trapped inside. Flender's expression changed a bit, and he exclaimed, "Crowd control skills. Isn't this something that only control-type Spirit Masters of level 50 or above can possess?"

Poison Soul Master Duguyan's poison-type field control ability could also be called a crowd control skill, but compared to the blue-silver cage displayed in front of Tang San's eyes, it was undoubtedly a sky and an underground. What is real crowd control? Only when the opponent has no possibility of dodging and instantly locks on every opponent can this be called group control.

A blue-silver prison might be nothing, and a spirit master of the forty-something attack type like Dai Mubai could break through it with his own strength. However, breaking the cage will take time. During that time, it was enough for the partner who controls the soul master to do a lot of things. What's more, Tang San's ten thousand year spirit ring skill was a real crowd control skill. Perhaps, its strength is not as strong as the cobweb binding, nor does it have the stickiness and strong poison that the cobweb binding has. However, the soul power consumed by each blue-silver cage is only one-tenth of the cobweb binding.

With a wave of Tang San's right hand, the fourth spirit ring's rays of light subsided, and all the black blue silver grass instantly disappeared into the ground, as if they had never appeared.

The one who came to hunt soul beasts this time was undoubtedly Tang San. Not only has he obtained this ideal crowd control skill, but at the same time, his external spirit bones and Eight Spider Lances have also been ideally evolved. With the lowest-end Martial Spirit, not only was he not left behind by his companions, but his strength still remained at the forefront of the Shrek Seven Devils.

Fatty has also woken up at this time, "Third brother, can you cooperate with me with this skill?"

Tang San smiled and said, "Of course. Blue Silver Prison is a first-hand control skill, and your Phoenix Howling Sky Strike contains a second-hand restriction skill. As long as it can be used flexibly, we can naturally maximize our attack."

Flender said thoughtfully: "I'm wondering if the champion mission for them is easier. How come even me, the founder of Shrek Academy, thinks that these little monsters are a bit perverted."

Liu Erlong laughed and said, "Don't come. Are you sighing that they are strong, or are you bragging about yourself?"

Flender feigned anger and said, "Well, you two dragons, just come and answer me as soon as you get what you want. Thank you brother for being so good to you."

Liu Erlong smiled without saying a word, but tightly embraced Grandmaster Zhong's arm.

After the improvement of the fourth spirit ability, the strength of the Shrek Seven Devils once again made a qualitative leap.

The evil-eyed white tiger Dai Mubai, the forty-fourth-level storm-type battle spirit sect, has two yellow and two purple spirit rings, and the four major spirit abilities are: White Tiger Barrier, White Tiger Lie Wave, White Tiger Vajra Cover, and White Tiger Meteor Shower.

The sausage monopoly Oscar, the forty-level food system spirit sect, the spirit rings are two yellow and two purple, and the four major spirit skills are: Restoring Big Sausage, Detoxifying Small Sausage, Rapid Flying Mushroom Sausage, and Exciting Pink Sausage.

Thousand-handed Shura Tang Xiaosan, a forty-one control system battle spirit sect, with two yellow, one purple and one black spirit rings, and the four major spirit abilities are: entanglement, parasitism, cobweb restraint, and blue-silver prison.

Evil Fire Phoenix Ma Hongjun, a forty-one attack type Battle Spirit Sect, has two yellow and two purple spirit rings, and the four major spirit abilities are: Phoenix Fire Line, Fire Phoenix, Phoenix Wing Tianxiang, and Phoenix Roaring Sky Strike.

Soft-boned Charming Rabbit Xiaowu, a 37th-level storm-type battle spirit sect, with two yellow and one purple spirit rings, and three spirit skills: waist bow, charm, and teleportation.

Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Ning Rongrong, a forty-one auxiliary device soul sect, with two yellow and two purple spirit rings, and the four major spirit abilities are: Strength Amplification, Agility Amplification, Soul Power Amplification, and Defense Amplification.

The ghost cat, Zhu Zhuqing, is a forty-one agility attack type battle soul sect, with two yellow and two purple soul rings, and the four major soul skills are: ghost thrust, ghost claws, ghost slash, ghost shadow clone.

Except for Xiao Wu, the other six people all reached the threshold of level 40. Dai Mubai had reached level 44 terrifying spirit power at the age of seventeen.

There were no accidents on the way back, and a group of eleven people returned to Shrek Academy smoothly. At this time, there are still five days left before the preliminaries of the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Competition start.

The master gave the Shrek Seven Devils a day's rest, and the next morning, he asked them to gather in the woods behind the academy's teaching building for their final training.

It is worth mentioning that, in order to prevent the Shrek Seven Devils from being injured and attrition in future battles, the number of people is not enough. Tai Long, who has a powerful orangutan spirit and has reached level 38 spirit power, was also temporarily recruited into the team. At the same time, there were three other advanced class spirit masters who had reached the thirty-fifth level of spirit power. As a substitute for the Shrek Seven Devils.

Among the four people who were recruited later, in addition to Tai Long, the other three were: Huang Yuan, the 35th-level storm-type battle spirit, male, Wuhun: Lone Wolf. Soul Rings: Two yellow and one purple.

Thirty-five-level agility-type battle spirit Zun Jingling, male, martial spirit: skeleton. Soul Rings: Two yellow and one purple.

Level 35 Healing Item Soul Venerable Crimson Pearl, Female, Martial Soul: Healing Scepter. Soul Rings: Two yellow and one purple.

Before the arrival of the Shrek Seven Devils, or before the academy changed its name to Shrek Academy, Tai Long and these three people were the main force that the academy was preparing to participate in this Senior Spirit Master Competition. It is the elite Liu Erlong has worked hard to cultivate and remains among the students. If it wasn't for this competition, with their strength, they would have graduated long ago.

Whether it was Tai Long or the other three, he had no opinion at all as a substitute for the Shrek Seven Devils. Let me ask, after seeing Tang San defeat the fifty-eighth-level power-type Battle Spirit King Tai Nuo, who would be dissatisfied with them in the academy? Although the youngest of the four, Jiang Zhu, is already nineteen years old.

After discussing with Flender and Liu Erlong, the master recruited these four people into the school team. The purpose was very simple. They would rotate the Shrek Seven Devils to some extent in some moderate battles. Save as much as possible on their consumption. Also as a necessary supplement.

The advanced spirit master academy competition is not only a competition between spirit master academies, but even a major event in the entire spirit master world. From the preliminaries, to the promotion competition, to the final finals, it will take up to three months. After a long time, who can say that no one of the Shrek Seven Devils will be unable to continue to participate in the competition because of injury

The scale can only be achieved due to the cooperation of more than seven soul masters. An academy sends at least seven people to each game. Therefore, a certain amount of manual rotation is essential.

"Sit down." The master waved his hand and motioned everyone to sit down. Perhaps because the dead knot in his heart was untied, the master's face looked a little more rosy than before.

The Shrek Seven Devils and the four substitutes sat around the master, quietly listening to the master's explanation.

"In a few days, the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Competition will begin. Today, I'll tell you the rules first." As he spoke, the Grandmaster kicked the sleepy Ma Hongjun's ass, but his eyes were not clear. Looking at him, he continued: "Don't take it too seriously. The rules are restrictions and advantages that can be used. Strength is important in the game, but you must also know all the rules. Otherwise, it is very likely that others will take advantage of it and lose all your achievements."

Got kicked by the master. The fat man stuck out his tongue, and didn't dare to play sloppy eyes anymore, his little eyes lit up, just in time to see Jiang Zhu, a substitute sitting opposite him.

Jiang Zhu was nineteen years old, a few years older than the Shrek Seven Devils, and about 1.65 meters tall. She has long dark hair and a soft appearance. Although she is not as eye-catching as Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, and Ning Rongrong, she is definitely a beauty. The thing that attracted Fatty the most was her already mature body. The round place was definitely not flat. Fatty had not noticed it before, but looking at her face to face at this moment, she was a little itchy.

Although the evil fire problem in his body has now been resolved, he once went in and out of the hook bar. The matter of men and women has long been known. His heart was no longer ignorant. He knows more about men and women than some adults. Among the Shrek Seven Devils, he was the only one who was alone at present. People are one-to-one. How can fat people not be envious? Otherwise, he wouldn't often jealously scold Oscar for having a bitch face.

Jiangzhu naturally noticed that Ma Hongjun was looking at her, her eyes blinked, and a gentle smile appeared on her pretty face. With great interest, he looked at the only fat man who was not too normal among the Shrek Seven Devils.

After all, the other students in the academy had only been in contact with the Shrek Seven Devils for a short period of time. From Jiangzhu's point of view, Ma Hongjun, who was only fourteen years old, was just a chubby little brother with a fat head and ears that was very cute. How could she know that this fat man was full of dirty things in his mind.

The master continued: "The Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Competition is initiated and hosted by the two imperial families of Tian Dou and Xing Luo, and is co-organized by the Spirit Hall. Second to the Spirit Hall Elite Trials. There are several rules that must be followed. First of all, the students sent by the participating academies must be under the age of 25, and the number of participants in each competition must be seven. Secondly, in the course of the game, for the purpose of friendship and learning, try to avoid maiming the opponent as much as possible. Death is not allowed. Once there is an act of killing an opponent, the academy will not only bear the corresponding losses, but also Was expelled from the Soul Master Competition."

"Master, this doesn't seem right." Dai Mubai raised his hand to interrupt Grandmaster's words, "The soul skill has no eyes, what if I accidentally kill it? If the strength of the two sides is similar and they fight with all their strength, casualties will inevitably occur. ."

Grandmaster looked at Dai Mubai and said solemnly, "Although what you said is true. However, you must understand that the purpose of the two great empires holding this high-level spirit master academy competition is not to allow each academy to fight a victory or defeat, but The purpose is to select the best talents and recruit them. Including the Spirit Hall and some kingdoms in the two empires, they all have the same intention. The students who can represent the advanced spirit master academies in the competition are all leaders in each academy. It is also the future of the soul master world. It is not easy to cultivate a soul master, and the number of soul masters in the whole continent has never exceeded six figures. Although the prohibition of killing opponents will have certain restrictions, it is also for you children. A guarantee. From my point of view, this provision is very correct.”

Dai Mubai was still somewhat disapproving. Although he didn't like killing people, he still didn't like the feeling of being tied up when he did something.

The master said: "In addition to these two rigid rules, there are some more standardized rules, and everything is based on fairness. For example, during the competition, you must not use any medicines or medicines made by non-food-type and healing-type spirit masters. Food. Only food-type or healing-type spirit masters on the field have the right to replenish their own team members. That is, if you want to get supplies in the competition arena, then the auxiliary type soul master must occupy a spot on the field. This avoids the possibility of cheating by teams with food-type spirit masters. In addition, there is a rule that no weapons other than non-martial spirits can be used. Therefore, Tang San, the hidden weapons you made cannot be used in this competition. , you must keep this in mind, otherwise you will be directly expelled from the competition."

Having said this, the master paused, "These are the general rules. If there is anything else to add, I will tell you during the competition. Now, let me tell you about the competition system of this competition."

While speaking, the master picked up a prepared wooden stick from the side and drew two connected circles on the ground.

"These two circles represent the two great empires." Then, next to the two large circles, he drew a small circle that was connected to the two circles at the same time, "This represents the Spirit Hall."

"In the two great empires, the total number of high-level soul master academies is about a hundred. Each academy has a share of the competition, and each of the two major empires has an official high-level soul master academy, which will occupy two Share. Like the Heaven Dou Empire, which you know as the Heaven Dou Royal Academy. The share of the two official high-level soul master academies is divided into the home team and the sub-team. The home team will directly advance to the final round. Guarantee for the face of the imperial family. The deputy team will participate in the preliminaries together with the spirit master teams of other academies.”

The master also drew several small circles within the two large circles, "The preliminaries will be divided into divisions. Among them, on our side of the Heaven Dou Empire, with Heaven Dou City as the center, and within the Heaven Dou Empire, all seniors who do not belong to other kingdoms and principalities The spirit master academies will all hold the preliminaries in the Heaven Dou City division. The advanced spirit master academies of each kingdom and duchy will conduct the preliminaries according to the country. There are four kingdoms and one duchy in the Heaven Dou Empire. In the city division, the Heaven Dou Empire side will have a total of six preliminaries. Except for one team that has been recommended to enter the finals, these six divisions will compete for fifteen places. There are many teachers’ colleges, and it is a division directly under the empire, so there will be five qualifying places. The other four kingdoms and a duchy will have two qualifying places in each division. The situation in the Star Luo Empire is almost the same as that of the Heaven Dou Empire.”

"That is to say, through the preliminaries, there will be thirty Spirit Master teams entering the next stage. All thirty teams will participate in the finals. But before participating in the finals, there is still a promotion match. The so-called promotion The competition is actually a ranking match against the teams that have entered the finals. The order of appearances will be determined in the finals according to the ranking order.”