Douluo Dalu: Legend of the Divine Realm

Chapter 102: create


It was a strange light pink color, and the moment it appeared, its nobility shocked the entire divine world.

A pink halo slowly floated up from the one hundred and eight telepathy pillars. The life force of the Goddess of Life and the destructive power of the God of Destruction interacted with each other in the pink halo. Blended, entangled with each other.

The pink aura started from one hundred and eight telepathy pillars and spread in all directions.

If you look at the light curtain of the God Realm Committee, you will find that on the light curtain, only one hundred and eight pink light spots appeared at the beginning, but soon, these light spots began to bloom outward. The brilliance gradually rendered the entire light curtain bit by bit.

"Buzz, buzz—" Two buzzes sounded. The God Realm trembled again, but this time the tremor was obviously stronger than before. This also indicates that the turbulence of time and space is one step closer to the divine world.

The powerful idea of destruction reverberated in the air, and the rich breath of life seemed to take over at the end of its destruction. Two completely opposite huge energies actually complemented each other at this moment.

In the sky, the huge God of Destruction looked up at the sky. His gaze seemed to penetrate the entire sky. In the distance, the huge ancient tree of life revealed its innermost structure due to the falling branches. A group of the most intense green light was rushing upwards at an astonishing speed, and then, like a huge bud, it slowly bloomed.

The goddess of life stood in the center of the bud, her delicate body also enlarged countless times, looking at the God of Destruction in the distance. In her eyes, there was just endless tenderness.

Tang San closed his eyes, and at this moment, all that remained on his face was a look of pain.

"This, this is..." Rong Nianbing looked at the pink on the light screen with some uncertainty, his eyes full of horror.

The same is true for the seven elemental gods, and even more so for the seven original sin gods who have just entered the God Realm Committee. Each of their faces began to show sadness while being shocked.

However, the God of Emotions and the God of Destruction, who have only been in the God Realm for a short time, do not know what the pink color means.

"Creation. This is the true meaning of life and destruction. The power of creation. This is the power of creation." Tang San's voice echoed in the God Realm Committee. His voice was full of pain, but there was also a sense of pain. A feeling of emotion.

Even the gods of the divine world saw this power of creation blossoming for the first time! Only when they heard Tang San say these words with their own ears did they dare to be sure.

They know very well what the emergence of the power of creation means.

Creation is a new beginning, the scene after destruction and life merge. The power of creation is omnipotent.

It can be said that when the divine world first appeared, it was shaped by the power of creation. The power of creation is known as one of the greatest powers of the Creator God.

In the world of gods, there is a legend.

The God of Creation split his own power and created the divine world. Life and kindness formed the foundation of the entire divine realm, while destruction and evil constituted the opposite of the divine realm. A world with a back is the real world. Killing forms the order of the divine world.

Creation and order are the core of the divine world.

After the Creator God completed the creation of the God Realm, he turned into five seeds and took root in the God Realm. These five seeds are: good, evil, life, destruction and Shura.

After countless years of growth, the five seeds gradually gained their own wisdom. They are the five starting points of this world and the five supreme gods of this divine world.

Good and evil constitute thoughts and emotions, but life and destruction create the entire divine world. If good and evil are the sky of the God Realm, then destruction and life are the earth of the God Realm. Shura in the middle reconciles all order between the sky and the earth, and this is how the God Realm comes into being.

At this moment, the God of Destruction and the Goddess of Life have re-bloomed the creative power they had when the God Realm was originally created, which means that creation will restore them as well.

When the power of creation is raised to the extreme, life and destruction will cease to exist, and everything will start all over again. At that time, all that will be left will be two seeds representing life and destruction. The God of Life and the God of Destruction will also disappear from the God Realm.

Including Tang San, no one expected that the God of Destruction and the Goddess of Life would choose such a decisive way to deal with this catastrophe in the divine world.

If before, the gods on Tang San's side still had strong resentment towards the God of Destruction, then at this moment, the resentment in their hearts had completely turned into admiration.

yes! The core of the Mind Power Pillar has been destroyed, and the expansion of the God Realm has been basically completed. Under this situation, if there is still a power that can restore the God Realm to its original state and have the foundation to withstand the power of time and space, then it is the only power that can create this world. .

The Goddess of Life and the God of Destruction ignited the power of creation at the cost of returning to their origins to restore the divine realm. The God of Destruction paid the price of his life for his mistakes! No matter what he had done wrong before, at this moment, in the hearts of all those who knew about it, he had been forgiven.