Dragon Ball God Mu

Chapter 103: The situation in the Great Demon Realm


The southwest corner of the Earth's Little Demon Realm appears more desolate and hotter than where King Asura's palace is located.

The air was filled with light smoke and smelled like a crater. It was hot and pungent, and it had reached the limit that life could bear.

At this time, two figures quickly passed over the barren mountains, and it was obvious that the number of demons here was decreasing sharply. It seems that the harsh environment here is unbearable even for the demons who have adapted to a hard life.

"Look, the big red river in front of you should be the river of blood..." Sun Wuhan suddenly pointed at the red river that appeared in his field of vision and shouted.

As the surrounding scenery changed rapidly, Mu Yang and Sun Wuhan finally arrived at the blood river mentioned by King Asura.

Speaking of which, the blood river in the demon world is somewhat magical. It resembles an unfinished cul-de-sac. Starting from its unknown origin, the rapid river takes on a deep blood-red color. When it reaches the southwest corner of the Earth's Demon World, the river water gathers into a huge whirlpool, with endless water flow. Passing here, everyone was swallowed up by the whirlpool, thus causing a drought and lack of water in the demon world on earth.

The two came to the sky above the whirlpool. Mu Yang glanced at the whirlpool below and said to Sun Wuhan: "Behind that whirlpool is the Great Demon Realm, be careful."

Sun Wuhan nodded, and the two of them jumped directly into the whirlpool. The turbulent river water carried them around, swaying and colliding, as if they were riding a roller coaster. They could no longer tell which was left and which was right. The two people immediately used energy to stabilize their bodies, and the swaying trend gradually stabilized.

I don’t know how much time has passed, but the shock around me seems to be less intense.

A beam of light shone down from the water, and the two of them quickly surfaced, and what they saw was a completely different world. Compared with the desolate and arid scene of the Demon World on Earth, this place is much more prosperous. It is surrounded by hills and lush vegetation. Although the color tone is different from that on Earth, the scenery is not far different.

It can be seen from this that King Asura and the others really couldn't survive in the Great Demon Realm, so they went to a bitter and cold place like the Earth Demon Realm.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!" The energy detector in his arms emitted a series of rapid beeps, just like a high-speed computing system discovering loopholes one after another. The sound of alarms made people feel numb.

At the same time, Mu Yang also felt the powerful aura coming from around him.

157, 169, 195, 257, 135…

There are hundreds of energy sources, although most of them are not as powerful as the Qi in Sun Wuhan, but there are too many. This is only the fringe and least noticed place in the Dark Demon Realm. Even so, the number of masters here far exceeds that of the earth.

Compared with them, those so-called giants and deans on earth whose combat power has just exceeded 100 are simply a joke!

"Hiss... there are too many masters here!" Sun Wuhan took a breath, his voice trembling.

"... It's indeed too much."

Mu Yang was also a little surprised, but he had seen the "world" and was fully prepared for the reality that "there are as many masters as dogs" in the Dragon Ball world.

But he thought of a very serious problem - if the passage to the demon world could not be closed in time and the demons surged out, it would definitely be a disaster for the earth.

By then, maybe what he saw in the trial world will really happen.

"Control your breath quickly."

Mu Yang reminded, and then minimized the aura on his body. Although it is not certain whether there are people in the demon world who can sense breath, it is always right to be cautious.

When Sun Wuhan heard this, he also restrained his anger.

"We came directly through the small demon world of the earth, which means that this space is the closest place to the earth in different dimensions. Let's check around. If the passage to the demon world has been discovered, we must go back and notify Bo Wave!"

"Yes." Nodding solemnly, Sun Wuhan and Mu Yang chose a direction to fly.

Wherever they passed, they saw demons getting ready and starting to gather in a certain place, as if they had accepted some order.

Mu Yang's heart gradually sank. Judging from the current situation, the passage to the demon world seemed to have been discovered, but the speed of these demons was too fast. Only a short time later, the army began to gather.

I quickly passed through several demon camps and found that most of them were in the same situation below.

"Why don't we capture a demon first and ask, maybe their target is not the earth?" Sun Wufan looked a little ugly.

Mu Yang glanced at him, nodded, and then landed near a small camp. The demons in this camp were not very strong, and Mu Yang was sure to deal with them.

"Phew!" The critical situation was right in front of him. Mu Yang moved very quickly and quickly captured a demon who was not weak, with about 100 combat power.

"Tell me, what are you going to do when so many demons gather together?" Mu Yang lowered his voice and pinched the demon's neck with his fingers. He had a fierce look, as if he planned to kill and silence the other party if he disobeyed.

The demon had a look of fear on his face, and struggled in a squeaky voice, "My lord, don't kill me..."

Mu Yang said coldly: "Answer my question."

The demon said in fear: "I'm not sure. We received an order from the commander and it seems we are going to attack somewhere."

"What about the others?"

"No... I don't know..." The demon's face turned pale and he struggled in fear.

"Hmph, what's the use of keeping you!" A hint of murderous intent flashed in his dark pupils, and a Qigong wave flew out of Mu Yang's palm, burning the demon into ashes.

Sun Wuhan swallowed, "What should we do now?"

"These little demons don't know the specific situation, but their superiors must know. Let's go and arrest a higher-level demon." Mu Yang thought for a while and decided to arrest the leader of the demon directly.

Sun Wuhan: "Be careful, this is not the earth."

"Understood." Mu Yang glanced at him, gave him an encouraging look, patted his shoulder and said, "We have to move quickly and return as soon as we find out the situation!"

"hope so… "

In fact, Sun Wuhan was already a little scared. The countless chaotic and mixed smells in the demon world made his scalp numb. He knew that his small body was too dangerous here! It was just a matter of the safety of the earth, so he could only bite the bullet.

The two searched for a while and targeted a character with an energy response of 230.

"Mu Yang, I have to rely on you now, I can't help." Sun Wufan's face was a little complicated, and he was secretly annoyed at his lack of strength.

"Leave it to me." Mu Yang said lightly, and disappeared from the place in a flash. Muyang's current combat power is about 320. It is very easy to kill someone with more than 200 combat power, but it is very difficult to capture him alive without attracting the attention of others.

Sure enough, shortly after Mu Yang's figure disappeared, there was a noise in the distance, and then the sound became louder and louder. Just when Sun Wufan was worried about Mu Yang's safety, Mu Yang was already carrying a The half-dead tiger-headed demon clan flashed over.

"Human..." The tiger-headed demon exhaled more than he inhaled, and his voice was very weak.

Mu Yang punched him directly, grabbed his neck and asked: "What do you demons want to do when you gather together?"

"Ahem... So you want to know this, hey... Don't expect me to tell you that before long, your world will become a subsidiary of our demon clan." The tiger-headed demon clan has a fierce appearance, but his words are very... Have backbone.

Little did they know, he had already told Muyang and the others all the information they wanted to know...

Mu Yang's heart gradually sank, and he decisively destroyed the demon clan completely.

(End of chapter)