Dragon Ball God Mu

Chapter 703: Postscript (finale)


Time flies, spring passes and autumn comes, but time still shows its invisible magic, quietly changing everything in the world. In the blink of an eye, several years have passed since Mu Yang and the others returned to the real world.

During this period, Muyang quickly integrated into modern life, and Melia and April also gradually adapted to life on Earth from the time they first arrived, and everything went on in an orderly manner.

After learning about the earth and the higher-level world framework of the space where the earth is located from the goddess named Ayaba, Muyang was surprised to find that the earth he lived in was actually the same as in the mythical stories. There were underworlds and underworlds outside the earth. In the fairy world, there are still legendary saints and Hongjun Taoist ancestors in the chaos outside the sky.

What made Mu Yang feel most incredible was that he actually saw Pangu in the store opposite.

This rough and carefree man is actually selling audio and video products.

When Mu Yang saw him, he was sitting on a chair watching TV. The content on the screen was obviously from hundreds of years ago. He didn't know how many times he had watched it. This big man with the smell of poverty all over his body... is actually the Great God Pangu, the First Heavenly King

Mu Yang's three views will be ruined.

"Ah, the fourth newcomer finally came out." When the other party saw Mu Yang, he showed a harmless smile.


"Would you like some DVDs? They are all from hundreds of years ago and can be considered cultural relics."

"No, thank you." Mu Yang declined modestly and politely.

"Oh, forget it. Is the World Seed I gave you useful? Judging from your condition, it must be useful." Pangu stood up and poured Mu Yang a cup of tea. While drinking, Mu Yang asked, "Did you give me my accelerated world?"

Pangu said: "Of course, you have to know that I have brought many people in, and you are the only one who can successfully escape."

Only then did Mu Yang realize that it was Pangu who was lucky enough to travel to the Dragon Ball world, and that the macro world he entered was the world that Ayaba had opened before. In general, I am able to achieve my current achievements thanks to the help of Pangu and Lingye. If it were not for the opportunity they gave me, I would have entered hell when I fell from the high-voltage tower.

"Thank you, thanks to Accelerated World, I can get to where I am now." Mu Yang expressed his sincere gratitude.

"It's nothing, I just made an ax blow in your sea of consciousness, and Ayaba did the rest."

Pangu laughed loudly and raised the small ax on his waist. It was the legendary Pangu ax.

Next, the two of them continued to talk. Because both of them were masters of the eleventh dimension, there was no obstacle to talking. Pangu was much stronger than Mu Yang. It was the first time he communicated with such a great god. Mu Yang sincerely felt that Benefited a lot.

It turns out that the illusory world is also called "infinite super-dimensional space", which contains an infinite number of illusory worlds. Countless worlds are born and annihilated every minute and every second. Pangu and the others kept sending people into the illusory world, hoping that someone could explore it. Break the realm of illusion and reality, carry the power of the illusory world into the real world, and lay the foundation for promotion to the higher level of Level 12.

But over the years, only a handful of people have truly returned from the illusion. Pangu and Lingye are still stuck in the eleventh dimension.

After bidding farewell to Pangu, Mu Yang went to the outer chaos to meet the manager of this world, Hongjun Daozu, who was also an eleventh-level master. After a conversation, Mu Yang placed his own world of Mu Shen in the chaotic void, in line with reality. The world merged.

It is worth mentioning that after Muyang lived on Earth, he actually met another group of Androids No. 17 and 18 at Ayaba's home. However, those two Androids were not siblings, but sisters.

This situation really surprised him.

But fortunately, although the two have the same name and identity, they are completely different in appearance, which saves them any embarrassment. Moreover, Muyang could vaguely see that Ayaba's family relationship was relatively chaotic, and there was a faint lily aura between them. Muyang does not comment on other people's private affairs and takes good care of his family. It is better not to interfere with the rest.

One morning, the sun rose and dyed the clouds on the horizon red.

The kitchen robot served hot breakfast, and Mu Yang ate breakfast while watching the news. After breakfast, he went to the yard to stretch his hands and feet alone. He was used to his current life.

Suddenly, there was a burst of cheers in the room of the villa. Muyang heard the sound and walked into the room. He saw April, Gaia, Android 21, and Melicia gathered around a cube of virtual reality. Discussions were going on around the projection.

"What are you discussing?" Mu Yang came over.

"April has researched something very interesting." Melicia looked aside.

"Oh, what on earth is it?" Mu Yang patted April's head.

April's face was red and she was a little excited: "Brother, during this period, No. 21 and I have been studying the structure between reality and illusion, and then we used a small fragment of the jade disk of creation that was taken from Taozu Hongjun. After research, I didn’t expect that with the help of Gaia’s divine power, I could actually create props that can be used to communicate between different illusory worlds.”

Android No. 21 is a female doctor full of intellectual beauty. When Mu Yang established the Mu Shen World universe, he brought her with him.

She adjusted her glasses and pointed at the cube projection in the void: "This is a tool for communicating in the illusory world. It can contact people in different worlds and realize material exchange and voice transmission between each other. The transmission of people requires further research. "

"Dimensional chat group?" Mu Yang asked curiously.

"Well, that's a good name. It almost has this function." Android No. 21 nodded with a "hmm" and named his invention "Dimensional Chat Group".

"You guys give it a trial run and see what needs to be improved." Mu Yang was somewhat interested.

April nodded, and then glanced at Gaia. Gaia smiled and curved her eyes into a crescent shape, and threw out a blue dragon power to drive the cube projection to operate.

"Ding, the system is running, please set up the system and name the system."

"It's called 'Dimensional Chat Group'. Its function is similar to an online chat tool." Gaia assisted in completing the settings.

Chi chi chi, silver-blue light shined, and a dialog box quickly appeared in the void. Information about the creator, operator, and manager of the "Dimensional Chat Group" was written one by one. It was April, 21 No., Gaia, Melicia and other people's names, and then all this information is hidden, and the above-mentioned people are uniformly set to become administrators.

Invitations were sent to different worlds one by one, and messages appeared in the dialog box.

"Ding, Roumei Like Water Flame Lingji joins the chat group!"

"Ding, Admiral Aokiji joins the chat group!"

"Ding, 'Goddess of Mao' joins the chat group!"

"Ding, the young master of Yunlan Sect joins the chat group!"

"Ding, Big Devil Piccolo joins the chat group!"

“Ding, the Phoenix Academy’s murderer has joined the chat group!”

In just a few seconds, the names of the six members entered the page in the void.

"Oh oh oh, it really worked." Melicia shouted excitedly when she saw the experiment was successful, and then started chattering with April and the others.

Mu Yang glanced at the few lines of names on the chat group with a strange expression, and already guessed the identities of these people.

Yan Lingji, who is as gentle as water and as passionate as fire, is the Yan Lingji in "Tian Xing Jiu Ge". She is a mysterious woman who is as gentle as water and as passionate as fire. She has strong martial arts skills and the ability to control flames; needless to say, Navy Admiral Aokiji must be in "One Piece" The general Aokiji in it; the "Goddess of Uo" is probably the big boss Kaguya Otsutsuki in "Naruto".

The young master of the Yunlan Sect is Nalan Yanran, the protagonist's early opponent in "Fights Break the Sphere".

The other two are Demon King Piccolo from an unknown world of "Dragon Ball" and Rintaro Okabe, the protagonist of "Steins;Gate".

Gee, after these people join the group, how will the protagonist in the original work live

It would definitely be miserable.

Oh, that’s not right, a few of them are the protagonists of the original work.

"Miss Ayaba has a lot of information from hundreds of years ago, and theirs must be among them. One of you can go get it." Android No. 21 said.

"I'll get it for you!" Mu Yang shook his head and walked out. He didn't dare to let the woman in his family come into contact with Lingye's group. It would be bad if she was abducted by her.

However, the chat group created by April and the others is quite good. Why don’t you create one yourself next time

With this thought in his mind, Muyang teleported to the entrance of Ayaba's anime peripheral store.

Ayaba was also very interested when talking about the "Dimension Chat Group". After extracting the information that April and the others needed from the history of the earth, she summoned Pangu and the others to discuss building a similar "Dimension Chat Group" Such a super large illusory structural device.

Pangu and Hongjun were already working hard to advance to the twelfth level, so they were very interested when they heard it.

So several people joined forces, based on the "Dimensional Chat Group" and the Jade Disc of Creation as the center, to build a very large system that can be used to communicate between countless illusory worlds and the real world.

Two years later, the equipment construction was completed.

The four eleventh-level experts Muyang, Ayaya, Pangu, and Hongjun have the highest authority, while Hongye, Ayame, Sister No. 18, April, Melicia, Gaia, and six saints are the ones with the highest authority. A system of sub-level managers is established.

"What is this thing called?" Ayaba asked after the structure was set up.

"How about calling it 'All Heavens and All Realms'. With the Jade Disk of Creation as the center, we will build a super large world group that connects the three thousand big worlds, billions of small worlds and middle worlds, and then continue to absorb all kinds of illusions and real worlds." world, one day we can use it to reach the higher level of the twelfth dimension."

Mu Yang thought for a moment and said ambitiously.

After everyone thought about it for a while, they felt that the name "All Heavens and All Realms" was indeed very suitable, so they decided on it.

"Okay, let's call it 'All Heavens and All Realms'!"

You must know that the illusory world is also called "infinite super-dimensional space", which contains infinite illusory worlds. If this "heaven and world" can grow stronger and combine the power of illusion and reality, it will be obvious to become a twelfth-level world group. , then Muyang and the others can benefit from it.

Therefore, Mu Yang and others are very concerned about the maintenance of "All Heavens and Worlds".

Countless years later, the gradually growing "Heavens and Worlds" indeed reached the legendary twelfth-level world, and Mu Yang and others vaguely saw a higher realm.

And at this moment, somewhere in the void.

A group of people came across the infinite world. Pangu, who was responsible for guarding the "All Heavens and All Realms", saw the opponent coming fiercely and thought he was coming to snatch their opportunity. He immediately pulled out the Pangu ax from his waist and struck it with an axe.

Pangu was so powerful that he seriously injured three of the five opponents by himself.

Immediately, Daozu Hongjun rushed over, and the two of them worked together to make it impossible for the five people to escape.

"Tang Xing, those two are too strong, go and call Xia Ya and the others."



The book was finally finished. It was uploaded in August last year and finished in August this year, exactly one year ago.

The plot of this book is slightly thinner than the previous one, "The Strongest Myth", mainly because the outline design tends to be gentle. Originally, it was considered that the protagonist was an Earthling and could not be promoted by leaps and bounds like the Saiyans, but obviously readers They didn't like slow-paced plots, so the results were far inferior to the previous one. In desperation, they had no choice but to drastically cut the outline when the plot progressed to the destruction of Planet Vegeta, reducing the content by about half.

Originally, according to estimates, it should have reached more than a thousand chapters when it was completed. Because a lot of plots and settings were discarded, it ended in seven hundred chapters.

As you can see, many characters and settings in the book were briefly mentioned in the later stages. The plots of the Demon King and the Dark Dragon God also ended in a hurry, which took up a lot of space in the original outline. However, when I looked back after writing it, at least I didn't miss any big holes. The source of the Black Stone and the role of S cells were all covered. The only thing I didn't mention was the reincarnation of the entire universe. Overall, I was quite satisfied.

After reading the finale and the epilogue, everyone should have figured out that the people injured by Pangu were the King of Time, King U, King of Heaven, Dragon God and Majin Buu in "The Strongest Myth". The next step must be Xia Ya, Mels, Xiling, No. 18 and others coming to the rescue.

Two groups of protagonists will meet.

If you don't understand, you can read my previous books, "Dragon Ball: Ayaba Legend", "Dragon Ball: Ayaba Legend" side stories, "Dragon Ball: Twins", "Dragon Ball: The Strongest Myth".

I may rarely use this account in the future, or I may open another small account. I don’t know. Everything in the world comes to an end. I hope we will have the opportunity to meet again in the future!

(End of chapter)

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