Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz

Chapter 55: Dodoria?


Desolate Star Feilu.

Koy's detector made a "beep, beep, beep" sound, and the repeated warning sounds and the numbers flashing on the screen gave him a heavy blow to his heart.

"No... Impossible... How can your combat power be 25,000! Impossible! You are just a Saiyan!"

While exclaiming, while backing away, Koy's mind was buzzing.

Vegeta sneered, and walked towards him slowly: "This is only a small part of my true strength, but it is enough to deal with you."

"You..." Ko Yi's face was extremely ugly, and he panicked. Probes can’t lie, with 25,000 points of combat power, it’s only a matter of seconds to kill him, so he has to act first, “Ah! King Frieza, why are you here?”

He put on a shocked expression, his eyes widened, as if he really saw something that frightened him.

Vegeta subconsciously turned his head back, just for a moment, Koy seized the opportunity, blasted out qigong bombs with both hands, and poured them on Vegeta continuously. "Bang bang bang bang!" Several waves of light exploded at the same location, scorching the ground black and sinking several inches in the surrounding area.

"Hahahaha, idiot, how could King Frieza come to this kind of place in person! I lied to you! Unfortunately, you will never know. Hahaha...ha..." Koy laughed halfway, his lips trembled suddenly, and his voice sounded like a collapse The broken strings came to an abrupt end.

Fear was reflected in his pupils, and the source of the fear was Vegeta's unscathed figure.

"I think you are an idiot, this kind of trick is used against me?" Vegeta smiled fiercely, white arrogance burst out of his body, "disappear for me!" He raised his hand and aimed at Koy , the small energy bombs instantly gathered on the palm.

Facing the strong pressure, Ke Yi wanted to run away, but his legs were as heavy as lead, and he couldn't pull them out no matter how hard he tried. That was the murderous aura covering his whole body, surrounding him! Inescapable killing!

"Please, Vegeta, I surrender! I dare not fight against you again! Save my life, I can work for you and join your camp."

A mocking smile flickered across the corner of Vegeta's mouth, and the energy bullet shot out, hitting Koy right in the middle.

The body was engulfed by huge energy and directly exploded into pieces.

"Bah! You also want to join me?" Vegeta spat and looked into the distance, "Honestly speaking, you are not as good as people on Earth." He stomped out a cloud of smoking ashes under his feet, his face was cold .

At this time, everyone who noticed Vegeta's power thought that a battle broke out, and they all returned to the original point.

When they arrived, they saw the ground was full of potholes, as if it had been shoveled several times, and there was a lot of scorched smoke. There were broken Saiyan battle suits and thick plasma scattered on the ground. One could tell at a glance that a fierce battle had taken place, and it was just now.

Raditz looked around and asked, "What's going on?"

"It's nothing, I just met a little guy, Frieza's subordinate. It's that bastard Koi." Vegeta said lightly, but inadvertently revealed a trace of the pleasure of getting revenge.

After all, the two have fought against each other for many years, and their fighting strength is similar, and neither can beat the other. Now that they have killed each other in seconds, they are naturally very happy.

"It seems that Frieza's subordinates are not doing very well." Goku curled his lips. He just felt that Vegeta only used a small amount of energy to kill his opponent so easily. It can be seen that they are not as powerful as in the legend. .

"No, among Frieza's many subordinates, Khoi is not very powerful. He also has two guards, named Dodoria and Shangbo, who are more powerful than Khoi. In addition, the most powerful team, the Ginuit team It is by no means an idler."

Vegeta popularized some common sense in Frieza's forces for Sun Wukong.

At this time, he was not afraid of Dodoria and Shangbo at all, and he didn't pay attention to these people at all. From beginning to end, he has only one goal, and that is Frieza himself!

"Since there is nothing wrong, let's continue to look for it?" Kelin relaxed, wanting to collect all the dragon balls as soon as possible.

However, Tumat suddenly issued a warning.

Raditz turned around vigilantly, "Wait, someone is here again."

Everyone can sense qi, and immediately realize that a powerful qi is flying towards them.

"who is it?"

"This feeling... That's right, it's him, Dodoria!" Vegeta was excited, and it was a godsend opportunity to kill two opponents at once.

"There's one more!" Piccolo looked to the other side.

"That's Chambord! What a coincidence, I ran into it all at once!"

Vegeta's five fingers moved wildly, and a cold light appeared in his eyes, which was the desire to fight deeply engraved in his heart.

Sure enough, after a while, the two arrived one after the other.

Dodolia's figure is bloated, and his plump chest and abdomen support the battle suit very full. His whole body is pink, and there are obvious thorns on his head and wrists. The moment it landed, the ground trembled, as if a meteor had fallen to the ground.

Chambord on the other side was much more graceful, first tiptoeing the ground, and then landing lightly. He has a head of smooth green hair, which is tied into a braid and tied behind his back. His face is young and beautiful, and even a bit feminine. If he were placed on the earth, he would be considered a handsome man. Being different, he added a cloak to his combat uniform, which made him look even more extraordinary.

"Vegeta, Nappa, Raditz, you are all here." Chambo glanced at them, and was slightly taken aback when he saw Goku, "And you... very much like a Saiyan I've seen before, Could it be his child?"

When he proposed to eliminate the Saiyans back then, Shang Bo had indeed seen a warrior who was exactly the same as Monkey King. That man led the Saiyans to resist. Although he failed in the end, he was really impressed.

"Are you talking about me? I'm also a Saiyan." Monkey King pointed to himself.

"Hmph, just right, King Frieza is going to catch you all. Since you have come to your door, don't blame us." Dodoria's thick lips parted, and she laughed wildly.

He laughed, and Vegeta laughed too, louder and more recklessly than he did.

"Idiots, you have been with Frieza for so many years, and you can't even tell the strength of your opponent. When you eliminated Koy just now, your detectors should have responded. This value has already surpassed yours."

"You are right." Shang Bo nodded, showing a wicked smile, "But you are the only one who can fight us, and the others are nothing to be afraid of. Besides, as long as the two of us work together, You will surely die!"

Dodoria thought the same way, rubbing her fists in approval, ready to fight.

Raditz sighed helplessly, and hooked his fingers to both sides: "If you can defeat any of us, you are considered awesome."

(end of this chapter)