Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz

Chapter 81: Forced assimilation!


There are many BUG moves in this world, almost unlimited in level and combat power, such as Sun Fist, Magic Sealing Wave, and Qi Yuan Slash and other cutting skills. The magical skills are all gathered on the earth. It can be seen that although the people on earth are not strong, they have a thorough understanding of martial arts.

Qi Yuan Slash is a skill that compresses the high-speed rotating energy into a disk shape, and then throws it out. If this move hits, even Frieza will be cut in two, right

Seeing the swirling Qi Yuan Zhan flying fast, getting closer and closer to Frieza, suddenly, Frieza's body trembled, and he jumped into the air!

Although he couldn't perceive Qi, the sound of the wind and noise caused by the high-speed rotation made him very alert, so he instinctively avoided the cutting. The flying Qi Yuan sliced across a hill, smoothing it off.

On the other side, Klin, who missed, immediately submerged and hid in a mountain crevice. Taking advantage of this time, Raditz and Wukong also sneaked into the valley to take a break, took Kelin's fairy beans and quickly swallowed them.

This time, they were only seriously injured, and they were not on the verge of crisis. The improvement of their combat effectiveness was limited.

At this moment, there were still a few flames flying over in the air a step behind.

"Huh? Is that Neil and the others?" Kelin exclaimed.

"That's right, it's them. These people are simply going to die." Vegeta said disdainfully, not caring about the life and death of the Namekians.

When Neru and the others arrived, Frieza had already started to move his eyes, slowly adapting to the light in front of him. They came to help out under the order of the Great Elder. Who would have thought that they would run into Frieza who was furious after being attacked!

How could Frieza endure being teased by Earthlings and Vegeta? At the moment when he half-opened his eyes, Frieza waved his hand and threw a purple-red light whip, drawing a full arc in the air, splitting the sky.

Before the few fighting Namekians left could judge the situation, Frieza's angry light had already shot at them. Except for Nairu who reacted in time and bent back at an unbelievable angle, everyone else was caught. Cut it in half!

They came in a hurry and were buried here before they appeared.

The surprised expressions on the faces of several people slowly solidified, and half of their bodies sprayed with blood quickly fell.

Suddenly, a figure leaped out of the water, abducted three dying Namekians, and rushed to the shore. This figure was also covered in blood, and rushed over a short distance, splashing a line of purple dye-like thick blood on the sea surface.

Slug is not dead yet! Dragging his crippled body, he desperately intercepted the same crippled Namek warrior.

Seeing this scene, Raditz was shocked. Among the several methods that he had imagined to defeat Frieza, there was a plan for Piccolo to assimilate all the fighting-type Namekians. The Meike people came out of this selfishness.

Could it be that Schlag is going to do the same thing

At this moment, Neil flew to Piccolo, and the elder's order was to make him and Piccolo merge into one to deal with powerful enemies together. So he brought all the Namek fighters, and wanted to strengthen Piccolo in one go, but Frieza took the lead and ended their plan. What's more, the evil Shi LaGe actually snatched his companion away, and Nai Lu also suspected that Shi LaGe wanted to assimilate!

Combat-type Namekians can greatly increase their strength through assimilation. In theory, as long as there are enough of them, the Namekians can keep getting stronger! But the basic requirement of assimilation is that both parties are active, and if forced, it may not succeed.

Shi Lage, who is an evil Namek, didn't care. He pressed his hand on the chest of the Namek warrior who was only holding a breath, and a black light was emitted from his hand. The main consciousness invaded and forcibly assimilated!

While reading the information from the elder's brain, Schlager understood the trick of assimilation. When facing a crisis, he broke out the instinct in the blood of the Namekians. As a demon, his powerful evil will distorted the fragile beliefs of the Namek warriors when they were dying, making the assimilation go smoothly!

A dark light came out from the hand, quickly engulfing the two of them, the aftermath of energy spread, and the arrogance was loud.

Frieza was also stunned by this scene, there seemed to be a strong energy agitating in that group of light, which made him feel uneasy. He was already mentally exhausted by these guys' endless strange moves, and he didn't want to make any more troubles, so he directly raised his hand and shot a death beam.

Straight as an arrow, fast as thunder, and powerful enough to pierce through the ground, but Shi LaGe waved one hand and blocked the death beam! The Namek warrior he held in his hand had disappeared, and his Qi had doubled.

Frieza stared blankly.

However, Slag didn't care about Frieza at all, and continued to assimilate for the second time, devouring another dying Namek warrior as food, with an evil smile on his lips.

It was wonderful, he never thought that the benefits of assimilation would be so great! His scars have been completely repaired, and the energy consumed by the regeneration of his severed limbs has been replenished in an instant, and the power is so great that he can't even imagine it. In this way, in addition to the three fighters captured, there are two stronger materials, Neru and Piccolo, if they are all assimilated...

Slug couldn't restrain the ecstasy in his heart. If he continues like this, he will definitely surpass Frieza, and even... surpass Gula!

The old heart is beating fiercely, and the ambitious Shi LaGe is full of fantasies about his future, and this fantasies are still stepping towards reality step by step. The light flashed by, and in an instant, the second one had also been assimilated.

His current combat power is at least seven million!

The crazy Shi LaGe picked up the last dying soldier, grinned grinningly and held down his body.

"Enough is enough!" Frieza saw that Slage was getting stronger, and also noticed the Namek's problem, and his body bounced away like a cannonball, heading straight for Slage.

Slug, who was immersed in joy, reacted a moment later, and when he ran away, Frieza had already pierced the Namek warrior's head with one hand, and the purple qigong wave exploded from the middle of the skull, and the beam of light slanted towards the sky shoot out.

Schluge retreated quickly, with only one arm left in his hand, he was furious.

At the same time, Neil is also explaining the whole story to Piccolo, and according to the instructions of the Great Elder, he is willing to sacrifice himself to strengthen Piccolo to fight against evil enemies.

Raditz didn't stop Slug. An enemy's enemy is a friend. The biggest threat is Frieza. Slug's enhancement is not a good thing, nor is it too bad. At least, he can delay time and consume Frieza's stamina.

At this moment, Raditz is pointing to Vegeta, letting him improve his strength through near-death combat experience. The enhancement of resurrection in the dying state is an innate ability, but it must meet the requirements of the body, psychology, environment, etc., and can only be stimulated to the maximum during bloody battles.

It is also near-death recovery, the effect is very different in normal training and life-and-death battles. Moreover, the degree of improvement also depends on the individual's talent, the strength of the enemy, and subjective will.

From 90,000 to 3 million, or from 250,000 to 2.5 million, it is possible.

How far it can reach depends on Vegeta.

(end of this chapter)