Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 110: One Wind and Cloud (4)


I have to say that Ling Yun's job as a shield is really very competent!

Originally, Li Qingchuan had pursued Xue Meining hard for nearly eight years. He Lingyun was a standard way to win love, but now he actually beat him up, saying that Li Qingchuan was pestering his girlfriend!

Li Qingchuan originally came to warn Ling Yun to stay away from Xue Meining, but Ling Yun acted preemptively and warned him instead, how could he not be angry? !

"Tang Meng, call our brothers and give this ignorant guy a good lesson!"

Li Qingchuan's face turned livid due to Ling Yunqi, and he was furious. His heart began to beat faster than expected, and an imperceptible blush floated across his face.

But after he finished speaking, there was no movement around him. Ling Yun still glanced at himself with a half-smile, couldn't help being a little strange, turned his head and shouted at Tang Meng: "Xiao Meng, are you stupid? Call me!"

Tang Meng was really stupid, he looked embarrassed, his eyes the size of copper bells were rolling around, looking at Ling Yun, then at Li Qingchuan, standing there in a dilemma, not knowing what to do.

He has never encountered such a complicated situation!

The little gambler racked his brains, finally gritted his teeth and muttered: "Well, brother Chuan, I think it's better for us to negotiate and resolve this matter internally..."

"What? Negotiation? Internal? Are you out of your mind? What is his identity? Can I talk to him?"

Li Qingchuan didn't care about Xue Meining standing in front of her right now, Ling Yun dared to ignore his authority and dignity so much, he must teach Ling Yun a lesson!

"Brother Chuan, the interior is definitely the interior, hehe, that, you don't know, Lingyun is mine now..."

Tang Meng scratched his head and blushed and was about to say that Ling Yun was his boss, but seeing Ling Yun staring at him, he was so frightened that he quickly changed his words: "Ling Yun is now Ning'er's boyfriend!".

When this kid panicked, he almost ruined Ling Yun's event!

Ling Yun gave him an idea to make a gamble on whether he could be admitted to university as a gimmick. If Tang Meng had just admitted that Ling Yun was his boss, then he would not be able to earn the money.

Just kidding, using your boss as a gamble, neither Xie Junyan nor Gou Junfa is a vegetarian, no matter how clever their game is, will they still obediently sneak into it

Tang Meng wiped the cold sweat off his brow, thinking that the boss is the boss, under such a weird situation, there is still time to think about his money!

Li Qingchuan laughed back in anger, he suddenly turned his head and said softly to Xue Meining: "Ning'er, you said that this kid is your boyfriend, I don't believe it, your vision is so high, how could you let him be your boyfriend!"

It doesn't matter to Ling Yun after hearing this, he was originally Xue Meining's temporary shield, and now his task has been overfulfilled, just wait for these seven or eight minutes, and everything will be fine, as for Li Qingchuan, believe it or not, then It's not something he wants to think about.

Unexpectedly, Xue Meining tilted her head and said to Li Qingchuan: "Brother Qingchuan, what can I do to make you believe that Ling Yun is my boyfriend?"

Her pair of Athena sculpture-like big eyes full of wisdom blinked, suddenly twisted her delicate body, turned to face Ling Yun, clasped her hands on Ling Yun's neck, stood on tiptoe, and stamped on Ling Yun's mouth! !

Yes, right in front of Li Qingchuan and Tang Meng, under the gaze of nearly a thousand people!


No matter how calm Ling Yun was, no matter how calm he was, he never thought that Xue Meining would do something like this, he just stayed there like a pillar!

The glasses fell to the ground!

All the girls at the scene opened their mouths wide open, watching the scene where Ling Yun was kissed by Xue Meining, all of them were speechless!

Zhang Ling was dumbfounded, and all the students in the third and sixth classes of high school were dumbfounded. Cao Shanshan saw this scene in the corridor, and she quickly covered her little mouth with her hand!

Tang Meng stood on the spot blankly, Xue Meining really didn't care about that little girl! This is too sturdy!

There is another person who is also stupid! Zhuang Mina!

Although Zhuang Meina and Xue Meining are not on good terms, she also knows Xue Meining. After all, her family is the famous Zhuang's Pharmaceutical Group. It is naturally impossible to say that even the master of traditional Chinese medicine, Master Xue, doesn't know about it.

People who don't know Xue Meining's identity saw this scene, at most they would think that such a flower as Xue Meining was stuck in a pool of cow dung, although the pool of cow dung has been smelling a little lately.

But Cao Shanshan, Tang Meng, Zhang Ling, Zhuang Meina and others who knew Xue Meining's identity and background all understood what this meant!

Xue Meining's kiss didn't matter, she directly kissed Ling Yun one step at a time!

What kind of character is that Miracle Doctor Xue

Although Miracle Doctor Xue is not involved in the officialdom, he is just a wild crane, but his medical skills have reached the pinnacle of perfection, and he can still stir up infinite turmoil, because it concerns people's lives!

Can Zhuang Mina not be stupid? Xue Meining and Ling Yun? There are hundreds of millions of miles between these two people, how could it be possible for them? !

I just discussed with Xie Junyan yesterday how to deal with Ling Yun!

"It turned out to be...really?" Li Qingchuan only felt that his lips were dry and his throat was a little sweet. He simply couldn't believe it, but the fact happened before his eyes, so he couldn't help but not believe it!

To say that now, the two people who are most unacceptable to kissing are Li Qingchuan and Cao Shanshan.

Xue Meining is Li Qingchuan's girlfriend who has been chasing after him for eight years, and Ling Yun is now recognized by the whole school as Cao Shanshan's boyfriend!

These two people, under the watchful eyes of thousands of people, started hugging each other as soon as they met, and now they even embraced and kissed each other!

Ling Yun just stayed there for about one tenth of a second, and now Nephrite Wenxiang embraced him, if he didn't fight back fiercely, it wouldn't be him!

Xue Meining originally wanted to put on a show, but she just wanted to show Li Qingchuan and prove that she was Ling Yun's girlfriend, so she just wanted to come here for a while, who would have thought that Ling Yun would turn against the customer!

This is her first kiss!

The little demon girl subconsciously wanted to get away from Ling Yun's embrace, but found that she couldn't move!

Needless to say, this is Lingyun's physique after she was reborn, and after reaching the peak of the third level of physical training, the temperament of the whole person changed greatly, which played a role.

Ling Yun's current lethality to women is more than ten times that of Li Qingchuan. If it wasn't for Ling Yun's body being a bit fatter now, which has lowered women's expectations of him, how could Li Qingchuan be so popular in that round

It can be said that Cao Shanshan is like this, Zhang Ling is like this, Xue Meining is like this, and even Murong Feixue is like this!

It's just that their life experiences are different, so they react differently to the fatal attraction that Ling Yun unintentionally displayed.

Ling Yun, who exudes this unique temperament, is like an invisible black hole, and also like a deadly vortex, which makes women approach him unknowingly, but instinctively wants to resist the attraction of this temperament, so there is All kinds of misunderstandings and troubles occurred.

"Oh my God, the ups and downs in life are so exciting! Look at Ling Yun, she just had such a hot scene with Cao Shanshan on Saturday evening, and today is even more ruthless!"

Gu Yuanlong shook his head and sighed, lamenting the ups and downs of life, lamenting the gap between mortals and gods, but he didn't notice that Cao Shanshan was turning her head and staring at him with murderous eyes!

"What did you say?! Do you dare to say it again?!"

Cao Shanshan was furious now, she couldn't hold it anymore, she just wanted to vent her anger as soon as possible, but Gu Yuanlong hit Cao Shanshan's gun just like that!

Gu Yuanlong glanced at Cao Shanshan, whose eyes were red, and was so frightened that he hurriedly apologized: "Um, it's nothing, it's nothing..."

However, he thought in his heart, besides, there are so many people around who are frantically filming this scene with their mobile phones, it is estimated that it will be posted on Weibo immediately, so what if I say a few words

Li Qingchuan looked at Xue Meining and Ling Yun kissing in front of him like no one else, he was so angry that the veins on his forehead burst out, his face turned red and pale, the blood flow in his body accelerated like never before, his heart was beating violently, he raised his hand Pointing at Ling Yun, he shouted angrily: "You—"

Then I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my heart, and my originally tall body fell limply backwards!

"Brother Chuan!" Tang Meng saw that it was going to be bad, and his face turned pale with fright, and he exclaimed loudly!

Around, Li Qingchuan's female fans saw him suddenly pale and fell to the ground, screaming and exclaiming at the same time, the sound resounded over the campus of No. 1 Middle School!

Li Qingchuan was so angry that she had a heart attack!

(end of this chapter)