Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 122: Dragon sucks water!


The sky is covered with dark clouds, really blocking out the sky; the traffic on the ground is congested, and the headlights are dazzling; pedestrians are in a hurry, looking for a place to avoid the coming heavy rain.

At this moment, Ling Yun hugged Xue Meining and Ning Lingyu on the left and right, and unfolded his movements. In the dark, he didn't care about shocking the world, and rushed towards the direction of Qingshui Lake like lightning!

Tie Xiaohu's eyes were as sharp as a falcon, staring closely at Ling Yun in front of him, and with two long legs like iron pillars, he followed closely behind Ling Yun, gritted his teeth and held on!

"What? To see a dragon? Brother Lingyun, are you kidding me? There are no dragons in this world!"

Xue Meining was held in Ling Yun's arms, feeling the intoxicating fresh breath emanating from him, with an infinitely intoxicated expression, she raised her face and asked.

Ning Lingyu also looked up at Ling Yun with disbelief, but said nothing, her bright and beautiful big eyes were shining with excitement.

This was the first time Ling Yun held her in his arms like this! Ning Lingyu's heart almost jumped out of her chest, her face was flushed like a tide, her delicate body trembled slightly, and she couldn't say anything!

Ling Yun was flying wildly while dodging the oncoming pedestrians, his movement was extremely fast, even though he was hugging two people, his movement was extremely fast, it was better than strolling in the garden, and he was as carefree as a fish in the water.

He did this to take care of Tie Xiaohu's speed, otherwise, even if Tie Xiaohu ran as hard as he could, he would have lost sight of Ling Yun.

As he kept running, the horror in Tie Xiaohu's eyes became more and more intense, but the determination in his eyes also became more and more intense!

Ling Yun's current speed is even faster than when he was playing with him on the playground! There are two people in his arms!

Tie Xiaohu also heard that Ling Yun said to take them to see the dragon, the surprise and shock in his eyes were fleeting, and he thought how could there be dragons in this world, but since Ling Yun said so, he naturally had his reasons, so Tie Xiaohu Run like hell!

With the frenzied running, Tie Xiaohu finally realized how much benefit Ling Yun gave him on the playground. His current limit speed is nearly double that of his previous full-strength running speed, and he has persisted for so long. His body is light and his feet are flexible. , there seems to be endless energy in my body, I have run for four or five kilometers at such a speed, and there is still energy left!

"This, this is simply unbelievable, what did he do to my body?!" Tie Xiaohu thought to himself while running.

Ling Yun kept his speed unchanged, occasionally looked up at the dark clouds in the sky, and occasionally turned his head to look at Tie Xiaohu who was running wildly, with a flash of approval in his eyes.

Ling Yun has long seen that Tie Xiaohu's physique is absolutely extraordinary, otherwise, he wouldn't waste so much effort to cleanse his tendons and marrow!

If Tie Xiaohu was a piece of fine iron before, then now Ling Yun has transformed him into a piece of refined steel!

Moreover, this is just the beginning. In Ling Yun's eyes, Tie Xiaohu is pure gold and jade. After his physique has been washed and marrow cut, it is most suitable for practicing his Da Yan Gathering Stars Secret Art. Tie Xiaohu's willpower is extraordinary and refined , once the treasure is practiced, it will be a great help to Ling Yun!

"The effect is good! It seems that you can stick to Qingshui Lake, but if you go up the mountain, you will suffer! Hehe!"

Ling Yun smiled evilly in his heart, and continued flying at the same speed.

In the eyes of Ning Lingyu and Xue Meining, the two of them feel that they are flying now! Yes, Lingyun's current speed is faster than the normal speed!

Their two little heads were tightly pressed against Ling Yun's chest, and the two stunning beauties stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, with different thoughts in their hearts.

"My brother didn't let Lin Menghan go, I thought my brother would bring Lin Menghan here..."

"Really, nothing can be left behind for her sister. If only I could be hugged alone, I would be willing to drown me to death..."

They wouldn't believe Ling Yun's nonsense that there would be dragons in this world? That's just a legendary existence, okay

The two stunning beauties both had their own concerns, but they still hugged Ling Yun tightly, as if he was afraid that he would abandon them halfway.

Ling Yun followed the memory of going to Xue Meining's house last time, took the trail as far as possible, and walked in a straight line without turning around like a vehicle. It took less than ten minutes for Ling Yun to arrive at Qingshui lake.

This is undoubtedly the thickest and densest place in the entire dark cloud!

Under the sky here, it is almost like being in the dark night. You can only see things by relying on the light outside Qingshui City. Every household and major shops here have already lit up lights, and the calm and abnormal Qingshui Lake reflects the shore. The lights around it look deep and mysterious.

This kind of darkness is nothing to Ling Yun who is at the peak of the third level of physical training. He stopped and waited for a minute or so until Tie Xiaohu, who was panting like a cow, ran to his side, then smiled and said: "That's right." , do you still have the strength to go up the mountain?"

Tie Xiaohu was already exhausted now, just like Ling Yun was in the same state before he vomited blood during his first exercise run. He was sweating profusely as if he had just stepped out of a clear water lake. Trembling knees, wheezing and wheezing!

But his eyes were still bright, and his eyes were still determined. He raised his head with all his strength, glanced at the highest mountain beside Qingshui Lake, gritted his teeth and said, "Yes!"

Before Lingyun came to Qingshui Lake, he saw Longpan Mountain from a distance. Longpan Mountain is really beautiful, with emerald peaks and green trees. Although it is only five or six hundred meters high, it is unparalleled in beauty. It is as beautiful as Qingshui Lake. One water, complement each other.

"Okay, this is your final test. You don't have to climb to the top of the mountain with me, but even if you climb, you have to climb to Huju Cliff. As long as you go up, you will hang out with me in the future, understand Yet?"

Ling Yun smiled and said to Tie Xiaohu.

Tie Xiaohu didn't speak any more, he tried his best to breathe in the oxygen in the air, trying to recover his physical strength as soon as possible, and accumulate the strength for climbing the mountain.

Normally, Tie Xiaohu wouldn't even blink his eyes if he was asked to climb up and down Mount Tai or Huangshan twice in one day, let alone climbing a small Longpan Mountain. But now, he is exhausted and his legs Trembling unceasingly, the small Longpan Mountain in front of him is no less than Mount Everest in his eyes!

Ling Yun smiled slightly. He glanced at the lights lit up at the ticket office at the gate of Longpanshan Park, and then said to Tie Xiaohu: "I'll take you in!"

Seeing the wickedness in Ling Yun's eyes, Tie Xiaohu knew something was wrong, but before he could react, Ling Yun had already grabbed him and threw him into Longpanshan Park with all his might!

Although Tie Xiaohu knew that Ling Yun would definitely follow him, Ling Yun had exhausted all his strength this time, and the effect was more than seven or eight times greater than when he was on the playground. Tie Xiaohu's tower-like figure was like a huge night owl, All of a sudden, it came to a dark height of more than 20 meters, and shot towards the wall of Longpan Mountain at high speed!


The two little girls Ning Lingyu and Xue Meining saw Ling Yun's true strength for the first time. They watched Tie Xiaohu's figure in the darkness quickly merge with the darkness, and they cried out in surprise.

Ling Yun hugged the two of them again with both hands, and performed the ten-thousand-mile walking step. An afterimage appeared in the darkness, and it rushed into the wall of Longpan Mountain with a swipe. After several ups and downs, it traveled nearly 100 meters like lightning, and then After putting down the two stunning beauties, he turned around and looked into the sky behind.

No matter how daring Tie Xiaohu was, he was scared out of his wits this time, if Ling Yun missed him this time, he would fall into a vegetable even if he didn't die! He was so frightened that he closed his eyes tightly and prayed to God and Buddha.

Ling Yun saw Tie Xiaohu's tower-like figure flying towards him quickly, he jumped forward lightly, then stretched his arms in the air, caught Tie Xiaohu's body with one hand, and then moved sideways beautifully, An An fell back to the ground steadily.

"Wow—the Great Teleportation of the Universe!"

Xue Meining's big bright eyes are full of small stars, now she and Ning Lingyu are not stunned by any of Ling Yun's performances, only anticipation, excitement, and praise from the bottom of their hearts!

"Okay, just this little courage, how can you mess with me in the future?" Ling Yun gently put down the frightened Tie Xiaohu, slapped him heavily on the shoulder, and said funny.

"Boss, it's not that I'm timid, you're too exciting! It's just me, if I change someone, I'll pee in mid-air!" Tie Xiaohu put his feet on the ground and dared to open his eyes after a while. With cold sweat on his forehead, he swallowed a mouthful of spit, and then said in fear.

Ling Yun didn't say much, he raised his hand and pointed to the mountain path of Longpan Mountain not far ahead, and said to Tie Xiaohu: "The next thing you have to do is to use all your strength and willpower to conquer this mountain path. Waiting for you at Hujuya!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't care about Tie Xiaohu any more, he grabbed Ning Lingyu and Xue Meining with both hands, and performed the Myriad Miles Walking Step, with his toes slightly tapped, the figures had disappeared into the darkness.

"It's amazing!" Tie Xiaohu couldn't help saying something when he saw Ling Yun's disappearing figure, then he stood up straight, took a few deep breaths, and began to walk firmly towards the mountain path of Longpan Mountain.

With such an existence, you still go to fight with him? Still not convinced? Thinking about it, Tie Xiaohu felt that he was really stupid and a little funny!

Longpanshan has long since disappeared, so Lingyun didn't save his strength this time. He performed the ten-thousand-mile magic walk all the way, and the aura that had been mobilized in his body provided him with a steady stream of powerful power. The figure was like a flash of light. In six or seven minutes, we arrived at the top of Longpan Mountain.

In Ling Yun's arms, Xue Meining turned towards a tiger-head-shaped cliff protruding from the top of the mountain in the distance and said, "Brother Ling Yun, that's Tiger Cliff. I've been here many times!"

Ling Yun looked in the direction of Xue Meining's finger, and knew that it was a tiger crouching cliff, because the shape of that cliff was exactly that of a tiger with its mouth open, facing Qingshui Lake.

At a height of more than 500 meters, the edge of the dark clouds that cover the sky and the sun can be seen completely. There is even sunlight falling down there, bright and dazzling, but the black clouds above the head block out the sun!

The three of them are now on the top of Longpan Mountain, which is completely a feeling of watching the sunrise on Mount Tai, but all three of them know that the sun is above the dark clouds above their heads!

With the help of the bright light in the distance, Ning Lingyu and Xue Meining could already see things.

When he came to Huju Cliff, Ling Yun put down the two beautiful people, he clapped his hands lightly, first took a look at the quiet and deep Qingshui Lake below, and then smiled triumphantly at the two of them: "How is it, the scenery is not bad, isn't it? "

The three of them were leaning against the iron railing on the edge of Huju Cliff, with black clouds billowing over their heads, and five hundred meters below them was the mysterious Qingshui Lake in the darkness. The edge of the dark clouds and black curtain shines with colorful colors. This kind of scenery is hard for ordinary people to see in their lifetime!

Ning Lingyu stared ahead, remained silent for a long time, and then said softly after a long time: "Brother, you are so amazing!"

Ning Lingyu feels the strong contrast between black and white, high and low, thinking that her brother has suddenly become a peerless strongman from a worthless waste bullied by everyone, her heart is surging, her beautiful and dreamy face is already covered with tears, she Don't dare to look back.

Xue Meining didn't let go of Ling Yun's arm at all, her delicate body was almost hanging on Ling Yun's body, staring at Ling Yun with two big eyes that fluttered, cursing in her heart that she couldn't see the rare scenery in her life, why didn't she know how to kiss? I? !

Ling Yun's eyes looked at the dark clouds over Qingshui Lake from time to time, the black clouds were so low that it seemed that Ling Yun could touch them with his hand, and then he looked at the dark and quiet water surface of Qingshui Lake, and said in his heart, coming soon!

Three minutes passed, and there was a sudden gust of wind in the air that had been dull and oppressive without a trace of wind. Except for Ling Yun, Ning Lingyu and Xue Meining couldn't feel it at all.

Ling Yun's eyes were as sharp as lightning, and he immediately lowered his head to look at the water surface of Qingshui Lake. With his eyesight at the peak of the third level of physical training, he could completely see the smooth mirror-like water surface, and ripples began to ripple!

All of a sudden, the black clouds that had been piled up all the time frantically gathered over Qingshui Lake, and the black curtain covering the sky seemed to shrink in half in an instant, and the sky brightened for a while!

Without warning, a gust of wind blew up!

Ling Yun quickly embraced Xue Meining and Ning Lingyu with both arms, and whispered in their ears: "Look!"

The thick black clouds continued to gather, and the blackness was so thick that it would not melt away. It was like a mountain-sized ink dot appeared out of thin air above Qingshui Lake, and it was about to drip into Qingshui Lake!

The huge black ink dot is rounded at the top and pointed at the bottom, like an upside-down conical mountain. Suddenly, the dark cloud ink dot sinks fiercely, as if it is about to fall into the Qingshui Lake!

At the same time, there was a strong gust of wind, which swirled and converged towards the sharp corner of the ink dot. As the dark cloud and ink dot sank, an extremely thick and bright white water column rushed up from the center of Qingshui Lake, spiraling rapidly. Spinning and drilling into the dark cloud!

"My God! The dragon sucks water!"

"Wow! It's a dragon sucking water!"

Ning Lingyu and Xue Meining looked at this extremely shocking scene, and exclaimed loudly, they even forgot to cover their mouths!

It turned out that Ling Yun brought them here to see the legendary dragon sucking water!

Without blinking, Ling Yun looked at the white water column that rolled upwards on the surface of the clear water lake and became thicker and thicker. He let out a long breath, then looked into the black clouds, and said in his heart:

"Will there be... dragons?"

(end of this chapter)