Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 126: Follow to the death! What are you going to do?


With hands behind his back, Ling Yun strode forward with his head held high and his chest held high; Tie Xiaohu followed closely behind, silently following him like a shadow.

"How does your body feel now?" Ling Yun suddenly asked lightly.

Although Tie Xiaohu didn't say a word, his heart was now full of turmoil, and the momentum was not much worse than the dragon's water absorption just now.

His experience today was miraculous. First he was beaten up by Ling Yun, and then he flew over the school playground for more than ten minutes, becoming a trapeze man.

Then Ling Yun dispelled all his kung fu, but he didn't expect Ling Yun to wash his tendons and cut his marrow, making him stand up after breaking down, and his strength increased greatly!

Then Ling Yun forced him four times in a row!

He was not allowed to drink, and then asked him to try his best to keep up with Ling Yun's speed. After he exhausted himself and followed him to Longpan Mountain, Ling Yun wanted him to climb to the top of Longpan Mountain in that state!

Tie Xiaohu was deeply shocked and attracted by the strength displayed by Ling Yun. Even though he was so tired that he vomited blood and exhausted his physical strength at that time, he still decided to face the difficulties. In the end, he fell countless somersaults and fell to his head. Climb to the top of Longpan Mountain at the cost of breaking blood!

Tie Xiaohu thinks that he has finally passed the test, right? Unexpectedly, this is not over yet, Ling Yun actually forbids him to sit or lie down, and makes him have to stand when his physical strength is exhausted to the limit!

This kind of continuous persecution, this kind of pain of breaking the limit of the body with strong willpower again and again, that is, Tie Xiaohu, who is addicted to martial arts, would have been paralyzed for any other person, what the hell!

It was under such circumstances that Tie Xiaohu saw the rare, incomparably spectacular and magical dragon absorbing water!

The stimulation of this crazy physical potential, the tempering of the will, and the shock of the soul undoubtedly brought an unprecedented impact to Tie Xiaohu! He now knows how much potential he has!

Ling Yun opened a door for Tie Xiaohu in just three hours! A door of miracles!

Tie Xiaohu has persevered, he is extremely glad that he can persevere!

He even now knew why Ling Yun made him stand desperately when his body was already as tired as a puddle of mud!

After Ling Yun washed his tendons and marrow, he experienced this kind of painful training that ordinary people could not bear. After standing for a minute while gritting his teeth in that situation, he was pleasantly surprised to find that his body strength was not only recovering quickly , and to a higher level!

The speed of this kind of cultivation is simply unprecedented, and Tie Xiaohu has never heard of it!

This is naturally Ling Yun's ultimate body training method.

Before Tie Xiaohu went down the mountain, most of his physical strength had recovered. After a few people walked down the mountain slowly, Tie Xiaohu found that his strength had reached an unprecedented peak!

Now, Tie Xiaohu felt that his physical strength was unprecedentedly abundant. Every time he took a step, he raised his hands and feet, his body coordinated and circled smoothly, and there was no part of his body that was not unsatisfied.

"Unprecedented feeling! Very good! It feels more than twice as powerful!"

Tie Xiaohu answered Ling Yun with determination and excitement in his eyes.

Ling Yun nodded: "Now, I will give you another chance to choose. You decide whether you want to hang out with me or leave here."

Ling Yun still strode forward with his head held high, and said without looking back.

"Fuck with you! I will follow you to the death!" Tie Xiaohu answered firmly without hesitation!

Ling Yun smiled faintly, did not nod, did not speak, glanced, saw a large shopping mall just beside the road, walked in with a twist of footsteps.

"Have you brought any money? Go buy some clothes you like and change into them." As Ling Yun's apprentice and younger brother, how could he be dressed like this and run around with him.

That's not Ling Yun's style.

"It's better to buy something that is durable and durable. You will have a hard time in the future."

Ling Yun chuckled, not forgetting to remind Tie Xiaohu.

Twenty minutes later, Tie Xiaohu, dressed in light blue denim, followed Ling Yun out of the shopping mall, and threw the old clothes with countless holes into the trash can on the side of the road.

It seems that Tie Xiaohu wants to say goodbye to his past.

Ling Yun hailed a taxi with a smile on his face, and the two of them got in and went straight to the hospital where Liu Li's husband Li Yunxiang was.


"Liu Li, when will that Ling Yun you mentioned come?"

On the seventh floor of the Municipal Ninth Hospital, in the neurology ward, Liu Li's mother-in-law stood beside her son's bed anxiously, asking her daughter-in-law who was sitting on the other side of the bed.

She has asked this sentence countless times from yesterday to now.

After Liu Li's mother-in-law came back yesterday afternoon, she was surprised to find that the frail daughter-in-law's complexion was no longer sallow, and she walked with wind, so she couldn't help asking her what was going on.

Not only did Liu Li recover completely, but after knowing that Ling Yun might cure her husband, she was even more uncontrollably happy. She had no intention of hiding her mother-in-law, so she told her the good news.

When Li Yunxiang's mother heard this, she knew whether her family was very happy, and she really met a noble person. When she got home excitedly, she lit three sticks of incense, kowtowed and kowtowed to the ancestral tablet of the old Li's family, begging them to bless Ling Yun to heal herself smoothly son.

Can you not be excited, Lao Li's family has only one seedling, and his grandson is still in the womb of his daughter-in-law, who is only five months old. If his son remains in a coma and cannot wake up, then this day will be difficult up.

Although I know that my daughter-in-law has a good relationship with my son, and is virtuous and filial, but as the saying goes, there is no filial son before the bed for a long time, let alone such a young and beautiful daughter-in-law.

One month or two months is okay, if her son won't wake up for three to five years, even if Liu Li is willing to take care of Li Yunxiang as always, as Li Yunxiang's mother, can she be happy

The old lady knew very well that as long as her son woke up as soon as possible, if he really became a vegetable, the old Li family would be ruined!

"Mom, don't worry. Since Ling Yun promised to come, he will definitely come. Besides, it's not that I don't know where he lives. If it doesn't work, I'll come to the door to beg him again!"

Li Yunxiang's mother sighed slightly, thinking that he has already done us such a great favor, so she gave him a broken writing brush that is useless, what else can I ask for

"Hey, as long as Ling Yun can save Yun Xiang, it's fine for me to be his cow or horse!"

The old lady sighed faintly, her cloudy eyes were bloodshot, she looked at Li Yunxiang lying motionless on the hospital bed with gauze wrapped around her head, and said.

At this moment, Liu Li's cell phone rang. When she saw the number, a look of surprise and excitement flashed across her pretty face.

"Mom, look, didn't Ling Yun call here?"

Li Yunxiang's mother stood up from the bench immediately: "Hurry up! Look what I'm doing!"

Liu Li quickly picked up the phone.

"Sister Liu, I'm in the hospital now, can you tell me which ward you are in?"

Liu Li hurriedly said the ward number, and then said excitedly, "How about I go down and pick you up?"

Ling Yun knew she was pregnant, so how could he let her down, he just said that he would be there soon, and hung up the phone.

Ling Yun and Tie Xiaohu took the elevator to the seventh floor. As soon as they got out of the elevator, they found that Liu Li was already standing at the door of the elevator with her big belly waiting for them.

Liu Li looked at Ling Yun's familiar Nike sportswear, and said affectionately: "Brother, you are here, my mother-in-law is anxious... eh..."

Liu Li suddenly saw Ling Yun's handsome face, and froze there!

This... this... is this Ling Yun? !

Why did he become so handsome all of a sudden? ! Liu Li stood there dumbfounded, pointing her index finger at Ling Yun's face, her mouth opened wider and wider, she couldn't believe her eyes!

When buying clothes with Tie Xiaohu, Ling Yun had already seen his own face in the fitting mirror of the mall—he had to admit, this pair of skins was really handsome!

Seeing Liu Li's surprised look, Ling Yun curled up a perfect smile and teased Liu Li, "What's the matter, Sister Liu, you're not welcome?"

Seeing Ling Yun's charming smile, an unconcealable blush suddenly flashed across Liu Li's pretty face. She wanted to lower her head but couldn't bear to look away. Feeling like a deer, she said blankly, "Huan... Welcome, why not welcome?"

Ling Yun smiled and nodded: "Then let's go..."

"Go, go..."

Liu Li moved her legs mechanically and followed Ling Yun back to her husband's ward.

It's really no wonder Liu Li, it's not that she's crazy, it's that Ling Yun's face is so lethal to women, it's enough to instantly kill any woman's attention.

When he came to the door of the ward, Ling Yun was not embarrassed at all. He pushed the door open and entered. After Liu Li's stammering introduction, he briefly greeted Li Yunxiang's mother, and then came to Li Yunxiang's bedside.

Tie Xiaohu, however, guarded the door of the ward and did not follow in.

Ling Yun first took a look at Li Yunxiang's face, then slightly frowned his thick sword eyebrows, and raised his hand to put on Li Yunxiang's wrist.

Ling Yun could tell with just one glance that this Li Yunxiang was actually a vegetable now, probably only the old man Xue's medical skills could save him, and the hospital wanted to save him? There are no doors!

Half a minute later, Ling Yun withdrew his pulse finger, and smiled slightly at the extremely nervous and expectant mother-in-law and daughter-in-law: "Don't worry, it can be cured!"

When Li Yunxiang's mother heard this, she was so excited that she almost collapsed on the ground, tears streaming down her face! Ling Yun quickly supported her and let her sit on the bench.

As for Liu Li, her performance at this time was not much calmer than her mother-in-law's. Her chest heaved violently with excitement, and she asked in a trembling voice, "Can it really be cured?!"

Ling Yun didn't answer anymore, and smiled and asked the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to remove some unnecessary tubes from Li Yunxiang's body, and lifted all the quilts from his body.

Ling Yun took out the cowhide needle bag on his body, raised his hand to unfold it, and squeezed out nine gold needles!

Although it is enough to treat Li Yunxiang's condition with silver needles and nine Lingshu needles, but because Liu Li gave him a magic brush, Ling Yun decided to use gold needles!

At this moment, a pretty little nurse pushed the door in, and she exclaimed when she saw this scene!

"What are you doing?!"

(end of this chapter)