Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 131: Why become so handsome?


Only the truly strong can get the most beautiful flowers and the warmest applause.

The current Lingyun, in the eyes of all the students in the third and sixth classes of high school, and even the entire Qingshui No. 1 middle school students, is undoubtedly a real strongman!

In just a few days, Ling Yun has gone from being looked down upon by everyone to a worthless wretch who can be kicked by a single person. He has transformed himself and used the most coquettish way and the most arrogant performance to complete the gorgeous counterattack and become The strongest man in the history of Qingshui No. 1 Middle School!

On Friday night, the dormitory made a splash, and on Saturday morning, he ran 11 laps on the playground with a 50-pound sandbag, causing Tang Meng, the little gambler who never lost money, to suffer a big loss!

Cao Shanshan, the most mysterious super school girl in Qingshui No. 1 Middle School, was repeatedly humiliated by him, but she had no choice but to let all kinds of rumors spread in the school!

Violently beat Wei Tiangan, slapped Li Lei wildly, stomped on the worst dandy on campus, Gou Junfa, and threw the most capable Tie Xiaohu as a ball...

These performances of Ling Yun are now insignificant to the students in the third and sixth classes of high school. Ling Yun memorized seven history texts without missing a word. He rescued Li Qingchuan, the number one dandy in Qingshui, kissed Xue Meining, the most promising campus belle of Qingshui No. 1 High School under the gaze of thousands of people, even kidnapped the celestial policewoman Lin Menghan, and even gave away a Maserati that everyone envied...

The most incredible thing is that Ling Yun also accurately judged that there will be a miracle of dragon absorbing water in Qingshui Lake!

Isn't this the strongest man in the history of Qingshui No. 1 Middle School? They don't admire such a real strong man, who do they admire

Of course, the above is not the real reason for the students in Class 3 and 6 of Senior High to give Ling Yun applause. Their reason for applauding Ling Yun is actually very simple.

That is, after Ling Yun became stronger, he didn't forget them, and he didn't show disdain for them. Instead, he took the initiative to invite them to the Zhuangyuan Building for a big meal under the watchful eyes of everyone!

Gou Fugui, don't forget each other!

Although everyone in Class 3 and 6 of high school knows that they are far away from Ling Yun now, and they have laughed at him, despised him and even bullied him in the past, but Ling Yun not only did not take revenge on them, but was still the most proud Invite them to a big meal when they are the most coquettish and the limelight! And it is the best and most expensive meal in Zhuangyuan Building!

What kind of generosity is this

The uneasiness in their hearts completely disappeared, so what followed immediately was the boundless respect for Ling Yun, the respect from the heart!

How could Ling Yun like this not get their support, how could he not get their support, how could he not get their warmest applause

They have been waiting for Ling Yun to return to the classroom after they came back from the Zhuangyuan Building. It can be said that they have been waiting for this simple but grand welcome ceremony for a long time, and they have held back for a long time!

It's quite uncomfortable!

Therefore, as soon as Ling Yun entered the room, the students stood up unanimously and applauded Ling Yun desperately. The enthusiastic applause even overshadowed the sound of rain outside, and it was good to spread it in the slightly quiet campus. Far, far!

Even Wei Tianqian, who was full of boundless hatred for Ling Yun, couldn't sit still in this situation, so he stood up helplessly and clapped his hands a few times.

Because he felt that if he didn't stand up now, he would endure the unanimous stares of his classmates before he graduated from high school!

Ling Yun was really invincible. Under such circumstances, he wasn't even surprised. He just smiled and stepped onto the podium.

He stood in the center of the podium, and pressed his hands in the void for nearly a minute. The thunderous applause gradually subsided. The students all looked at Ling Yun with respect, wanting to hear what he had to say.

I saw Ling Yun raised his hand and stroked his rain-drenched hair a little, then raised his head, looked up at the ceiling of the classroom at a forty-five-degree angle, and said, "Do you think I'm handsome?"

"Handsome!" Almost all the students said in unison, the voice was deafening!

Ling Yun laughed: "Okay, just to say this to you, I decided, after the college entrance examination, I will treat the whole class to a better meal, and you can choose the place, how about it?"

"Okay!" "Wow..." "Great!" "Lingyun Fortress!"...

This time, the answers of the students were not consistent. There are all the things mentioned below, but the meanings are almost the same, that is, agree, you must agree!

Ling Yun smiled handsomely: "Okay, thank you all the students for giving me the applause alone, just this one time, it's not an exception, I'm going to self-study soon, let's study hard!"

Now no one laughs at Ling Yun for not being able to go to university. Such a powerful person even owns a Maserati. Does it matter if he can go to university

Ling Yun stepped off the podium and walked towards his seat very calmly. The students laughed kindly and sat down one after another, ready to start self-study.

"Shanshan, Tang Meng is right, Ling Yun has really become handsome! So handsome, so handsome!"

Ever since Ling Yun entered the room, Zhang Ling's gaze never moved away from Ling Yun's face. Her head almost turned 180 degrees following Ling Yun's footsteps. After Ling Yun returned to his seat and sat down, she couldn't help but After staring at Ling Yun for a full minute, he reluctantly turned around and murmured in shock.

Not only her, but all the girls in the class discovered this when Ling Yun entered the classroom. They were even tougher than Zhang Ling. At least Zhang Ling knew that looking back, the other girls in the class were still staring at Looking at Ling Yun's handsome scumbag face, he couldn't bear to blink his eyes!

Even Cao Shanshan, who has always been calm, can't control the expression on her face now, and her heart has already set off a huge wave!

How did he become so handsome? ! How can this be? !

Cao Shanshan now knows that Ling Yun is very strong, and that Ling Yun's strength has even surpassed the scope of martial arts. For Cao Shanshan who knows the secrets of the world, although she is shocked and puzzled, she can still accept it, but, Ling Yun's face lost weight so quickly, but she couldn't figure it out no matter how much she thought about it!

Because Cao Shanshan knows that no matter whether it is martial arts or self-cultivation, everything is easy to practice, but it is difficult to practice with a human face!

In addition to eating and talking, what else can make the face lose weight? !

Unless it's plastic surgery and liposuction, otherwise, where did the fat on Ling Yun's face go

Cao Shanshan was puzzled, because she knew that it was impossible for Ling Yun to undergo liposuction.

However, after his face became thinner, he is really handsome, even his brother Cao Tianlong is not as handsome as him! It's as if carved out, it's just so charming!

Thinking of this, Cao Shanshan's beautiful face couldn't help but blush.

In fact, after Ling Yun had absorbed a large amount of dragon spirit energy, after washing his tendons and cutting his marrow again, although his face had lost some weight, it was still not completely thin.

Cao Shanshan's analysis is reasonable. Apart from surgery, the most difficult thing to lose weight is the human face. Unless you are hungry, starve for a long time to make yourself skinny, or if you rely on physical exercise, you will die of exhaustion. It cannot be reduced.

However, Ling Yun's fastest skinny face is really this face!

Why? He has the Great Expansion Gathering Stars Treasure!

Ling Yun had reached the peak of the third level of body training last night, and the transformation of his body by the Da Yan Ju Xing Bao Jue has greatly improved both in terms of speed and effect!

This morning Ling Yun practiced deliberately facing the rising sun for so long, when he came to school in the morning, his face could already be described as pretty!

Otherwise, Zhang Ling couldn't have been so surprised that he couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Ling Yun!

However, at that time, Ling Yun's face was still a lot fatter than now, and there was still a lot of fat on his face, delicate and delicate, but still not handsome!

However, Ling Yun's real change was after absorbing a large amount of dragon aura at noon. Although the effect of dragon aura was not as good as that of fairy aura, it was much stronger than seven obsidian grass psychic jade!

How powerful is the transformation effect of fairy spirit energy on the body? Under Ling Yun's deliberate operation of the healing technique, the broken bones can continue, the five internal organs quickly return to their place, and the internal injuries are healed in an instant!

It's just that at that time Ling Yun was in a hurry to save his life, so he didn't have time to pay attention to such a broken skin.

While frantically absorbing the dragon's aura this time, Ling Yun took the opportunity to crazily activate the Great Expansion Gathering Stars Treasure. Could it be bad for the transformation of the body

Not only is his face bare, Ling Yun's weight has dropped to below 190 jins, and he has lost a few more jins. It's just that this change is covered up by his loose sportswear, so it's not easy to be discovered.

However, it is precisely because the face is the most difficult to change, so just a slight change is the easiest to be noticed, because it is the face!

Countless netizens would instantly point out those big stars who puffed their noses or sharpened their chins, not to mention that the fat on Ling Yun's face has basically disappeared!

However, what Ling Yun didn't expect was that the body he occupied now, after losing weight, was almost exactly the same as his appearance in the Great World of Cultivation!

Ling Yun is completely sure that as long as the fat on his face completely disappears, his appearance will be the same as when he was in the big world of cultivation!

This undoubtedly made Ling Yun feel that his time travel had such an unusual taste, but since it came, he was at ease, and Ling Yun didn't think about it elsewhere.

It's useless to even think about it, his current strength is so bad, he can't do anything except to improve his own strength crazily.

Anyway, I was used to being handsome before, handsome is better than ugly, right

So Ling Yun took the opportunity of pretending to be aggressive on the podium, half-jokingly and half-pretentiously asking himself if he was handsome, but in fact, he had preconceived ideas, and suddenly blocked the mouths of the students!

Anyway, you all admit that I'm handsome, so you don't have to surround me with questions anymore, saving trouble!

Although Ling Yun could take these things lightly and deal with them easily, it would be completely different for the students around him, especially the female students in the class!

Ling Yun's razor-sharp face, coupled with the unique temperament emanating from his body invisible, as well as his calm and calm expression and eyes as deep as the vast starry sky, when the corners of his mouth unconsciously curled up, the deep hole on his left cheek Intoxicating dimples, combined, it is enough to drive any woman crazy, not to mention Ling Yun is still acting so cool in school these days!

"Shanshan, now, do you still think that you and Ling Yun were just a coincidence? Now that Ling Yun has become like this, you will have many competitors in the future!"

Although Zhang Ling already liked Ling Yun terribly in his heart, he still reluctantly reminded Cao Shanshan.

Cao Shanshan didn't refute Zhang Ling this time, Ling Yun even kissed Xue Meining in public, so what if it's not a competitor

Not only did she have competitors, but there seemed to be many of them! And all of them are powerful!

Obviously, there is already Xue Meining, a potential school girl who is not inferior to her in all aspects;

As for the potential opponents, Cao Shanshan also has a strong premonition in her heart, including the fairy-like policewoman, the stunning urban beauty who gave Lingyun Maserati, all of them may become her strongest opponents!

There is no doubt that there must be many stories between Ling Yun and those two beauties!

Ling Yun didn't look so handsome back then, and he had already had stories with so many beautiful people, let alone what he has become like now

"It's all my fault. I was the one who had the most contact with Ling Yun, but it's a pity that I wasted so many opportunities!"

Cao Shanshan can't wait to slap herself a few times now!

She didn't dare to tease Zhang Ling in a joking tone now, Cao Shanshan didn't even need to look, she could tell with her toes that Zhang Ling must like Ling Yun to death!

Of course, she couldn't stop Zhang Ling from liking or even pursuing Ling Yun. A best friend is a best friend, and she has her own advantages, but it doesn't mean she can stop Zhang Ling from liking Ling Yun!

Cao Shanshan even found out sadly that if she and Zhang Lingzhen pursued Ling Yun at the same time, she might lose!

Because Ling Yun is such a shameless guy, I can't figure out what he wants and what he likes!

But Ling Yun seems to like to stare at women's breasts very much, he looked like this that day, and Lin Menghan is also like this today, very bold, his eyes never blink, and he doesn't hide his gaze.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help taking a sneak peek at Zhang Ling's predecessor, but couldn't help feeling discouraged.

Compared to other things, she, Cao Shanshan, really has the upper hand, but when it comes to her breasts, Zhang Ling's bred by eating papaya and drinking milk, is really no smaller than hers!

"Fight and fight, who is afraid of whom!" Cao Shanshan whispered, biting her lower lip with silver teeth.

Anyway, fighting with one person is fighting, and fighting with ten people is also fighting, and it is not certain who will win the deer!

"Shanshan, do you want me to help..." Zhang Ling blushed, duplicity, and said with some guilt.

Cao Shanshan fully understood Zhang Ling's thoughts, she stomped her feet in anger and said, "I already knew you were attracted to him, if you like him, just go after him, as long as you can catch up with him, it's yours, don't be embarrassed with me! "

Seeing that Cao Shanshan had exposed her thoughts, Zhang Ling raised her small powder fist to hit Cao Shanshan's arm in shyness. Cao Shanshan ducked back, and the two began to fight.

"Lingyun..." Zhang Ling said silently in his heart.

Cao Shanshan was right, Zhang Ling really had a unique advantage in chasing Ling Yun!

She was handpicked by Wu Gaolang, Ling Yun's history tutor!

(end of this chapter)