Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 137: White Fox Shadow


Ling Yun couldn't help complaining, because the calm and clear river in the past has now become a turbulent and surging river more than 30 meters wide!

This side of the river is a wet road, which is more than two meters higher than the other side of the river. The river is almost overflowing the road, and there is already a vast ocean!

Can there be a seven obsidian grass that will not be flooded? Not to mention that only seven Yao grass is more than 20 centimeters high, even if it is two meters high, it will be submerged under the water now!

"Damn it!" Ling Yun frowned, frowning, and quickly came to the opposite side where he found the Seven Luminaries Grass, trying to feel the aura in the air.

"Huh..." Although it was covered by the river water, the peak of the third level of Lingyun's physical training could still feel the faint aura of the seven obsidian grass, which meant that the seven obsidian grass had not been washed away yet.

"Baby, you must stand up for brother, don't be washed away!" Ling Yun frowned and muttered to himself, the expression on his face was anxious like never before.

Although the aura of the seven obsidian grass is not as powerful as the fairy aura and dragon aura, it is the key to Lingyun's breakthrough to the peak of the ninth level of body training. If it is washed away, then Lingyun will not be able to cultivate so comfortably!

Such a stable and growing source of spiritual energy, where can it be found

But now that the river is surging, Ling Yun has nothing to do no matter how anxious he is, he can only pray silently from his heart, then sighs and prepares to leave here.

"Well, it would be great if the Seven Luminaries could be transplanted, and it would save me from worrying, and I wouldn't have to be so troublesome to come here every night!"

Ling Yun stretched out his body and was about to leave when, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a white shadow flashing across the river like lightning. His body was rather small and exquisite, but his tail was very big and long.


Ling Yun's eyes were like lightning, and he could tell at a glance that it should be a fox.

"Why haven't I seen it before? Could it be that it is also waiting for the seven obsidian grass to mature?" Ling Yun frowned in thought.

The white shadow was extremely fast, and quickly rushed out of Ling Yun's sight, and disappeared into the vast night.

"If it's really for the Qiyaocao, then this fox should have already activated its intelligence..."

Ling Yun didn't chase after him, and after Bai Ying disappeared, he also left here.

It was just a little white fox with only one tail, Ling Yun didn't care much about it.

Stretching his figure again, Ling Yun soon came to Xuefu Road, looking at the rubbish and gravel piled up everywhere on Xuefu Road washed by the heavy rain, as well as many fallen trees, Ling Yun couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly: "It's such a mess! "

Although the rain has stopped, but there is hardly a passerby to be seen. Many vehicles are washed up by the crazy rain on the road, and there is no one in the car.

"There should still be a shopping mall that is open..."

Ling Yun murmured and ran wildly on the road, but he couldn't find the mall, but he found a store specializing in women's clothing, and the lights were still on inside.

When Ling Yun rushed in, the owner of the women's clothing store was shaking his head and sighing in the store. The students had just returned to school on Monday, pointing to sell more clothes tonight. A heavy rainstorm ruined it all!

"Buy clothes!" Ling Yun entered the room, and directly said to the female shopkeeper.

The female shopkeeper in her thirties didn't expect someone to come to the door under such circumstances, regardless of whether Ling Yun was a man or a woman, she immediately got up and greeted her warmly.

In the end, under the strange eyes of the female shopkeeper, Ling Yun bought several women's clothing, including shirts, casual pants, dresses and denim, some underwear and two 36D cup bras, and then, under the stunned gaze of the female shopkeeper, , Check out, pack up and leave.

"It's a pity that he is so handsome and has such a disgusting habit..." The female shopkeeper looked at Ling Yun's back with a disgusted face, goose bumps all over her body, and couldn't help shivering.

"I don't even know how to raise the price, so I made more than seven hundred yuan!" Soon she lowered her head and counted the more than one thousand yuan that Ling Yun handed her with a smile on her face.

"I'm back!" Ling Yun returned home, of course he jumped over the wall neatly and shouted directly into the house.

He is getting more and more lazy to walk through the main entrance now.

"Bought it back?!" Zhuang Meifeng was anxious for a long time, she ran over immediately, grabbed all the clothes in Ling Yun's hand, and rushed into Ling Yun's bedroom.

Ling Yun heard a rustling sound in the bedroom. Twenty minutes later, Zhuang Meifeng opened the door of the bedroom and stood in front of Ling Yun again, full of laughter.

Zhuang Meifeng's long wine-red hair was pulled into a beautiful bun, and her delicate snow-white neck was even more slender and attractive. The snow-white shirt was tucked into the waistband of her sky-blue skinny jeans, which perfectly set off her graceful water-snake waist. It also highlights the plumpness of her upper body, her legs are straight and slender, standing quietly in front of Ling Yun, there is no gap between her legs, even the knees are not bent, they can be called peerless beautiful legs.

"I didn't expect you to be good at buying clothes!" Zhuang Meifeng glanced at Ling Yun with a charming smile, turned around lightly, and asked, "Are you pretty?"

Although it wasn't a famous brand, Zhuang Meifeng's self-confidence returned when she put on decent clothes.

Ling Yunxin said that it's not that I know how to buy clothes, but that you are born to be a clothes hanger, what kind of clothes are not beautiful for such a figure? She is beautiful without clothes!

Ling Yun was absent-minded, he chuckled and said, "Pretty, but it's still not as good as when you don't wear anything..."

"You still say?!" Zhuang Meifeng blushed, leaned forward, and punched Ling Yun.

"Shall we go for supper now?" Although Zhuang Meifeng beat Ling Yun up, she was exhausted and out of breath. It was past ten o'clock in the evening, and her stomach was already empty.

"What do you want to eat? Let me tell you, I went out to look just now, and many restaurants on the roadside were closed, some were flooded, and there was nowhere to cook!"

Ling Yun kindly reminded Zhuang Meifeng.

"Don't worry, let's go to Shangdao Coffee to eat Western food..." Zhuang Meifeng smiled coquettishly, and took the initiative to take Ling Yun's arm. This movement was so natural that she didn't even notice it.


In the afternoon, Tang Meng drove the Maserati. After sending Ning Lingyu and Xue Meining back to school, he took Li Qingchuan back home. Of course, he didn't go to class, so he drove the Maserati back home.

Maserati is now parked side by side with his Hummer, it's no wonder it's flooded!

"It's strange, the boss showed such a powerful and domineering performance in the morning, why is there not a single picture or video in the post bar?"

Tang Meng is currently in his bedroom, sitting in front of his desktop computer, leisurely smoking a cigarette, browsing the post bar of Qingshui No. 1 Middle School.

"Could it be that everything has been deleted? Or can't upload it directly?" Tang Meng kept thinking there.

He guessed right. The picture of Ling Yun throwing Tie Xiaohu at school in the morning was photographed and recorded by many students who saw it with their mobile phones, but as long as they uploaded it to the Internet, their IPs would be immediately locked. It said it was uploaded, but even the webpage couldn’t be opened!

The strength and speed that Ling Yun displayed in school today is almost monstrous, and the relevant departments of these things naturally cannot let it spread.

"The picture of the dragon sucking water was posted on the Internet, and it was shot very clearly, but unfortunately there is no video!"

Tang Meng walked around the Qingshui Bar again, then he smoked his cigarette and sat there thinking hard.

He has a headache now, he is thinking about Ling Yun's gambling.

Because Tang Meng feels that this gamble is likely to abort. If Ling Yun is now betting on whether he can get into university or not, there is a high probability that he will lose and go bankrupt!

"Boss, if you want to make money from this gamble, can you please keep a low profile? With your coquettish performance, let alone bet on your admission to Yenching University, I would even bet on your admission to Harvard and Oxford!"

Not to mention, Tang Meng's headache is really not unreasonable!

Ling Yun has already shown too many miracles. He already has a large number of fans in Qingshui No. 1 High School. Let alone the possibility of being admitted to Yenching University, it is his super fans who see Tang Meng making such a gamble. There are not a few people who are willing to lose money to bet that Ling Yun can be admitted to Yenching University!

If according to the combined odds of the two on Saturday night, Ling Yun would pay one hundred for being admitted to Yenching University, then Tang Meng's betting his life would not be enough to pay!

"Forget it, let's discuss it with the boss before making a plan. Tomorrow happens to be April Fool's Day, but we can let the wind out first to test the reactions of all parties! If it doesn't work, it can be said to be an April Fool's Day joke."

Tang Meng's brain was quick, he quickly came up with a plan, and then went back to the computer to play his online games.

But before he could sit still, he received a call from Li Qingchuan. Li Qingchuan said a word on the phone: "Drive your Hummer and come pick me up, and then take Ning'er home!"

Tang Meng hung up the phone, thinking that Brother Chuan didn't give up. He shook his head, put on his clothes and went downstairs, went to the garage to pick up the car.

After the baptism of the flood, some places on the road are fresher and cleaner than human faces, while others are muddy. Tang Meng drove his Hummer off-road vehicle, which was just right for him. He quickly picked up Li Qingchuan, and the two went straight Ben Qingshui No. 1 Middle School.

Li Qingchuan's mood was obviously very complicated. As soon as he got in the car, he asked Tang Meng for a cigarette. After lighting a cigarette, he pondered for a long time before saying to Tang Meng: "I cured Ling Yun of my affairs. I said it, my mother said she wanted to meet Ling Yun."

Tang Meng drove the car, and said to Li Qingchuan with a serious expression: "I will definitely see you, Brother Chuan, let me tell you, I have been with the boss for several days, he is definitely not a mortal, and he will have a peerless performance in the future, follow him There will definitely be great benefits!"

Although there was suspicion of talking about Ling Yun behind his back, this was Tang Meng's innermost thoughts. Before Ling Yun's rise, Tang Meng and Li Qingchuan had the best relationship, so of course he wanted to tell Li Qingchuan.

Li Qingchuan frowned, her face full of melancholy: "Of course I can tell that he is not a mortal, but, but, do you know what this means? It means that I have completely lost Ning'er!"

Tang Meng stopped the car suddenly, turned his head to look at Li Qingchuan, and said very seriously: "Brother Chuan, you never got that girl Ning'er, how can you say you lost it? If the boss didn't show up, you might have a chance , but now, my younger brother tells you that this chance is already zero! Give it up!"

Li Qingchuan was speechless, her handsome face was red and white, she gritted her teeth and frowned for a long time, until the smoke was burning her hands before she let out a long breath.

"Let's drive, I'll see Ning'er off one last time..."

(end of this chapter)