Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 1443: The cards are all out! Fight against Dragon and Tiger Mountain!


"Really? Then I want to see, who will live and who will die tonight!"

Ling Yun sneered, the other party's use of such a terrifying method actually aroused his infinite fighting spirit!

Since he didn't make any meritorious deeds just now, and failed to break the fusion technique of the opponent's twelve real people, now Ling Yun is not in a hurry.

Because he knew that the key to breaking this combined pure yang giant sword was not the giant sword, but the Twelve Real Men of the Shangqing Palace below!

After a while, as long as one of the twelve real people is successfully beheaded, this pure yang sword will no longer be able to take shape, and it will naturally be useless.

Boom boom boom!

The night sky once again burst into light, this time it was a dazzling fire. At this moment, Bai Xian'er was enveloped by a ball of blazing fire. She was fighting with the opponent's real Lie Yang with bare hands. The two had already hit each other from the ground. air.

In the same way, Ye Xingchen has already met Master Lie Lei and helped Bai Xian'er block one. She released a vortex of stars outside her body again, enveloping Master Lie Lei. , as well as the moonfall and star sinking technique, continuously sent out small planets, and kept smashing towards Lie Lei. Daoist Lie Lei could only block it, he kept smashing small planets, making bursts of loud noises.

"Wang Chongxiao, leave the fierce tiger to you!"

Ling Yun said something, then stretched out his body, and flew towards Master Lie Long holding the Dark Blood Demon Saber.

"Old bastard, try blocking me again!"

Just now, Ling Yun was one against two, that's why he was blocked by Lie Long and Lie Hu, and now the other three were entangled to death, he didn't believe that Lie Long could resist him with his bare hands!

Before the battle of Longmen Mountain, Lingyun fought against Cangsong Qingfeng and other four real people, they already knew that Longhushan's combat strengths were mainly Taoism, talisman and swordsmanship, but their physical defense was very weak!

Master Lie Long's realm is obviously much higher than those four people, but obviously, they came from the same school, and the body of Master Lie Long is absolutely impossible to be stronger than Master Zhizhi!

"Hmph, try it and you'll know!"

Master Lie Long saw Ling Yun coming across the sky, he had no fear on his face, raised his hand suddenly, and ate a top-quality dragon and tiger pill!

Of course, Lie Long knew better than others what he was weak in. He watched the battle between Ling Yun and Master Zhizhi, and knew that with his sixth-level supernatural powers, he was absolutely impossible to be Ling Yun's opponent, so he took the pill resolutely !


Daoist Lielong's body suddenly emitted white light, and his realm has been greatly improved!

At this time, Ling Yun had already come to Lie Long, and he swung his knife to chop!


Daoist Lie Long raised his fists and was actually shaking Ling Yun's blade, the light was blazing, the blade and fist collided violently, all kinds of lights in the night sky kept shining one after another, reflecting the entire Wind and Thunder Valley better than the daytime Bright!


After a brief promotion of Lielong Daoist's realm, he has temporarily crossed the seventh level of supernatural powers and entered the late stage of supernatural powers. His physical strength and defensive power even slightly surpassed that of smart masters!

Ling Yun naturally knew that he could stop him, but he wasn't in a hurry, he still swung his saber wildly, and fought against Master Lie Long!


However, at this moment, Ling Yun could free his hands to do other things. With a movement of his divine sense, the man Wang Yin in the air suddenly changed to a size of three feet, and flew across the sky, directly hitting the twelve fit real people on the ground. !

"Don't even think about it!"

Master Lie Long laughed wildly proudly, and he immediately activated his natal flying sword, which also became six meters long, blocking Ling Yun's seal of the king in an instant!

After he took the Dragon and Tiger Pill, Taoism naturally became stronger, and the two sides were still evenly matched!

At this time, the twelve real people on the ground didn't care about all the fighting around them. They all shone with blazing white light, and the white lights gradually began to fuse. As long as the white lights are completely fused in one place, then Their spiritual consciousness and magic power will all be fused together. By then, twelve people will be equivalent to one person!

"Xingchen, sacrifice the Heavenly Demon Double Slash, and go kill those old bastards!"

Ling Yun rushed left and right, but he still couldn't break through the block of Daoist Lie Long. He no longer relied on himself, but asked Ye Xingchen to help.

Even though Ye Xingchen could not be said to have the upper hand against Master Lie Lei alone, she was able to do everything with ease. She hadn't used a weapon yet, but upon hearing Ling Yun's greeting, she sacrificed the Heavenly Demon Double Slash without hesitation!

Heavenly Demon double cut like the sun and the moon!


Heavenly Demon Slashed towards the twelve real people like lightning!

Ling Yun's on-the-spot adaptability was too fast, and Ye Xingchen's cooperation was also perfect, so this day, the demon's double slash was caught off guard by the master of the Shangqing Palace, and he didn't have time to stop it.


With two loud bangs, the Heavenly Demon Double Slash hit the two balls of white light fiercely, and was blocked by the two balls of blazing white light. Although they didn't perform any meritorious deeds, they weakened the two balls of white light obviously!


Boom boom boom boom!

As long as it works, Ye Xingchen is unceremonious, and urges the Heavenly Demon Double Slash with all his strength, around the twelve groups of white lights, hits and cuts down one after another, and is fighting with the twelve real people, preventing them from completing the fusion, and buying time for Ling Yun!

Lie Long was shocked when he saw this, because at this moment, his flying sword was resisting Ling Yun's man Wang Yin, Lie Lei and Lie Yang's flying swords were fighting with Ling Yun's two flying swords, and Lie Hu was being watched by Wang Chongxiao Now, the two of them were also fist to fist, Feijian to Feijian, neither of them could gain the upper hand for a while.

There is no way, although Lie Hu is the peak of the sixth level of supernatural powers, but Wang Chongxiao has learned Tiangang Fumo Fist, and he is already good at physical defense and boxing, so Lie Hu can't suppress Wang Chongxiao for a short time.

On the ground, the four blood races Paul and Jester are fighting with the four real people who are in charge of guarding. Because the four real people practice the pure yang technique, which happens to restrain the blood race, so there is nothing for both sides. no one.

There is a war in the sky, and there is also a war on the ground. The battle is too fierce!

"Zhang Junyi, at such a critical moment, could it be that your Tianshi Mansion just watched my Shangqing Palace be wiped out?"

Daoist Lie Long really had no choice but to call a few people from Tianshi Mansion to come out to help.

After Zhang Junzheng died, the leader of the Tianshi Mansion was none other than Zhang Junyi. He and the other three were all above the fourth level of the Divine Ability Realm, and they were watching the battle at the moment.

After hearing Lielong Daoist drink violently, Zhang Junyi showed hesitation, his eyes flickered, and he was considering whether to help or not.

Obviously, although the Shangqing Palace and the Tianshi Mansion have been fighting for many years, the two sides are in the same line. If the Shangqing Palace is only frustrated and loses a few masters, then it’s okay. Huge loss at Longhushan.

"Why are you still hesitating?! Do you think that after Ling Yun wins us, he won't take revenge on your Celestial Master Mansion?!"

Seeing that Zhang Junyi was still hesitating, Master Lie Long was furious!

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Junyi's eyes turned hard, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Shoot!"

As he was speaking, he was the first to move the sword art, and the Heavenly Master sword was unsheathed behind him, and the other three people in the Tianshi Mansion naturally did the same, and sacrificed the Heavenly Master sword!

The four Celestial Master swords flew across the sky, stabbing at Ye Xingchen's Heavenly Demon Double Slash in an instant, and entangled her Heavenly Demon Double Slash!

Ling Yun was furious, and shouted violently: "Tianshifu, you made a wrong choice this time!"

"Xian'er, block those four Heavenly Master swords for me!"

Bai Xian'er performed the Firefox Flame Jue, her palms were blazing red, and the flames were dazzling. One after another, the fireballs with a diameter of two meters smashed towards the real Lieyang, but the real Lieyang practiced the pure yang technique, which just happened to restrain the monster. The family is not afraid of this kind of flame, and his realm strength is roughly the same as that of Bai Xian'er, so he will not be inferior to Bai Xian'er with bare hands.

But that was before Ling Yun ordered.

"Good brother Lingyun!"

Bai Xian'er let out a whimper, and four white tails suddenly appeared behind her. Those four white tails were enveloped by the blazing fire, and they grew longer and bigger rapidly!

Nine-tailed celestial foxes, the most powerful thing is their tails!

Four crimson fire tails, burning with fierce flames, became 100 meters long in the blink of an eye, and entangled directly towards the four Heavenly Master swords!

"Beautifully done!"

Ling Yun yelled, and immediately followed up with his attack. This time, Ling Yun no longer blindly challenged Master Lie Long, because he found it was useless.

With the power of burning divine essence, Ling Yun used the yin and yang art to release the vortex of yin and yang true energy by using the holy law of the infinite universe, and immediately enveloped Lielong Daoist, preventing him from getting out first!


Immediately afterwards, the chain of Yin-Yang True Qi was released, and it was 300 meters long in an instant!

Yin-Yang True Qi Chains, two chains formed by Yin-Yang True Qi, thick and real, blooming black and white light in the light of the night sky, as if they have existed forever, giving people the illusion of mystery and simplicity.

Since Ling Yun swallowed the Five Elements Flame on the night of September 9th, the Five Elements Flame has always been in his body, blending with Yin and Yang True Qi, and also calcining Ling Yun’s Yin and Yang True Qi day and night. It has been ten days so far, although the Five Elements Flame It hasn't turned into the colorful Yin-Yang Five Elements Fire, but most of the Yin-Yang True Qi in Lingyun Dantian has been calcined into Yin-Yang Gang Qi!

Therefore, the Yin-Yang True Qi chain that Ling Yun is releasing now should indeed be called the Yin-Yang Gang Qi Chain.

Ling Yun finally showed his trump card!

"Crack! Crack!"

The two 300-meter-long chains of Yin-Yang Gang Qi were treated by Ling Yun as two long whips, and they were whipped fiercely towards the location of the twelve real people on the ground!

No one can stop this chain of yin and yang qi, it is so effective that the twelve balls of white light are obviously weak!

In the night sky, the huge sword shook violently, trembling, and faintly let out a mournful sound.

And at the same time, Bai Xian'er's four tails entangled the four Heavenly Master swords, and Ye Xingchen's Heavenly Demon Double Slash was no longer hindered. Cooperating with Ling Yun's Yin-Yang Gang Qi chain, it was also spinning in the twelve white lights , cutting back and forth, constantly breaking up, weakening the white light!

"this… "

At this time, more than 200 decent martial arts people on the ground were all stunned by the battle between Lingyun and Longhushan!


Wonderful, haha, there are two more chapters.

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(end of this chapter)