Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 1553: Lingyun saves his mother (1)


This way, Ling Yun galloped with all his strength, and it was not an unpleasant trip!

Ling Yun and Ye Xingchen went straight up to 15,000 meters after the Qinling Mountains soared, and then he burned Shenyuan, opened the Hunyuan Qi shield to block the wind, and launched four times the speed of sound at the same time, approaching 1400 per second. Meter speed, fly straight to the Tianshan Mountains!

Since it is flying in the sky, there is no need to consider the problem of turning, so Ling Yun took out the communicator of Tianzu, turned on the positioning, and used the navigation, this is to prevent the direction from being deviated.

After all, the straight line is the shortest distance between two points. Flying in the sky, with such a long distance, a slight deviation in direction is a difference of thousands of miles. If you want to correct it, it will be troublesome.

So at the critical moment, when Lingyun should use high technology, he still has to use it. I have to say that the positioning and navigation system of the Tianzu communicator is really easy to use.

This is the farthest distance that Lingyun has traveled in one go since he came to the earth. From Xi'an to the AKS area of Tianshan Mountain, the straight-line distance is more than 2,600 kilometers. We'll be there in just over half an hour!

After Ling Yun set off, he didn't stop at any point along the way, let alone enjoy the scenery, and didn't even exchange a few words with Ye Xingchen. He was so anxious that he just wanted to rush to Tuomur Peak as soon as possible, and rescue Qin Qiuyue and Ning Tianya as soon as possible.

However, although he could bear such a terrifying speed, Ye Xingchen, who had just reached the fifth level of Qi training, couldn't bear it at all. After they flew more than a thousand kilometers, Ye Xingchen couldn't keep up. Speed, had to double burn Shenyuan, and fly with Ye Xingchen.

Fortunately, it has been four days since Ling Yun reached the peak of the fifth level of Qi training, and he has accumulated more than 500,000 drops of divine energy in the sea of consciousness between his brows. This crazy rush only consumed about 30,000 drops of divine energy. This is nothing to the current Ling Yun.

But who knows, Ling Yun was still one step too late after all, at half past midnight, the snow-white and majestic Tomur Peak had already been seen, but what greeted him was a shooting star piercing the night sky!

"What's wrong?"

When Ye Xingchen heard Ling Yun's bad words, his face darkened immediately, and he couldn't help asking.

While galloping at full speed, Ling Yun looked at the night sky in front of him, his face was solemn, his voice was even lower, and he frowned and said: "One person died in the Heavenly Sword Sect. If there is no accident, I think it should be Ning Tianya."

People die and meteors fall.

This statement may be nonsense to the vast majority of people in the world, but it is extremely important to a cultivator like Ling Yun.

Many people die every day in the world. Every death of a person may not necessarily correspond to the fall of a meteor. But at this time and here, in the sky above the sparsely populated, even inaccessible Tianshan Mountains, especially the sky above Tomur Peak, the sudden There was a meteor passing by, which naturally made Ling Yun think of Ning Tianya in an instant.

"Are we... late?"

Ye Xingchen saw that Ling Yun believed that Ning Tianya was dead just because of a falling meteor. She felt a little shocked, but she believed Ling Yun's statement inexplicably in her heart, and exclaimed: "How could it be?!"

"Ning Tianya is not an ordinary person, he is Ling Yu's father!"

Ling Yunxin said that Ning Lingyu is a fairy body, but he didn't have time to explain too much at the moment. His mind flashed, and he thought of a lot at once, slowly shaking his head and said: "Some people's fate is doomed a long time ago." Yes, it's a pity that manpower is sometimes poor... "

While speaking, Ling Yun had already started to slow down, and also rapidly lowered his flight altitude, reaching a height that was relatively equal to the top of Tomur Peak in front of him.

As early as when he discovered that the shooting star was falling, Ling Yun had already performed the Harmony with Light and Dust Art, in order not to be discovered by the super masters of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

High in the sky, Ling Yun suddenly raised his hand, pointed at the huge mountain beam that crossed from east to west, and said via voice transmission: "Di Yutang didn't dare to lie to me, the Heavenly Sword Sect is behind that huge mountain beam."

Ye Xingchen asked, "Didn't he say he was on Tuomur Peak?"

Ling Yun smiled, looked at the snow-white and magnificent mountain, shook his head and explained: "That is Tomur Peak, it is covered with snow above 3,500 meters, and there are glaciers everywhere, how can a normal sect Build the main altar in that kind of place?"

He turned to look at Ye Xingchen: "If you were to establish a sect, would you choose that kind of location?"

Ye Xingchen's pretty face blushed, and she rolled her eyes at Ling Yun: "A fool would choose that kind of place, and I'm not your confidante who practiced the Wuji Xuanbing Art..."

This embarrassment left Ling Yun speechless for a moment, he quickly waved his hands: "Ahem, let's get down to business."

"If Ning Tianya is really dead, then my mother must be in danger now. We don't have time to investigate, so we can only follow the original plan."

The original plan was that Ling Yun would be responsible for saving people, and Ye Xingchen would be responsible for responding.

"Ling Yun, you have to be more careful!"

At such a critical moment, Ye Xingchen certainly cannot lose the chain, but she did not forget to remind Ling Yun: "The Heavenly Sword Sect is too calm, a little abnormal. I always feel that the other party seems to know that you are coming, and they have already laid down a plan for you." The heaven and earth net is just waiting for you to get in!"

Murderous intent flashed in Ling Yun's eyes: "Don't feel it, it's the truth. The Long family already knew about my success in crossing the East China Sea. After the three members of the Long family were crushed by me, although there is no news, it doesn't mean They won't secretly communicate with the Heavenly Sword Sect!"

"The Long family knows that I will definitely come to the Heavenly Sword Sect to save my mother, so they will definitely notify the Heavenly Sword Sect in advance to make them ready."

After hearing this, Ye Xingchen couldn't help stomping her feet secretly, she looked at Ling Yun: "So you thought of this a long time ago, why didn't you say it earlier?"

"What's the use of saying it earlier? It's time to come!"

Ling Yun patted Ye Xingchen's shoulder lightly, sighed and said, "Airplanes are so convenient now, if I hadn't known that Tianjianzong is a cultivation sect, after the Sun-Chen Alliance was wiped out, the first thing I would have done was to come to Tianshan to save my mother It’s a pity that you don’t have enough strength, and you’ll just die in vain if you come.”

"But tonight, even if the Heavenly Sword Sect is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, I will make a dash for it and rescue my mother!"

This sentence, Ling Yun said firmly, and then stopped talking nonsense.

"Xingchen, I'll take you to the mountain ridge below, find a place to hide your body, and don't move rashly."

"As long as I find my mother and can guarantee her safety, I will immediately find a way to notify you. When the time comes, we will decide whether to fight or leave."

Ye Xingchen nodded, and only said one word: "Okay!"

Then, without any hesitation, the two of them landed suddenly and directly entered the peaks of Tianshan Mountain. Under the cover of those huge peaks, Ling Yun used the "Harmony with Light and Dust Art", completely concealed his figure, and soon came to the mountain. On the huge mountain ridge.

Behind the huge ridge, the three peaks of Tianjianzong have already fallen into Ling Yun's eyes, but those three peaks are protected by formations, which can resist the divine sense, so Ling Yun can see the three peaks, but the divine sense cannot Detect what's there.

Tianfeng, Difeng, Renfeng, the three peaks are in the shape of horns, and the one closest to the mountain ridge is naturally Renfeng where the disciples of Tianjianzong are.

"If there is no accident, my mother should be trapped on the Tianfeng Peak behind the east of Renfeng Peak, in the Tiangong where Di Xiaozhen lives."

"I'll go there first."

After Ye Xingchen was done hiding, Ling Yun said something to her, and then his figure disappeared. This time, he used the Harmony with Light and Dust Art and the Invisibility Art at the same time!

Ling Yun's invisibility technique protects against human eyes, as long as his cultivation level is not as good as his, it is impossible to see him.

And Ling Yun's Harmony with Light and Dust Art is the real method of concealment, because when he performs this kind of exercise, it is equivalent to being completely invisible within the scope of the spiritual consciousness of other cultivators, and will not be observed.

Ling Yun now has absolute self-confidence, he uses these two kinds of exercises with all his strength at the same time, even cultivators who have surpassed the two great realms of the foundation establishment period cannot find him.

Without this certainty, Ling Yun would never dare to boast that Haikou can guarantee to save Qin Qiuyue alive.

Because for a master in the late stage of Qi training, killing Qin Qiuyue is just a matter of thought.

"I'm going!"

After Ling Yun dropped a sentence, he rose directly from the sky, quickly crossed the huge mountain ridge, and came to the north of the mountain ridge, in the huge valley.

After entering the valley and landing, Ling Yun maintained a concealed state, and at the same time enlarged his spiritual consciousness to the limit, avoiding the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect who were patrolling late at night, and went straight to Tianfeng.

"It's no wonder that the Heavenly Sword Sect didn't open the mountain protection formation. There are indeed many super masters here!"

After bypassing Renfeng, Ling Yun was secretly trembling. His spiritual sense covered a radius of eight thousand meters, and he clearly felt seven or eight extremely powerful divine senses, and it was just their unintentional glance.

The closer he got to Tianfeng, the more careful Ling Yun was. He quickly came under Tianfeng, directly chose a dense forest, and plundered towards the top of Tianfeng!

On the top of Tianfeng Peak, in a log cabin.

Qin Qiuyue hugged Ning Tianya's cold body, feeling infinite grief, tears that had never been shed in half a year, welled up from her emaciated eye sockets, but she didn't cry out.

When Ning Tianya died, Qin Qiuyue was inevitably sad, but she knew in her heart that this was a complete relief for Ning Tianya who had lived in humiliation for twenty years.

"You don't have to be sad, because from now on, you will be really sad!"

Di Xiaozhen wantonly admired Qin Qiuyue's sadness, his face was ferocious, and he suddenly shouted: "Come on, take this bitch away!"


The two maids, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, rushed in immediately and came directly to Qin Qiuyue's side. Without any explanation, they put Qin Qiuyue's arms together.

Qin Qiuyue was forced to stand up. At this moment, she became extremely calm, the tears no longer gushed from her eyes, and her eyes were clear and bright.

She looked at the woman with a hostile face, and suddenly said, "Di Xiaozhen, you must die badly."

After finishing speaking, she gritted her teeth suddenly, biting her tongue, and at the same time biting through the medicine that had been hidden between her teeth for nearly half a year!

A highly poisonous medicine that seals the throat with blood!

"not good!"

Seeing this, Di Xiaozhen's expression changed drastically. She flew up suddenly, intending to step forward and seal Qin Qiuyue's acupoints to prevent the poison from attacking her heart.

It was too late to say it, but when Di Xiaozhen was about to touch Qin Qiuyue with her fingers, a hand suddenly appeared in front of her!

Ling Yun appeared and stood in front of Qin Qiuyue. His eyes were about to burst, and he punched Di Xiaozhen directly!


The zhenqi exploded, and the whole cabin was torn apart by the domineering zhenqi, and countless planks shot out towards the surroundings!


Under Ling Yun's hatred, he struck out furiously. Of course, Di Xiaozhen couldn't dodge. She was hit by Ling Yun firmly, her chest collapsed, and her figure flew upside down!

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

At the same moment when Ling Yun punched, he had already sacrificed the Yin-Yang Stellar Qi Sword and the Qingying Flying Sword. Without any warning, the two maids were pierced between the eyebrows by the two flying swords at the same time!


After Ling Yun blasted Di Xiaozhen away with his fist, he couldn't care about anything else. He picked up the crumbling Qin Qiuyue, between his fingers, he cried out in pain!


The first update is here, and there will be another update tonight.

Thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets.

(end of this chapter)