Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 166: Shame Xuanqi! Kill Xuan Jiu!


As soon as Xuan Qi and Xuan Jiu reached the top of Longpan Mountain, Ling Yun immediately realized that the faint killing intent he felt two days ago was not from these two people.

Because the strong murderous intent emanating from the two of them is more than a hundred times stronger than that of Jiao Fei and Li Yi!

Ling Yun knew that if he didn't have a hundred and eighty lives under his hands, he would never have such a strong murderous intent on him.

Murderous intent pervades the entire top of Longpan Mountain, tightly covering the Lingyun on the Huju Cliff, adding a chilling atmosphere of heaven and earth.

However, Ling Yun still didn't look back.

Xuan Qi and Xuan Jiu saw that Ling Yun was so supportive, they looked at each other in silence, Xuan Jiu suddenly kicked out, and a rock the size of a watermelon was kicked up by him, flying towards Ling Yun. Shot in anger!

At the same time, Xuan Qi's delicate body stretched out, and the two jet-black short daggers in his hands quickly criss-crossed in the air, and then opened in an instant, his exquisite body was like a black butterfly, pounced towards Ling Yun!

Ling Yun didn't shake his shoulders or sway, but tilted his head slightly, and the flying stone whizzed by his ear, flew forward for more than ten meters, and then began to fall downwards.

Almost at the same moment, Xuan Qi's black daggers had come to Ling Yun's back. Xuan Qi shot like lightning, stabbing the main artery in Ling Yun's neck with one hand, and stabbing Ling Yun's back with the other, obviously wanting to kill him with one blow!

Only the top and most professional killers will have such sharp killing moves, they will not fight with you, every move is a lion fighting a rabbit, every move kills!

Xuan Qi's arms are now like two black poisonous snakes, and the two short daggers in his hands are the fangs of the poisonous snakes, and they came to Ling Yun in an instant! Incomparably fierce!

At this critical moment, Ling Yun's figure began to move, his tall body twisted unbelievably chicly, and slid out from an angle that Xuan Qi could never have imagined.

What Ling Yun used this time was not the Ten Thousand Miles Divine Walk. According to Xuan Qi's attack speed just now, if Ling Yun used the Ten Thousand Miles Divine Walk, it would be impossible to dodge it!

What he used this time was the phantom fish-dragon step!

Phantom Fish-Dragon Step, the first level can be used at the peak of the third level of body training. It is the best choice for close combat. It relies on the body's flexibility, coordination, and strong explosive power. Once it is used, the body is flexible and Like a fish swimming in the water, or a dragon hovering and dancing in the sky, sometimes the fish flies into the shallow bottom, and sometimes the dragon roars into the sky. Its figure is extremely flexible yet chic. When it is used to the extreme, the body can leave behind phantoms in place. The enemy can't tell which is the real person and which is the phantom, which is the best footwork for close-range one-to-many combat.

The highest level of phantom fish-dragon step is to change form and change shadows. It can teleport within a range of 50 meters or even hundreds of meters. If it is used in rapid succession, it can leave up to ninety-nine eighty-one phantoms!

In other words, no matter how many people are around Ling Yun, he can always rely on this footwork for one-on-one singles!

As long as you can't keep up with his speed, no matter how many enemies you have, you can only stare blankly!

"I escaped..."

Xuan Qi thought it was a surefire blow, but she didn't expect Ling Yun to dodge it easily. Her pretty eyes froze for a moment, but she immediately opened her body and rushed towards Ling Yun again!

"Chi Chi Chi..."

Xuan Jiu had already rushed towards Ling Yun, and before he arrived, he raised one hand! The three bright flying knives are like shooting stars across the sky, shining white light in the dark night, passing by in a flash, flying straight to the three vital points of Lingyun!

"Fuck, I haven't played flying needles with you yet, but you are playing flying knives with me first!"

Ling Yun used the phantom fish-dragon step again, and easily dodged again. At the same time, he flew upside down in the air, and once again avoided Xuan Qi's killing blow!

Xuan Jiu didn't expect these three flying knives to be able to do anything to Ling Yun. He followed the knife and went straight behind Ling Yun. At the same time, he raised his hand and pulled out the triangular army thorn he was carrying with him!

This is a three-edged military thorn made of high-quality stainless steel. It is two feet long, weighs nine catties, and is bright silver in color.

Ling Yun flew upside down and fell sharply, Xuan Jiu saw that the opportunity was not lost, raised his hand with the triangular army thorn, and stabbed Ling Yun's chest!

"You want to take advantage of me? You were born ten years late!" Ling Yun chuckled in the air, with one arm, and his left hand stabbed at the three-edged army in the air!

The three-edged army thorn naturally has three edges, and the corners of each edge are extremely sharp. When Xuan Jiu saw that Ling Yun dared to take the thorn with his bare hands, he thought to himself that you were looking for death. over!

Ling Yun didn't dodge or dodge, he directly grabbed the incoming three-sided army thorn!

The cultivation results of Dayan Gathering Stars Treasure finally began to appear. Xuan Jiu thought that a sure-fire slash would cut off half of Ling Yun's palm, but after Ling Yun held it in his hand, he didn't even feel any pain.

He couldn't help but turn pale with fright, and was about to withdraw his hand suddenly!

If Xuan Qi were to take back the three-edged army thorn, it would not be Ling Yun. He grabbed the three-edged army thorn with one hand, cast the heavy drop, his feet fell to the ground instantly, his palms slid along the three-edged army thorn inconceivably, and then clenched again , and suddenly pulled into his arms!

Like a venomous snake from the triangular army, it pierced fiercely at the towering Xuan Qi who was rushing from behind Ling Yun!

This is too cruel! If Xuan Qi was stabbed by the triangular army, it is uncertain whether he will die or not, but a towering and round one will be stabbed to pieces!

"Looking for death!" Xuan Qi scolded shyly and angrily. He gritted his silver teeth angrily, twisted his willow waist, and turned his graceful delicate body sideways to avoid the sharp three-sided army stabbing. Ling Yun's shoulders were swiftly pierced!

"Hey..." Ling Yun chuckled, until Xuan Qi's moves were exhausted, then let go of the left hand that was holding the three-edged army thorn, and slid out with the phantom fish-dragon step!

Two black daggers pierced Xuan Jiu's chest like lightning!

Xuan Jiu turned pale with shock, and at the critical moment, he quickly let go of his hands and leaned back. Xuan Qi also hurriedly stopped, but it was too late, and two sharp daggers still slashed from Xuan Jiu's shoulders!

"Chichi..." Xuan Jiu's black night clothes were cut instantly, and two long bloody gashes ran from his chest to his lower abdomen, and the blood was all over Hujuya!

Everything happened in a blink of an eye, within twenty seconds, within a few rounds, Xuan Jiu was already injured!

As soon as Ling Yun turned around, he raised his hand and took Xuan Jiu's three-edged army thorn in his hand, but he didn't take advantage of the momentum to pursue, he held the three-edged army thorn in front of his eyes, and looked at it casually.

"This weapon is not bad... it's just too light!" Ling Yun looked at Xuan Qi and Xuan Jiu standing side by side with a playful face, and said lightly.

"It's almost time for you to beat me, it's my turn to play, right?" Ling Yun's words reached the point, and the three-edged army stab was used as a sword, and the stab came out quickly!

Little Wuxiang swordsmanship!

This is Ling Yun's top skill before reaching the level of Qi training!

Xuan Qi and Xuan Jiu never imagined in their dreams that the triangular army stabbed into Ling Yun's hand, and there would be such a great power!

Not to mention the extremely fast speed, every move of the Triangle Army's stab is almost like a powerful and unconstrained style, with no trajectory to follow, but with complicated and complicated techniques, like a poisonous dragon shining with cold light, every stab Xuan Qi and Xuan Jiu struggled to deal with it!

It's been a long time since Ling Yun used the Xiao Wuxiang swordsmanship, and today it's because of his interest, it's like trying Xuan Qi and Xuan Jiu.

And he still uses the left hand to stab!

"Hey..." Ling Yun's three-edged army thorn pierced Xuan Qi's shoulder like lightning, and Xuan Qi's black and bright leather jacket broke a big hole in an instant! A large piece of snow-white skin was exposed, red blood instantly overflowed, and the beauty killer Xuan Qi's shoulders were stained with blood!

"Be careful..." Ling Yun smiled teasingly, and kindly reminded Xuan Qi, who had brows upside down.

Xuan Qi and Xuan Jiu looked at each other in horror, and the horror in their eyes was conveyed to each other at the same time! Ling Yun is not at the peak of the Huang class, and may even have reached the peak of the Xuan class!

If they still can't see that Ling Yun is playing with them, then this killer should stop doing it!

"Again!" Ling Yun became more and more excited, he deliberately slowed down his attack on Xuan Jiu, and specially used the three-edged army to attack Xuan Qi!

"Hey..." There was another sound of clothes being cut, Xuan Qi dodged again, and her other shoulder was cut by the three-edged army thorn again!

At this time, the shoulders of her sexy leather jacket were completely cut by Ling Yun, a large piece of white skin was exposed in the night sky, and the deep groove on her chest was already looming!

"I'll fight with you!" Xuan Qi was furious after being repeatedly humiliated by Ling Yun. She waved two short daggers and rushed towards Ling Yun, not caring about the three-edged army thorn in Ling Yun's hand!

She thought that even if she risked being stabbed by Ling Yun, she still wanted to stab Ling Yun!

"It's just you?!" Ling Yun smiled lightly, but his hands were not polite. The three-edged army pierced a wonderful arc in the air, and there was another chirp

"Nice figure!" Ling Yun smiled at Xuan Qi who was ashamed and stunned, and punched his right hand holding dozens of large needles!

The most powerful Tiangang Fumo Fist!

This punch went so fast, Xuan Qi couldn't dodge it even if he wanted to!

With a sound of "Boom!", Xuan Qi was hit hard by Ling Yun, and she was sent flying seven or eight meters away. Xuan Qi gritted his teeth and tried to stand still, but he couldn't stand at all, and lay down on the top of the mountain. superior!

"It's better for women not to play the game of fighting and killing!"

Ling Yun smiled coldly, no longer caring about Xuan Qi who fell to the ground, and turned to look at Xuan Jiu who was terrified!

"Don't be afraid, you will die soon!"

Ling Yun has never been polite to those who want to kill him, and the name of killing decisively is not just for fun!

These people are not bad boys or dandies who bully others on campus, they just need to be taught a lesson.

Including Xuan Qi, these people are killers without blinking an eye!

Using the phantom fish-and-dragon step, Ling Yun came in front of Xuan Jiu with a swipe. Xuan Jiu instinctively turned around and ran away, but he didn't expect that Ling Yun's figure was more than three times faster than him this time!

Ling Yun pinched Xuan Jiu's neck with his left hand like iron pincers, and pinched a two-inch long needle with his right hand, and slapped the Baihui acupoint on the top of Xuan Jiu's head!

The big needle sank into the top of Xuan Jiu's head in an instant!

"Giggle..." Xuan Jiu's eyes protruded from their sockets in horror, and there were gurgles in his throat, but he couldn't say anything!

"Die!" Ling Yun's voice was still indifferent and calm, as if he had done something insignificant, he grabbed Xuan Jiu's body and raised his hand to throw it high!

Under Xuan Qi's horrified eyes, Xuan Jiu's body fell rapidly towards the sinkhole!

(end of this chapter)