Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 170: three things


"Honey, I want you to accompany me to buy clothes tomorrow, okay?"

Zhuang Meifeng is three years older than Ling Yun, but now she is nestling in Ling Yun's arms like a bird, calling her husband one by one, and she doesn't feel numb at all.

The washing machine was bought back, and the first thing Zhuang Meifeng did today was to wash the dress that was wet from the rainstorm, and it was not dry yet; the emergency clothes that Ling Yun bought for her were lent to Lin Menghan, and today they were given to Xiao Meimei, She didn't even have a change of clothes for herself.

Ling Yun is really rich now, he answered very simply: "Okay!"

Zhuang Meifeng happily put her hot body on Ling Yun's body, and she suddenly said shyly: "Honey, you are tired after a long day of work, can I help you take a bath?"

Ling Yun was even happier now, and he nodded without thinking: "Okay!"

Zhuang Meifeng was ashamed and happy at the same time, she happily ran to the bathroom, scrubbed the oversized bathtub carefully and quickly, and then started to turn on the hot water.

When the hot water was almost full, she blushed and called Ling Yun into the bathroom, and then gently closed the door.

Ling Yun raised his hand to take off his clothes, but Zhuang Meifeng stopped him blushing and said, "Honey, I will serve you."

Uh, more than two hours ago, Ling Yun watched Yao Rou take off her clothes one by one, and now she was stripped by Zhuang Meifeng again.

Zhuang Meifeng's nervous hands trembled slightly, she was naked in her pajamas, and the pajamas rubbed against her body slightly, causing ripples on Zhuang Meifeng's body like an electric shock.

This was the first time in her life to serve a man undress, so she was naturally very nervous.

It took a long time to take off all Ling Yun's shirts, revealing Ling Yun's strong and muscular upper body. Now, the fat on Ling Yun's body has completely disappeared, replaced by muscles that have been transformed by the Da Yan Ju Xing Bao Jue. The body was radiant, Zhuang Meifeng's heart fluttered, and she became dizzy for a while.

"I'll do the pants myself!" Ling Yun stood there, took off the sweatpants, and was about to step into the bathtub.

Seeing Zhuang Meifeng blushing, she whispered, "Take off your underwear too!"

Ling Yun gave Zhuang Meifeng a weird look, but he didn't say anything. He smiled faintly, bent over and lifted his legs, and directly stripped himself naked.

"Ah—" Zhuang Meifeng saw Ling Yun all of a sudden, she closed her eyes suddenly in shame, exclaimed in a low voice, her face was already blushing.

Ling Yun laughed, and went directly into the bathtub. The hot water was slightly hot, but soaking in it was extremely refreshing and relieved fatigue.

"This bathtub is nice!" Ling Yun straightened his legs comfortably, resting his head on one end of the bathtub, and slowly closed his eyes.

Then he heard a rustling sound.

An hour later, the two finally "washed".

"Go, go back to the house and go to sleep."

As for such a boring matter of choosing a villa, the two of them had already left it behind.


Ling Yun wasn't worried at all that Xiao Meimei would run away. Sure enough, when Ling Yun walked out of the bedroom the next day, Xiao Meimei was already sitting on the sofa in the living room waiting for him.

Xiao Meimei's face was a bit haggard, obviously, she didn't rest well last night - her new master, that stunning beauty named Zhuang Meifeng, made too much noise, it was really noisy!

Ling Yun was full of energy and radiant, he smiled and asked Xiao Meimei: "How do you feel now?"

But his eyes swept towards Xiao Meimei's chest unscrupulously.

Feeling Ling Yun's gaze, Xiao Meimei blushed slightly: "The internal injuries are fine, and the external injuries... are almost fine, thank you!"

Ling Yun nodded: "That's good, can I transfer the money now?"

Xiao Meimei thought for a while and said: "There must be no problem with the Swiss bank. I think it is the transfer of funds. There should be no big problem in China, right?"

Ling Yun smiled and said: "That's good, then you can transfer the money now, and I will use the money today."

Ling Yun casually took out an ICBC bank card from his pocket, and threw it into Xiao Meimei's hand.

"Just transfer to this account."

Then Ling Yun came to the yard, picked up his cell phone and called Tang Meng.

Tang Meng knew that Ling Yun would look for him at any time, so now he didn't even turn off his mobile phone to charge it, so he answered the phone in a daze in his sleep: "Hello... who is it?"

Ling Yun chuckled and said, "Your boss, I'll give you twenty minutes to come to my residence!"

Ling Yun was willing to go all out today, as long as Xiao Meimei's money didn't arrive in his account, he would rather go all out not to absorb the Great Sun Jinghuo this morning, and wait for Xiao Meimei to transfer the money to his account.

This is 50 million yuan. The desire to buy a villa is entirely dependent on her. If something goes wrong, wouldn't it be a chicken and an egg

It is not Ling Yun's style to let the cooked duck fly!

As soon as Tang Meng heard that Ling Yun was looking for him, Ji Ling got up from the bed immediately, got dressed and got out of bed at an unprecedented speed, without washing his teeth, brushing his hair, or combing his face, standing on top of a big messy bird's nest Just go downstairs and drive.

Eighteen minutes later, Tang Meng parked the car in front of Ling Yun's house.

"Boss, I'm here!"

Tang Meng got out of the car, yelled into the yard first, then opened the door and walked in.

Ling Yun was standing in the courtyard and waiting for him while practicing the Da Yan Ju Xing Jue. When he saw Tang Meng coming, he laughed at Tang Meng, and then took him directly to the house.

Tang Meng suddenly saw a strange beauty in the room, he was stunned at that moment, he thought that he hadn't woken up and his eyes were dazzled, so he rubbed his eyes violently.

"Boss, this is... who is it?" Tang Meng was a little dazed, thinking that the boss is too powerful, the house is the Overlord Flower from Qingshui City, and the boss dares to bring a woman home

Did Zhuang Meifeng leave? It shouldn't be. Looking at what she meant yesterday, it seemed that she planned to live here for a long time.

Ling Yun smiled triumphantly at Tang Meng: "Maid girl!"

"Ah?!" Tang Meng was completely stunned. These days, there are at most nannies and confinement maids. Where did the maids come from

"Ah what! Hurry up and sit down for me, there are a lot of things for you to do today!" Ling Yun saw that Tang Meng was still awake, raised his hand and gave him a shudder.

Tang Meng was suddenly knocked by Ling Yun, and his mind seemed to wake up quite a bit. He murmured and glanced at Xiao Meimei who was sitting on the sofa without moving, thinking that she was more energetic than yesterday's female nurse, how did she dress up? Like a female agent.

"Today's focus is on two things." Ling Yun began to say: "First, you have to help me go to the Litian Hotel to investigate, how are the people involved in the accident now, and where are they? Xiaohu is going to collect the bill."

"Second, go and buy me two villas!"

"Gah..." Tang Meng stared his eyes bigger than a bull's eye in an instant!

The first thing, as the son of the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, Tang Meng had heard about it. Although this matter was deliberately suppressed by all parties in the city, Tang Meng still knew that more than a dozen men were kicked overnight. Became a eunuch!

However, he still doesn't know who has the guts to step on Qingyun Film and Television, which leads to the capital and the sky!

But after hearing Ling Yun finished the first sentence, Tang Meng felt that the boss probably did this, and he couldn't help shivering.

The first thing is enough for Tang Meng to ponder for a long time, but compared to the second thing Ling Yun said, it is not exciting enough!

Two villas? In Qingshui City, even the two most ordinary villas can't add up to more than 10 million yuan, right? Where did the boss get so much money all of a sudden? !

Or do you want me to borrow money from my mother? When did the boss become so impatient

Seeing Tang Meng's excited and demented expression, Ling Yun couldn't help but amused and said, "Don't worry, I'll give you 50 million, and you can buy me two of the best villas and come back!"

Tang Meng was completely stunned! Fifty million? ! He felt that he really hadn't woken up yet, was it all a dream

Tang Meng pinched his thigh fiercely, he jumped up with a groan from the pain, it wasn't a dream!

Even Xiao Meimei couldn't help curling up the corners of her mouth slightly when she saw Tang Meng's shocking look, revealing a pretty smile.

"Boss, 50 million?! 50 million! Did you rob a bank last night? Let me tell you, if you really want to rob a bank of 50 million, let alone my father, it will be my father plus my grandpa." Including Li Qingchuan's entire family, they can't save you! The only one who can save you is Ning'er's grandfather!"

Tang Meng didn't want to be good, he thought bad first, afraid that Ling Yun would really commit such a heinous crime!

After hearing this, Ling Yun thought it was good, so even if I robbed the bank of 50 million, Ning'er's grandfather would be able to bail me out? How old is this old Chinese doctor

Ning'er's grandfather is very good, and Ling Yun knows that. If he is not good, can he live in such a big villa in Qingxi villa area

If it's not awesome, Ning'er can make a call casually, so why would she come with such a good mobile phone number

Ling Yun remembered what Ning'er said yesterday afternoon that her grandfather could find some experts to protect them. Now that Tang Meng said that old man Xue had such great strength, he couldn't help being slightly moved.

He blurted out and asked, "Tang Meng, what is the origin of Ning'er's grandfather? How can you save me by robbing a bank for 50 million yuan?"

"Boss, don't you? Don't you know?!" Tang Meng yelled strangely. He was just about to say that Ning'er's grandfather was the number one miracle doctor in China, but he remembered that there was a stranger beside him, and immediately closed his eyes vigilantly. on the mouth.

This kid knows better than anyone what to say and what not to say.

Ling Yun understood Tang Meng's worry, he glanced at Xiao Meimei at the side, and said with a smile: "My own, speak boldly, there is nothing to hide."

When Tang Meng saw that Ling Yun said that this woman was his own, he immediately let go of his mind. He looked at Ling Yun with some doubts and said, "Boss, I thought you already knew that Ning'er's grandfather is the number one in China. Divine doctor, Sai Bianque!"

Ling Yun didn't feel bad after hearing this, but Xiao Meimei who was on the side was really moved when she heard it. Obviously, she had also heard of the title of China's number one genius doctor.

"Oh, China's No. 1 Genius Doctor, what do you mean?" Ling Yun asked casually.

"It is our Huaxia, the best doctor, no matter what disease comes to him, there is nothing that can't be cured!"

Ling Yun nodded indifferently, but immediately shook his head.

"It turns out that he is the best genius doctor in China, and his medical skills are only average..."

—————————————————————————————————————————————— I am the dividing line of happiness

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(end of this chapter)