Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 1762: The seal disappears


"Hey! Who am I provoking?!"

Seeing Renhuangbi Zangfeng playing his temper again, and running away without even finishing his sentence, Ling Yun was puzzled, so he could only spread his hands and smile wryly.

But Ling Yun was Ling Yun after all, and he couldn't make up his mind to compete with a Qi Ling, so he made a self-deprecating joke and gave up.

Artifact spirit, as the name suggests, is nothing more than the spiritual consciousness of the instrument. Its essence is still an artifact in the final analysis. No matter how high its spiritual consciousness is, the nature of the instrument will not change and will always be the same.

For example, Ling Yun's Qingying Flying Sword, even if it already has the intelligence of a seven or eight-year-old child, Ling Yun sacrifices it to attack the enemy, and what it uses over and over again are just those sword moves, stabbing, chopping, etc. It will never Can't be turned into a shield.

There is also Lingyun's human king seal, which can be used to hit, smash people, or resist the enemy's various magic attacks, other than that, there will be nothing else.

This is the nature of the instrument.

Although the Renhuang brush is of a very high grade, it is still a tool. Apart from having the world's most sharp edge and being able to be used as a flying sword, its real ability is actually writing!

This is the biggest limitation of weapons. In a sense, spirits are not as good as monsters, because monsters are basically cultivated by things with natural intelligence. And imitate to grow, such as Bai Xian'er.

Qi can't. If Qi Ling wants to grow, there is only one way, and that is to increase the rank, and even if the rank is improved, it only makes his instinct stronger.

Unless Ling Yun is crazy, he would argue with a pen.

And as Ling Yun communicated more and more with Renhuangbi, he also noticed that although Renhuangbi Qiling had existed for a long time, he was indeed an "old man", but his temperament was a standard child's temper. Temperament is jumpy, impatient and irritable, loves to play with temper, likes to pretend to be mysterious, and sometimes is very stingy, Ling Yun can't even please him-is this not a child's temper

On the other hand, Dihuangshu, Mr. Shouben, is quiet and calm. He never shows up when the time is right. Once he shows up, he knows everything without saying a word, and even the illusioned appearance is like an old pedant... These Not only is it in line with his physical characteristics, but it is also in line with the name "Shouben" given to him by the emperor of the land. He is really law-abiding and meticulous.

After the Human Emperor's Pen escaped between Ling Yun's eyebrows, the Earth Emperor's Book stood motionless at the moment, looking to the northwest with a look of color on his face.

Ling Yun sighed in his heart.

Northwest again.

In the past few days, especially since Kunzhanla, the Dharma protector of the Ten Thousand Buddhas, emphasized to Ling Yun the sentence "the sky tilts to the northwest, and the earth sinks to the southeast", Lingyun is particularly sensitive to the northwest direction.

Ling Yun's geography is very good. He knows that if you look at it on a map, if you draw a diagonal line extending from the southern waters of the South China Sea to Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar and other Southeast Asian countries, you will reach the Kunlun Mountains in China!

Even, after crossing the western border of China, this oblique line extends further back, and finally extends all the way to the European continent, and then a little further, across the Atlantic Ocean, which is the northern part of Canada in North America...

The place where this slanted line passes can be said to be the most fragmented place on earth, and there are too many large and small islands to count!

Among them, the area around the southern end of the South China Sea and the northern part of North America are the most. If you just look at these two places on the map, they are all broken into slag!

Not to mention that Ling Yun is an out-and-out cultivator, even an ordinary person, after being specially reminded by others, when he glanced at the map, he would have to murmur in his heart about the saying "the sky is tilted to the northwest and the ground is to sink to the southeast".

Kunlun Mountain is not only the area with the highest average altitude on the earth, but also the ancestor of all mountains in China. It is also known as the mountain of all gods. It is vast and mysterious!

If the legend is true, Kunlun Mountain is definitely a place worthy of the name!

Of course, if you look at it from the perspective of a cultivator like Ling Yun, as the land of heaven and the ancestor of thousands of mountains, the only fly in the ointment of Kunlun Mountain is that the peaks above 5,000 meters above sea level are really too low.

This is actually a big doubt in Ling Yun's heart, but since he rescued his mother in Tianshan and met the four major disciples from Kunlun, this doubt has long since disappeared.

Kunlun Mountain is fake, but Kunlun is real!

Kunlun Mountain is just a natural portal that prevents ordinary people from getting involved.

Therefore, now that Ling Yun sees Mr. Shouben looking northwest again with a worried expression on his face, even if he wants to be insensitive, he can't do it!

"I know who the person Mr. Zang Feng mentioned is my sister Ning Lingyu, right?"

At this time, Ling Yun didn't bother to pretend to be silly, so he directly said Ning Lingyu.

Because Renhuang's pen tool Ling Zangfeng was talking about the speed of cultivation, and it was someone Ling Yun knew. Among the people Ling Yun knew, the speed of cultivation was comparable to him. Except for Ning Lingyu, he didn't think of anyone else at all.

The old man Shouben nodded solemnly, and was about to speak when he saw a little golden light rushing out from the center of Ling Yun's eyebrows again. , know who I'm talking about!"

Ling Yun smiled lightly: "In other words, the seal that I used to penetrate into Ling Yu's body with the power of my predecessors has been completely broken?"

Half a year ago, the immortal spiritual energy poured into the human emperor's pen, and Ling Yun briefly possessed the strength of the ninth level of Qi training. He saw the opportunity and made a decisive decision to transform Ning Lingyu's natural spirit body into a fairy body.

However, at that time, Ning Lingyu hadn't started to practice, and couldn't control and use the spiritual energy in her body. In order to prevent those fairy spirit energy from being lost in vain, Ling Yun sealed the fairy spirit energy injected into Ning Lingyu's body.

That was the restriction under the word "seal" written by Ling Yun with Renhuang's pen. The seal can be said to be extremely strong, and the seal will not be automatically released when Ning Lingyu reaches the ninth level of Qi training.

When Ning Lingyu crossed the four or nine small heavenly tribulations, those tribulation thunders had already helped her break part of the seal when transforming her body, but because the human emperor's pen and the earth emperor's book were shot at the same time to snatch the gift of heaven, so in the end no It can be completely broken.

Now that Human Emperor's Pen has sensed that the seal is gone, it can only explain one thing, that is, Ning Lingyu has reached the ninth level of Qi training, and the seal in her body will naturally disappear.

Zang Feng's expression froze at first.

He scratched his head, looked at Ling Yun angrily, and said, "Boy, your intelligence really makes people speechless, and your guess is very accurate."

Ling Yun just smiled.

"However, don't be complacent, because you didn't guess right!" Zang Feng said with his hands on his hips.

"Oh? Please also ask Mr. Zang Feng to give advice."

"Hmph! I'm not as generous as you!" Renhuang Bi Zangfeng's eyes flashed a hint of cunning: "At that time you were a fake Qi training level nine, but my strength was ten thousand times stronger than yours at that time!"

Well, Ling Yunxin said, why don't you say that I am a trillion times higher than me? Wouldn't that be more cool

He held back a smile and asked, "And then?"

"Then, the seal you put on that girl's body was not as bad as you imagined. I added some strength to her..."

Ling Yun was dumbfounded: "What? You actually?!"

Renhuang Penqi Ling put on an expression of dissatisfaction with you biting me, raised his head and said: "Yes, so if I don't untie the power of the seal for her personally, after she reaches the peak of the ninth level of Qi training, she wants to Building a foundation is difficult."

Ling Yun frowned and asked: "Can't she relieve it by herself?"

"Don't say it's her, even with your current strength, you can't solve it for her!"

"But just now, you also said that the seal in Ning Lingyu's body is gone!"

Renhuang's pen Qi Ling suddenly lost face, and said discouragedly: "Yes, just five days ago, that seal disappeared completely, and, if I guessed correctly, she should have broken it herself!"


When Ling Yun heard this, he immediately gasped!

(end of this chapter)